>What is BDO? Black Desert Online is an Korean MMORPG developed by Pearl Abyss. It features non-tab targeted action combat, zerg pvp, infinite grinding and a sandbox experience.
How do I get memory fragments? I finished fapping and I actually want to play the game
Cooper Martin
Run scrolls, i.e. Ancient Relic, Scroll Written in Ancient Language, or Forbidden Book.
Nathaniel Lee
I want some big blue fadus cock knoted in my tight elf ass :3
Aaron Brown
I want that mod now.
Ryder Morgan
No idea where to get it from
Jason Young
original korean post says it was photoshopped
Evan Roberts
how good is valk post-awakening? i really like how they look
Dylan Butler
Joshua Howard
I want to see you wearing that outfit now
Liam Watson
breddy gud
Owen Cruz
Bullshit, there are several pictures of that character. You probably misunderstood something like "edited textures in Photoshop"
Jeremiah Ramirez
probably to avoid getting banned
Easton King
>tfw short girl Feels bad man.
Easton Hall
You're not a girl Ene
Robert Brooks
Wearing a skirt doesn't make you a girl.
Daniel Wilson
Any tips for new guilds? Started one with a few friends but we're still pretty new to the game, not sure how long we should wait to try to actively recruit or attempt to build guild funds
PVE focus now but we'll get into PVP eventually
Charles Hall
Adrian Flores
>delete level 35 alt to make a new character and buy underwear for them or >use some of my leftover pearls to buy another character slot i only have enough pearls for either one character slot or one pair of underwear with the discount, if i wait for deletion and buy underwear now for the class i'm planning to make an alt of, can I equip it on them or is it bound to the character you buy it on?
Brandon Richardson
Carson Ortiz
Character bound
Isaac Rogers
lol i didn't misunderstand anything it literally just says 'Mystic Cavaro Photoshop' if it was a mod it wasn't mentioned
maybe because of this
Robert Watson
i know they are character bound when you equip it, i worded that wrong, i meant if i bought underwear for X class on my current Y class character, can i just slap it in the bank for a day and equip it on my X class character later, or does the item bind to whatever character you bought it on, even if it's not the right class?
Jace Walker
Its alright
Adam Jones
Are there any boxes in this game that can drop pearl store outfits or something?
Nathaniel Perry
No, but you can buy them for silver. If the planets align.
Blake Walker
No lootboxes.
Kayden Evans
just because I have a dick doesn't mean I am not a girl
Oliver Robinson
>that head-to-neck ratio Something looks really off here
Robert Diaz
dark knight has really messed up proportions ;-;
Lucas Hernandez
The secret to creating a high level guild is to ERP with people, get them hooked and make them join your guild and be productive if they want more
Parker Turner
Witch has so many graphical issues it's not even funny
Jason Roberts
are there any alternatives to vangertz shield that aren't boss gear on a valk?
Austin Cooper
Carson Perry
Holy fuck what vendors sell shit like Pickaxes/Hatches and shit.
I swear to fucking God I have talked to everyone in Velias
Ethan Butler
>snow in valencia areas
William Clark
Press the NPC finder next to the minimap and material vendor should have them.
Austin Parker
1. Click the NPC finder in the top right (magnifying glass icon next to the mini map) 2. Click "Material"
Look up Gobi Desert.
Samuel Scott
Fair enough, I just rarely even see it rain here much less snow with all the heat effects going on constantly
Justin Fisher
God do I feel fucking dumb.
Usually when I start an MMO I just play it for a few days before I really start investing in guides and shit, but fuck am I over my head
Carson Bell
when it rains water in desert the water will make puddles is that how it works in gobi too?
David Johnson
Yes? Flash floods occur all the time in deserts all over the world.
Connor Green
post weekend's gains
Xavier Torres
Cooper Roberts
>Yellow eyes
Probably has aids. No thanks.
Christian Allen
Christian Gutierrez
BDO is set in the 1300s Spain area. One town even mimics a French town near the Spanish boarder. With that said, it snows in Spain and Spain has deserts.
Nolan Smith
>blow up tri accessories worth 3b >thinking im done with the game for good >all boss gear 10 dura pri with pen/tet roulette >friend jokingly says wanna play bdo >i actually kind of think he's being serious fucking end me, why are there no good games on the market rn that i keep coming back to this GARBAGE game
Brayden Howard
Make your upper torso smaller and it will decrease the size of your neck making things look more proportional. It will make your tits look a bit smaller but imo its worth it.
Owen Fisher
Dominic Gonzalez
>I make moronic decisions >I'm upset that a friend wants to play a video game
Pure unadulterated autism.
Colton Nguyen
I-I skinned some goats I guess...
Robert Robinson
So many things.
Jose Butler
The game is fun until you get softcap. After that it's pretty boring and aids.
Zachary Watson
>not knowing about the duping glitch
Joshua Richardson
I made 30 million I guess..
Eli Hall
Brody Thompson
H-Hey baby.
Nicholas Russell
Juan Roberts
looks like a special someone...
Grayson Jones
Dear diary,
it is the seventh day of map hunting and what the heck. Yesterday I got the first piece and today the second that I needed and of course I'm happy about it it just feels weird getting the second so fast. This is the loot from my time in sulfur mines. Now I can move to pila ku jail but might take a break for few days to process stuff.
Nathan Bell
Whoa, NA?
David Ramirez
that's how korean gambling simulators work. you won't get the last piece before the game is dead.
Jonathan Myers
Special someone?
Leo Hernandez
So I have 30m saved on my Striker. How do I transfer that over to my Witch to get her a premium outfit?
Levi Ward
Have you maybe played the game?
Zachary Ross
Put it in a storage and take it out with your witch?
Leo Bennett
you just put it in storage in any town/city and she will be able to access it. it's account wide.
can you get an outfit with that much though? also have fun camping the marketplace all day long, the chances of it being put up for sale are really low already and then there's the chance you might even lose the bid on it...
Samuel Young
Thought I'd have to mail it to myself. First week of playing.
Thanks. Outfit shows up every 10min or so at least for all the notices I receive and seems to be up for a while before being bought so I think I'll be fine.
Angel Garcia
Pearl items show up in less than a minute and rest follow the 10-15min timer.
how do i get the motivation to grind and not just sit in town processing for a week straight /bdog/?
Robert Brown
Is it hard to get back your tri accessory? What piece is it? How many fs do you need to pri, duo and tri? Is the market flooded with these items needed? Can you grind for these items? Do you have the will power to stomach through the agonizing process again?
All these questions need to be answered before giving up.
Leo Jenkins
why force yourself to grind?
Elijah Moore
because i'm only level 57 and im getting more average exp from processing/fishing than i am from killing monsters, on top of not getting much money
i'm the same level and farm cadrys usually but i was soloing a gq at rogues and got almost as much exp/hour because of how fast i can kill them
Julian Price
h-hey, are you interested in tamers?
Angel Turner
This is a skyrim pic you thirsty slut
Andrew Baker
Thanks, I will check those spots out and see if they are fine. I seem to unlock a lot of upgrades for awakening skills at 58 so I guess it is an important level
Ayden Brooks
dont matter, fuck me up onee-san
Carson Nelson
>someone buys all 9500 purified water i just put up all at once wew lad
Ayden Miller
post lewds
Levi Jackson
David Nguyen
Christian Morris
Did you photoshop it or did you actually get to make her so photogenic ingame?