You get to turn any male servant into a woman, but you have to turn a female servant into a man.
Charles Cruz
Don't lewd Abby!
Hunter Cooper
Artoria becomes a man, Arthur becomes a woman
Parker Fisher
Fionn Bunyan
Hunter Russell
Cooper Brown
Arthur into Arthurette and Artoria into Artorius.
Luis Rogers
Wyatt Perry
Holmes Turn Shitz into a man.
Jason Allen
Joshua Roberts
Solomon, Saber Alter.
Ethan Roberts
King Hassan turns into a girl Scathach turns into a boy
Cameron Rogers
Munenori I want a cool obaasan Musashi
Gabriel Miller
Christopher Brown
Ushi a cute.
David White
Shut up Yog.
Brayden Diaz
I need to rub my penis against Abigail's keys
Connor Wright
Michael Sanders
Siegfried Altera
Evan Green
Dantes into a woman Jing Ke into a man
Brody Hughes
Jeremiah Powell
NAcuck will defend this
Charles Thompson
>Yog Isn't it Sut actually
Jack Reyes
Kriem when are you gonna get in the gacha?
Justin Walker
Post the picture with roman escaping from reality
Joshua Gray
I was going pretty much for NP5, I blow 400 quartz and 31 tickets to get them. The last 3 copies came out in the last 120 quartz, I was panicking back then since I failed to roll them the first time and almost failed the second time.
Benjamin Ward
>kokoro >not goes all out with "cocoro" What the fuck NA translator.
Benjamin Wright
Liam Hill
hime cut?
Jacob Russell
Moriarty was the best designed character this year
Carson Fisher
Karna Ushi
Brandon Ross
Do you think Abigail would resist if I unzipped and started having sex with her keyhole?
Adrian Hall
+ Pink
Michael Anderson
Merlin into a woman Jing Ke into a man
Connor Hall
There's an eye in that keyhole user
Joseph Fisher
this man speaks the truth
Sebastian Price
When Siegfried get his buff
Adrian Thompson
Does your city looks like a shitty version of Fuyuki? Mine does resemble a little bit. Post yours /fgog/
Ryan Fisher
Gawain Jingke
Chase Flores
evens throw a ticket for Circe odds don't
Liam Thomas
>Third sprite in the first panel >Turns into first sprite when his glasses are knocked off
Jacob Peterson
rolling but for KH
Jackson Mitchell
man i didnt event notice her panties were transparent
Zachary Robinson
As expected of Raita.
Wyatt Rivera
Even better.
Jordan Adams
The glasses were keeping his Saint Graph in place
Nolan Taylor
He remains one of my favorite designs to date actually. I feel that if Carter eventually became a servant he could top him if they went all the way with him, like making him an outer god hunter in a deerstalker cap
Christopher Thomas
I love every single one of his Servants. Raita is the best thing to happen to this game.
Henry Barnes
Just make it a bloodborne collab and get Carter to be one of the hunters who lived through the Hunter's Dream or something
Ryder Edwards
>all of them are great except for Raicow this is why you don't let your dick dictate what you draw
William Reyes
Gil Shielder
Jordan Hill
What the fuck?
Gavin Parker
Yak Sut Thoth is the same guy.
Dominic Hernandez
Post Grails.
Wyatt Perez
I hate his stupid cape
Grayson Scott
Gavin Jenkins
Typhon got a mention! Somewhat! Yay!
Hunter Clark
Camden Scott
Raikou is disgusting. The others are great though.
Jaxon Cox
Dylan Jenkins
Stop, please. I swore not to fap at all this month.
Adam Robinson
Noah Ross
It's Magi Mari.
Levi Thomas
Christian Ramirez
Good job.
Grayson Green
my wife is very slut
Oliver Lopez
>see that your waifu gets an actual lewd doujin focused on them soon >it's likely to get scanned >it's some weird fucked up shit
Kayden Reyes
William James
And now we wait for Moby Dick
Ian Edwards
damn. just like my wife ;_;
Elijah Stewart
did we really need another fucking order with Robin forced into it
I'm so tired of this fucker being in more shit than Liz
Lincoln Reyes
Eat shit Lizfag
Ryan Moore
I really like Ahab's design. When is he getting into FGO?
Anthony Mitchell
>wanting more Liz at all
Caleb Jones
>fujoshit is the most well received EoR >still shove waifushit downs our throath
Luis Williams
Who wrote Eor 2 again?
Brayden Ortiz
I meant that Liz is already forced in every shit and Robin is even more so
Brayden Edwards
Keeping some for zealot in case she gets added but beyond that not sure who to grail since none have given me enough desire to invest in them.
Isaiah Gonzalez
blame takeuchi
Gabriel Rogers
Stupid sexy Raiko
Joshua Collins
Minase, the writter for prisma anime, not the one who does the manga.
Noah Garcia
The most profitable gachas are still waifu gachas.
Isaac Sanchez
How are Shinjuku and Shimosa Fujoshit?
Jaxon Sullivan
The alters were all over your dick that chapter so not really
Eli Wright
>still forcing this headcanon saber alter cares more about that fucking dog than you
They were too deep in their schedule, we know Minami recorded her lines for Summer Nito on the first week of march so they probably couldn't do anything
David Lewis
Fuck off, the main reason our male characters are good is because they aren't just Fujo pandering bullshit like SideM. And I'm assuming the fujos are also into that, so it'd be shitting on both sides to just give us straight up fujoshit.
Wyatt Rivera
Best EXTRA and EoR heroine.
Elijah Barnes
don't forget the best part
Christopher Foster
Who is the most neglected poster child
my vote goes for Ushi, she was presented as the face of the Rider class during launch, and only appeared on CEs or as a secondary character in filler events. The first time she gets a spot in the main story, she gets eaten and turned into royalty
Sebastian Taylor
Shinjuku had Moriarty, Holmes, Dantes, Demiya and Yan Qing. No idea why Shimosa would be a fujoshit order.
Dylan Sanders
>Shinjuku have Reddit Alter and Burgermon as main helper who are well-received >Shimosa focus solely on Musashi >muh fujoshit No
Connor Gonzalez
Wait, they are not gay, right?
Hudson Martin
Thomas Edwards
Most of them are neglected. mephisto, Ushi, GigaNigga, Jekyll, Altera...
Michael Johnson
Aiden Stewart
Are you joking? She's like one of the FGO faces that managed to get some presence. Look at shit like Mephisto, now that's neglected