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1st for a card shitters here think is bad. Its actually autowin most of the time

>he plays priest

I played a bit back before expansions, but how much money would I have to spend now to have fun?


Everyone laugh at this ashamed retard.

Bring back Pirate Warrior from the dead!

>dragonfire potion

650$ to be precise


What did he say

>he doesn't play Priest

Based shad is a god among men, I really don't understand the hate he gets.

>dragonfire potion

Sometimes you low roll your evolves, but sometimes...


>big black guys

it's his weird shading, also he is usually edgy for the sake of being edgy.


Weird, you should listen to some of the episodes of sleepycabin that he's on. He's a super chill guy and not edgy at all.

>someone else defending shad
this is nice day

Is it possible to refund a preorder? Asking for a friend.

I mean his art is, I've heard in person hes not like that.

Yeah I guess I can understand that after the pictures he made of the kid that went to a con as harley quinn and the kid that got grabbed by that sea lion.

>people get legitimately outraged over bad cards that will never see play and effectively just save people the cost of crafting them
>meanwhile only mild complaints about legitimately gamebreaking bullshit that is psychic reeee
It's like this game is designed and marketed toward mental retards or something. Crazy.

hes also done stuff like a comic about his kid fucking his teacher after a school shooting. I can at least understand the nazi aesthetic since people like them for their uniforms, but he seems to make stuff for the sake of being edgy.

Do spell stones keep their transformations over multiple turns? Like if I upgrade one to the second level, pass the turn, and complete the requirements again will it become level 3 or will it revert to the original spell between turns? I haven't seen anything that specifies how they work in that regard, but I also haven't been watching the reveal streams, just looking at cards on the websites that post them.

it stays upgraded

We OC?

>people get legitimately outraged over bad cards
What's wrong with that? An expansion shouldn't be just 10 useful cards plus complete craps to make up the number.

>psychic scream

>hunter has been in the dumpster for years
>they release a garbage card that wouldn't be played at 4 mana

Thanks. I was leaning towards that after seeing the shaman one, but damn that makes some of the ones like the mage one pretty damn powerful.

Can't wait to open 5 to my sides on launch day :)

Give me one good reason cards shouldn't disenchant for half of their dust value instead of 1/4, 1/5 for rares, or fucking 1/8 for commons.


get more

zeriyah would become homeless and starve

>he thinks physic scream is game breaing


>A bigger tuskar totemic
Very original

Players would have to buy less packs

I couldnt beat newfags and poor people

Blizz wants you to buy packs. Thats the only reason that matters to them.

Fuck you
how about this?

Maybe, but you could also give more players incentive to buy packs because they're getting more bang for their buck. Right now the average pack of 4 commons and 1 rare disenchants for a single common, so you're basically paying 2 bucks for a common of your choice. If the bare minimum dust you could get out of a pack was 130 for 4 commons and a rare, you're now paying 2 bucks for a rare of your choice.

Think of the number of people that have either dropped HS or switched to one of its competitors because of how bad the current F2P model is. People buying a few less packs on average is a minor setback for the reward of having significantly more people buying packs.

Are elementals back on the menu?
Kalimos and Blazecaller are both crazy with that.
>10 mana 8/8 stats, deal 12 damage to the enemy hero, or heal for 24, or fill your board with 1/1s, or deal 3 to all enemy minions -- or a mixture of any two!
>9 mana 6/6 stats + 10 damage

there should be some fun combo's around with pic related and murmuring


Ok, Not bad.

Deal 6 damage to all enemy minions my dude.

Woops, I thought Blazecaller was 5/5 for some reason. Even better then.

right, my bad there too.

Yeah my body is ready for elemental shaman to finally be amazing.

What about this?

midrange dk hunter mirror matches are actually the most fun experience you can have in hearthstone

Tone it down, way too strong
At the very least make it combo,and even then too good

What's the point of the shamana weapon? The other may be bad but at least they have synergy with the class, shaman's is just random overpriced crap. Who the fuck designs this shit

Should cost 4 and be epic.

>mfw Murmuring Elemental works with Thrall DK's Battlecry

You can make something fancy with coin at 10 mana

>tfw you crafted Kalimos
I'm ready.

>Big Druid vs Even Bigger Paladin
Is it just me or do you guys findo that you frequently get queued against "offmeta" decks while playing one yourself?

Just you.

>playing shanuman

So, looking at the cards so far, is there ANYTHING good for exodia mage? Its the only deck I like to play and I want to make a full gold deck of it

Spellstone is not good, theres 0 elementals in my deck and no room for them, and I don't think Deck of Wonders counts. Aluneth is a decent pick, and i might replace a coldlight with it. Everything else though is just shitty big mage meme

Oh. Maybe it's because I'm at the rank floor then, people are more willing to play random stuff.

if you really want to be fancy, you could do some silly ass shit with Grumble
>Grumble back Murmur and Kalimos or Dopplegangster or whatever
>next turn play minions, play Murmur, Thrall


The yeti that discounts the cards in your hand allows you to play Exodia without the quest and all the garbage create a random spell cards.


Hey, its better than 20!


I was thinking about this too. I think they've fucked around with shaman's class identity so much at this point that they just didn't know what to do. I would have taken an upgraded hammer of twilight over this memery.

This not a new card I'm guessing?

And worse than 10

I'll never understand why blizzard continues to try making a simple casual game such as HS into some sort of super deep complex eSport.

Like... you don't have to deal with resource management at all and most cards have only a few words on them. Some are literally just one word like "Charge". Just accept that it's a casual game and make it fun, I'd much rather have a quick match with a face hunter (back in the day) than spend 30 turns against raza priest only to inevitably die anyways, how is that fun? Longer games aren't inherently fun you fuckfaces.

That new Shaman card is busted as fuck.
How does Rexxar get the worst card ever created but Shaman keeps getting better cards?

It's a new mage card.

Does the mage card that reduces the price of cards that didn't start in your deck work with Lich King cards?

yeah it sucks for hunter but at least shaman didn't get very many playable cards last expansion. he got his death knight and the 3 neutral minions everyone already runs.

so that will affect the random cards, and simulacrum apprentices.

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I ever doubted you Blizzard please forgive me I understand now it's about design strategies and owing up to the hunter hero power and its synergies and blaming new players for playing the only thing they can because the game is unfriendly to new players and cards cost so much and it makes sense to put new design ideas in the epic category because it costs more and is less likely to be recieved or needed my simple scrub brain can't comprehend your bigger picture strategical planning for the game's future and combos that do not yet exist I mean just look at Purify you really showed us it does see play I'm sure you can make this new card work I believe in you I never even doubted you Blizzard please take my money I have bought every pre-purchase since launch I am a good goy and pray for your success every night before I go to bed and dream of opening golden legendaries which fills me with joy and stories to tell my friends I added in Hearthstone to tell me what a fun game it was even though we both played aggro hunter because it's really about just having fun and relaxing and not getting confused about card texts or deck slots.

Yes, they didn't start in your deck.

>f2p game

I don't get it. I only paid $50 for nioh on PC and I got the entire game complete with DLC's.

>simulacrum 2x apprentices
>play this to discount them to 0 mana
>play Antonidas for 7 mana
>play 3 apprentices for a total of 2 mana
>with 3 apprentices on board you play a 1 mana molten reflection, generating a 0 mana fireball
No need to play the shitty quest or babbling book/cabalist's tome and instead focus on survival and draw.

was purify really that bad?

It does make your deck less resilient to things like not drawing a specific card or having it burned/dirty ratted, but getting +1 card in every opening hand seems worth it to me

this is the world of free to pay games. you can technically play it without spending a dime but at a cost.

It was released at a moment where Priest was not played at all, the only ok target was Ancient watcher and that alone couldn't push silence priest.

>play against token shaman
>he has fucking volcano in his deck

C'Thun Shaman, fellas.

Is there any deck more intellectual than BIG priest?

Interesting. I might make a deck of that and try it out.

Nice pasta from Overwatch

The Shaman stuff looks good on paper but I really doubt it will be that good.

MTG arena is going to kill HS as long as they don't shoot themselves in the foot with an obviously already great product even in alpha from what everyone who has experienced it has been saying (see youtube.com/watch?v=IOyYpwS6mbU for a good detailed explanation of the obvious things they need to do to not fuck up). Screenshot this, mark my words.

All I've ever wanted is a MTG in Hearthstone form, and now it's finally here. I'll have no reason to play HS if I could just play MTG instead, which I haven't been able to do until now. Not a watered down version of MTG but full rules and everything.

How are you going to counter this without playing priest hsg fags?

that's fair, I can see why people would be pissed

MTG is a better game than Hearthstone, but the MTG Arena beta they showed was very limited. There is no reason to think that they can keep the quality that high for a real client with all of the cards and rule interactions for modern mtg formats. I hope they do because it would be amazing to have a cheaper, online way to play mtg....but I don't want to get my hopes up for nothing

>He doesn't have Trynde
You are the real faggot here user.

Agreed, I hope they don't fuck it up. Would probably sell my real cards if this ends up being good, haven't played with them in at least a year...