League of legends general /lolg/

Best waifu edition

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What champion do you play when you're feeling down, lolg?

xth for my wife Syndra

full ap singed

>Lethality Jarvan
This is fucking stupid

Yorick. Call me crazy but his voice Is relaxing and calms me even if he is talking about death and shit.

Cute. Perfect. My wife.


Syndra is made for big black cock

xth for /pololg/

Jarvan is the best tank/assassin hybrid.

Though I think he's the only tank/assassin hybrid left since the Poppy rework.

wrong, that would be you

>11 minutes in
>Top is 3/4
>Jungle is 0/4
>ADC is 0/6
>Supp is 2/8
>I haven't died once but I also have only one assist and have fallen behind in farm trying to salvage the situation

Fucking fuck fucker's fucked.

cute lulu

nunu or ivern


post your hitlers

he got reworked into juggernaut status but technically Garen was the original tank/assassin

If we could stop being /pol/ and go back to wanting to fuck our waifus, that'd be great

nunu any role ghost cleanse

I like your dedication to you're waifu Syndranon but
don't you ever sleep, how do you manage to post in every thread?

I feel like tank Jarvan is far lethality Jarvan and in pro play I see way more tank Jarvan.

good shit

+1 for Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums EUW
only white europeans allowed

where is all his hard CC?

Jarvan can't be a juggernaut, he has mobility. The whole point is that they have to be immobile.

you have to go back

It is, but that's more a testament to how fucking good Jarvan all around when even his inferior cheese build is better than a lot of champs building optimally.

>Reading comprehension

I do sleep, sometimes I'll post late in the thread, aka when I'm sleeping

i'm black and you wouldn't notice if I joined. Try to stop me faggot.

Oh I read that as two separate parts.
>Jarvan got reworked into juggernaut
>but garen is the original

Well, Korean soloqueue is favoring assassin J4 and they're prone to following/setting the pro meta.
Could just be preseason but J4 has always been a very strong assassin.

Reminder that just yesterday RIOT uploaded a video mocking all the niggerballers who claimed league isn't a real sport.

>tfw joined and i'm black
guess who i am

im genetically engineered to change colours to my surroundings am i allowed to join if i sit on a dark chair

If the threads late at night weren't so slow, you'd probably miss one every once in a while

based user

Do you think Soraka could pull this one off ?

How to identify a shitter:

1. They complain about Zoe

The problem with lethality Jarvan is that if you miss your combo you are screwed (because you have no way out) and you will die unless the enemy is a bunch of monkeys. I only like it when I am snowballing super hard that lol I missed but it don’t matter.

>Arch Enemy

I have no idea, because shes always banned. She might as well not be part of the game.

>reddit spacing
opinion discarded

That should be Aatrox, not Vaarus

Thanks have some more.

Rhaast is not gay

basically imagine Kassadin with pre rework Nid spears for his Q and a shorter range ashe arrow for his E.

Thots are amazing and i love them

>Those 2 ionian poofters
Why do darkin choose faggots as their hosts?

I guess that's true too, infact sometimes rarely I miss one while sleeping.

Top Nunu with Transcendence and all CDR items

It actually made the whole thing more pathetic. Videogames are neither sport or art.

>ywn miss your shitpost because Syndra wants to cuddle in the morning and refuses to let you get out of bed

trynd and kayn are not gay AFAIK

that's what phoneposting is for

Aurelion Sol

his release remind me of my comfy days in high school


t. NFLcuck
>tfw handegg will die in your lifetime

>implying she isn't clinging to you so tightly you can't reach over to your phone or hope to use it
>implying she isn't feeling devilish and forcing your compliance to the cuddling with her magic

it hurts, everytime
>Syndra will never take the phone off my hand and force me to go back to cuddling

I'm gonna play Jhin and try to trigger the bug as much as I can.
Wish me luck anons.

How do I become more aggressive as a jungler? Do I need to force ganks even if they aren't good?

I'm always the one with the least or 2nd least damage on the team no matter what champ, lee sin, maokai, hecarim even if I have a good kda

>tfw you lose your only friend who you also loved
I'm sorry, I know this is not related to League of Legends, but I don't have anyone else to talk to. What do I do now? Life just doesn't seem to be worth living anymore.

Best couple

>You try to reach for your phone
>she move it across the room with her magic so it's completely out of reach
>then she clings to you even tighter and uses her magic to make it so you can't stop holding onto her
>she ends up dozing off again laying on top of you while you can't move or do anything about it

new Camille skin when?

I'm having fun playing Miss Fortune support bros

>out of character waifufagging
If there are people who deserve eternal suffering it's these fags

I don't understand your post.
Laners are going to have more damage than you pretty much no matter what because they're spending more time chipping away constantly trading.
Damage dealt to champions isn't a full story.


>Syndra wouldn't be attached to her lover
>implying she'd have to force me to do it

>Syndra wouldn't be slightly controlling of the person she had romantic interest in
im not even syndrafag but what?

>pokimane is pregnant
uhhhhh lolbabs?

Shen or Jhin

Shen I can relax on. Jhin I can just fire away with.

my condolences, user

>implying she'd have to force me to do it
>implying she wouldn't enjoy being forceful anyway
She would totally be smugly controlling about it even if it wasn't nessecary

>Literally losing against /skg/

Okay thats fucking cool as a concept. And people are banking on warring kingdoms for her but I'm not really sure what they do.

This is like the first Evelynn image that actually makes me admit she looks cute. I think its the face mostly.

Go outside, to go a silent place with lots of trees.
Sit down, take a few deep breaths, you will realize life is still going on and your friend would like you to go on user.
Life is stil going on, the best thing you can do is to keep living your life fully, keep enjoying it and make your friend porud.

play singed, main him, run away from your problems, also what happened

Collapse into drugs, alcohol and meaningless sex

This is fucking embarrassing

hnng, my heart

>Taking a joke she said years ago seriously

any plat support mains wanna support me on my plat 2 smurf? just wanna play for fun

>sex king almost own goals
epic just epic
What a shit team

Just think of all of the sneaky things she could do and all the ways she could tease you

Lulu is the spookiest! THE SPOOKIEST!

Yeah, I'm seriously considering this.
I haven't lived my life fully and certainly haven't enjoyed it before this, so it's literally impossible now.
Not enough money for this.

does each hit of syndra ult reduce comet cooldown?

Comet CD can only be reduced by one tick of reduction every 0.5 seconds. So no

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums EVROPA +3 vidya

whats in it for me?

Which do you think is worse?
>Do well in lane
>Realize the other two lanes have fed a fuckton and are basically useless
>Do shit in lane
>Realize everyone else on your team did well
>Still lose


that's why it hurts
I tested it and it actually does, rune's limitations considered.

She's not getting warring kingdoms. Some guy on reddit analyses file contents and is able to tell who will have skins in the near-future. Camille isn't there and warring kingdoms come pretty early in the new year usually.

>no more brother wars
>EU still assblasted about brexit and is now literally building an army
>EU/Commonwealth hyperwar will be a thing in your lifetime
LMAOing at your life, europoor.

The first because I become frustrated that the loss wasn't my fault and there was nothing I can do.

Then this is a chance for you to do so user.
You need to figure out that life is still out there.
And do you think your ffriend would like to you to sit your ass down and fret your ass about him? Would he want you to turn into a depressed pussy after this?
I don't fucking believe that user. A good friend would want you to get your ass up and keep living, and to keep his memory strong as fuck in your heart
