/drg/ - Danganronpa General

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Previous thread: Tenko is cute edition!

>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>Danganronpa News Last updated 11/15/17
pastebin.com/n83HpxJC Spike Chunsoft hiring staff for ‘Danganronpa modeling and texture creation,’

>New to DR
pastebin.com/mnduF4qj - Spoiler free guide *MUST READ IF YOU ARE NEW*
pastebin.com/MUdQJedT - In-depth gameplay mechanics and information
pastebin.com/M1sg5ftn - Danganronpa V3 Bonus Mode starting guide
Modding guides: docs.google.com/document/d/1J1kzVZus2k1ci8uiNUYuyXfHuGfnoDHELQ9httsdCMw/edit

>Danganronpa 1&2

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls:

>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony:

>Danganronpa Interviews and Articles

>Download pastebin *contains DOWNLOADS "wink", art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*

>Danganronpa fan works pastebin *contains links to fanart, fan-fiction, and dr-related artists*

Other urls found in this thread:


New thread, new Tenko!

Mugi and Himiko!

A reminder that Aoi is best girl!

DEATH to all makifags!

I love Junko!


I love Naegi!



I love Tenko!

Angie and Ouma!

Best girl coming through

I love Kirumi!

Taking art requests, I guess.

Alpha Hajime coming through


Angie and her beloved bois! Goodnight /drg/.

A reminder that I've never played the game

Gonta in Safari gear.

Night, Angiebro.

/drg/ rankings
>God tier: Game-kun
>Okay tier: Everyone else except Baconfag
>Never played the game tier: Baconfag

Game-kun, are you also a Kyokofag?

You got the source for that, Mitty?

A reminder that ritualposting was once a barbaric practice and that you should stop ritualposting

Byakuya, Nagito and Kokichi playing Jeopardy to determine who's the smartest.

I'm a true Kyokofag, unlike Bacon

Sayaka loves Makoto!

Go play it now
Only then will I mail the antidote

>Going to sleep
Weakkk! Goodnight

Don't forget to vote, friends!


For the V3 survivors happiness.

I'll get new pictures soon I swear.

>Claiming to be a true Kyokofag
>Denouncing Baconfag
user that's not how it works

Reminder that /drg/ is for FUJOs only!

It's @ama_asyu7120 on Twitter. I love the two mock-ups they made of in-game Mitarai and I wish they would make more, but that's all we have so far.

Motivational Mugi before work

Thanks! They look super good. How old are those pics?

Normie Ouma being chuuni is cute.

Maki roll on a maki roll.


I need more Mugi and Himiko!

A reminder that Kyoko is the best girl

Kirigiri loves Naegi!

Woah there!

I want him to secretly be a huge asshole!

I wanna eat that Maki!


I see him as a kid who got bullied at school and now wants to kill someone to show that he's dangerous.

This one is the best because you change it up every time, I like that.

No clue for the original, but the translations are a few weeks or a couple months old. Someone else here hard translated them since the originals were in Japanese.

I wanna eat all Makis!

Vorefags no.

>Brainlets voting Souda

Vorefags yes

What do you think Maki tatse like?

Would you drink from this glass?

There's nothing wrong with vore if it's for the sake of hope!


Strawberries and cherries!

t. Souda

Good morning /drg/, the Chihiros are up and so am i! How is everyone doing this fine day?

is the PC version of drv3 cracked yet...?
asking for a friend

Take a wild guess and look in one of the pastebins.

Hello fellow Makifriends. It's been a great day today.

we have to stop Souda from raping Sonia

Who wouldn't?

Hypocritical author (even if IT'S JOKE)!

I'm very tired, probably going to bed within a couple of hours. Hopefully today treats you well.

Souda is the biggest cuck though.

All right, just thought that if they were pretty old then it's a big possibility they lost interest altogether in drawing them. What a shame.

This doujin had pretty much that. Normie Saihara thinks that he's a quiet and kind guy, but it turns out to be just a facade. Not sure if I like it quite to that extreme, but a fun depiction regardless.

I kinda like the "twisted bully victim who wants to become someone confident and cool" idea.

Why is Miu a landwhale in this picture?


Yeah, there's a distinct lack of DR3 fansprites in general. This is pretty much all I have for him, plus two trial interruptions of varying quality.

Hey Makifriend. Glad to hear you had a great day! I am currently at the gym

Are you talking about your waifu with your weeb friends while sweating?

Glad for you, too, my man. Work hard!
This should be a very comfy month. I finished all of my college assignments, so all I have to do are a few finals. Only the math one should be tough, but I'll manage.

Hey bud.
I spent the day shitposting myself, pretty comfy.

Thank you my friendo, and i hope yoi have pleasant sleep! May you dream of many Chihiros!

Oh jesus, that doujin. Could I have a summary for what happens in it, if it's possible?

Junko loves Naegi!

Here ya go.

Comfy pic.


Futa frottage

Very comfy day.

And a comfy pairing!

Very very cute! Such beautiful eyes.


Sorry, I don't drink menstruating blood.

Very pretty eyes!

hey guys i discovered my talent finally!
those are my new friends. did u rike it???

What's Amami's Korean name?

Loli Maki is cute. You didn't have to do that to her eyes...

Tell me Companions what programs do you use to draw, I feel like being productive.

Sai is generally the most agreed upon here

Paint tool sai is wonderful! I can give you brushes if you like!

>Tfw you will never be Maki's otouto
Why even live.

Here's all of them, including Korekiyo

Not him, but I'm interested.

Paint or paintnet. Anything more is for pretentious "artists" who don't know how to make masterpieces out of mud (like me)~!