Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

Crusade marches on Edition

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How is Tyrael right now?
I seemed to always do well as him but my friends say he is very bad. No matter how well I do.

from what I understand he isn't bad
he's just not good

>Nerf stealth heroes
>Leave this sack of shit as broken as ever

>Performance-based Matchmaking
I'm curious to see how it'll pan out. Didn't they try something similar in Overwatch?

>my friends say that he's very bad
Eek. He's a bit dated but definitely has a place.

he's one of those characters that retards can't play but when you get good at him you become god so blizzard never wants to touch him for fear of breaking the game with him again

currently he's very balanced he's just one dimensional and people don't get how to play him outside of high ranks so he's never seen, aka considered bad by tards

He's still situational. He's a great support bruiser. Tyrael's kind of subtle with how he can effect team fights between the speed boost and the shielding, so your friends probably just can't pick up on all the little things a good Tyrael is doing to keep them alive. He also doesn't really have any matchups that he's outright countered by. He's good, just not stand-out good.

Learn to play more heroes?

Huh, so I should consider myself good since I can play him well? Cool.
>breaking the game with him again
What does this mean. I only started playing 6 months ago

It won't change shit since you still lose points when you lose so retards can drag you down still

Before his last rework I had a 60% winrate with him. They pulled a few talents that would let him be as tanky as an actual warrior, namely an Imposing Presence effect while his shield was up.

Tyrael used to be nearly 100% pickrate in pro games, especially by Koreans because he had different, more ridiculous talents. They had to rework and change him a dozen times since alpha because pros kept finding the broken OP wombo combos and such.

>still cant view profile of opponents during draft
nice one

is it me or is malf a surprisingly good duelist now with his level 1 talent that doubles his auto...?

yes he is

>tfw win 1v1 against Cho'gall with Junkrat

Gonna need a clip of that.


>Bought the largest gem package with my holiday bonus as head chef at Wendy's
>Used them to purchase all heroes
>Meanwhile neets have to grind gold for months on end to unlock one 10,000 gold hero

When did you realize that being a wageslave actually pays off?

>tfw your team just sits in mid despite objective popping up
>they completely ignore it and sit in mid getting nothing done
>then they get mad when I tell them to just let the enemy end it and burrow back to core
Oh and we lost a fort to malthael on one lane without anyone going to defend since they were all apparently glued to mid

when i worked for the navy rather than wendys

>have fun playing the game
>get better at the game one game at a time
>end up with more gold than I need to buy heroes
It isn't too bad when you like the game

>not having 100 usd/eur to spend on anything even when youre a neet
how is this even possible

>head chef at Wendy's

I’ll post webm later

>thumbnail is black
damn it

aight coo

seasons greetings, nephalem~

>paying early adopter tax for this game
you know it's all going to be free eventually. the overwatch incest life support of the "buy heroes!" shakedown they've run with ain't gonna last forever. there are so many other games to play it's really not worth a dime.

haha I'd suck his candy cane

I have 10k gold.
I haven't even watched Hanzo's spotlight yet. Is he going to be good.

How do I actually consistently deal damage as Kharazim? Or do I basically need to capitalize on the CC of my team to do so?

no he is undertuned as fuck

so i'm guessing cho just afked.

CC and bodyblock to keep enemy at your reach.

>aight coo

>Or do I basically need to capitalize on the CC of my team to do so?

Pretty much, yeah. But man oh man, when you do get to unload... that shit is bananas.


you can only choose one

>new player decides it would be a fun time to queue up for the hard as fuck brawl with no idea how to play or function

>cinnamon roll

>void prison interrupts chromie B

I wish I had more laser webms.


im sick of you fucks who pick raynor in the brawl i swear ill find you and put an end to it once and for all

It means they're pure or whatever; just wants what's best

he just wants to buff your greymane into even more of a monster, user

>blizz finally has a chance to nerf the insta pick supports and make the other ones viable
>instead they just nerf every support in the game across the board

user if you're out there, did you finished this one?

Why would it not interrupt her? All CC can interrupt her B

Well void prism is supposed to be a time freeze so one would assume you would keep doing whatever you were doing before you got hit by it

No, I sketched that today. I'll lineart and flat color tomorrow and probably spend monday or tuesday shading.

>tfw finally finishing it with a god awful time



greymane OP

what can I say, koreans like gay angels

>team is level 12 and enemy is level 15
>I go lane and soak XP
>"user, why arent you here to team fight! You are why we are losing!"
>Highest contribution in everything except pvp damage, only lost that by 1k to garrosh whining all match

Do other players understand how this game works? Am I the retarded one? Should we really go and team fight when 3 levels lower instead of staying back, playing it safe, and soaking in lane until we are evenly matched? I mean, it just seems so obvious to me to play this way but I'm sure the rest of the team just must know some super secret of how the game is played and that involves completely ignoring lanes and just team fighting when we have no chance.

I had almost 3 times as much XP as the second place guy in my team.
I hope when HL MMR is calculated at least they take into consideration that I defended lanes, took towers and minion camps and didnt just go pvp all day in a game about lanes

Could you tell them to stop being good at tyrael somehow?

I want our boy to be buffed instead of nerfed

>level 12
>enemy team about to hit 16
at that point you're just trying to stop the bleeding
no sense in trying to contest anything

>>team is level 12 and enemy is level 15
This is where you give up and just poke at minions every minute so you don't get kicked for afk

I've been always wondering why are there so many korean twinks playing this game? I've played against a premade once

A serious answer though, why was our garrosh (lucky he didnt get a ban pick this game) even try to pvp? Why the whining and salt in chat?
I was playing league a few days ago, and while way more cancerous, at least no one there is as moronic.

Does Cursed Bullet even work against that boss?

It's the Blizzard fanbase of gamers who only play Blizzard games and are awful at every single one of them

yes but it doesnt do 35%, still does a lot though

>implying you weren't behind because you kept laning while they were team fighting

It hits the % damage cap I didn't get a look at what it was though

okay something about hook/pull heroes
if they see the ability to grab somebody
they'll grab them

if you're level 16 and the enemy team is 20 and garrosh is able to pull sonya or malth you better believe he's throwing that shit right on his backline


What happened to make Rehgar top tier?

Who is a streamer who is actually good, not a tranny, or not a mouthbreathing Dutch former sc/wc3 pro

is this real


I don't know why I'm attracted to him
But I am

I would believe that if I werent pulling my weight in every category
Every win I have I end up being MVP

I just dont see the reason in playing high risk/low reward and doing pvp when we are underleveled. I guess if I were playing a character thats pure assassin and cant do shit when we are losing, but even then you should stop being selfish and understand you're not going to brainlessly mash ambush all game and then wonder why you arent getting kills.

More than 1 level under the enemy? Back in lanes and soak. Thats not a time for team fighting.

waveclear and the best heal in the game


I can't get over how much I love this

>could duel with lightning bond
>could take camps with lightning bond
>could solo lane with lightning bond
>could save anyone from death and undo countless ults with Ancestral
>Earth Shield also synergized insanely with lightning bond
>half CD healing totem
>big burst and AOE slow on low CD

You never said what hero you were playing so we have no idea if your stats are even appropriate.

This should be the instant response to the Garrosh fag.

>tfw playing Rehgar after his rework
That juicy 70% winrate

beep boop!
i love warping!

put out another pylon motherfucker i dare you

do not have impure thoughts about me, mortal

They are LoL and SC2 washouts and the only country that doesn't mind Blizzard's self-sabotage in the e-sports scene.

I can't help it!

>blizzard announces they are tuning back all supports in the game and gives detailed reasoning as to why
>"""community"""" goes mental and melts down over the course of monday and tuesday
>wednesday hits
>nothing changes, just like they said, and they nipped double support's effectiveness just like promised
>all discussion over the subject drops off suddenly because no one has the balls to admit they were wrong
are gamers just this fucking ADHD or what?
It's like the world was crashing down on all forums for this game for like 24 hours and then everyone forgot about it except for the few brainlets left just now reading the patch notes after losing a QM game as solo queue Morales and looking for something to blame

>all discussion over the subject drops off suddenly because no one is playing anymore

Not even hots players are that retarded

>Not Alex they said
>Lose keep on 2nd immortal
>Win constantly after that

Why don't you guys trust the person who hovers Alex :(

there were people talking about how the support nerfs actually turned out okay but whatever just smugpost and go

because no one play support

ive been melting 1 support teams

>either win without a doubt
>or lose entire game all the time


because mommy posting

>people make massively punishable mistakes and sometimes it's on your team
Wtf game unbalance pls fix

>gg supports are dead nobody'll draft them anymore
>wow here comes the triple support meta gg blizzard

official forums are
quite something

>leaves OW for awhile
>comes back
>D.Va now has an E

Micro Missiles in HOTS when?

They could make it a talent or something

>people who admittedly only play QM or AI saying these changes kill their favorite role
>guy who raged like a spazzing autistic child over the nerfs to alex gets hundreds if upvotes, in the same post linking to images showing after the 'nerfs' Alex gained 3%+ winrate after, denies his own images
>threads that just say "QM matchmaking by blizz lol" get 100 replies of people agreeing with OP
Official forums are truly in need of cleansing

>helping people get their box since I already got mine
>clearing Zerg waves like a boss
>Horrifying all the clumps of bosses so Tychus can stop nuking us
>die last minute because poison pools keep following me and only me and I mis-clicked the heal on a Roachling instead of a Zergling
>think I did good
>stats say otherwise
Feels bad.