Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars
Veeky Forums approved video games
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I play this game every single day on the same "roleplay" server that still gets 200 people several times a day and it's some of the best fun I have in any video game.
Absolute banter.
Prussia best
Victoria, CK and HoI are good in their aspects, while EU is just a map painting simulator.
Anyway, i like regular warband.
Total war games are fun, and honestly Rome got me interested in history in the first place.
Is there a game that lets me play as Charles the Bold?
Thing is that the square doesn't work that well against horses when we tried it.
Blobbing works better.
>tfw your horse dies and you plunge into the mob
>it's a "I have a heavy cavalry sword and none of these fags know how to block" episode
Russian roulette
>Prussia best
Pleb uniforms, unsufferable foot guard, bad faction bonuses
>Inb4 muh Freikorps
Battlefield one
stab stab stab dead
I always play those battles where you have no respawns. It's always glorious to get like 15% of your entire teams kills alone in a single battle.
Hussies and other cav played well tend to rek footslogger scrubs.
Landwehr are great.
Overall though, France probably have the best uniforms.
>France probably have the best uniforms.
Bugger off you surrender monkey. The Brits have the best uniforms.
Fire & Sword is Veeky Forums approved because you can REMOVE KEBAB using Polish winged hussars.
Napolenoic role play?
Zulu Wars is pretty good except for the lack of a community and graphics issues.
Top quality bantz
>He wasn't there for the cavalry roleplay a few months ago
We kept getting fucked by the cavalry no matter what, so we decided to cheese by going to a corner of the map and just building and forming up there. The admins got so booty blasted because their precious cavalry was getting wrecked by a few sappers and walls they changed the map like 4 rounds early because they couldn't break our cozy square in the corner of the map
freikorp is autism central
guard units are usually the best
Too bad Prussian foot guard is fucking shit though
What are you supposed to do with that enormous shako?
Found the Habsburg
I wonder how a /k/ mount and blade regiment would be like. I've played vidya with some of you goys before but a whole regiment of you fucks sounds like a fun idea.
Unironically yes, Austria is my main
Line Infantry: France
Guard: Russian Perebrezhenskiy
Engineer: Prussia
Artillery: France
Let's get it autistic, shall we?
>$70 on Steam
That's the one.
I play there too.
Their admins are such a mixed bag.
There's one called Modig that's a cuck who bans people for swear words, then one called Pew Pew who's pretty chill and then two bantmasters called advisor shockwave and andypandy or something
Medieval 2 total war is my favorite game of all time. I still don't get bored with it.I got Attila recently and I think it's okay but the mechanics got too arcady, it doesn't suck me in. I still haven't finished a campaign in it because I get sick of retaking my settlements for the 50th time from some random faction that I have 0 contact with before they sail their entire population to my shore. I want to get that Medieval mod for it but I'm not sure if I should wait for the campaign since I don't do online battles
Civ4 with a map of Earth and a whole bunch of historical mods.
It's been what, almost a decade? I'm still addicted as fuck.
What is the role play like?
>its a NRP tries to do an assasination RP but takes 7 minutes setting up teams each round because no one wants to be a partizani and die instantly episode. the Battle and 9/11 RPs are the best.
Shitty mod. Mount & Musket was better and Vikingr was better than anything anyone else shit out.
The community is absolute shit too.
It's not really "roleplay."
Roleplay basically means what game mode, and they have several.
Battle RP-The most common one, on about 80% of the time is:
-3 rounds, maximum 12 or so minutes each
-You pick a class and follow that classes officer
-Cavalry follows the general
-If someone surrenders you have to kill them by firing line
-You can't run off alone
That's the extent of the "roleplay." Chat is just banter.
>it's a "TA can't into teambalance so it holds the server up for 10 minutes" episode
NRP is great, but there are some godawful fucking admins
t. Senior Admin on NRP
Why don't you guys ever do Naval anymore? I know it can be cancerous but done right it could be great.
Imagine 200 player boarding/small ships and big ships all in one big battle, it'd be epic
Brits objectively had the worst uniforms of the Napoleonic Era
Their cap-looking shako was just so ugly
not really there. chat's a memefest.
There are a few reasons you don't see naval anymore.
Yes, I agree that done correctly a 200 player Naval Battle has potential to be great, but the thing you have to remember is that players aren't obedient toys to use to craft some "epic" match, but are people looking to play a video game.
The following immediately happens with too many people on a Naval map:
>The boats sail off without everyone on them
>If artillery or nades are on, they immediately get sunk
>People mass-drown trying to jump on boats and missing
>People kick each other off boats
>People fight for control of boats
>People deliberately delay by sailing boats away from each other
>One big ship inevitably sinks and makes the chat fill up with spam
As a general policy we don't put Naval on with more than 50 or 60 players, because it just doesn't work.
which admin are you
[spoiler]if its Old_Man_Wiggle you're a faggot[/spoiler]
CK2, EU4. Most map painters.
I only play North and South now it's so fucking good.
How can you enjoy
Just playing German North Sea campaign. Literally wrecked them in three major battles and now they have only 3 battlecruisers and 25 battleships.
I have 6 BC's and 18 battleships. Only lost one in the second battle when it exploded after one hit to the magazine in literally first minute of battle.
And for some reason my gunnery is superb while their sucks.
Though I had shitload of luck in all three battles.
It's 1917 and I need one more decisive battle before Americans battleships come.
This game is a beast.
Europa Univeralis is best game
>Can't see in front of you in melee because of the giant shako plume
>Try to hide behind a rock and snipe instead
>Shako plume gives you away
The Total War series does a great job. They are not perfect when speaking from the historic sense... but they balance it out very well with the need for the game to be fun. If only they weren't total assholes to the mod community nowadays
NRP HA here.
Nice to see people actually like our server.
Fuck off Pew
-Xoxo Bread
Napoleonic Wars has a genuinely great community on most servers. I haven't played in a while, but l loved making friends on Deathmatch, that almost never happens in other games where everyone's out to kill each other.
Roleplay servers are fun too, especially if you get to know the regulars.
shut the fuck up pew
who are you
Go fuck yourself
t. ax collector
That Shockwave guy though. huh? as a regular player that has been playing for 2 years (roughly around the time HE started playing) Shockwave is definitely the BEST player/admin ive ever seen, I just cant wait for pewpew to step down so Shockwave can become the Head admin again and make NRP great again.
Keep it up dude. Make sure to appoint more nazi mods that ban all good banter in chat. Having fun breaks my roleplay immersion
I love France, they have a complete pack
>+Badass uniforms for inf, arty and ranker cavalry
>+Best cav in game
>+Commands like "charge" or "fire at will" sound intimidating
>-Fucking dragoons are barbies
>-dumb musician uniforms
Fifer/piper is the best role and there's nothing you can do about it.
And the UK has the best music
>Its an NRP admins didn't turn on general for France episode
quality server lads.
Unironically the worst admin after Scandy
You fags made me boot Napoleonic once again. God damn you all.
Btw. can someone quick tell me about admins? Never was invested who is who. Andy why u hate that Shockwave guy
Official Admin Tier list from a staunch man of the people on NRP:
Top Tier/Too High up to Slander Edition:
-Krytenn when he isn't jewing
Shitposting Bantmaster Tier:
-Pre-afk El_Presidente
-Scandy Pandy
-Atticus when he isn't being a grumpy asshat
Okay Tier:
-Most of the 59th Admins
Shit tier:
-Most TAs
Neck yourself tier
-TA Kenway
-TA Hobbes
Literally why tier:
Anybody play in the Miniseige server?
General rule is: don't socialise with admins.
>Trial admins will be often zealous to the point of retardation (you can get banned for detonating enemies' TNT because you wasted their BP)
>Full admins are lazy cunts who spend their time on server doing banter with their circlejerk (most of whom are admins, although sometimes you will find guys like Diomedes). They generally don't enforce most of rules as long as it doesn't hurt their feelings (that is, if admin isn't directly hurt by your actions, some big chances are you won't be actually punished for trolling)
>Experienced admins are autistic, good example is Zoda, who WILL enforce his favourite class regardless of whether it's actually important to RP. Oh, and they love to ban people for "cav ramboing" the moment your general dies and you are engaged in fight
Shockwave is prominent type 2 admin, and rather active (often playing) one at that.
>Move shock from top to shitposting bantermaster
>Move pres from shitposting bantmatser to "barely an admin"
>Make a new rank "Cucked to the end" and put Wiggle and Modig the Swedish one on it
>Remove trial admins
there you go goy
you left out like 5 of the ones who regularly come on, and put several of them in the wrong place. poor show.
Minisiege is bad.
Varies depending on the admin, I've found.
TAs seem to be:
>As you said, ridiculously strict in order to impress full admins
>Useless faggots who spam purple chat and can't do fucking anything without help, usually spotted by those still wearing TA tags after a month
Full admins can fluctuate depending on what's happening. The most common ones are:
>It's a "shockwave stops doing admin shit because someone told him racism is bad so he has to be an edgy faggot for several minutes in chat while the rest of the server waits" episode
>It's a "El_Presidente memes about the glorious british empire then goes afk, probably to tounge Pew some more to try get a higher rank" episode
>It's a "The TA wants to try naval" episode
>It's a "The admin vanishes for no reason at random on a bad map" episode
>It's a "Niroc" episode
>It's a "Scandypandy is hungover so he's heavyhanded with slays for rambos or whatever but misses every single surrender kill"
>It's a "Modig banned me for saying Sweden is cucked" episode
>It's a "59th admins build a shit fort on the corner of the map and delay the round and nobody does anything" episode
>It's a "Walter doesn't know anything about adminning and is so shit that every time he changes maps he needs 5 admins and a colour coded manual to get any RP started while spamming broken english in chat" edition
There are only a few "full admins" I really dislike (walter, wiggle and presidente can all fuck off), but the rest are pretty okay.
>It's a "Iskrax wants to try something" episode
Nobody hates Shockwave. Well, some triggerbabies on the server do, as to the usual contrarian faggots like Kulum and KUNG_FUCK_YOU who nobody really likes.
Shockwave's been there a long time and plays more than he admins/often plays while he admins. I wouldn't call him a bad admin. A bit edgy sometimes, but not bad.
Can someone explain to me the difference between muskets/rifles/cavalry muskets/whatever?
Which gun is best
Tbh, Shockwave can be both top-tier and bantmaster, hes just that good.
>Minisiege is bad.
El_Presidente is the best admin ))))))))))))))))))))
He should have been HA but instead Pew got it because he's an authoritarian weeb who's never even online
Shockwave once said that he was suppose to be the HA and pewpew his advisor but since he already was a head admin for like 8 months he decided that pew should have it and shockwave become the advisor.
Advisor is a pointless rank.
He doesn't do anything, doesn't really have any more sway than anyone else and is generally just Pew_Pew's lapdog.
I don't know who the best admins are. I know there's a lot of drama between team members, reporting each other and stuff
Scandypandy is unironically the worst admin, you literally can't prove me wrong.
Would a pirated version of Mount and Blade work on multiplayer?
>Infantry musket
Your best bet, decent all round and sick 45p damage, you use it for fighting against inexperienced enemies and cavalry. Perfect clutch weapon.
"""Accurate""" but SLOW. Don't bother, it's not worth the risk, but if you have to be rifleman use the butt rather than shitty sabres you get when you spawn.
>Cavalry Musket
Perfect dueling weapon, generally combines somewhat low damage, high speed, stun (but not knockout) effect and lenght into better 1vs1 weapon than infantry musket. Lower accuracy but 1 second faster reload
>Cavalry Musket (used by French Voltigeurs)
All like above but for some reason much shorter weapon reach, don't use it.
Shotgun. The problem is, M&B doesn't have actual ballistics and bullet spread, so chances you might miss all your shots is very high, damage is low and the gun is not worth the trouble. It's the slowest gun to load too.
Trash, used only to enforce more aggresive plays on your enemy.
>All those Cavalry Rifle/Carbine/Shorter Musket variants
Like cavalry musket but worse.
Scandypandy is one of the best.
Him and Fringo are my favourites. Shockwave too, if he is a bit OTT.
I haven't seen the HA on in months.
Ye but i think he only does that to get that sweet sweet juicy HA wonce pewpew steps down.
on the second hand it seems to me that advisor is like HA but without any responsobility i think he got himself in a cozy position.
how the fuck do I get unbanned
do they have a steam group or something
And go fuck yourself Shockwave you filthy nigger
Veeky Forums - Video games
Shockwave cant post cause his brother is a filthy pedo and got their IP banned for CP.
Shit list.
Actual list inbound:
I like the British rifle guys, made some sick long range kills with it from red fort.
I played for two years in a very serious regiment, the 32nd. We had 3 nights of training and a weekly line battle, we were trained and disciplined in full drill and could execute manuevers better than anyone else, we dominated.
I quit due to getting a life but i miss it at times.
Let's solve this once and for all.
Heavy cav/Hussars>English Dragoons>Lancers>Dragoons>Cossacks>French Guard cavalry
Everything >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dragoons
I use dragoons if the enemy has one of those highly skilled cav guys from a prominent regiment.
>Shockwave is triggering liberals again
>Atticus is telling TAs to kill themselves again
>Scandypandy is bullying autistic regiments again
>Chat is revolting against Modig again
>See cocky hussarcuck
>He attempts to chase you
>Alt-J him after a long chase
>Shoot his horse
>Get close to him
>Shoot him while he can't run or even attack
>He was a top ladder player
Cucking feels great... almost as good as when you cheat in a duel :^)
re i want to plsy
Sorry lad, you need to buy it. Game checks your serial key everytime you join a server.
Shockwave will probably win it over recognition alone.
His name is fucking everywhere.
new cards against humanity game
He literally lurks this thread
>strawpoll made
>first vote for shockwave
>more votes for shockwave very quickly