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Toot toot

What do I do with dupes of ships, when my main one is already LBd

You level them for cheap fuel team and rotate grinding 24/7

feed to other botes or scrap for medals

Or you sell them for medals

Burn them for medals.

I want my sushi and I want her now


>She costs 50 oil per sortie, at LB0

I have Lexington at 55; worth using her over a BB?

My someway leveled BBs are Warspite, Rodney, Queen Elizabeth, Penn and Hood, all ranging from 48 to 60.

From the sounds of it, Hood/Warspite/Lexington sound like a good setup?

Thank fuck this game has standardized oil costs so she's not gonna cost more than 15 to deploy.

Literally the only girl what can force me to whale.

I want to protect uni-chan from all these bullies

Candy slut, I mean Radford.

but deep down she likes the bullying like the slut she is

From now on, whoever bullies Unicorn will be cursed by Sandy


dumb boats out in the cold





I want to impregnate Nelson and not take responsibility!

>Nelson and Liz have no chance in the polls
>Warspite barely 4th
Rodney got her skin already. Where's my swimsuit Nelson?

What did this dumb doggo mean by this?

It's a downright shame. QE is such an integral part of HMS teams combined with having no costumes yet she is struggling to even get into the top 10. Maybe one day she will get a costume.

Voting for backline skins is the dumbest shit ever since you never get to see their sprite in battle

Meanwhile Illustrious will probably get yet ANOTHER fucking skin.

You can't fap to sprites. I want new CG's.

hoping belfast beats her so she has a dress when I ring her

Hey I'm new, and have spent my gems so far on adding two slots to backyard.

What's the next most logical thing to buy? Should I get 5th slot next then keep some gems aside for when I'm able to get second floor? Is there something else that's very impactful I can spend gems on that I'm not aware of?

Who gives a fuck about sprites? It's all about having a pretty secretary to poke with your mouse.

>2 3d5
>1 hood
>3 takao
>2 warspite
>0 mikasa


I want to fuck this.

Laffey Refit that gets a permanent stat boost for every bottle of cola you feed her when?

Can i sacrifice these to the bote gods for a Mikasa.

How many cubes was that?

Ingame art looks too old, duh.

This is what happens when you drink too much cOILa.


>Decide to try some light ship construction for Belfast before claiming Akashi and diluting the SSR pool
Of course

>implying you'll get akashi when you add her into the pool anyway

I'm assuming what'll happen is I'll keep getting her after already using bulins on her

Extra ship slots is the only other thing I'm aware of.

I've bought 40 extra and am now saving for the fifth slot though, so I'm about as new as you are though, so grain of salt required.

Rings give +6 all stat boost. Should at least ring your entire PvP team.
Dock expansions are helpful as this is girls collection game and you'll run out of space very soon.

This is my food. I shall eat her.

So you want a girl who didn't even get to fire on other ships? She will be Japanese South Dakota probably.

Worthwhile costs are:

Expending backyard. Getting 5/5 is VERY beneficial as having 5 ships passively gaining 1000+ experience an hour is a huge boon. Added bonus is morale gain and small income of furniture coins from botes in the backyard.

Second floor (500). Lets you put your grind ships into the second floor of the backyard so morale degradation is no longer an issue, quite useful. Especially if you're grinding for stuff (fox mines, dog mines etc.)

Bote expansion slot (200 per 10 slots). 150 slots is simply not enough and it becomes a headache trying to empty your inventory constantly. Expanding beyond that makes your life much more comfortable. I currently have 200 slots and I'm happy with that amount as I no longer have to feed (or scrap) botes after every sortie.

Rings. Entirely optional and only if you want to give your waifus and/or esports botes a boost to their stats. May contain an additional costume (Hood, Akagi etc.). This is more of a long term thing and should only be feasible if you're willing to dump cash as F2P diamond gain doesn't really allow for lots of ring purchases.

After that it's down to costumes, which are purely aesthetic and not really worth it if you're F2P.

Welp, I've put in at least 200 constructions and no Hiei
Of note:
4 Warspite
1 Hood
2 Takao
3 Prinz Eugen
1 Mikasa
and like 15 of the BCs that are in the 4:10:00 time slot
Kill me

Thanks, very informative. I think I'll buy slots once and then finish up all backyard upgrades.

I just want my wife back. I ringed her in KC.

Well, I guess she's not that bad.

I wonder how'd it be if she had maxed skills.

Hopefully Enterprise wins the final block in either JP or CN.

She's just a cheaper Takao.

>Won't even be the same girl.
Ah how pathetic. As expected of Musashifags

In the farm guide it says what missions drop what ships but does that mean any battle or just the boss fight?

>decide to grind for the dogs since Long Island can only do me good for so long and my teams can auto 3-4 easily
>one week later
When does this nightmare end

Purple and below is any node. Gold is boss only.

aren't a few Purples Boss only like Myoukou?

When you see this screen duh

Kuroshio is so cute, i'm going to use her even if she's shit statwise.

The only exceptions are 9-3 Nicholas, 9-4 Niizuki and 10-4 Jintsuu which are boss only.

And a second Hood now

How can you be so sure? Maybe the same. Theres literally 0 info about her release yet.

Who's your favorite Fletcher-class?
I'm torn between Foote and Spence.

What is the best secondary weapon for Hood since she can't equip the triple 152mm against suicide boats?

I remember some anons asking about whether onaholes can be used to Retrofit or not. Soothe your fears.

If we're talking about the normies, Spence, ez.
If we're talking about general flavor, THE NICK

But if we're talking about being qt as fug, Fletcher herself takes the crown.
Soft megane does things to a man.

For PVE you can just use the brit dual 120mm. High RoF, good DPS and gives +25 FP.
Generally though it's the gold american dual 127mm. Longest range, fires HE, good DPS. Only gives +20 FP, though.

Thanks. Somehow went 1/5 for this.




3d5 a qt

it's just observer bias

I like Foote out of the lot. Spence is nice and all physically but I don't like her personality.



I'm making an LB'd Fletcher fleet and I chose Foote to go with Fletcher and Charles because she reminds me of pic related


It is me or they changed her voice?

So I really need oil, can I put my boats up for prostitution and get some oil from you guys?

4 more to go

Reminder to send your girls to school.

WTF? When we secondaries from JP are getting this?

>4 more to go
Use your golden onaholes.

but biribiri also needs them

When CN done with their testing.

now that's fast

he also has a ramming tier list

>top 3 hightest dodge
>slowest ship in the game
I don't even, why?

She is a destroyer escort and not a proper destroyer.

The fact this exists made me laugh out loud. Seeing DDs go full Sanic will never stop being amusing to me as they bounce around the screen.

HMS Campbelltown when? She is in WOWs you know.

Can someone tell me what's with Glowworm and her body attacks?

I remember she had a similar skill on ChinkColle.

Oh, right.

Isn't basically the only notable thing Gloworm did in actual history was ram into things?

>Glowworm was heavily damaged by Admiral Hipper, but still attempted to torpedo the German ship. In a last attempt the captain of the Glowworm ordered the crew to ram the German ship, which broke the bow off Glowworm, and she sank shortly afterwards.
>The collision broke off Glowworm's bow and the rest of the ship scraped along Hipper's side, gouging open several holes in the latter's hull and destroying her forward starboard torpedo mounting. One German sailor was knocked overboard by the collision. Hipper took on some 500 tonnes (490 long tons) of water before the leaks could be isolated

She was damaged and suicide rammed Admiral Hipper, although it didn't do much. Wish either of them referred the other.
