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1st for fuck priest


So does T5 legit hate hunter? Or is it really because hunter is the designated cheap class to rank up?



This card should really be called autistic screach

Since Blizzard wants to print shit uninteresting cards here's some cards I made that somehow are less shit even though no one paid me to make them.

Priest getting all these broken cards while Hunter gets this is fucking hilarious

Here's this card, it's probably better than whatever shit Legendary Weapon Hunter actually is going to get.

best card since purify. can't wait for them to print a bunch of "if your deck has no minions do some broken shit" so suddenly it looks good in the future so they can save face. which therefore means another entire fucking expansion dedicated to making hunter fucking stupid just so they don't have to admit they're absolute garbo at card design

bravo blizz
bravo brode
bravo team 5


>wah wah wah why won't blizzard make good epics/legendaries for hunter

because hunter is a f2p class

Is this guy's text going to be reworded to incorporate the new recruit keyword?

sorry hunters not allowed to have heals, draw, or decent taunts.

This would be a cool Beast for Hunter to use, too bad I'm not allowed to run minions if I want to use powerful cards like To My Side!

>3 mana do nothing

terrible card

Why did they nerf call of the wild? I wasn't playing then and it seems like the last time 'Hunter was good at all

because shitters cried about it

At the time hunter was tier 1, and had been tier 1/high tier 2 for 6 years and people were pretty fucking sick of it. Call of the wild nerf was very accepted at the time.


I can understand that. Hunter is a low IQ class that does boring shit so I'm pretty happy it's bad

>hunter was tier 1 / high tier 2 during Warriorstone and Shamanstone

a new deck emerged by accident called lock and load hunter, this deck was demonstrably fun as it contained all spells and a control element hunter never had before. Brode found this entire idea of players having fun to be disgusting and vowed to take whatever steps necessary to make sure it's never played in the future

dae druid board clears


Craft the meme package Y/N

it was tier 2 during LOE format, then when warriors were a big thing during whispers meta mid hunter was played because kodos were a direct counter to 2/6 dude.

Not if you have none of those cards, jesus christ

There should be 4 more epics.

poisonous doesn't work on deathrattles.
Minion is already gone when it triggers

Nah it works


>Minions which deal damage as a Deathrattle which are adapted to be Poisonous will destroy every minion the Deathrattle damages. (Prior to Patch, this did not happen if the minion died, but it did happen when the minion's Deathrattle was triggered by certain effects while it is still alive, such as Feign Death, Terrorscale Stalker, or Princess Huhuran.)

Gee Bill, 2 companions?

>they patched it in
does lifesteal works with deathrattles?

It is a bad card, but I have never felt more disconnected from a video game community as I have right now.

People are out for blood because it is a bad card. Jesus, how can one bad card drive people to such frenzy. Obsessed retards.

Dude, no one is out for blood... Everyone's just fucking with them showing how incompetent they are, once again.

No one likes Hearthstone in this general anyway.


gnomerafu best waifu

reminder that 6 mana animal companion is this sets purify and within 1-2 sets it will be the most op card in game


>hunter epic
no it won't

Is To My Side! the final straw?

sure, like any hunter player will ever afford putting epics in his deck

Nice top decking I got there. That hunter rekt me hard.

To My Side is a challenge card
Deck building challenge

I guess it's because they taunt us with cards that are obviously designed for a more controlly archetype of hunter, yet they are absolutely and objectively terrible. People have always wanted a new (viable) archetype of hunter that's not just aggro, and this card is just an insult.

I've been playing reno dragon hunter in wild and having a blast, it's almost good but just needs a better answer to a midrange board. I've put deathwing in there which is actually pretty decent if you have the DK hero power up. Also it does pretty well against token decks with the 4 board clears I've put in the deck, but they're all 1-2 damage.

im waiting for the dev commentary where they talk about how they had to rape this card before release for some dumb fucking reason

>it's a ben brode has to rap an apology episode

Not every card in the set is going to be there to make an archetype more powerful

and yet they push fucking control hunter down our throats like its ever going to be viable without cards

one day all these shitty Hunter cards will be viable in some crazy tier-1-super-meme deck, the culmination of Brode's failures, and nobody is gonna complain - they saw Rexxar getting raped by those guys from Deliverance, this is the part where he comes back with a gun

Hope a large majority of your epics are this shit card

>Just woke up and saw the new hunter card

I just woke up my neighbors from laughing so hard. This cant be fucking real right?

The hunter weapon has to be some crazy shit like, kill 5 random minions from your deck, gain their stats or something.

Oh no I'm so scared

This is the first expansion where there's literally nothing that could tempt me to day 1 craft stuff. Is anyone else just looking at all of these and it's just really boring crap that just makes existing decks stronger and every recruit card looks like total shit?

>summon two leokks
>which buff the zero minions in your deck




I do wish they'd give hunter some good control cards

Show me the wild elemental mage deck

>priest has dogshit AoE in classic
>so we gotta print op as fuck AoE every expansion
>mfw wild where priest already reached critical mass of being fucking OP and now psychic scream + whatever they print to make up for the AoE loss next rotation and the year after that and the year after that

but we're blizzard and we care about wild

I like how the wording is different

"Kripp would be playing [the new Path of Exile season], but he has to play MoneyStone, or else the Money Man will come after him" - HotshotGG on stream a few minutes ago
What did he mean by this? Who is the Money Man, and what does he want from Kripp?

Nice, looks like this will be the expansion where I build up my meagre gold and dust reserves again. KFT took a lot out of me due to almost all DKs being good, plus for some reason I decided to craft a bunch of wild cards.

Remember that filler expansions are great for this reason, for example during TGT-era there was plenty of time to hoard.

please stay in your own cancerous general sweetie

oh fuck off brode nobody cares about useless cards that never get played

that isn't shadman, it's from some nip named like gachigasm or something

The bank, or taxes. Either way, does it matter? He was obviously trying to be facetious (and failing)

its specifically reference that card so you know that its one of the 3 beast summoned by animal companion. I dont see how thats wrong.

how much more viable would hunter be if it was still 8 mana? as it stands right now, midrange hunter is on the lowest end of still viable and legitimate decks, but barely.

>hearthstone making the worst card in any card game
>worse than dancing elf, and one with nothing and cloud chorus


I wonder what the streamer who first got To My Side thought of the card.

Animal Companion says summon a random beast companion.
To my side! says random animal companion

it's inconsistent and stupid

Don't talk shit about the new Hunter card until you've seen the Legendary Weapon, idiots.

user, I said it reference the animal companion card so you instantly know its one of the 3 summoned by that card. That's all.

that's still inconsistent
call of the wild does it wrong too

Hunter only gets one recruit card this expansion

its not inconsistent, it basically summons Animal company for you.

so what was the point of nerfing miracle rogue and leeroy handlock when you gave something even worse to mages

sometimes people want to win with bad cards

>its not inconsistent
it is though

Animal Companion, Call of the Wild and To My Side! are all doing the same thing, therefore the wording should be the same. It isn't. Therefore it's inconsistent.

then why give it to hunter instead of making it a priest common

you dont understand. Animal companion does something, Call of the Wild and To My Side basically cast Animal Company.

*Animal companion
Either way who fucking cares, we know exactly what will be summoned from either wording

how the fuck is to my side an epic

>Either way who fucking cares, we know exactly what will be summoned from either wording
you're right, a small indie company like team5 can't possibly have everything consistently worded with each other

wtf is this shit more late drops for hunter without giving them ways to get to late game

user look at the other cars theres TONS of inconsistency everywhere. Even the arts dont match the character on a lot of cards

Because of that delicious preorder pack filler goyim

>Soulfire discards soulfire
>No lethal
>He gets so mad me starts roping me

>the game is an inconsistent mess!
>THEREFORE: I'm going to disregard anyone who strives for even the smallest amount of consistency!

stop it

After 4 years user its not worth it, believe me

Kingsbane has to be good in a format right? I mean 3 cards+kingsbane to get a 5/3 weapon that keeps coming back can't be bad right? Will it create an oil rogue in Wild?

yeah sure. buff your weapon, give it lifesteal and poisonous. Meanwhile i'm gonna bonemare this kelseth and shove my cock into your blood elf face

random targeting really is one of the worst things about this game. i can understand things like avenging wrath, but why discards and stuff like tinkmaster?

random targeting on cards like deadly shot and flamecannon being able to hit stealth and untargetable stuff is actually fucking awesome.

>hunter still going to be shit

The people who designed this card actually got payed to design it.

Some idiot is getting payed a ludicrous amount of money for this.

And some other idiot, who makes even more than that idiot, looked at this and went "Yep, this is a good epic. Print that shit."

I sorta want to kill myself. This card makes me want to kill myself. I may have to sue Blizzard for emotional distress. Team 5, you should feel awful. This is the most awful thing I've ever seen.

Doesn't mind who designed it. Ben gave it the final approval.
