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Jayce's lane edition

Old: eyosongive.us

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just unloaded my semen inside syndra, ama

how was it?

Why do they let Jayce be this monstrously oppressive champion that "falls off late"

xth for my wife Syndra

like used goods

what are some big brained darius builds?



Best couple

thats disappointing, what a waste of that body

I thought that was Superman

trinity force and steraks is the only way to play

hnnnnnggg the heal support meta felt like cancer, this meta is complete bliss holy fuck i hope they just remove ardent censer from the game so i don't have to see that shit ever again

>3 levels above her
nice bait

>she keeps going after missing her second ripost

>tfw you lose a game entirely because of that one champ in the enemy team that gets so fed and can one shot everybody
I hate this feel

>3 level advantage
>no offensive keystone
>fights in his minion wave

can't you at least make a different post sometimes?

>Ornn misses 99% of skills

fuck fiora

Fluffy yordle females.

>lose for 35 minutes
>win a tf

deep gameploy


>not playing tanks top in this very year, two-thousand-and-seventeen.
ur garbo

>3 levels up
>game is 31-15 in his teams favor
Yes, you have to play that fight perfectly if you want to win it.
And the fact that you kept chasing past when you should is your own fault

>fiora nearly killed the fed ornn while 3 levels down and using kleptomancy
that is the most disgusting thing in that video

>tank shredder can beat a tank
Wow, that's busted.

Okay total change of subject why is she eating her familiar? What the fuck?

I didn't even realize she had kelpto jesus christ. If she had PTA or even Footwork she'd have won that
>b-b-b-but muh memes

>muh fiora don't win every duel!!! y???

>neg win rate d4
>trying in preseason
it's really easy to tell you were d5 0lp all season

>Champions that don't leave anything behind after dying
>Champions that don't even die in their death animation

Yeah I know that pic is weird as fuck, I just love it for some reason.

>champions that air guitar with their weapon and then explode in their death animation

It's the fact that Fiora can beat anyone in the game that's busted.

I do wish my waifu got as much fanart as Syndra, you seem to have an endless supply of stuff for her. But I can't complain, there are some really nice ones still

>bot lane shit pick zoe and jhin go 0-11
>next game dickhead adc goes Yasuo in champ select, team tries to fix comp we end up with name mid.
I'm reminded why I hate this fucking game.

We don't deserve mordekaiser


Because Syndra's thinking of eating something else from Multi in her sexually frustrated mind.

>1-10 Fiora who is down 3 levels almost beating an 11-3 Ornn
yeah that's pretty disgusting

How's everyones day/night been?

lmao what the fuck

>fiora is broken piece of shit
no surprise.

>champions that kill themselves to protect their honor.... kind of

Is Leona good? kinda feels hard to play her effectively.


They gotta make this shit Wukong's ult, and make his shit more to his lore.

Like give him, his damn crown and have him break the seal or some shit when he ults and empower his ability, and his W should be more mechanical, like create a clone that imitate your last action, auto attack or whatever and finish the animation with reduced damage or some shit, while staying as a pet for 4-5 second, and imitating your ability at like 10%-20% damage of the original, and the added function that makes it like that one item where you go stealth at a distance with an ally and become a clone of the ally until you break it.

ebay.com/itm/222740722694 lol

always dreamed about this

>hard to play her effectively
She's one of the most braindead champions in the game.

She does get lots of fanart that's true, but most of it it's just plain bad that LeBlanc doesn't get enough stuff it's true though

Best guy!
Santa Draven, cool!

>Play Kayle top
>Can bully virtually anyone from lvl 1
>Heal self and teammate ok in team fights
>gradually become adc
>1v1 anyone just ult self and AA them
>Carry entire game

Kayle is pretty busted in how solid she is.

>play kayle top
>murdered by fiora in lane
what am I doing wrong

>Can bully virtually anyone from lvl 1
You know she needs lvl 9 and 40% cdr for 100% uptime on e?

A lot of fanart is bad in general, but from all your posts I can see there's a good supply of reasonable quality fanart for Syndra. I end up having to dig all over for good LeBlanc art.
At least you have good enough taste to appreciate LeBlanc even if she's not Syndra

nice virus

Fucking knew Fiora was busted, this shit happens to me everytime I lane against her on GP, absolutely shit stomp her 3/0 and she still solo kills me with bearly even 1 item, with Grasp so I'm a tankyboy

Like if you Q the clone Q at the enemy with you, or dashes in with 3 other clones when you e, at a reduced damage to keep it balance, but make him fun, just nerf him elsewhere if he's too strong, he is a diver role champ. His w should take tower aggro away and target his clone, or anything that make his clone more core to his kit, fuck his lazy ass of a ult design, that shit was back when riot had no idea what to do, everyone had a spin move lol.

haha epic shit
i wouldnt get it free

Ban fiora or just play her

Will Star Guardian Akali come before or after her rework?

>Fiora gives 3 early kills solo to GP
jesus christ they must be garbage .

Right now, playing Darius is for high test alpha males because you know you can make his story ass a force to be reckoned with.

Aery or Phase Rush.
Aery doesn't proc with his Bleed like how it behaves with Cassio/Brand/Teemo dots. So keep that in mind.
Phase Rush can be procced with relative ease as Darius. Standard combo: E > Auto > W will give you Phase Rush. If you get a Titanic Hydra it can also proc off of that.
Null Orb they can't kill you if you have a shield.
Celerity so you can make use of Phase Rush some more giving you additional AD.
Scorch for some magic damage and a meme.

Secondary runes can be whatever the fuck you want. It doesn't matter. You're playing big boy darius.

Triforce Steraks Titanic Boots of your choice and two situational items.

This is currently the only way to play Darius and don't tell me you use PtA because of the increased damage bonus because it doesn't increase True Damage you fucking cretin.

>Shit talk jungler on my team
>Accidentally give him a heart honor because i was just tapping on the win screen to get out asap

>anons spend multiple posts talking to idiot here about not being an idiot
>completely disregards them and continues to post his faggot post that in all reality would only make him look like a pathetic baby to Syndra and would want nothing to do with him whatsoever
>anons time wasted trying to have a decent civilized conversation with a sperg
I legit feel sorry for those anons that tried to see some sort of sense in this lost cause.

>Zoe has the moonstone.

Not much mechinics involve at all, auto q, and don't miss your e or r, that's it. No real skills required. Even Janna requires more skills.

>be galio top
>against a mundo
>i'm fucking stacked
>I have so much health and magic resistance nobody can touch me
>doesn't matter because the enemy fizz is 15/0 and can one shot me


They are, but I've been preaching the word of grasp Chadplank in this thread for a few days, Chadplank loses lane to nobody when played correctly.

Reading must be hard for you, I was talking about him not sperging out like a dipshit anytime anyone else mentions Syndra for any reason. He's no different from any of the other stupid waifufags aside from his tendency to do that. That's the only thing he does that bothers me.

We need a pornstar Ahri...

I just got Celica and Hector from free orbs on FEH.
Discovered a new favorite album.
Amazing so far, bout to take my cheery mood to some league games and ruin my day

>people on reddit's thread arguing (but mostly being downvoted) that fiora should win while three levels behind and several kills behind because "she counters tanks"

I guess that lee is braindead. Don't miss your Q, auto between spells, press R, that's it.

please elaborate, i have a friend who plays GP who might be interested

Great until you came along, faggot.

Oh please yes! Any chance to show off to the world what a stunning and beautiful woman my waifu is is greatly welcomed!
Especially towards the black community

>implying that isn't her side-job as a Popstar

I appreciate you ahri cuck. Tell me all about how you want your wife to get fucked

Fuck i love Riven, too bad she isn't a top tier hero.

God you're pathetic

>Reddit post
>Reddit spacing
>Dislike Bar
You should consider leaving this board user.

Why do redditards think that this video has any value? It's basically watching 2 silvers play.

We were literally talking about something else, not that, don't you have some wojakposting to do either way.
Honestly I do have to dig myself sometimes but yeah, I can imagine how much you have to do it for Emilia.

Lee is actually one of the most mechanical intesive champs, name a champ that can do what Lee can do bruh, his kit allows him to do stuff that Leo's simple kit would never. You must be a leo main if you took offense from what I said, I mean no offense too, I'm just stating facts.

Her kit is so simple that everything you do is linear, Lee on the other hand because of how his q w r works is great, and you can definitely tell the difference in skills from player to player, now a leona player, well a good to great player, the difference is how consistent you can land ult and at most how your usage of your e is, nothing much.

You never told me the details about how she'd get fucked those days ago :c


>I guess that lee is braindead. Don't miss your Q, auto between spells, press R, that's it.
>Leona mains

Glad to be of service, buddy.

If I'm gonna be honest, I don't tend to dig much because it seems so hopeless, I've just managed to build up a decent collection by making sure to save every good LeBlanc picture I find.

Thankfully this amazing picture and its nude version popped up recently.

What is the counterplay to Zoe?
Being a tank? Not playing the game at all? She has zero risk, maximum reward and can NEVER be killed by melee champions thanks to her sleep.

Exactly what I thought. But me no want no one feelings hurt by pointing it out lol :(

>(tr)Ashe says "if only we had a blitz on our team"
>mfw im at 23k dmg done while varus is at 15k and lee sin is at 8k
>mfw I say yeah sorry its all my fault gl next

Uhhh dodge?

If he's klepto call him Cuckplank at every oppurtunity because he's doing it wrong and when someone takes my GP and plays this shit against me I'll make them go 0/8.

First step to becoming Chadplank: Grasp, Demolish, Ironskin/Mirrorshell, Second wind.
Sorcery: Transcendence, Scorch, not ultimate hat it's overrated and for Cuckplanks, scorch does so much damage it's not even funny.

Second step Chadplanks items, first buy 90% of the time is corrupting pot, against tanks it may be better to start either saphire crystal refill or frost queens refill, rush sheen for your first item, if you have 450 gold on your first back rather than 1050 for sheen, buy dorans blade, 350 is sapphire crystal.
Now if you're against someone who can destroy you outright ex. Riven, complete your sheen and straight into Sterakks first item, it allows you to 1 shot casters with barrells still and essentially makes you a tank, then finish trinity force, these are the core items to Chadplank, sterakks increases your base AD therefore making sheen procs do more damage.

Next I usually go GB to cap out my CDR then either full lethality, or if they have tanks with a lot of healing mortal reminder, you can also take GA if you want to frontline the enemy and engage with ult, albeit this is dependant on the enemy teamcomp.

Chadplank is also a tower taking madman with demolish and if your team are displaying symptoms of being zoo animals, splitpushing is entirely an option.

Spread the word of Chadplank and under no circumstances ever give praise to Cuckplanks, they are wrong and should be shown the light.

Legit......are you fucking retarded....you dodge, ban or just auto lose the game. there is no counterplay for melees against her

But the Fiora is Diamond and the Ornn is Gold. Imagine ever being as shit as this Fiora.

By 1 shot casters, I mean caster minions the same as trinity force lets you do

sounds like youre playing imma get the shit outscaled out of me plank

But even if you are tank she will give you EQ and you lose half HP. Especially as an immobile tank this shit is very hard to dodge.
Pick Malzahar, his voidlings fuck her E up and your ult basically counter her (and everything else in this game).
But she's still broken.

Counterplay is someone who can easily punish her when she misses her Q, no damage, no escape. If she R in, it's so linear you can just go to her initial spot and land any skill shot. Like Ryze just play with the minions to your advantage too, simple, her Q hits minions, when she launches it, just use them, and change your warding pattern up if thenplayer tends to go out of vision a lot to sneak in Q from fog of war