/@/ - The iDOLM@STER General

Previous iM@S Thread: Archive of materials: sites.google.com/site/yukipobackup/
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
Official upcoming events schedule: idolmaster.jp/schedule/index.php
Streaming music: shijou.moe/imas-radio
Material translations and discographies: pastebin.com/1J9zzA1p
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/pvwsEbjQ
Upcoming events and merchandise: pastebin.com/yu6rrC2t

New here? Check out the FAQ and Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv

>Event: 11/30 - 12/09 Live Parade (Hajime, Hiromi)
>Gacha: 11/30 - 12/10 (Mio, Chieri, Yukimi, Arisa)
>Party: 11/02 - 12/04
Cards: starlight.kirara.ca
Tracker: twitter.com/deresuteborder0
Resources: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1piHtf1IziDOKwRZQ3fPBXrFOd0tItW7pf2Kjqf_jkM8

>Event: 12/04 - 12/?? Platinum Star Theater "Dream Traveler"
>Gacha: 11/30 - 12/13 (Anna, Yukiho, Mizuki)
Cards: imas.gamedbs.jp/mlth
Tracker: twitter.com/imas_ml_td_t

>Event: 12/01 - 12/09 "Magical Memorial Show" (Tsubasa, Ryu)
>Event Gacha: 11/30 - 12/09 (Shouta, Pierre)

- Blooming Clover chapter 8 raw: - TD upcoming gacha type schedule (Dec 2nd): - CG 6thLIVE PV: >Archive of : archive.is/vMpfm
- SM/CG frog merch: - ML Akane's birthday: - TD Yukiho/Haruka commus sub: - TD Upcoming (Dec 3rd): - LoS Upcoming (Dec 3rd): - TD Hibiki commus TL: - CG Update (Dec 3rd): - Derepa w/ Hajime's VA: - SideM Animelo Extract: UPCOMING:
Dec 6th: ML M@STER SPARKLE 04, CG Theater S2 ED "Akimeite Ding Dong Dang!"
Dec 7th, 8PM JST: CG stream: nico.ms/lv308957710

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Tanned Michael.

Ding Dong Dang!
Believe in Chie!

Now Hokuto's dick can contrast with his ass!


Lovely curly deko.

Tamami I'm coming for you~

Then why did she make this face at producer?

Are you sure?

Ciao, angel-chan~

I wonder if the Passion ED will have "ding dong dang" in its lyrics as well.

It was just an innocent greeting of good night you lewd sodomizing bastard.

Yeah. She's going to die alone instead.

Is the Passion ED's name not in Ding Dong Dang's lyrics?

>those boyish hips and ass
Every time. Tamami, just give up already.

With me.

True. She's a pure girl, keep your perverted thoughts out of her

Snow Love was it? I just listened to Ding Dong Dang and it's not.

Well you'd better lewd Tamami if you're going to be with her. She'll start wondering if you don't like her otherwise.

Just because Tamami doesn't have a fat ass like Naho doesn't mean she isn't girly.

naked tamami

For the last free meme roll in Deresute, I got Chie__.

Thanks a fucking lot /@/.

Actually Tamami is not girly at all, but that why she's so great!


Thanks for ruining the thread.


It didn't quite work out the way I expected it to.

Tamami is very girly.

Someone save that cat.

SSR or normal card? I know I felt disappointed when I rolled a Nono instead of a Chieri.

That's the midget.



Which I argue to be even more of a worse experience.


Chie doesn't have any standard gacha SRs, all of her SRs in-game are event SRs. Furthermore, you can only get Rs or higher in gacha rolls, therefore he couldn't have gotten her N card. Ergo, the only thing user could've got was her SSR.

Know your Chies user!

Is it okay to dang your ding dong to this?

That theater was adorable.

>very girly
Only when she surrounds herself with other more feminine types.

But her nonsexiness stands out too much when she's with sexy nindol Ayame.

Kissin' on Tamami

Which part?

Anyone have the comic where Takane is inside a mystery box and idols stick their hand in just to get a surprise lick?


Reminder that Kana is slim.

Is there more than this?

Ayame please sexually wile me.

That's not girly, it's childish.


The world would be a better place if we were all donuts.

And loves me!

Sound the horns of war.


Do people seriously think Makabe has autism?

Kana is a minx and a fuckpet.

No. Don't do it, Yoshino.


Good, good.

Who else /notevenapitySRwithfreerolls/ here?

Totally not organized.


is Rohan army here?

getting horny

Actually not.
I saw and felt like posting the AoE2 clip.

Not me, I got Yoshino's standard SSR on the first day. All the rest have been dups, though.

It's time for our second game of the VGL against /hsg/ over on smashcast.

l@l, I got christmas Yukimi and Atsumi SSR
I think little idols like me

That one too.

Let's be friends.


That's about what I was expecting to get.

But I got a Karen instead.

Man i love those smug faces she makes here

What's the name of this JRPG?


Not with that shitty lineup. But a Haru is nice.

My bed would be better if I was snuggling with Noriko in it.

waifu emblem



We know, Shiho.

I would probably make that face too if I got to lick Hibiki.


spread pierre's legs and devour his penis

Congratulations to the YoshinoP for becoming the most annoying avatarfag of /@/.

What the fuck is wrong with this artist


He likes Mio.

got a dupe Karen, so idk if that counts

He said what's wrong. That's not wrong.

In the right places.

You didn't pray hard enough.


Count me in

You know that these Yoshinos are not from one poster, right?

Why is Shiho blushing?

They had sex earlier.

With me.


Boys be fashionable.

Must've been enjoyable.

It’s disappointing how little spanking art there is of im@s.

There's plenty of art to spank it to.