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Tharja is my wife
Me on the left
I wanna fuck Arvis.
Holy fuck Witch Elise is fucking everything in my hard cosquest run! much better than the piece of shit that is Sakura
First for pegasus dykes
Stop shilling this faggot's shit art.
>palying fates
Prove that your taste is better than R*eddit
Who cares.
>playing Fates
Fuck off Drill
>expecting otherwise from best imouto
God I want Sigrun on my dick so bad.
Already have, but almost everyone else is ruining it for me
b e h a v e
*unsheathes dual sporks*
You'd better not be supporting Sigurd, racists.
Unit usefulness should be the least important part of the waifu factor
I upgraded a seal for her, and she seems happy!
Would Divine Naga work for her?
t. Rinkahfag
get back in the kitchen whore you're just a secondary character
>which cuck do you like the most
shit man I dunno
>Playing Fates.
>Playing Fates with DLC.
Reposting here in the new thread to hope for more answers.
>Happy with my +Res-Def Hector but kind of wish I had a better bane.
>Get +Res-HP Hector from legendary banner, then +Def-Res Hector.
So I really want to fodder the extra one off to give someone DC, but I also don't want to have to re-SI a new Hector along with all of my other units, but I can't help but accept that the new one is absolutely objectively superior in every way.
So, would my +Spd-HP Amelia benefit from getting DC, Goad Armor, and Aether or maybe Vantage 3 from my Hector? In exchange I would have to build up my new Hector again. Thankfully I have enough Ignis/Bonfire fodder and such.
My idea is to give Effie and Amelia DC so that they can run a primary armor team with BK and H!Jakob or maybe H!Henry.
Then I can possibly run a secondary armor meme team with Arden, H!Henry, Hector, and Gwendolyn.
Thoughts? I'm not sure I want to give up all of my investment since that Hector was with me as my star teammate I rerolled for during Hero Fest 1. However switching the bane from -Def to -HP is objectively superior, and Distant Counter is a valuable skill that could complete my armor team, possibly allowing two complete armor teams, since I can hardly afford to just merge a Hector.
Also the +Def-Res Hector is absolutely fodder. I don't care how fun +Def Hector is, that bane is unforgiveable in this meta and given his whole purpose anyway.
>implying shes a better waifu than Elise
Elise being a great unit makes her waifu status even better
Post "that" image. You know the one.
>playing Fates
>All cucks and yanderes
>And then there's Dorcas who is just an ordinary dude who loves his wife
I did it. After 750 orbs in total.
A second Sigurd, one that is not -Atk.
Well, there it goes.
>straight up copying the caption from twitter
I'm playing Fates!
How can they fix the mistake that is dagger units?
>nuFE "imoutos"
>Tfw nu/feg/ has never played FE4 so they call Sigurd a cuck
Kys Raul.
Congratulations on all of that good fodder.
I was going to support Dorcas but this game fucking refuses to give me green stones in my summons and i fucking hate them and hope they get bombed again.
>don't know how to hack FE
>want to make crazy games because I'm an ideas guy
>remember that basically 99% of FE romhacks are discontinued/unfinished
>the stuff I want to put in a hack I would make is way more complicated and numerous than any of the finished hacks
I don't know how to start small lads this is actual hell
>not getting -res + atk on your first attempt at him
>implying his wife isn't getting the BIG BERN COCK while he's out fighting with Eliwood and Hector
What skills will Soleil want and which ones can she actually get?
Giving them a dagger icon instead of a nuFE cuck shuriken, for a start
afaik you get one free Witch seal or some shit
Sakura is the best royal.
Elise can have second place.
>royals are shit
That's the point.
>want to get a second BIke for steady breath
>get hector
>don't get any other 5* rolls
reroll newfag here, when does the Fjorm banner end?
>giving a unit a DLC class with the base stats of a promoted unit makes them perform better than a healer
Hi, r/fireemblemheroes here, please keep your mexicans under control, their bothering our visiters
I hope you all learned to disregard any TA Nowi user.
brave sword
Fodder 3
Holy fuck, I've wasted 150+ orbs for fucking Faye and all I have to show for them is 5 Lucius.
I just wanted a fucking Firesweep Bow for my Lyn.
I'd just keep your current Hector. +Res is really good and -Def is totally fine for him. He's probably one of the most unusual units in the game, and a lot of misinformation goes around in regard to his stats.
He wants +Spd and +Res and happily takes -Atk or -Def (though he honestly wants -HP). The latter are both overkill for what he needs to do while the bonuses on the first two boost his combat beyond what people expect from him.
Enjoy your 2 DC fodders and keep the first Hector.
wrath/wo dao/moonbow like any sword girl without a powercreep uninheritable sword
>35 spd for player with SS support and buff
LaD 3 flashing blade your choice of C
Just make it in a different engine entirely dude
hi marcina discord
Best choice.
>contributing to horse cancer
You deserved it.
Fodder for a better and cuter unit.
Reddit loves Tharja because they're numales who hate children and parenthood. Child abuse is probably a good thing to them.
The handful of Hinatas? I guess they're alright.
LaD if you plan to support her and keep her FSS.
Otherwise Fury might be good due to her decent Def.
People have been saying Brave might be good on her. Slaying and Wo Dao are always good though.
/feg/ is reddit now ever since heroes though
Post more Celica
who's the artist
LaD or Heavy Blade on A
Galeforce or Moonbow
probably wants Swordbreaker on B
C is whatever
>Soon you will get a Faye.
>But she will be a perfect IV and you won't be able to bring yourself to fodder her off since you know you can't ever get that again.
me on the top
You just caught youre waifu in bed with your most hated unit, what do you do?
you can literally see when under the banner
Brave Wrys when?
Dorcas will give Shitria a beatdown
>no personality
>no confidence
>no flat chest
>no plot relevance
>no horse
>but supposedly best girl
Yeah okay.
I don't know the first thing about coding a game either, I still have the same problem of not knowing how to start small
But I dont use discord? I got that on reddit.
you deserve all the suffering in the world for even thinking of using that set
honestly i would actually spend money to roll for brave wrys if IS memed it just right
fuck my most hated unit to reclaim her by proxy
Ghost Reveries was actually a good album
the first one is wrong, the second one is half wrong, and the second one parts that are correct are actually good, and the rest are good things too
Man you really messed that up. Impressive
I just want a faye to run poison shenanigans
>misogyny in the OP
Great fucking way to start the thread, guys...