New Religion

When do you think we'll see the rise of a new major religion? I'm not talking about some fringe cults here or there, but instead, something completely new and dramatic that will begin spreading rapidly, with a good prognosis for 'major religion' status.

What traits do you think would be required for such a belief system to grow rapidly in today's world?

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probably some hippie, forced, multiculti syncretic religion

kind of like baha'i but with more liberal shit added, and even more obviously forced

Assuming new, radical off-shoots from Christianity don't count as entirely new religions?

The Chinese will probably adopt something after the enforced atheism collapses. That's the largest group without a religion. Probably a charismatic form of Daoism, if recent trends are anything to go by.

Apocalyptic Environmental cultism is probably on the horizon too.

no religion was invented from zero but by reforming existent ones

The Mithraic Mysteries will return.
They were always here, a small fringe group keeping it alive, but it's coming back.

True, but often times, the reformed movement is markedly different from the religion(s) it came from.

We will probably have one where the people believe their leader is a god, or that the state is their heaven, maybe even both.

They're already massively adopting christianity though

go and stay go /pol/

I don't think we will. Instead, irreligion will spread now that science has advanced. It has become impossible to argue that a omniscient, omnipresent being exists, unless you're trying to argue from a deist standpoint.

If we want to look at things from a philosophical standpoint however, it can be argued that money could be the new religion of the world, or a very useful resource like oil.

>They were always here, a small fringe group keeping it alive, but it's coming back.

Im thinking about worshipping a housegod or something as my spiritual void might be filled a bit with this most primitive form of ancestorworship.

Having no Religion feels shit if you are not smart enough to become an Übermensch or are well accomplished in your life.
Also you ignore the fact that most pious people do not give a fuck about science and breed faster then the irreligious, implanting beliefs so deep since childhood that questioning them becomes physically painful.

Most indian scienteists belief in god(s) by the way.


I'm actually hoping for a revival of tengrisn in central asia


we're already living it. it's called multiculturalism.

Most religions take a long time to "rise", Islam conquered its way to prominence very quickly but it took Christianity more than 300 years to become prominent.

>What traits do you think would be required
Death for apostasy, compulsory prayers multiple times per day, extremely easy to join, defines its enemies as committing violence against them simply by existing, non-believers must either convert or live as slaves.

Oh wait that's Islam.

>multiculturalism is a causal explanation of all that is
>multiculturalism is new

We get it, you don't like it and feel the need to let the world know. It is now, however, a religion at all, and definitely not new.

I just hope that a westernized version of Chan will become wide spread.

I heard some people in russia who tried something like this got killed by islamists.

More information concerning the actual central asia tho, I dont think they will get greater relevance as you can only make those old religions attractive for ethnonationalists at first which is not a widely accepted base even outside of the islamic world.

Islam has angels and trippy miracles which make it still mystical in some ways.

Supersterile monotheism with a murderboner for everything that does not follow its extreme narrow and mostly rational concept of god is something we didnt have yet.

Super human level ai will eventually be put in positions of power and after enough generations people will worship it as an eternal father figure.

Behead those that insult Lord Kek and his anointed one president Trump!

Remember kids, religion in the Western/Islamic world is not faith or philosophy, it's a conscious political declaration denoting who you want to share your shit with.

As existing political blocks already have their traditional religious identities rightwingers can go back to when they want to strengthen their differentation from other groups and nowadays political motives in the developed world are not expressed through religious means as they were during the Middle Ages, it would require huge, huge political and sociological shifts and a major (backwards) change in the world's political culture to make way for an entirely new dominant religion.

The world is heating up right now, Western Christianity, Orthodoxy and Islam might experience some increase in relevance but chances are that after the next conflict-ridden period of the globe is gone the very phenomenon of organised religion itself will slowly wane into oblivion.

Most major religions started as fringe sects.

We will only know some centuries from now

Chinese are going back to Buddhism tho, same goes for the Koreans.

Not possible. This is the 21st century. The jig is up. There's too much information. People will either cling to their old religions or abandon them outright. New religion has no market and the entire concept is declining anyways.

A religion is a comprehensive world view which is self-regulating against ambiguity and uncertainty. Atheism has caused the proliferation of religions without gods which do not call themselves religions.

>Atheism has caused the proliferation of religions without gods which do not call themselves religions.
What do you mean? Something like nationalism?

Surprised nobody said this yet; technomancy
Or at least that is the most likely to spring up a new theological cult.

What is more likely is that there will be evidence found if a creator that doesn't adhere to any of the current religious beliefs, and there will be something spring up over that.

Or aliens.

Nationalism works as an example because it provides a comprehensive explanation for the world, with good guys and bad guys, set codes of conduct and expectations made of us, as well as rituals to perform that allow catharsis. On the flipside, the left's identity politics serves all the same functions. A religion is just a key for the map of the world, with set patterns and interpretations; you don't necessarily need a god.

Not possible. God is dead, god remains dead, and we have killed him.

Esoteric Kekism is on the rise.

If Le Pen wins the French election and starts removing Kebab, we're pretty much guaranteed to see Kekists announce themselves openly and start building frog temples.

If /pol/ were ever to be wrong those people would look really stupid.

Worship of the Machine God isn't likely until someone creates a self-improving AI.

As long as tech remains exclusively limited to what we ourselves create, it's not likely to give rise to a cult.

We already have one - science.

Whether you win 10,000$ or your mom gets run over by a train, it has always been attributed to luck or karma, and still is today. And so if a piece of shit gets toasted by a flamethrower, those who knew him to be a piece of shit will say, "He deserved it," or "He got what was coming to him." That will never change. All that changes are the complex and arcane lores which specialists nurture and monopolize. These are like "The sky flashes during a rainstorm because Zeus is angry," or "The sky flashes during a rainstorm because science." Whether or not the scientists are just as full of shit as the priests were is immaterial; the common people believe what they are told with zero reason except that "Everyone else believes this; therefore it must be true."

Redditors are a prime example of sciencian zealots. These are people who have zero technical knowledge in terms of what causes lightning, but will angrily and triumphantly spout what other people have told them about what causes lightning, because of how worshipful of authority figures they are.

Secular philosophies with mystical elements maybe

God is dead, but I feel that people still hunger for a world of non-transient, non-materialist values and virtues to interface with.

Religion is not nor will ever decline on a global scale.

When there appears a person or an institution that gathers enough authority to override current religions and formulate a new religion for people to believe in. An almost insurmountable task in the age of information overflow, but technically possible.

intelligent post

Mormons? They're on the way up.

Do I need to remind you people that there is a board for the paranormal on this very site?

As long as there are things in the world that can't be explained, as long as there is any recourse at all to the supernatural, religion will exist.

by 2050 europe will probably start having its own offshoots of islam that will attract a lot of natives making europe integrate into islam rather than the other way


its atleast partially fact; religion is on the rise globally

Whatever happens is the will of Kek user, if something happens is it because there was not enough faith.

SJWism is the new religion.

I often feel like Marxism and anarchism fit that description well too.

>I don't think we will. Instead, irreligion will spread now that science has advanced. It has become impossible to argue that a omniscient, omnipresent being exists, unless you're trying to argue from a deist standpoint.
it must feel good to be a 20 yo undergrad

Why not Zoroastrianism

Whatever "religion" arises will be false, because only Christ can save you.

people today have an opinion about everything, many of them believe in some ideology.
That's the modern replacement for religion. It's already happened and there's no coming back

and philosophy

makes sense since non-pagan religions are basically philosophies + moral codes with some lore and a figure of worship, and a promise of the afterlife as a motivator

without some of the elements we would see a moral crisis...
but it's not going to happen since the most atheistic societies aredying out and will be replaced by muslims who have 7 kids each so nothing wil happen