Reminder that DS ROM loading from SD was not worth waiting for.
Lincoln Cruz
second for super slim when
Chase White
>tfw you own a slim/super slim PS3
I want to have fun too
Evan Smith
super slim is comfy
Jaxon Diaz
When starting the PS3 hack it states to go to a nor dumper
All I see here is 4.xx IDPS dumper and 4.xx dumper. Every time I go to the basic 4.xx dumper I get a failed message. Any ideas to help?
Julian Peterson
Where does multiman keep cached files? I used it to install a split pkg from a flash drive, yet it seems it never deleted the merged file on the hdd.
Jason Smith
Does anyone remember how you're supposed to do Minecraft texture mods on Vita?
Ian Stewart
Nvm got it to work. Just took a while
James Kelly
Easton Hernandez
Who /ylod/ here?
Ryder Jones
How feasibly it is to inject Dragon quest builder's vita english text files into the japanese PS3 version?
Apparently, they have the same text file
Chase Price
Early production slims are easily hackable now too.
Matthew Price
but slim is hackable if you have the right one
Liam Taylor
One user on here said he tried and said it would be more difficult than a simple inject job. Might be worth looking into more though.
Liam Gomez
is there a homebrew channel application that I can launch Wii channels from? it would be nice if I could launch virtual console games without exiting to the system menu
Zachary Stewart
USB Loader GX lets you load channels. Think you'd need priiloader or something to make it the default "home menu" though.
Josiah Long
well shit. I've had that on here for years and never realized it can do that. thanks, and yeah my Wii boots right into the homebrew channel which is why I wanted to know this
Jaxon Jones
>tfw want to cfw my PS3 just to put all the games i legally bought on the HDD >don't want to risk ban when logging in online fuck you sony
Daniel Long
why not? my 3ds battery has been dead for a while now and i havent got around to buying one so ive yet to try out the DS stuff.
Levi Jenkins
I'd be super interested in this. Would love to see Yakuza 0 get translated on PS3 too but I know that probably isn't feasible and not worth the effort at all.
Justin Rogers
For the PS3 hack how does someone do a file comparison for checksum? I have HxD by the way
Jacob Lee
worried about my PS3's temp has got me trying to turn the fan speeds up, which can get it down from 75 to low 60s which is great. but i get a yellow flashing light whenever i do this, why would it have a yellow light only when the fan is running high and not when its hot??
Lucas Jackson
>HxD HxD is a hex editor, not a checksum verifier. There's plenty of software that does checksum verification but Windows users should either use certutil or a FLOSS one.
Jayden White
Any of you fine folks have a link to the Red, Blue, Yellow VC Trading patches? Thanks!
Elijah Green
because it's slow as shit and saving barely works
just buy a $10 DS flashcart if you want DS games
Jonathan Reyes
It's worth owning a flashcart for the fact it can be used to fix bricks anyway. Not that you should be bricking a 3DS these days, but still.
Aiden Parker
wheres a reliable place to buy a flashcart for that cheap?
Jeremiah Stewart
this. fucking love top loaders. I think Wii mini is cute as fuck and ps2 slim too. Fuck slot in drives
Ian Miller
my nigga
Brody Hernandez
There's a small program called HashCheck for Windows. I've been using it for a while. It adds pi related to the file's properties window.
Ian Thompson
so did that dolphin port for ps3 ever come out?
Aiden Richardson
you mean dolphin porn ?
Connor Perry
The PS3 can't even emulate N64 games. Why do you think it could run Dolphin?
Camden Parker
either way im happy
Brandon Butler
If I hack my PS3 will I be able to play online? Trying to figure out if it's worth it
Dylan Brown
Wheres the best place to buy a flashcart for my DSi 1.4.5E?
Jaxson Davis
Skate 3 US ISO when Sonic unleashed iso when
Julian Perry
Just go buy the games yourself, back them up and then return them.
Tyler Jenkins
Sonic Unleashed pkg is on Psnstuffx
Parker Cooper
I Don't live in the US
Nathan Hill
4.05 cfw soon.
Ryan James
I hate the PS4 hacking scene so much
Kevin James
Begone, thot.
Elijah Reyes
Do I need to update from al9h to b9s and/or update luma to be able to safely update my N3ds firmware ?
Sebastian Rodriguez
Check the guide
Samuel Jenkins
I did, and didn't find an answer to my question. Did I miss it somehow ?
Parker Green
If you read the guide and are still asking the question, then you didn't read it enough.
Zachary Brown
>install dead nation and activate it >start it up, says latest update data was found. thought it was included in the package as i havent signed in PSN >it's actually downloading it BOYS AM I FUCKED
Jason Ward
Every one of them is a disgrace.
I hope Chinese can save us from this hell.
Henry Martinez
Updating games is fine since it's on a different server than PSN.
Ryan Murphy
thank you
Logan Rivera
i saw on they had recommended a store to buy flash carts but now looking through the pages I can't seem to find it. anyone know where that might be?
Oliver Perry
>I hope Chinese can save us from this hell. >Chinese 120 dollar for a dongle that does the hacking at best.
PS4 scene is shit, it's doomed.
Blake Gomez
Dark_Alex is spinning in his grave.
Aaron Morris
5.0 when I fucked up and updated a couple months ago
John Clark
are psn classics different from emulating ps2?
Jeremiah Lopez
preset emulator settings, I think.
Jordan Stewart
Looking to get Guilty Gear Revelator on PSNStuff but it says *Warning, missing RAP* in the description. What does that mean exactly?
Dylan Sullivan
thirding interest in this if Square Enix had released it in english in the first place I would've bought it, but for some reason they don't want the gaijin to play their most precious rpg
Sebastian Gray
Can I safely format my 3ds to change the nintendo id? Or should I remove the SD card?
Never done it, I've no idea if it deletes games. I backup my save data in any case.
Cameron Williams
Means it's fucking useless.
Oliver Thompson
>Never done it, I've no idea if it deletes games it does
Lincoln Young
Brody Roberts
Can I do the ps3 exploit if I'm at 4.81? Or do I have to update and it's 4.82 the most recent one?
Austin Bailey
it might just be persona 5's style I remember thinking the same thing months ago
Wyatt Myers
Does removing the SD card work, or does that affect a9hl?
Jackson Thompson
I was in the same situation as you. Update, then do the hack.
James Perez
I got both of them from downloadps3game Skate 3 was disappointing though. I absolutely cannot get the hang of the controls. THPS is better
Ian Gomez
Is freeshop safe to use if spotpass/data collection/currently playing settings are all turned off?
Matthew Ross
How good are Project 8 and Proving Ground?
Joseph Foster
Can someone recommend a WBFS manager that works in Linux? Just want to convert Fire Emblem from an ISO to WBFS.
Carson Jackson
I dunno, I've only played THPS1-4. I'm just thinking about how the controls compare between them and Skate 3. Doing tricks and even just jumping with the stick feels weird and imprecise and like I have no control.
Evan Miller
I see. I'll probably try either one while waiting for a US ISO of S3 to surface. See, I found a full collection of Skate 3 DLC, but it's US and the only ISO I could find of S3 was EU.
Jonathan Cook
Hey I haven't visited this general in months. Last time I visited there were some Luma / tranny memes going on but that's it. Anything big happened regarding the 3DS or not? Like ban waves or important updates?
Jordan Hall
Just bought a Wii to play "backed up" Wii games and I'm also planning to make it an emulation machine for SNES, N64, Gamecube etc. games. Have a few questions:
Is there a recommended controller to buy? Currently only have two Wii remotes. What would be the best controller for non-Wii games?
How "picky" is the Wii with storage? Can I use a MicroSD with a SD adapter or does it need an actual SD card? What about for the external USB hard drive / flash drive?
Do I need to get a memory card?
Do those Wii2HDMI adapters work as advertised?
Nathan Hall
IIRC, people in here discourage the use of WBFS as a file system but encourage the files. If you want to use it though, just look up wiims.
Jaxon Morales
>Do those Wii2HDMI adapters work as advertised? I have one of these, and it works surprisingly well.
Eli Adams
I am having great difficulties red's NOR flasher says SUCCESS then freezes when I restart console i get a "shut down improperly" message when I try to install the rebug CFW in the guide as an update it can't find it in my usb please assist
Ethan Baker
>red's NOR flasher says SUCCESS then freezes If it freezes, it didn't work. It should restart the console on it's own if it does work.
Nathaniel Hill
I will keep trying then, but how do I stop the freezing I have tried just about everything, clearing history, cookies, setting the homepage to the flasher etc.
Bentley Price
>Is there a recommended controller to buy? Currently only have two Wii remotes. What would be the best controller for non-Wii games? The classic controller pro, don't fall for the vanilla classic controller meme, only retarded nostalgia fags liked that shit, the fucking cord got placed on the bottom and has horrid mushy buttons, but numales bought it because le oldskool controller. >How "picky" is the Wii with storage? Can I use a MicroSD with a SD adapter or does it need an actual SD card? What about for the external USB hard drive / flash drive? I use a micro sd card+sd adapter on mine because i've never seen an actual sd card that was bigger than 4gb, everything but wii games work on that, for some reason i've never been able to run wii games from the sd card, only from usb or burned discs, no idea why and i don't care nearly enough to look into that since my wii is an emulation machine for dad. >Do I need to get a memory card? No, in fact recent wii models don't even have the memory card slot or gc controller ports anymore, data gets saved to the sd card. >Do those Wii2HDMI adapters work as advertised? In that they convert analog signal to HDMI for easy of use? Yes, however i'd strongly recommend getting component cables instead if your tv has the ports, it looks significantly better, the HDMI converter outputs av signal aka 480i still, component is 480p.
Owen Roberts
That's it. I give up. I tried well over 20 times now, but whenever I'm trying to install REBUG, it stops at 70-75% and says the data is corrupted. I even bought a new Flash Drive to see if that was the issue, but it gave the same result. I saw the model and it should be compatible wiht the exploit (2511A Slim), I did everything as they say in the guides, but it still doesn't work I guess my PS3 just wasn't meant to be hacked. Really sucks because all I wanted was to finally play Vesperia in english, but oh well. I tried.
Thomas Russell
Kill yourself
Lincoln Sanchez
>2511A Did you use MinVerChk first?
Nathan Russell
Yes. Min FW is 3.40. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong and I don't know what I could do different, so I just give up.
Cameron Sullivan
Try redoing the NOR Flasher.
Kevin Sanders
Like I said, I tried it well over 20 times. Everytime I got the corrupted data message I redid the NOR Flasher. Also I tried installing both REBUG and FERROX, and none worked.
Aiden Moore
It took me 30 times to get it to work. Try hosting the web server locally. Made things a lot easier.
>Slim PS3 hacked Anyone know of any must have packages? Also where can I get pkg files and ps3 isos? They seem to be very hard to find.
Wait, it's not supposed to freeze? I've been stuck on this SUCCESS... screen for a while now and i thought that was supposed to happen
Zachary Gonzalez
No, freezing means it failed
Jace Martin
thanks for your very helpful answer
>The classic controller pro I'll try to get that, but are any of the third party controllers good? Seem to be more easily available.
>i'd strongly recommend getting component cables instead if your tv has the ports sadly not an option, there's only SCART and HDMI on the TV
Camden Watson
The wave in the background is not supposed to freeze. When mine finally worked it didn't even display fail/sucess. Try hosting the exploit on your local network. Make sure your usb is in the closest port to the bluray drive. Make sure homepage is set to blank, clear cache too.
Isaac Harris
Oh it just worked now, beeped three times and shit. I booted it back on, got the "didn't shutdown properly check for corrupt data" thing, I just cancelled it. It won't detect the system update on my usb though.
Wyatt Smith
Download it again.
Jose Evans
Read the guide properly
Nolan Baker
>It won't detect the system update on my usb though. Make sure it's in the right folder.
Nicholas Long
i'm retarded
Jacob Hernandez
Just got an old 2DS, can I hack it with a system transfer from my old B9S 3DS, or is the only way to hardmod?