Busoness and finance. Oic related.
Autism is real with some of u faggots.
Any actual /biz here or just a bunch of underaged cryptocucks?
Busoness and finance. Oic related.
Autism is real with some of u faggots.
Any actual /biz here or just a bunch of underaged cryptocucks?
Biz has high risk high reward attitude.
Cryptos are easy to shill and shilling has bigger impact
Do the math
Just underaged cryptocucks. Everyone else was driven away long ago.
Still watching tumblr dogs coins eh?
Enjoy your poverty
>if you don't trade cryptocoins you are poor
ayy lmao
will he make it?
Warren Buffet is dead, get with times gramps
>he doesn't know Veeky Forums was created as a crypto containment board from /g/
Warren Buffet is dead, but Warren Buffett is alive and kicking.
Kys coinfag
Yup. I left and tried to filter for 3 days now. Leaving again till this crypto meme dies
What the fuck do u mean to say?
Son, i make more than you, your neetbux brother, and your welfare drawing mom who sucks dick for crack... gtfo
Shill crypto.
Pic is Buffett.
Fake news is fake
He doesnt know anything about business... at all
Kick rocks with your index fund Faggot. Keep wageslaving
as someone who's "made it", i can tell you shilling and buying into this 4th wave of shitcoins is not going to get you anywhere. Veeky Forums is always too reactionary and slow to jump onto coins that have pumped. wasting so much time trying to desperately shill shitcoins that never get more than one pump on the back of a whale taking advantage of them, which still leaves most of them bagholding.
banning the kind of shitcoin shilling you see with the bean/milo/posw/etc. threads would go a long way.
Yeah let's just go back to talking about buying kneepads. Isn't that fun?
no but that isnt as pervasive as desperate bagholders hopelessly spamming every thread to try and stop his losses. its a never ending cycle of gullible idiots. a few unfunny memes have never been as bad.
Oh fuck you cryptocuck index funds are equaly as cancwrous as whatwver fucking shit seed you spawned from. Suck my dick
Finally. A shillcoiner with some fucking sense. My god
Beats shitcoins retard
No shit.
funnily enough i made nearly all of my money before ever posting here. if anything getting involved in those threads would have slowed me way down.
>buying 10000 posw for 1 BTC
>getting 100k when it hits $10
those things can be done all the time in crypto, but waggies are willing to wagecuck for decades in order to not take any risks
Looks similar to my filter
if you have tens of thousands to bet on every borderline scam coin like that at 1k a go maybe you'll do well. but you won't be able to ride one of those into the future coins like that are created for the financial gain of the creators only, you just like to think you're along for the ride, along with tens/hundreds of others, hovering over the sell button.
why are salty no-coiners such betas? This board was absolute shit before crypto threads, I've made thousands of dollars by fucking with cryptos.
Just because you are a pussy ass bitch who is scared to take risks, it doesn't mean others are.
Biz was full of idea guy threads, how can I turn x dollars into y dollars threads, wagecucks complaining about their pathetic existence, bluepilled faggots asking what they should major in, and knee pad threads.
Kill yourself you no-coin faggots, you are the scum that gets in the way of progress.
Why are you so mad?
taking risks is fine, what's annoying is a bunch of bagholders spamming their flavor of the month crypto expecting it to have some measurable effect.
if you cant back up your shilling with any kind of data then it's completely useless for everyone.
I don't mind generals for the different coins, but 5+ threads for the same shit gets old.
This makes sense.
>filtering B_an
you enjoy being poor?
didn't you make this exact post yesterday?
Why are you a faghot?
actual /biz reporting, i have a bit of it in some cryptos though which thus far has been insanely succesful
Filtering dropship :')
Its like you dont want free money
This. Just a filter on "bitbean" filters 17 threads. That's ridiculous. Just like it would be ridiculous to have 17 threads on Job interviews.
I'm starting to realize the hardest shills coins are always the ones worth
Fucking sad aint it.
Faggots insinuate i dont take risks while owning 3 houses and 2 businesses while wagecucking 60 hours a week.
These faggots gamble shitcoins while i mitigate risk so in a few years im rich as fuck and come back to laugh at these shitcoin cucks.
Drago makes more sense that u shitcoin autists
>market crashes
lose your homes and business
I would be sad but instead ill be laughing at you
This my god
It really does
Lies. No actual biz would think twice about your imaginary SHITCOIN
Free money in a crowded market where i make less than minimum wage arguing with chinese suppliers. Lol. No thanks man. I will build amd outsouce my own products for several times the profits like i already do.
This right here jist shows what a retard cuck you are. Stay gay faggot.
>market crashes.
My local market has been relatively flat for over 30 years. People need a home. Oh, bonus. During the crash i can pick up EVEN MOAR property.
>businesses go belly up.
One might. It runs itself and funnels me profits for real estate and other ventures. I am the only emplotee there so the second the funds dry up oh well, pull the plug.
The other is building rental cucksheds for myself and others. It survived the 08 crash and i have 2 years worth of orders because i adjust my prices to break even, pay my employees, keep up with my own plan, and then jack up prices.
You assume that a crash is a bad thing you fucking idiot. A crash can be better than a marlet boom becaise it happens over night.
Im just happy shits moving instead of staying stagnate as fuck having to rent my stocks out for pennies and flail around looking for side work.
Have fun being poor faggot