>Release Dates: Episode 1 − ''Awake'' 31 August 2017 (Out Now) Episode 2 − ''Brave New World'' 19 October 2017 (Out Now) Episode 3 − ''Hell Is Empty'' (TBA) Bonus Episode: Farewell − Early 2018
Life is Strange: Before the Storm features Chloe Price, a 16 year-old rebel who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success. When Rachel’s world is turned upside down by a family secret, it takes their newfound alliance to give each other the strength to overcome their demons. Available on Steam, PSN and Xbox Live.
Life is Strange is an episodic interactive drama from DONTNOD Entertainment. Set in the Pacific Northwest in the town of Arcadia Bay, the player follows the story of Maxine Caulfield and her seemingly newfound ability to turn hella gay and rewind time. At the prestigious Blackwell Academy, Max must prepare with Chloe Price for the incoming storm of returning to her hometown after five years. Available on Steam, PSN and Xbox Live.
Before Episode 5's release: >Lol Mari's theories're shitty.It's way more than shitty to become true >Chloe has to die thing doesn't make sense.Don't worry they will come with unpredictable story >We're gonna learn everything about Max's powers,Rachel and Prescotts even Nathan,spirit animals.. >Jefferson knows about Max's powers >Nathan,Frank,David or Samuel's gonna save us >Victoria's with Max,she'll save her >(After seeing Cemetery scene from leaks) I'm sure it'll be Williams,Rachel's or Kate's grave. >Rachel's the doe and Butterfly and probably we'll see her in Max's dream >Blue Jay's Chloe
After Episode 5's release: >Mari's shitty cliche theory became right >We visited the SF art gallery for 3 seconds. FOR 3 DAMN SECONDS >Jefferson became a silly bad guy from Disney >David came to save us.He's a former-soldier but he can't even fight,just listens teenager's orders. Even he doesn't know she has some time travel powers. >Victoria's with us in the dark room.Laying there and we can talk her or not.Just it. >Nathan get killed,Victoria too >Nathan knew something about the storm but they cut it. >Warren explained Max's powers(!)(thanks warryn) We found out her power causes/related with Chaos Theory and storm.It's not like we didn't know or something. >Storm is only coming for Bay because Chloe lives in there but Max's the one who keep changes the time >Prescotts story erased.Nobody even mention their name. >Rachel's story fucked too.She isn't or butterfly,bluejay just spiritualdoe >Spirit animals thing died.Blue Butterfly's storm summoner just it. >Chloe dies again in one of endings (unpredictable) It gives you a lesson: You shouldn't have used your power.And you shouldn't play this game.Now erase your choices and cry like a bitch. >The other ending's short but it's less cliché than other.We saved Chloe,storm's hit the town and gone.That's it >So, once again we got the fact that our ending always will be BAE>Bay
Elijah Long
The cutest
Carter Cooper
As Max and Chloe are leaving the ruins of Arcadia Bay behind, there's one more tragic story unfolding >Alice and Lisa stuck in Max's room, Alice hasn't eaten anything in days, the dorms are destroyed and no one comes looking for them >"No one's gonna come save us, this is the end, we'll starve to death..." >Alice...you can survive this and go back to your owner. All you have to do is... all you have to do is eat me." >"What? No, fuck that. Lisa, you're my number one priority, I'm not eating you!" >"Alice, think about it... how many times this week did you try to nibble my leafs? I'm a plant, Alice, you're a bunny, maybe it's time I accept my destiny... OUR destiny." >"Lisa, I can't make this choice!" >"No Alice, you're the only one who can"
Okay lads now I put some messy info(s) to the order and due to some changes during in the development I added some small info(s) to it. Some labelization MIGHT be changed though so I'm warning you (like junkyard and hospital thing My previous leaks contexts weren't incorrect but like I said some of them changed and some of their context now outdated things but they've changed small parts of it so don't worry... (Do not freak out, hot scene,adorable scenes didn't get cut, actually these infos have more context than you thought so I will give raw details, but note those adorable moments at the end of post)
So as my source confirmed and as betatester friend pal said, Episode 3 will start at the Rachel's house (in order words will continue from where did it end) When Rachel went to upstairs angrily, you will have chance to talk with her family and get some informations. Then as you know, you will go upstairs and will inspect Rachel's room. When you interacted with her, you will make some heart-to-heart talk and Chloe will try to comfort her (at some point, whatever you said to Rachel earlier ''going LA,NY etc.) will be also mentioned while you were trying to comfort her. Rachel will want Chloe to stay and yes damn, they will fallasleep together, will cuddle in bed.
After you fell asleep dream sequence will take place. Of course heavy point will be focused on William's warning words and journal Max (she won't be in dream sequence unfortunately,they cut it as I mentioned in my other post) Chloe will wake up and we will have some adorable interact with Rachel again:D and talk with her. After some point, you will get chance to exchange clothes and can wear Rachel's flannel too. You can expect some romantic/hot scene in this section too if you are cloud9... (At this time Steph will also text to you :D) Bear in mind, they will be all like ''runawaytogether' so they will dedicated themselves to it
Jaxson Nguyen
Dylan Wood
Weightlifting is important.
Matthew Parker
Best time for kisses in the morning are after they've brushed their teeth but before they've had breakfast. Not like they won't kiss whenever they feel like it anyway. You can't stop those two.
Jordan Reyes
After these... American Rust will get mentioned (you get what I mean) and they will go there to see the truck. Cringy guy Eliot's confrontation's consequence context kinda changed comparing to my early info. Actually no matter if you say ''No,maybe etc.'' to him -surely this will kinda alter dialogues yet, whatever you've read/done in his room actually will matter and unlock extra dialogues. Yes, Rachel will be with us while this was happenning and rescue us and yes this faggot always will show his creepiness. I also want to add, this kid is mentally fucked up; obsession/perversion/creepiness level in overdrive.
Advice scene at Hospital Steph didn't got changed so... details in my other post anyway :D Damon still will be on Drew's ass so he will also get in trouble too though
According to what my source say (warning you though, this might be still cut though) we will seperate from Rachel by reasoning you are gonna meet with drug dealer again. Chloe will want to regain truck parts and we will have some interact with Frank (No lads, there will be no interaction between Rachel and Frank in this episode neither) we will borrow some money to our runaway money and meanwhile we will get some info(s) about Sera and Damon... (things will get stranger in here)
When we decided to go junkyard (since we planned to meet Rachel at there) Chloe will get warning that Rachel is in trouble. Chloe will be obviously get worried as hell since something may happen to Rachel.
Aaand our famous Damon confrontation and Sera reveal will happen. They will,obviously, have cliché Daughter-Mom conversation and Sera will explain Rachel that *where is she exactly coming from and is?* even her bracelet... Of damn course expect some supernatural events in here to and as I always say, Sera and Rachel are tied to it and in some deep stuff. More than you think.
Chase Fisher
From what I heard, ending choices' exoterical kinda changed, YET, main context still will be there to mainly testing Rachel and Chloe's bond (keeping Rachel to herself or letting her that ez) and obviously these ending choices will be connected with Sera. Expect some ''feels'' from Sera's part at this point; but bear in mind that Rachel will always come back to her Chloe:)
Josiah Howard
About epilogue... You will see where Chloe's blue hair came from and obviously it came from Rachel.After some tragedy got ended they will go to Chloe's house and Rachel will inspect her room while Chloe got nervous as hell again :D For those who asked if we are gonna see kiss scene again at the endings: As we always told you, Chloe and Rachel's relationship won't get ruined no matter what. There are some few different variations (like Kiss scene in neighbour) Rachel didn't get encouraged thing-slow burn romance thing-passionate romance thing etc. etc. and of course those variations will change some dialogues and *actions;);)* in there. Yes, if you got kiss, especially passionate kiss you will be get rewarded so damn hard.
Now let's talk about hot/romance scenes again... Throughout whole game these will be the something you will encounter with in every dialogue and comfy scenes. If your intimacy is Cloud9 (higher than 5 and got passionate kiss) things will get more intense. Even if you couldn't get passionate kiss this doesn't mean you won't encounter with *something*. In this chapter we have two kisses (with variations again) along with romantic conclusions and some coughHOTcough scene. Like I said, make it cloud9 and make that hot scene mooree intense
Evan Lewis
Always kiss the Price
Sebastian Nelson
>episode 3 ends >everyone is happy and Rachel and Chloe are totally in love >ominous music plays and it cuts to Blackwell as Jefferson is welcomed to Blackwell by Principal Wells >Rachel is walking in the corridor and Jeffersons eyes track her and follow her >pic related is his face >cut to black >"play life is strange to see the conclusion of Rachel and Chloes story!"
How would you react?
Joseph Foster
Cutest girl with the cutest wife
Parker Hernandez
>"play life is strange to see the conclusion of Rachel and Chloes story!" I'd have to sue Zak for ruining my sides.
Nathaniel Nguyen
Cutest girl with the cutest girlfriend.
Levi Brown
Extra stuff about Episode 3 and why did they cut that part in dream sequence
As I told you before, that thing Max's physically appearence in dream sequencemay be or may not be released. They chose to cut it because their original intention was gonna either making her talk or either seeing her physically -which was they were gonna go with. Though, they found this unnecessary and kept that character's presence for future episode. Ah, but it's not like you won't feel that character's presence in nightmare still. You just don't see her physically and while talking.
About scene labelization; remember I mentioned about some rumours and some user's assumption about we are gonna start the game at Amber's house, I told him it was pretty much hitting nail on the head. I also my source also saying the same thing with betatester so. yes, it's certainly confirmed that Rachel and Chloe will spend the night together and you can expect some coughhotromanticcough moments in there too
Landon Baker
based guldo poster anyways ill sue for false advertisement. i can afford lawyers
Daniel Hill
i'd probably have to kill myself
Brayden Cox
That works too.
Zachary Sanders
this is the user with the beta tester friend, while i trust them don't shoot the messenger if it's not exact That eliot confrontation that other person was talking about is true, they said it may happen in the junkyard and thats right, in fact thats actually where the ep 3 promo pic comes from (where rachel looks defensive and chloe looks scared) rachel will defend chloe during eliot's creepiness as previously stated Chloe is gonna visit drew/mikey in the hospital depending on your choices you will get more info about damon here but also the highly anticipated Steph conversation we thought was gonna be in episode 2 rachel's gonna get into some trouble with sera and damon (hence the ep 3 teaser) which prompts chloe to freak out and go after her. toward the middle/end of the ep rachel suggests chloe dyes her hair, they go to her house and do it (depending on choices this might be a romance thing) i know this might seem weird considering chloe just thought rachel was kidnapped or something im try to get more info on the exact there will be some big shock moment that you won't see coming toward the ep with Sera yes there will be a kiss also info leaker mentioned the steph scene i just found out about too already! i think you guys are gonna like it... alot of people are asking if there will be more rachel and chloe scenes/a happy ending...a hard yes to both ;) it will also be explained why sera is connected to ONLY frank in james' files yes, rachel will go see chloe's house (its where they dye her hair)
max will NOT be in dream, in an early build she was but not now the ep starts off...in Rachel's house talking about sera, like many people suspected you are going to see rachel's room ;) there will be about 6 variations of the ending (may vary) alot determined on your relationship with rachel
Aiden Rodriguez
I want to marry Hannah!
Michael Powell
Would Rachel still like cripple Chloe?
Hunter Perez
I'd sue them for false advertisement the subsequent investigation would prove me right. I'd get millions in settlement and would use it to hire Zak to write an actual sequel.
Adam Murphy
now about this release date this thrusday they're going to announce the voice actors for the farewell episode which is why i don't think they'll announce this episode the same day as this. a rough estimate would be nov 30th- farewell VAs dec 5th- "coming soon" picture dec 6th- teaser dec 7th- trailer dec 14- episode
Noah Campbell
Embrace the dread
Adrian Carter
>ending choices' exoterical kinda changed
What does this mean?
John Hill
Obviously no. Since she Chloe didn't know who she was.
Cripple Chloe dies alone and and in pain. Clinging on to that last feeling of being alive with max.
Rachel knew Chloe was crippled. So she decided "nope not interested"
Ayden Rivera
Alternate timeline Max would have let her die alone too if she didn't already run into Chloe again in another timeline and realize she fucked up.
Rachel didn't know Chloe at all in that timeline, and Max was still just as distant.
Angel Wilson
That's why it's a good thing vortex max gets charged with murder when prime max leaves
Blake Robinson
I wonder if the Vortex Max who main Max didnt make euthanize Chloe would just stand up and walk away and never visit again or she would actually keep contact until Chloe's respiratory system failed and she died.
Robert Wood
All these terrible possibilities are why I go with believing there's only one timeline. Also because it's the only idea that makes sense to me with the way things are shown and it's the only way choices have any weight to them.
Kayden Sanders
Hard to say how that would have played out. It's very to difficult to be close to someone in that kind of condition simply because of the immense amount of baggage that comes along with it, but I think that if Rachel knew her, she would have still liked her and have been her friend.
But that was another life, a lot of things were very different.
Josiah Stewart
logic? what's that it's about GROWING UP
Jackson Morales
Are we going to hear 'Burn it down' at all?
Nathan Scott
the one situation in which Jefferson is based when he eventually drugs and kills Max, you can see that vortex Nathan is buttering her up like he was Victoria.
Max deserves death if she abandons Chloe
Brody Thompson
Implying her girlfriend Victoria Chase and best bro Nathan Prescott wouldnt hire best lawyers in the country to get her out of it with no charges
Josiah Evans
Cutest couple in Arcadia Bay, Seattle, wherever they are, and across any and all timelines. >Say cheese
Kevin Roberts
Daniel Sanders
They're good friends and their crush is cute.
Thomas Sullivan
good thing Jefferson kill all three. the one situation where Jeffy is useful.
Dominic Foster
More and more people in this general need to be put on meds.
Tyler Reyes
esto es el fin jefferson
Xavier Rogers
I don't want it to ever end
Evan Rodriguez
kissing for 10h straight would be exhausting
Robert Cruz
I know! I'll always love how Max tucks her head into Chloe's neck when they hug. I think Chloe would do the same to Max every now and then.
It may have been the beginnings of a crush when they were younger and before they separated...now it's something unstoppable. The single biggest thing that drives them to follow their dreams and be the best they can be.
Jackson Gutierrez
Lincoln Thompson
>It may have been the beginnings of a crush when they were younger and before they separated I guess that's why Vortex Max didn't even bother checking up on Chloe, huh.
Bentley Thompson
Same here, user.
Austin Perez
I only played through it once so far but whenever i watched playthroughs i realized that the kiss scene itself changes depending on your previous choices.
Xavier Turner
Este es sólo el comienzom, puta
Cameron Parker
From the sounds of it Rachel and Chloe might make a go at it in episode 3.
Luke Morgan
no one crushes on their childhood friends unless they would be into incest
Caleb Brooks
Too adorbs
Joseph Flores
>implying it wouldn't become a landmark Right to Die case and Max wouldn't get off with probation, and the Supreme Court would finally acknowledge the right of the terminally ill to die on their own terms
Robert Phillips
Everything will come to an end, even your obsession with the game. I know it sounds weird to think about the possibility of this now, but it will happen.
Lincoln Richardson
>I'll always love how Max tucks her head into Chloe's neck when they hug. I think Chloe would do the same to Max every now and then. It's super sweet. c:
Jason Wood
Incest is good
Aaron Hughes
>even your obsession with the game >/lisg/ - Life is Strange General #654 Heh.
Christopher Miller
t-tongue action
Camden Scott
Episode 3 ending scene leaked footage
Caleb Ross
funny hearing it from you
Andrew Cruz
From what I have heard they have kinda changed their shapes but dont worry nothing major had changed. Main measage/context will be there. They will be tough choice yet it wont destroy Rachel and Chloe's@relationship. It is all on Sera
From what I heard again(if they didnt change it), they are gonna use Hope and All I wanted from daughter. And different soundtrack from different artist like broods
Dylan Howard
Episode 3 leaked concept art
Matthew Davis
>the three girls arrived back at Chloe's, Joyce and David were out so that saved Max from a delay or long explanation to her sudden return to Arcadia Bay >she drank a large glass of water to rejuvenate herself, and went to the bathroom to clean her face from her nose bleed >she returned to Chloe's bedroom to find Rachel and Chloe sitting >"Well Caulfield, whats going on? whats this all about" >Max went inside her bag and pulled out Rachel's missing poster and a photo of Chloe and Max from later on in the year and placed them in front of the two girls
>"this is why. I'm from the future, Chloe. I know you and Rachel were together, you told me, i came to study at Blackwell and by that time she had been missing for six months, i discovered i had the ability to rewind time, and together me and you worked out what happened to her. she was drugged by Nathan and taken to a bunker where Jefferson takes creepy photos of the drugged girls, Rachel you were overdosed and you died, Me and Chloe found you buried in the Junkyard" >Rachel looked horrified at the missing poster, "this is one month from now...oh god...i had no idea about those two" >Nathan and Jefferson were brought to justice...but that didn't bring you back...i was with Chloe and supported her, but she became a shell of her former self without you. so i did what i thought impossible, i came back using the biggest rewind i ever attempted, and that's what caused my collapse, my power takes a lot out of me. >"Chloe. i couldn't bear to see like that. i had to do this" >Chloe stood up and gave Max a massive hug, as did Rachel >"oh my god Max, i wouldn't have known, you've saved both of us, i don't know what i would do if that happened" >"i do" said Max sadly "i stopped you from two suicide attempts, so that's when i told you i would go back and save Rachel. To save you. I don't think i ever saw you as happy as when i told you i was going back" >Chloe started to cry at the prospect of such a thing
Michael Smith
Isaac Johnson
zak is checking dubs on the wrong side
Aiden Baker
>I have heard they have kinda changed their shapes but dont worry nothing major had changed Interesting, thanks as always leakanon
I'm excited but still nervous about it.
Jack Mitchell
And then they took Max to the psych ward
Juan Diaz
Are you ready for the twist? Chloe doesn't try blue first.
Lucas Morgan
photographic evidence and future Chloe's intel proves her story
Michael Cook
Actually I'm talking about myself too, it's just weird thinking about that I would still be here for like +10 years ahead (if /lisg/ still existed by then).
Michael Edwards
>but bear in mind that Rachel will always come back to her Chloe:) S1 says otherwise
Wyatt King
Episode 3 Preview
Cooper Gray
I just was going by this image that was leaked many months ago.
Brandon Lewis
That's the fun though. That image might be totally valid or have been utterly changed by now. We never know until they release this son of a bitch! Aren't you excited?
Justin Long
Episode 3 spoilers, don't look
Brandon Wilson
Quite the contrary.
Leo Perez
>Wenchel'd been sleping with Frank and Jefferson >Wenchel'd been sucking them both off >They both had cum into her mouth multiple times >Wenchel'd been licking their cum off their dick with her tongue >Wenchel'd been kissing Chloe with her tongue >Wenchel'd been feeding Chloe Frank's and Jefferson's cum every time they kissed >Chloe'd been ingesting Frank's and Jefferson's cum every time she kissed Wenchel >Chloe kisses Max with her tongue >...
Jordan Wright
What the fuck is wrong with you user?
Alexander Hernandez
Someone call Fernando Maxyne is on a spergout again
Owen Wilson
I don't get the idea that you're opposed to this for some reason.