/owg/ - Overwatch General

>The Winter Wonderland 2017 event will start on December 12th and last until January 2nd
>(that's if the leaked Korean promo image is reliable, but it probably is)
>Blizzard World is still on the PTR -- go check it out if you're on PC
>Those new Blizzard-themed skins (Nova Widowmaker, Protoss Orisa, etc.) come out sometime in January of 2018

>A new hybrid map, "Blizzard World," is available for testing on the PTR
>Live release is projected for "early next year"

>The new offensive healer, "Moira," is now available in all modes
youtube.com/watch?v=6ETybQd4uRE (origin story)

>Latest animated short, "Honor and Glory"
youtube.com/watch?v=OOhvSKCfCTQ (behind the scenes)

>Latest comic

>Latest PC patch notes
PTR: playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/21275367
Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Hero tips, tricks and basics

>Source / Quake mouse sensitivity converter

>Personal stats / leader boards

>Previous thread:

>overwatch "lore"

I LOVE Moira!

>tfw tf2 lore is better

>lorewatch "ore"

How can I make money off streaming if I don't have tits and can't rank past silver?

Impressive. Very nice.


TF2 at least had decent comics. the Overwatch comics have anime-tier writing.

Clear skies, full hearts, can't lose.

>"hey can we get a tank?"
>pick Genji

>record yourself from the chest up
>wear a tanktop
>have your knees peek out of the tanktop collar so it looks like you have tits

>We're in the wild west, you know that means little Fareeha?
>It means there's no child protective services and nobody around for hundreds of miles.
>That's right! Just you and me, honey.

this game sucks

Nothing to prove the faggot was a shipping but he had to be if he thought that was a good question to waste time with.

>Don't tell me backstory is the primary plot
Here we fucking go. Do you understand the concept of soap drama? This is Overwatch. It jumps around between characters and timelines telling character drama that all links together somewhere. That means there is NO MAIN PLOT. This was the objective from the start. Saying "this is bad" actually means "I think it's bad" which is an opinion, not a logical observation. This was never a story pushing for contingency. Recall somehow created this illusion despite the story jumping around literally when it was released. You asked to be let down user because you expected something else you fucking ape. This fact was never hidden from you. You were told this. You chose to ignore it.

I hope you learned something.

Ana is the Char cuck of Overwatch

Yes, it does feel like my cock is being sucked every time I play it. It's just that good.

>tfw she was made half-canadian because jeff was worried about people being offended

Why is the Overwatch team such pussies compared to other Blizzard teams?

>queue with a traycer mayne
>play sombra with her
>we hunt the enemy supports so much they tilt and eventually throw

Stop making McCree out as a pedophile.

>There is NO MAIN PLOT
...the game is called Overwatch. You claimed the equivalent of
>Dark Souls has no main plot, i'm going to ignore the main plot being the Dark Soul and assume it was meant to be a soap drama about Gods and Kingdoms.
That guy isn't even totally correct and still you're wrong. You completely confused side plots with the primary story. Unless you're going to tell me Junkrat and Roadhog are of equal importance to Overwatch itself. Which would be a retarded statement.

Reality check:
Pharah's father was always a public servant and never a character in the cast (like you probably wanted) they just never put a face to him. Then Jeff and his insecurities lead to the idea of who he could be. Sure, you can still say this is pandering but just keep in mind he was always going to be a minor character.

>"But it's not even about a message."
>proceeds to make it about a message

>soap drama
>no main plot
>story pushing for contingency
What the hell are saying user? I have no idea what the other guy was talking about but your thoughts don't even seem connected.

>This was never a story pushing for contingency.


Mind telling me the other important things that happened other than the Ominic Crisis and the fall of Overwatch or are you ready to admit you're wrong and that the story is indeed focused on Overwatch, the organization?

Paladins is dying next patch, can I play with you guys?

I actually like blue more when she is pink, she's still amazing either way.

What's happening to it

But it was unexpected that tf2 even managed to get good comics.

>starts using dark souls as a comparison
Jesus christ, you don't know what a character drama is do you? Soap drama is like a sitcom in the sense that you can drop in any time and get a relative idea of what is happening. That's why anyone can enjoy an Overwatch cinematic without knowing a fucking lick about the lore you idiot. It's supposed to be digestible. But evidently you can't even manage it.

didnt they already go full pay2win
what could possibly kill it deader than dead

The Genji leak is obviously fake and doesn't deserve to be at the top of the OP!

Just kidding. Good job, OP user.

I tried Paladins, I enjoyed Barrick and the whole card loadout thing.
It's retarded how broken some heroes are, also why's it dying?

Sure. I never played it myself, but when I watched, it always looked better than the memes gave it credit for. But I still would have rather kept Tribes.

I never expected her dad to be anything more than some unimportant person but making her half-Injun because you're "so sensitive" as Jeff put it is fucking retarded.

Sure, this is actually a decent time to jump in.
Nothing is blatantly broken, and the Overwatch team seems to be finally able to focus on content instead of esports.
That said, how long this will last, we don't know.

There is no contingent main plot. It's character stories with a focus on drama and internal conflict, not an overarching story line like that user assumed and angrily wants. That's the jist. Make more sense?

>That's why anyone can enjoy an Overwatch cinematic without knowing a fucking lick about the lore you idiot.


Because unless you read comics and backstory, you wouldn't know who the fuck Bridgette is. And they do a pretty shit job of telling you why Overwatch was actually shut down in Mei's cinematic unless you also read backstory and previous comics.

Which goes against that statement you just made. Because the only thing that you can "enjoy" without prior knowledge is the action. Which applies to everything. I could jump right into One Piece right now and enjoy the action scenes despite missing hundreds upon hundreds of episodes.

never trust Hi-rez

How is that Rein is one of the most fun heros in the game while Orisa is literally the most boring in every aspect (playing as, with, or against) ?

I even looked up stuff like Korean month and date format to make sure I got it right.

1th for reaper is a pedophile

That makes no sense at all user.
There is an overarching story, overwatch and talon conflict.
Most characters are connected to it, and all the comics keep saying that something is going to happen.
If it it were character stories then why would they even bother making that whole "2nd omnic crisis" plot?

How far down can I go while not throwing and having gold medals while being on fire most of the time?

It's literally impossible to carry as a tank in this game

Not that user, but a person not familiar with Overwatch lore would be able to enjoy Rein's story about how a reckless young soldier learned the pain of loss and how it humbled him, or seeing Mei overcome all the odds stacked against her.

Yeah, the talking gorilla would be confusing, but it's not like you need to know what Overwatch is to enjoy the shorts.

I have some friends who really like playing Orisa and I don't understand them at all.

Okay, I'm finally curious -- what do you base this accusation off of?

>There is no contingent main plot. It's character stories with a focus on drama and internal conflict
That isn't what Overwatch is at all and you're retarded for making that statement. The fact that it includes characters doesn't immediately make it a character drama and toss all semblance of a primary plot out the window. Mei and Reinhardts stories very clearly exist to tie in with Overwatch. In fact, without Overwatch they don't have a story AT ALL.

But you're clearly a nigger who can't read so i'll excuse your retardation ;)

>Mind telling me the other important things that happened other than the Ominic Crisis and the fall of Overwatch
Those are the important things. But their objective is to house the most important thing which is the soap drama that is Overwatch. The world, side characters, events, and every outside detail that breaths life into the world only serves one purpose. Giving the character drama a home. It's all about the internal conflict and interactions between characters. So I don't know what the fuck you want me to admit.

all cards have to be leveled with essence and new legendary cards are added

what happened?

She enables cancer. She's also replacing rein which is unacceptable, I want a strong German aryan not a robot cow with a disgusting voice.

>Reinhardt's flashback begins with Balderich telling Reinhardt why Overwatch is so important

Is Avengers: Infinity War a character drama too?

Really it seems like Thanos is just not that important despite bringing all the characters together. Tbh, he doesn't matter. Really it's all about Tony and Captain America. You could take the whole doomsday plot out. It doesn't matter. It's just a character drama after all.

Who is canonically the most powerful character in the game? Reaper?

I'd play Orisa a lot more if the NullSec skin totally replaced her voiceovers.

I mean, I like her kit, but can't stand the character concept? Same thing with McCree. Is there anything lamer than a cowboy larper? I don't think so.

Sorry user, but do you mind explaining to someone who doesn't play Paladins?
I know about the card loadout, but I don't know what the essence part and legendary cards mean.


She's cute.

Winston, with doomfist being a close second, then probably rein.

Chimpout Winston could probably 1v1 anyone.

He's attracted to children

>"I will avenge you Reinhardt" -Orisa
Reinhardt is going to die.

>Overwatch lore
>Zenyatta doesn't have like anything his brother is in 10k comics and shorts but he has nothing
>his brother is DEAD and this is still true
>want to believe it's because they're gonna reveal something cool about him, or the Shambali, or really anything about the omnics
>know it's actually because he's just a floating Tibetan fortune cookie with no significance except as Genji's tissue


>have a decent/stable population
>try your hardest to kill them off

Based Lo-Rez

What proof do you have of this?

REMINDER: Overwatch is a game about superheroes fighting each other. The shorts should reflect that by featuring more over the top battles like the Doomfist one, and less gay emotional shit that nobody asked for.

>legendary variants
yes that sounds like hirez
get out while you can

Essence is a currency used to buy cards
Legendary cards are cards that greatly effect a certain ability

He touches kid, something only someone attracted to children would do

Too bad we won't get that because that isn't the goal of the shorts

You don't need to know who Bridgette is. She was just there to remind Rienhardt that's he's better than his responsibilities. She was nothing but a mouthpiece in that short. Anyone could watch it and understand what her purpose was there.

>telling you why Overwatch was actually shut down
And you didn't even need to know those specifics to ENJOY the short. You aren't putting yourself into the shoes of a complete outsider. A person with no understanding of the lore can look at that and understand "ok Overwatch was shut down that's why no one remembered the team". They don't ask questions like "but why?" like you do with background information. They only ask that question because the short made them curious to know more. You get frustrated and an outsider becomes enthused and curious. See the difference?

You are expecting something that isn't there. And your comparison to One Piece is completely off target too.

you people are some of the worst human beings i have ever played videos games with. blizztards are all complete degenerate fucks.

>when i intentionally play like shit, people get mad at me
>instead of correcting my play, i star whining about being being mean to me

i fucking hate you californian faggots.

>overwatch is a soap drama
Are you stupid user?
Overwatch is a superhero comic books story, not a soap drama. We have speedster heroes, intelligent apes, and a league of doom.
Whatever the hell makes you think Overwatch is a Soap drama?

I really don't understand why people like the Bastion short, ESPECIALLY when they said it gave them those gay "feels". Like, WTF? At least the small battle scene was nice, but other than that, the animation was completely useless.

>It's the future with lasers, barriers, and all sorts of futurist shit
>Some absolute idiot is still using a bow and arrow for no real reason

>She was just there to remind Rienhardt that's he's better than his responsibilities.

So in other words she was there to create conflict in relation to the main plot point:

His rejoining of Overwatch.

The primary.

Where the fuck did I say anything like that? I said you didn't need to have the full story behind Overwatch to enjoy some of the shorts.

Reaper is gay and all gays are pedophiles

I like how in your attempt to claim that Overwatch is a character drama that has nothing to do with the actual reform of Overwatch you drew the lines that indeed point to the fact that the story is absolutely revolving around the reform of Overwatch and Chu is just too slow fat and retarded to get to it in a timely manner.

You're fucking deluded. And you're trying so hard to get the last laugh in that I don't even mind wasting more of your time telling you how retarded you are.

will you stfu tilda swinton faggot

not that user, but that dude is arguing with a dude who is trying to argue that overwatch is a soap opera character drama for some reason. Yes, lorefags, are becoming more insane.

Not until I get a wife as cute as Moira

Setting the bar pretty low there champ.

I'm guessing essence is a currency that you can purchase with real money, and that the legendary cards can't be easily reached without buying that essence.
Is that correct?

I want to pat Moira's head

I didn't read what you just wrote but Anna is cute

I want Moira to pat my head and laugh softly while I surrender myself to her completely

Essence was gained through lootboxes, and legendary cards could either be bought with essence or in lootbox

Alright, let me dumb it down for you.
You and many others seem to be disillusioned to the idea of a main story line. They get angry when the conflict of Overwatch vs Talon isn't refereed to or seemed to be put to the side. They get angry when the plot jumps around and scream about it.

The story is supposed to jump around because that's what a character drama does. Saying it doesn't have a main plot is the truth because you might think that conflict is the focus when the story is written without that being the focus. Every single time the lore gets an update the main focus is ALWAYS character conflict and internal drama. Every single time, even when your assumed "main conflict" isn't mentioned. And it IS NOT mentioned all the time. Most certainly not. And many characters are not even involved.

And if you still can't understand then it means you have this idea of a main plot beaten into your skull and every time the story jumps off to focus on something else you'll get upset. I can't fix your ideology. All I can do is tell you the facts.

this. The very first short they did was focused on this and people loved it. No need for much else.

I just think she looks like a cute cat

>The fact that it includes characters doesn't immediately make it a character drama
>says I can't read
>doesn't actually read my post
>replies with an emote
>actually proves my point in his own post without knowing it

Nice shit post, we're done here.

I love Angela!

I want to make her happy and help her achieve her goals in life!

I want to support her in her hobbies and interests and her career!

Being a doctor is extra stressful, so I want to be an attentive and helpful lab assistant for her! Then I want to cook a nice dinner for us when we get home!

>tfw you deflect an enemy gravaton into their team and unzip dragonblade

>Nothing to prove the faggot was a shipping but he had to be if he thought that was a good question to waste time with.
I mean it's Thailand, the Tranny Capital of the World. I wouldn't necessarily say it was for shipping purposes.

Honestly the Reinhardt short felt like the most desperate attempt at trying to be "emotional" ever. Although I'm sure Redditors ate it right up and talked about how much "feels" it had

>There will exist people out there that cried watching it

legendary's are many patches old user-kun

You'll make a very good husband, Genji.

refer to
If you need someone on the dev team to tell you the exact fucking thing I've been saying. It's CHARACTER DRAMA.

>mfw you bully a Genji as Winston
>mfw he tries to deflect your lightning
>mfw he tries to dash away but you just leap on him
>mfw he tries to climb up a wall but dies halfway

Genji is an absolute fuckboi. He wouldn't talk like that.