On the edge of civilized world

>On the edge of civilized world
>Fight with Avars, Magyars and Cumans on one side
>Compete with Saxons, Bavarians and Poles on the other
>At various times control land reaching from Ukraine to Baltic to Adriatic sea.
>One of the strongest realms within HRE
>Also the only slavic realm within HRE
>Have successful protestant revolution hundred years before Luther

And thats just the medieval. Am i the only one who thinks this country's history is vastly underrated?

>edge of civilized world

OP probly thinks Civilized world ends with western Europe

Then he's a fag, and probably an anglo. Probably one of those "Africa begins at the Pyrenees" types.
I ain't even Greek.
Now, back on topic, i find Bohemia very interesting, and Prague is in my humble opinion the most most beautiful city in Europe.
Maybe it's historically underrated in the minds of normies who only know about WW2, and have maybe heard about the hundred years war.
Jan Hus is in my opinion more important than Martin Luther to the reformation of the Catholic church.

>Jan Hus is in my opinion more important than Martin Luther to the reformation of the Catholic church.

Care to elaborate? From what I know Hus did mostly continued Wycllef's legacy.

>Entire aristocracy wiped the fucking fuck out in one battle

Civilized (Christian) world at that time did end at eastern border of HRE though

They deserved it for their stupidity.

Don't blame the aristocracy, blame the king who ran off to god-knows where and got buttraped there and left aristocracy without any leader.





Czechs should be part of Pooland.

>Civilized (Christian) world at that time did end at eastern border of HRE though

>literal mongols


Redpill me on Karel IV.

How was he percieved outside of lands of Bohemian crown?

He was xenophobic racist, murdering jews and gypsies

It had potential to be European superpowerhouse back in 12th and 14th century
unfortunately it never took a spin to become one.

Only a bigger portion of it, actually.

Because under his leadership, the Hussites have added citizens and middle class in to the dealings of Zemský sněm (medieval parliament) in year 1420! And we started Christian reforms 100 years before Luther. Furthermore Hussite era contributed to spread knowledge of reading and writing among the middle classes. New books about travelling were written and many other Books and Humanism associated things.

> Am i the only one who thinks this country's history is vastly underrated

It has one fatal flaw, it being the history of a Slavic country.Western historiography has always either been discrediting or outright ignoring Slavic history because it completely negated their centuries old, "West good, East bad" narrative.

Best example of that would be the Bulgarian Empires, Bohemia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, especially the latter. In all seriousness, Poland is far less known and understood than Tibet, there are plenty of Tibetan studies to be found at major Western universities, which obviously cannot be said about Polish studies. Not even professors of history are aware that Renaissance, Enlightenment and Romanticism cannot possibly be understood in Europe without including the major works from those époques in Polish.”

Their ruling caste had un-ironically believed that honor mattered.

Wycliffe only continued Segarelli and Michael of Cesena's legacy

no wonder Czechs love him

Why the fuck was there a kingdom inside HRE? And how did they conduct politics with germans? Did czech king speak german or was it all through translators?

I thought you were a Bosniak?

>Also the only slavic realm within HRE
This meme needs to stop. Czechs are not and were not truly slavic. They are mutts, a mix of slavic, celtic, and a bit of germanic.

every nation is a mutt
nobody is slavic if mutts don’t count

I don't think it's a problem just for Slavic nations, Hungary's history too is quite underrated despite they being Finno Ugrics.

True, but czech is pretty distinct from other slavic languages, and so is their culture.
Also they don't squat.

Who counts as truly Slavic then?
Croats got a lot of Venecian influence, Slovaks are close to the Austrians, Poles went full we wuz on Sarmatians and have always been closer to Hungarians than other Slavs and Russians got a lot of influences from Mongols and Tatars.

To make things worse they are also split up between Catholicism and Orthodoxy.

>but czech is pretty distinct from other slavic languages
that's bullshit

>Am i the only one who thinks this country's history is vastly underrated?
eastern europe history, well maybe except russia, in general is rather overlooked, you know

Categorically false, their language and culture had remained predominately Slavic throughout their history, even during period of heavily imposed Germanization.

>but Czech is pretty distinct from other Slavic languages
You do realize that South Slavs can perfectly understand them, and vice versa?

>They are mutts, a mix of Slavic, Celtic, and a bit of Germanic
Just as every other nation in Europe?

>Also they don't squat.
Only Gopniks, villagers and their impersonators squat.

>Russians got a lot of influences from Mongols and Tatars
Finno-Ugrics, actually.


Because the Holy Roman Empire was largely decentralized and incapable of consolidating a proper centralized control over the country.

>Did Czech king speak German or was it all through translators

They spoke Latin, German, Czech and French.

It could also be a Cold War thing, most likely, actually.

Deal with it.

>At various times control land reaching from Ukraine
like when?

And I already know you have no fuckin clue about Slavic culture

>czech is pretty distinct from other slavic languages
It's not.

First republic?


We should go back to referring to this country as Bohemia in English (and Böhmen in German). Everyone knows them as the Czech Republic, which is fucking ridiculous. They tried to get Czechia going instead but it failed to catch on and it sounds like Chechnya. Sure, Bohemia is actually just a part of the country, but that doesn't bother Holland/Netherlands either. It also sounds more European than Czechia and is already somewhat of an internationally recognized brand.

He was fine with jews because they gave him cash and he even gave them a banner. And gypsies deserve it.

>that doesn't bother Holland/Netherlands either
You don't know shit

>First republic
You mean Czechoslovakia, pic rel? But there was no such thing as Ukraine at that time.

Ruthenians =/= Ukrainians
Czechoslovakia spanned from Bohemia to Ruthenia at its greatest eastern extend not to Ukraine.
Modern Ukraine is just as meme nation as Belgium is.

>>but Czech is pretty distinct from other Slavic languagesYou do realize that South Slavs can perfectly understand them, and vice versa?
Lol no we can't. Stop talking about shit you know nothing about, Jugoši

>You do realize that South Slavs can perfectly understand them, and vice versa?
wtf am i reading

>We should go back to referring to this country as Bohemia in English (and Böhmen in German). Everyone knows them as the Czech Republic, which is fucking ridiculous.
... but why

>Poles went full we wuz on Sarmatians and have always been closer to Hungarians than other Slavs
Poland wasn't thatclose with Hungarians. Slovakia would be much more influenced by Hungary.
Polish history is much more connected with Rus' Principalities, and Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

I'm Czech and pls guys don't believe Svetovid everything, I admit he knows A LOT about slav history but as a Czech I very often see he makes shit up. Mainly about panslavic identity in current age. There is none today despite of what je says. Yes, there are Russiaboos, but no one wants to have anything in common with the rest of slavs. Average Czech is an arrogant cunt who looks down on everyone eastwards from him, except for Hungarians because we like them for cuisine and banter with Slovaks

Is it true Czechs are celtboos?

I hear they always try to associate with them most

>But there was no such thing as Ukraine at that time.

In 1939 there was shorly-lived independent republic of Karpathian Ukraine under the rule of A. Voloshin.

We celebrate some cetic holidays but only history nerds are aware of cetlic heritage. I just bought a book about celts in Czechia while ago and it talks a lot about genetics and 2 celtic genes are second and third most common after the slav gene. Also cystic fibrosis, aka the celtic genetic disease is the most common gen. disease here. But generally people are aware of boii as ancestors.


I'm not "making shit up", I merely refuse to communicate with "Havelists", somehow, they're more self-loathing than modern-day Bulgarians.

Havel was ok as a figure head, but a cunt as an economist.

>shorly-lived independent republic

It's government lasted for 24hours and its authority didn't exceed the limits of one house.