/sthg/ - Sonic the Hedgehog General

Welcome to the Sonic The Hedgehog General. Here we talk all about everything Sonic! Share art and music, discuss new developments, ROM hacks, speedrunning, comics, and more!

/sthg/ #1098 - Christmas Soon Edition

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First for Silver a cute!
A cute!!

Second for Sonic is the coolest, nicest, and all around best character in the franchise

If you could erase one character from the franchise, nay, existence, who would it be?

My vote is Silver.

All I want for xmas is her

Fifth for this is absolutely true!

mood swingu

Vanilla. I like Cream but Vanilla is weird. She's just an adult human woman with a rabbit's head. Is that what all Sonic characters look like when they're grown up? I don't want that

hand holdu

Woo! Got lucky on the raffle! Expect something new tonight.


Best ship coming through.

Can you feel that, /sthg/? Things are finally slowing down here.

This is a blue board user


Eggman Nega. Even in Rush, he's just pointless.

Drawing perverted lesbians.
I cannae draw Rouge

By the way, if people are tired of me just dumping whatever I draw here, do mention it. Don't want to shit up threads or anything.


No offense, but you really should work on your basics. Just about everything looks really off here

Pervy little A.I

>if people are tired of me just dumping whatever I draw here, do mention it.
I'm not tired of your work, mate. They get a laugh out of me & the more drawfag content, the better.

Only women, gays, and girly men like Silver.

Does Sonic's shoes have shoelaces? How do they stay on his feet when he's running?

None taken, I admit I'm awful.

I can draw better on paper (still bad mind you) but yeah, I've never put too much effort into practicing dimensions and all that.
Will do at some point, just I have this hang-up about putting many hours into something I only really like doing for fun.

But nah, I'll take all criticism.



Tails... dude... what happened to you?

metal buckles


Because he's a video game character.

He stopped being playable. When (if) he becomes playable again, he'll do things.

So everyone on Veeky Forums? Got it

Too lewd, the police are on their way

All's well that ends well.

I would remove Silver.

Shadow after SA2

are Sonic's shoes just red and white? Or are his shoes red with a white strap for the buckle? I really thought they were red and white and the buckle was just a decoration or something. If I'm wrong I'm going to feel like a moron since it's been 26 years and I'm only figuring this out now

This thread already sucks and it's only going to get worse from here.

The first Mega Man crossover was awesome. Fun story, great character interactions (especially between Egg and Wily), tons of fanservice and cool moments. As much as I like them, the FFs not being in it helped it a lot, I feel Makes me wish Archie Mega Man was still active, shoutout to the once-alive /mmg/

His shoes are red, with a white strap, that buckles on the side.

Stop deluding yourself, Sparky. Tails is just a weak coward now.

Ben Bates was a gift and I miss him.

And this post has done so much to make it better.

Not Sparky. But yeah, Tails hasn't really done anything since SA2 & it's likely not gonna change anytime soon.


>Mega Man
Isn't he that dead blue guy?

That wasn't me. The person he was replying to was me.

Tell us more about Energy. What is his love life like?

He did things in Heroes, Shadow, 06, Rivals 2, Runners, and Runners Adventure.


Eggman Nega. I like or at the very least understand the existence of almost every character in this series, but I just don't get Eggman Nega & I never got why he was ever a thing. Even in Rush, I never got him or ever cared about him.

Take your Sparky obsession somewhere else pls

>people are still buttblasted about Super Tails and Super Knuckles never existing

Im so fucking mad about this.


Wow. I'm retarded.

I've never too keen on parkour but I was thinking if it could've been differently in lost world for me to like it more.

I imagine it working like the air dash or the fire shield jump, you perform the dash and when you hit a wall you either go straight up or along a wall. depending on the angle you hit the wall.

Gotta admit, I'm liking the detail on Sonic's shoes in this pic

Alrighty then! I've been waiting to announce this, and now I've got a free moment to spare I shall.


What is it? It's a 'Secret Santa' for /sthg/. For those who don't know, a Secret Santa is when a group of people post their own wish lifts and/or gift ideas for others to see; so others can anonymously spread a little joy this Christmas. Obviously, it's not guaranteed that you'll get anything, nor are you obliged to buy a gift. Hopefully though the spirit of generosity will prevail.

So how does it work?

The most common and easiest method is to post an Amazon wishlist code for others to see (URLs trigger mods in threads). The full rules and details are in the paste

When you gift someone, either post their wishlist code in the thread,
or email me at lordmuckgbe @ gmail . com

You can also make drawing requests/steam wishlists.

Check out the pastebin for extra info and the lists:



Have fun!

If Super Tails and Knuckles arent real I guess my eyes aren't real either.


Other than wanting to date my sister, he told me about a character he made for one of his (now ex) girlfriends, a goth girl who was also a clown killer or something. Other than that, nothing notable that I should talk about.

The Super Tails and Super Knuckles in Heroes is the same as the ones in Sonic 3 and Knuckles.

Parkour is a fantastic idea for Sonic, it just needs to be implemented properly.

>/sthg/ Secret Santa
Doesn't matter your wishlist, you're all getting coal this year!

>, the FFs not being in it helped it a lot
I agree, when it's a videogame crossover it's better to just have the game characters.

Has this been done here before?

but how?

Nope, but people do it on /co/


literally who

Isit just me or does most of Forces' OST sound like something out of a top-diwn shoot 'em up game? It doesn't really sound like it fits in the game.

Sonic's shoes have always confused me.
Like, there's no real implication of a hole, his - what I assume are - his socks just kind of rest on top of it.
They also look mad uncomfortable.

Even this is a pasta now?

>Silversperg samefagging this hard

Like Spiderman 2.

Hope you want Sonic themed dildos because anyone who posts their email is getting some!

>being this new

>Trying this hard to start shitflinging
Saddening & I love slow rat.

Unless it's Knuckles-themed, forget about it.

A lot of imagery and gameplay concepts in Forces strongly resembles the shoot 'em up genre, from cannon fodder enemies to the Advance/Rush style scrolling bosses.
Never really thought about it like that, you're onto something user.


>he doesn’t know ABT-senpai

So this is your new thing now? Samefag in the thread and "call yourself out"?

You got me I guess



nah I just tried it in a new thread hoping for a better discussion.
I'm watching footage to get an idea (I assume you mean the ps2/GC/Xbox 2004 game)
I'm seeing combat and free-roaming web slinging but not much parkour.


That's a trail to the apocalypse alright

No, thats Sonic


Nice shop, faggot

It's like the artist wasn't even paying attention.

Thanks famalampaichi

I think you just got gotten

I always thought Parkour should be used for more dense area and landscape.

What the fuck am I looking at?

I've seen these types of posts before: It's when someone thinks of some random shit to draw & does it. I wouldn't put too much thought into it


Can we just avoid mentioning Silver from this point forward? I really love him but every time his name comes up the shitflinging, samefagging and falseflagging become insufferable.

He's going to make his grand return tomorrow. You'll see.
You'll ALL see.

Or maybe you should suck it up and accept that not a lot of people like Silver?

Same thing happened around this same time last year & it passed like it'll pass soon. If people really can't talk about a fictional vidya character without sperging out or samefagging, that's on them.

>Let's stop talking about a character in the franchise because autists won't stop shitposting about them

So I guess we should also never mention a female character ever again?

Can't wait for more news on the brand-new cartoon.

No, because the hyper autists that hate him can't control themselves samefagging and falseflagging almost every thread to derail.
I don't even care about him but it's bizarre how obsessed people are with hating a fictional character.

>The first Mega Man crossover was awesome.
Yeah it was.

Shame about the second one.

This. Every single character in this series has people who shitpost about them. Ignore them & they'll stop shitposting. And no, not everyone who dislikes a character isn't shitposting, but it is shitposting when you can't discuss a character without flinging shit.

I like the differences between Wily and Eggman's character. Wily knows when he's beat but Eggman is extremely petty and ready to collapse the universe itself because he doesn't want to take the loss.

The deflecting is strong. Not a single character has a fanbase as sensitive as Silver's.

You can call any other character shit and get minor backtalk, but the second any dislike is given to Silver, you and the entire thread get splashed with buckets of tears