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Don't shoot at him

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I want to bully Genji until he cries!

Here comes T.Racer!


I wish Tracer was straight.


>Blizzard gave all these shitters a hero that just requires you to hold M2 and follow movement.
>But wait there's more..!
>You can press E while holding M2 so you shoot out energy balls.
>There are people that still can't kill Genji.

Junkrat's passive is fucking annoying

>another day goes by
>another day where Blizzard doesn't acknowledge Mei's existence

You have to be tip top bad for it to effect you at all.

But Tracer's fine.


new comic when

12nd for reaper is a pedophile

Silver is truly the best rank. Any comp is viable and the toxicity is just right.

Jesus christ. What a fucking abomination.

December 20th for your yearly gay reveal.

It's gonna be a guy, they wouldn't only have 2 gay females.

more like CANT shoot him! AM I RIGHT? lmao

This game is starting to depress me

It's so disheartening to see that someone can be in same rank as me playing some shit like Mercy or Junkrat

Like what's the point of trying to have good aim and be mechanically excellent when you can faceroll your way into same "skill" level with half the effort

>enemy team has a genji
>insta lose

Don't set yourself up thinking every Christmas is gay reveal time.

How does this image make you feel?

Events are yearly user.

I'm sure we'll be getting another 10 pages of nothing with shitty art and mistakes a couple weeks from now.

The fact Cultist has absolutely no lewds whatsoever is outrageous

>Genji is never bad, always good, and can 1v1 any hero in the game with his overpowered kit
>Moira is a gimmick healer

I don't understand your logic.

Threadly reminder that defense hero are underpowered annoying pieces of shit besides junkrat, he's a borderline overpowered annoying piece of shit that add nothing to the game beside enabling cancer shitter comps and that removing them will only make the game better symmetra included, widowmaker simply doesn't belong in this game


Since Tracer presents as male, would it be better to be examined by another man?

The Genji in that picture is a child user.

How are they annoying if they are underpowered? Aren't overpowered heros harder to deal with and therefore more annoying? I am much more annoyed by tracer/Genji deciding every match in diamond than torb being useless.

>gimmicky hero
She's probably the second most powerful healer in the game right now

>you will never throw your load all over the face of an egyptian goddess

Gay reveals aren't.

Yes, your point being?

Tracer presents as a female. Fuck off with your shitty forced meme.

Now now user, there's no need to be so insecure about yourself, cheer up!

>spread turret everywhere
>constantly need to look for them
>not annoying
Same with mei, she's basically useless, but the fact she can stall for what, 4 second is annoying. Same with the freeze that slows your aim

desu we need more old ana with her eye restored

>Torb throws shit turret somewhere
>Any hero can 1v1 it easily
>Torb himself is just useless beyond shitting out armor and ulting, useless 80% of the time

>Tracer one clips most of the roster
>Has no good counters
>Can escape most situations by pressing one button
>Can 1v6 enemy team if good enough
>Genuinely throwing if your team doesn't have one and the enemy does

Who is more annoying.

>Can 1v6 enemy team if good enough
>Genuinely throwing if your team doesn't have one and the enemy does

I've literally never seen this happen

when i play tracer i get insanely shut down if the enemy has a torb because no one on my team will destroy it

That doesn't mean she got through that incident completely intact psychologically

>mccree just shoot the tiny hitbox who regenerates her entire health in 2 seconds
>just kill her how hard can it be????

>get 30+ k/d
>still lose


True, but just even more old ana would do it for me tbf

This. They need to be weekly

i think mcree's flashbang should detonate only on impact with a surface or an enemy

>McCree counters tracer
>McCree has to shoot Tracer
>Tracer has to shoot in the general direction of McCree, the spread, RoF, and 240 DPS takes care of the rest

Really gets the nig nogging.

>Tracer one clips most of the roster

find me a tracer player who one clip hero with reliability

>Has no good counters

you're just dumb at this point.

>Can escape most situations by pressing one button

like dva, genji, widow, reaper, ect

>Can 1v6 enemy team if good enough

it's literally impossible to 1v6 with tracer. stop being retarded.

>Genuinely throwing if your team doesn't have one and the enemy does

I said stop.

TLDR:try to play tracer, idiot.

God, I hate Emily so much. I wonder if it's her her character or the artstyle, but they seem to work perfectly together, presenting the most disgusting piece of shit ever drawn.

Why do they keep hiring this artist?

Much like people who defend Genji, your opinion is trashed. You get defensive when your overpowered I win class gets challenged so you hiss because you fear silver where you truly belong.

But Tracer was already damaged psychologically before. That won't stop her from being nice and friendly like always.


honestly nerfing her dps to 180-200 would be a fair nerf

Today was the first snow for me this year! Time to make hot cocoa and play some Overwatch.

>chu keeps teasing there is another gay hero
I hate to admit it, but there is non-zero chance that this will happen

Wow she is so fucking ugly.

Why are there so little tracers in silver but so many genjis?

Just reduce her range so she can't stay outside of flashbang range and still delete 200 HP heros.

She has none of the drawbacks the mobile scout type character has.

Tracer is a hero that requires you to be able to play her and reward good players making them able to shit on less skilled one. Most of the defense heros revolve around cheap mechanics like auto aim, instakill and slows effects. Or requires zero skill whatsoever to shut down skillful player (junkrat)
I'd take a game where if i die is because the enemy player is better then me, not because his hero allows him to kill me without even aiming. Apparently i'm in the minority considering how much people cry for mei, symmetra and torbjorn buffs

tracer doesn't need nerfs she is in fine power balance wise

it's not her fault she is one of the few heroes that can actually kill enemies effectively, this game feels like shit on a lot of heroes exactly for the reason that it feels like pushing rope trying to outdamage all the healing

>lemons in coffee

I get defensive when retard who never played tracer still think she's some sort of unstoppable god because they played against one. and if you think she's OP, You're the one who belong in silver.

And this is the great fucking reveal. They made Tracer gay just to pair her with this ugly goblin. OW team is a shame to Blizzard, I can't believe they've fallen so low.

You fool, you absolute buffoon, that's hot Dr Pepper

because you have to aim with tracer and even t500 players cant land the fucking bomb

>American education

I will never forgive Chu for her creation and preventing Winston and Tracer from being together as they rightfully should.

c'mon dude

Move to Egypt and fuck a 70 year old

Tracer rewards being good(240 DPS hitscan) and rewards you for being bad (Full health on demand get out of jail free card). This is why she's overpowered. She is good at everything and bad at nothing. Contrast that with torb, who is bad at plenty of things and good at nothing.

Reminder Tracer was never confirmed gay before the slipstream event THEREFORE she clearly felt every dick future her would take (being such a raging slut) and it scrambled her brain into lesbianism

thats because she doesnt have a close range burst weapon
tf2s beta had this exact problem back when the scout had the smg instead of the scattergun, limiting range doesnt solve anything because the problem comes from a combination of consistent damage output and superior mobiliy
the scatterguns long reload and harsh punishment for missing are what balance the scout, without those hes busted

That just proves she is a hopelessly mind-fucked psychotic



Tracer's no good at long range or at area denial. She can't get to high places easily either.

Tracer is fine because she rewards skill and is hard to pickup for your average tardlet silver, genji however
>Countered by literally nothing unless his dash is on cooldown
>both of his abilities are get out of jail free cards
>No aim required
>No brain required
>Highest mobility in the game
>ult is basically guaranteed 2 kills unless you're a tardlet

>rewards you for being bad
Are you that retarded? She need recall because she is a fucking flanker, meaning she's alone behind the enemy team, and without it she cannot reliably engage the enemy because she has 150 hp. Torbjorn needs to be underpowered otherwise you have endless stale defense rounds because he could 1v1 people reliably+getting free damage from the turret+shitting armor for his team

>long reload and harsh punishment for missing are what balance the scout

This is why scout is balanced and tracer is not. A bumbling retard can teleport to someone, mash lmb and shred their health and recall to safety with no drawback or counterplay if they get fucked.

She's just 60 though

Except that no one below diamond complains about Tracer, in higher ranks it's an absolute nightmake to deal with her, especially in solo queue.
With that said I don't think her kit needs any nerfs, but I do t hink she needs a hard counter that forces her to switch.

>gets a lot of skins
>immune to Blizz balance
>Fun to play
Tracer is the best

Recall become irrelevant when most of the hero can oneshot you without difficulty.

And stop using her theoretical DPS to prove a point. With this logic, widow is also super OP for being able to kill an entire team in less than 7 seconds.

It's a shame that she's a character in a Blizzard game, though.

>She needs the get out of jail free card or she could be punished for being a shitter!

I agree. We can't have that now can we? It's not enough she has a teleport dash or 240 dps she also has to have a recovery ability. Tracer players, much like Genji players, would be lost in a world without crutches.

>immune to blizzard balance
Because all the sperging gold in /owg/ still haven't understood that she's the baseline for balance in this game. Blizzard also released a support hero that cannot reliably killed by tracer, making her life a nightmare with the damaging orbs because they force recall

Don't forget
>infinite butthurt everytime she gets new content
>never ever will get nerfed, cue more butthurt

Literally /ourgirl/

They really missed an opportunity for more progressive points by making Tracer just a lesbian instead of a transwoman or non-binary

tracer has stayed the exact same for a huge amount of time and she has waxed and waned out of the meta multiple times solely based on how well she fits the rest of the meta

when tracer is being played a lot it is because of what is happening with rest of the hero balance, so it would be stupid to nerf her OR buff her if it was one of those metas where she isn't played that much

Widow is OP, snipers in shooters as a concept was a mistake

McCree, the flanker counter, gets shit on by the flankers harder than anyone else. Let him do 75 damage a shot so he can one shot tracer on a head shot.


How about fixing flashbang instead?

>she needs a hard counter that forces her to switch.
hard counters are shit design, stop posting

nah, it's fairly 50/50 when good mccree goes against good genji or tracer. mccree is in fine balance aswell, he could use getting the delay removed from dead eye fire though because it just feels clunky


I just found a Bridal Cordelia from the very last orbs I could get so I'm in the mood for some shitty Christmas hat photoshops! Send me your pics!

Who would he main, /owg/?

>Moira damage orb now capped at 100 per hero

There Moira is perfectly balanced forever

The only time tracer wasn't used was triple tank when Ana was busted. She has been comfortably A tier all other times.

Flashbang being a shitty ability is besides the point. Tracer does not need to enter flashbang range to ruin McCree.