So when do we learn Moriarty was behind Salem all along?
Lincoln Butler
>longer than Babylonia >8 chapters >each chapter only as long, if not shorter than those in other singularities
Connor Lee
t. EOP
Mason Gomez
I'm going to stick to the loli thread.
Parker Price
Lavinia when?
Ethan Lopez
do i need brain damage to understand this game's story?
Carson Cook
>8 chapters You forgot the Go West segment just to make it longer
Austin Gomez
This meme is never going to die, is it? Like even skipping through the text you can tell how fucking dense this chapter was.
Hudson Morgan
If by brain damage you mean not be born in Indonesia yes.
Brandon Sanders
>start Salem >fight weaksauce for about half an hour >loli >finish Salem where did the order go
Hunter Peterson
Why was Hot Wheels Boudica in this chapter?
Carson Nelson
When we learn that Moriarty was actually the one whispering in Solomon's ear the entire time when he was alive, not God.
Bentley Rodriguez
Can anybody explain to me what the fuck happened in the Apoc episode? Why Fiore lost her Command Spells? Isn't their whole purpose that if the Master lost their Servant, they can still contract another, as long as they have CS and the Servant is Masterless?
Jeremiah King
Shirou looking good.
Isaac Lee
No, but you need brain damage to play this game for its story
Cooper Taylor
Ethan Cox
Weren't there bad endings in F/SN where Shirou could give up his CS or lose them upon losing his will to be a master?
Ian Lewis
>user, I am not real
Jason Wood
No one is still watching that shit.
Charles Rodriguez
She gave up her right to be Master so Caules can be Chiron's master
Grayson King
Blowing on Lavi's tummy while upsy-daisy!
Liam Davis
I read through it and it's not that long. 8 chapters at most = 16 chapters in other singularities, so even at best it's as long as the other EoRs. They lied about the text length, it's as simple as that.
Christopher Sanchez
It would have been Kojiro's class that way
Jose Jenkins
You're a secondary Shirou lost his command seals in HF after Saber died. You lose your command seals when you give up on the inside after realizing your servant is gone.
Kotomine actually grew his back at one point in Zero, even after initially losing them when Assassin died. Gilgamesh talked Kotomine into realizing he's not out of the fight yet, and the grail recognized his will to keep fighting, and gave them back
Jordan Fisher
>didn't really care at all about Tomoe when released >but now kind of want to roll her since she is confirmed to be friends with my wife Is that reasonable?
Ethan Long
me neither
James Nguyen
Have the nips datamined Abigail yet? What's the verdict?
Joshua Cox
I require more art of Circus Mashu
Nicholas Gomez
If you look inside of him you'll also find gears, just like in Shirou RM.
Gabriel Peterson
Miracles can happen ;_;
Kevin Wood
I want to ejaculate all over her gross body.
Julian Ross
No, that's explicitly not the case. She transferred Yggdmillenia's Magic Crest, but she's still Chiron's Master.
Owen Miller
merlin 2.0
Leo Garcia
Her skills are crazy
>1: 10% np charge for team, 30% attack up for team >2: chance to stun 50% for 3 turns, 20% defense down >3: reduce enemy NP gauge, 20% attack down
Gavin Bailey
My king is top cute
Jacob Cook
Ushi a cute.
Christopher Mitchell
Leo Howard
I bet Lavinia would be fucking horrible if she wasn't 2D.
David Gray
30% NP damage up and 10% per turn, yeah? Also all of them have base 9 CD.
Xavier Moore
Anyone that didn't save up quartz to roll her is quickly going to regret it
Cameron Ward
Good luck cause the nips hate her
Jordan Kelly
Her kit seems good for boss battles. Provided you nuke the boss (close) to death in those 3 turns.
Ryan Ward
>tfw historically accurate kinofags got BTFO Based DW.
Cameron Ross
Carson Russell
Yeah. Remains yet to be seen whether it'll be good with those CDs or not. All last 3 turns which is unusual.
Henry Brooks
>Salem part 2 >Christmas 2018 Which one do I roll for?
Aiden Bell
Nobu a CUTE.
Elijah Thomas
>Her reflection's eyes are shining Sprite-kun deserves a fucking raise, but why she reverts to her first sprite at the end of the NP?
Noah Jenkins
>not still saving for muramasa
Matthew Carter
Both. Just buy more quartz for Christmas.
Cooper Torres
Christmas will likely start while Salem is still ongoing, so wait and see.
Jordan Perez
Her pussy reeks like the corpse god
Jacob Stewart
Neither, save for New Years.
Jordan Richardson
Cuckposting aside, Medb seems like a pretty cool person to just hang with. I like how she's being a bro and trying to get Tomoe laid.
Colton Martin
I thought they loved their kouhai though
Owen Foster
Cute feet
Michael Ward
dude you exist in her mind lmao
Noah Howard
One is going to have a limited 5* and a story-locked 4*, and the other one is just 1 probably not even limited 5*. Take a guess.
Nolan Smith
pretty good skills but cooldowns are extremely long. pretty bad NP gain. kinda wish her NP was aoe for the debuff so we'd have someone other than Amakusa that can do that with their NP
Zachary Rodriguez
I don't give a shit about Christmas so all my quartz for Abigail.
Dylan Rodriguez
>Mozart and Marie were the best part of Orleans courtesy of Nasu >Sanson just got his time to shine too Pretty nice.
Jackson Sanchez
So why was Lavi even there? Just because the Whateley's needed to exist?
Kevin Perez
>tfw 173 quartz and 30 tickets saved up >have a feeling that I won't roll her I know suffering awaits in the gacha.
Nicholas Bailey
Even Siduri's death affected me than Mashu's death. Why is that I wonder
Evan Price
Her demon form, her sprouting tentacles, attacking the enemy, and the camera zooms out from the keyhole in her head to reveal her normal form. Its all in her head.
Easton Ward
What will be Abi's optimal team? Tamamo+Merlin? Tamamo+Waver?
Joseph Wood
>foreigner class Leave Part 2 to me
Julian Martinez
Thomas Torres
Is there STILL no wallpaper version of this
Zachary Johnson
Because it's painfully obvious she's coming back. They didn't even try to hide that she was getting rezzed.
Bentley Johnson
>tfw 150 quartz and 23 tickets saved up >have a feeling that I will roll her Be more positive user.
Jeremiah Green
>can't even solo beast type lol
Landon Hernandez
Because you were sure it didn't matter, it wouldn't stick. Mashu matters too much to the plot to actually die, plus she's a playable servant
Shiduri didn't matter in the slightest, so you knew innately it was going to stick.
Alexander Morgan
Why they even put an alias on Sheba's name?Was that even necessary?
Julian Edwards
Curries vs Elder God, when?
Andrew Miller
You don't understand. I rolled 300+ quartz on swimsuit Nobu's rateup and didn't get her. Got a NP3 Nero though.
Andrew Wright
EoR gimmick
Chase Jenkins
This is my favorite banana pic. I love casually dressed servants.
Levi Perry
The swimsuit Nero rate was through the roof
Ayden Miller
She has a Buster NP, so probably Merlin.
Nicholas Sullivan
I've been rerolling for Tamamo Cat but this account looks too good to throw away. I should use it, right?
Levi Jones
Reminder that it's the Queen of Sheba. The literal who doesn't have a name.
Caleb Hughes
>"nerf" Merlin by giving everybody in the challenge quests huge attack buffs, crit dmg and invuln pierce. >"buff" Merlin by halving your Servants' HP but keeping heals the same. What did DW mean by that?
Brayden Diaz
Can someone please explain something to an EoP like myself
Is Abigail actually the Salem Abigail Williams and all the spoopy shit from back then was her lovecraftness, or is she the Dunwich Horror that's just pretending to be Abigail Williams for the play
Oliver Howard
>gameplay lmao
Thomas King
>me in every event >fuck only 30 quartz >lets be more positive >oh well ill get that servant anyway >didn't come >disappointed as if i wasted a lot of quartz >repeat
Luke Morales
yeah also wrong general
Christopher Bailey
They also hid Circe's name when people figured it out on the spot and the moment she showed her face in the story she revealed it.
Adrian Baker
William Torres
Merlin since she she has Buster NP. Tamamo or Jannu depending on whether you need Invuln spam to tank multiple NPs before the boss dies or not.
Lucas Howard
Wrong thread faggot.
Sebastian Davis
>no mental attack resistance sure thing buddy
Gabriel Baker
>He thinks he candle the ayy class Nice try Apex, you're out of your league
Mason Adams
How many fucking people tried rolling for Nobu only to get hit with multiple Nero's instead?
Bentley Hill
Its real Abi with Dunwich Horror powers.
Kevin Myers
normal Abby being used to open a gate so the real Lovecraft monsters (the ones that Lovecraft dreamed about and then based his fictional stories on) could come through
Owen Lopez
>Wasted 4 gold apples just to maxed Liz >turns out Abigail is weak as shit Culthu mythos is garbage tier in Fate lore.
Jaxson Harris
Apparently the witch trial,the biggest part in Abigail's life doesn't mean jackshit to Abigail here and pushed as sidenote
Hudson Foster
And why did they figure it out? Staff design? Or was her NP shown during the stream?