>listening music (that doesn't come from the game) while playing
Nathan Evans
*blocks ur path*
Connor Moore
Made it to this fire lake and I keep getting shot by arrows. Is there an easy way to not be fucked to death by them while I'm exploring?
Jayden Baker
DaS2fags are hilarious, I love how they shit on the other games because they know Dark Souls 2 can't be defended.
Ethan Jones
What was that thing in the tree? I always miss it
Brayden Mitchell
hide behind the trees
Juan Jackson
ds3 is worse tho
Liam Foster
*rolls to the side*
Joshua Wright
>just give them cool visuals and nice big castles to get lost in and shiny armor to lure in the drooling desu-volt retards >here's your cool sword and shield bro now go hack those zombiebabs and ebin enemies >now you won't notice our games have literally no story
Juan Harris
The story is literally "go kill these things and die a lot". What more do you want?
Carson Barnes
Flame butterflies, you didn't miss much.
Henry Johnson
how does one make a pyro invader? ive been trying to work with one but its not exactly optimal due to my love of both black flame and straight swords
Dominic Jones
DS2 is fun
Lincoln Cook
Yeah, you don't explore that area yet. Find a way to kill the thing shooting the arrows, then pick up all the loot.
Daniel Thompson
>invader >at SL120 That's not how it works.
And you can save on a bunch of points by going Pyromancer class instead, the whole reason you pick K***ht is for the low Int, Fai and Luck total, if you're going to level caster stats then do something else.
Parker Brooks
I think I've realized I only enjoy playing Souls games with other people. Plodding through hordes of enemies by myself just isn't fun. Does this make me a complete pleb?
And does anyone wanna play DS3 with me
Dylan Jackson
go towards the fog gate and next to it you should find the entrance to some ruins that'll lead you to a way to disable the ballista
Jason Torres
why do I see this everywhere
Kayden Edwards
because you're stupid
Leo Thomas
There's plenty of people at 120 meta SL to invade.
Joseph Wilson
DaS2 wishes it was half as good as DaS3. The latter has some of the best bosses in the series and the gameplay is really well done, it's better than Dark Souls 1 even, though it falls short in creativity, world interconnectivity, and world design, so I still rate DaS1 higher than DaS3. DaS2 only does game length and build variety right, everything else is trash compared to the other Souls games, DaS3 included. The worst flaws are the godawful movements and Soul Memory.
Ethan Green
>That's not how it works. endgame invader, you cant do pyro at low levels
>And you can save on a bunch of points by going Pyromancer class instead i know im running an unoptimised build, im looking to repurpose an existing build because fuck effort
im mostly thinking in terms of equipment, i originally had gotthards + crest shield + choas dagger + pyromancy flame, with CBV and black flame equipped, which is all kinds of retarded.
Caleb Flores
if you haven't figured this out you might be retarded
Michael Green
Lower Strength to 16 if you really want to use a Claymore or just 15 for parting Flame. Also get a Dark Lothric Knight Sword and Fire Surge for finishers.
There are plenty of people you can invade at SL120 and good luck doing decent damage on pyros with the ability to use weapons while having survivability at a lower SL.
Bentley Robinson
The fire-keeper is built for ashen colored men.
Colton Wright
I only like to play solo in my world. I won't summon anyone else for anything but trading. I'm torn about co-op. One part of me doesn't want to so they gitgud even though they wouldn't because they'd summon someone else if not me, the other part wants to hold their hand and one shot all their bosses since I'm too lazy to start a new game.
Carter Peterson
I'm always happy to play with other Amiga owners.
Yes, and they're all cancerous tryhard gank squads. Staying at SL90 lets you invade people up to SL119, and avoid the worst crowds of hosts.
Eli Howard
Oh for your stats get INT/FAI to 40/40 each if you actually want to deal damage with pyromancies instead of just being a Dark melee build. Cut points in END down to 34 or 26 to get that, also lower ATT to 18 or raise it to 24 since you're not at a slot breakpoint right now.
Levi Miller
Different people enjoy things different ways. What platform and SL? Knight is censored for PC and maybe Xbox.
Chase Cooper
Jordan Powell
Can someone help me out with the dancer? I'm doing a luck build and want to get at some twinkling titanite for my anri sword. Password is Beef and I'm on ps4.
Bentley Young
PC, SL45. Currently meandering around the melty lake.
Adam Adams
>Yes, and they're all cancerous tryhard gank squads. Staying at SL90 lets you invade people up to SL119, and avoid the worst crowds of hosts. You're scared of gank squads?
Jeremiah Nguyen
>get a Dark Lothric Knight Sword if i slap a straight sword on this itll be the same as every other build i have, i need something a little different
>if you actually want to deal damage with pyromancies instead of just being a Dark melee build if i cant melee ill be fucking useless in invasions
>Cut points in END down to 34 or 26 >26 my dude, are you alright up there?
Logan Collins
>summoning for bosses
Camden Smith
I summon for bosses, basic levels, and for gank squads. You mad?
Caleb Moore
>if i cant melee ill be fucking useless in invasions You'll still be able to melee with 15 or 16/18 STR/DEX, it's just if you actually want to run pyromancies going from 30/30 to 40/40 really makes a difference. Speaking of you should also probably switch out Obscuring Ring to Sage+2 once you're in fighting range at least.
26 END is also a breakpoint with Ring of Favor+3 and is manageable if you're not using stamina consuming weapons and managing it well. I prefer higher myself of course but if you want to be in range of most players END is really your best option to cut points in.
Julian Reed
>only summon once in DS1 >summon a couple times in DS2 after repeated failures >summon literally every other boss in DS3 am i getting worse at the game or lazier? or both?
Jace Murphy
PS4 over here. I can run it on PC at a silky smooth 8fps though.
Chase Adams
no, it makes me laugh you didn't see the gif?
Alexander Ortiz
Laughing in anger, I'll bet. Calm yourself down, son!
Julian Green
dude senpai no
stam and hp are king in invasions
Samuel Clark
I fucking love AIDS.
Jose Kelly
I want to become as shit as you in this game, how?
Samuel Rivera
That's still a usable amount of stamina but if you really want that much just make a dark melee build then since your pyros won't work that well. You gotta make sacrifices when making high investment builds somewhere user.
Carter Hughes
It's ok if is not your first run.
Christopher Richardson
Worse, you'd need a babysitter if there was a ds4. Both in person and in game
Camden Cox
Tactics, verticality and stealth win invasions more than anything else. Oh, and retarded hosts.
Xavier Nelson
1. don't parry or backstab, i never knew how to do that 2. don't roll, always use a shield
Lucas Anderson
Kinda actually need help for Dancer. Anyone on ps4, available to help?
William Bailey
I just made it there at the same level with a build that's proven to be great for self-sufficiency and long-term coop. We should hang out.
Leo Torres
>mr fandom blease come halb against this fagging lodrig night miniboss
Jose King
heres what im thinking, 17 att is for 5 casts of either of my pyros, and the more vit ive got on my build the better my greatsword will perform. i got the class wrong originally btw.
if i cut stam i may as well just give up in invasions, i cant think if aspect of my bread and butter in invasions where having more or equal stamina to my opponent isnt fucking vital to my survival
>chases >protracted fights with ganks >holding a chokepoint all these things require stamina senpai, any less than 40 end is suicide
Caleb Mitchell
>switching class to warrior when you're investing a lot in ATT, INT and FAI You're just trolling at this point.
Michael Baker
that sounds rad. which bonfire are you at?
Jose Young
scroll up nigger, im re-using a build and i dont think existing save editing tools can avoid a softban for changing classes
Landon Gutierrez
Abandoned Tomb, password dsg
Brayden Anderson
At this point you're not even a Pyro anymore, just some brapfag going around braping all over everyone with your brap mist and brap flame
Adrian Garcia
>any less than 40 end is suicide It's really not. I've never found myself running dry on stamina at 34 End even when using ultras.
Jason Lee
fucking how?
its got black flame, its a pyro, just not a caster main
Brandon Taylor
>chases Stamina recovery and creating a little distance between you and your pursuers with turn and burns matters more >protracted fights with ganks Stamina management matters more.
Sebastian Miller
Are the servers still up for DKS1? my brother and I were trying to do a playthrough together via summon signs but we couldnt see each others summon signs or anyone else's messages
Jaxon Gonzalez
It really just comes down to stamina management. Don't get too attack happy with large weapons unless you know you can get away with it. A lot of gank squads are very aggressive but it's surprisingly common to get a bit of breathing room if you can make yourself seem like more of a threat. This works wonders for holding chokepoints as well as long fights. >chases Ranged attacks, turn-and-burns, Rope Firebombs, and Silvercat jumps are all great ways to deter enemies a bit. You could also abuse FaP for infinite stamina if you're running away or chasing a lone host. Yes.
Eli Bell
>Stamina management matters more. bullshit it does, try outrunning 4 guys all with a stam heavy setup running in a tight formation, your turn and burn is gonna get you killed if you dont get a good opening and they will eventually catch up to you.
desu, against ganks i like to stand my ground with a good greatsword at a choke point, and watch 5 faggots back the fuck off and sippy after getting out-traded hard.
>You could also abuse FaP for infinite stamina if you're running away or chasing a lone host. wat
Owen Bell
>bullshit it does I maxed out tongues with 26 END.
Eli Lopez
Just one shot quelag on my first time through. Feeling good.
Demon ruins, the hollow tree or the back way into the forest?
The big fortress just opened up but I'm guessing that is supposed to be after.
Nathaniel Gonzalez
>choke point I've done it plenty of times. I never found much of a difference between 34 and 40 End. >FaP Rapidly equip/unequip it. Infinite green juice so you can keep sprinting while in the menu. It also lets you endure ladder hits without losing stamina and hit them off after they run out.
Tyler Ortiz
Go alllll the way down the tree to the ash lake.
Ian Allen
Did you win, user? I suck at Old Demon King, sorry I couldn't be of more help.
Charles Diaz
Apparently I suck at it too, but user was good at helping me thru the whole level. I learned how to turn off the arrows, for example
Brody Cruz
Dark Souls tryhards being proud of never summoning makes me laugh and shake my head at the same time. Don't you fucktarded nigs realize that co-op and spscifically pvefags summoning people is the reasln is why there even are any invaders in the first place?
>muh hardcore experience Fuck off, DeS was advertised as a co-op game right in one of the intros.
Camden Howard
That's too bad. I should've switched some rings around for better survivability once we got to the boss. My setup works great for getting through a level, but it kind of crumples against bosses unless it's a big mob like Deacons where I can keep my FP up through the whole fight.
Ryder Green
Your miracles were nice tho. I can probably get him with the two NPC summons, so no worries. Did you want to co-op anywhere else, or do you want me to help you out at all?
Evan Brooks
How do you beat a farron fagsword dance spammer in a 3 v 1 when they only do the first or second attacks in it on a DEX char? It's fucking impossible to get a hit on the guy.
Chase Allen
Nah, I gotta call it quits tonight. Got work in the morning and I'm up too late as it is. Good luck, user.
Ryder Carter
420 praise it
Alexander Scott
Go for a hornet parry or roll backstab if you can. Otherwise attack someone else while they do the breakdance.
3v1 is a bad situation regardless of the weapons anyway. If I lose the element of surprise or there's no mobs to assist I'll retreat and ambush them later.
Nicholas Morales
You can parry both of the spins. But mainly you just don't want to give him the opportunity to stun you while his two other buttbuddies are within range to stunlock you. Run away, chokepoint them, make it a 1v1 and shit on him.
Ayden Hall
The servers are up, the game just really sucks at connecting players to each other. DSCM helps out with that, and you can even use it to connect to specific players for easier organized play.
Jackson Parker
>Now I'm waking up, I'll forget everything... Why does Souls has no Kino like this?
Logan Lopez
youtube.com/watch?v=KjKWWEK78gE I didn't know that it was actually possible for three blueberries to be in a world at the same time, even with Finger active.
Carson Gutierrez
I've heard tales of 4
Oliver Brooks
Gee Bill! how come Miyazaki lets you have 6 free estus?
Christian Martinez
They can if the other player slots for their team aren't taken up by normal phantoms
Dylan Thomas
How would you rate each DLC? Include The Old Hunters in your ranking.
Nathan Anderson
>Artorias of the Abyss Pretty good. Fun bosses (Manus can be annoying but he's also cheasable if you dont wanna fuck with him), good areas, neat new gear. A welcome breath of new content.
> Ivory King Looks cool (Im a sucker for snow environments) and the boss at the end of it is cool as hell, but the enemies are all absurdly resistant to everything that isn't physical damage, so if you're any sort of caster or elemental weapon user you can get fucked.
>Sunken King Great environment, annoying enemies, shit boss. Same problem with enemies being outrageously resistant to everything that isn't physical damage.
>Old Iron King I like the idea of the whole thing being in a big tower but I have zero fondness for this one and don't remember anything about it other than Maldron the Ass.
>Ashes of Ariandel Great content! A lot of good new gear, some fun fights, and a great snow environment. I liked everything it had to offer, but its sadly rather short.
>The Ringed City A mixed bag, a little bit. Some cool areas and a lot of great new gear, but I hate how many times they used the 'area where you get shot at by stuff and have to take cover' thing Miyazaki loves so much. They do it twice with the angels, again with the shooting ghosts a few times, and then you have to deal with the dragon flyby version twice.
>The Old Hunters Fantastic. Great new gear, great new areas to explore. The bosses are a little meh other than Maria, who's fun to bully, but it was some great content for a great game.
Justin James
Hello /dsg/, I'm about to play DS3 for the first time since release. Give me some fun build ideas, if you would. I'm pretty much open to anything short of joke builds.
Camden Taylor
AotA: 8/10 for its time, 6.5/10 for longevity Sunken King: 7/10 Old Iron King: 8/10 for its time, 8.5/10 for longevity Ivory King: 9/10 for its time, 8/10 for longevity ToH: 9/10 AoA: 5/10 on initial playthrough, 4/10 for repeats TRC: 9/10 on initial playthrough, 8.5/10 for repeats
Stock-standard quality gives you access to the majority of all weapons.
Jordan Collins
What's the coolest greatsword/ultra greatsword?
Eli Jenkins
Artorias of the Abyss: Great bosses of course, good usage of time travel to show off past Darkroot and Oolacile, added a reasonably good amount to DS1s story and some fun if broken things like Gold Tracer and Pursuers. Makes the endgame of 1 much more.worthwhile. Biggest weakness is being very linear which really shows on repeat playthroughs where you don't just have much incentive to just go boss to boss and the standard enemies beyond the Chained Prisoner aren't that interesting to fight.
Sunken King: Absolutely fantastic, great level design that encourages multiple ways to go through it despite it bottlenecking you to the intended progression no matter what. Basic enemies are dull which is a complaint in all DS2 DLCs but the level design compensates for them. Has a ton of great equipment and being available right after Rotten and after killing the Giants in SotFS means you can get here early and get a bunch of cool gear right from the start of a run including potentially unlimited Ascetics. Bosses besides Sihn are dull however.
Iron King: The best of the DLCs imo. While having slightly less progression options than Sunken the level design is the best in the series in how it presents challenges and its unique enemies to you. The moment where you activate the central tower and the platforms blew my mine when I first played it and is still the highlight of the series layered level design. While Blue Smelter and Iron Passage is mediocre Fume and Alonne are pure kino.
Ivory King: Worst of the DS2 package but still great. Exploring the areas you've been through after defeating Aava and clearing the blizzard is a nice gimmick but lacking compared to the previous DLCs to me. Enemies are also even more boring somehow. Aava is alright, Ivory King is great, 2cat and horsecock valley are the epitome of tedium.
Old Hunters: never played BB
Matthew Powell
I'm really partial to the Profaned Greatsword. I started using it because I thought the way it self-buffs on a charged R2 is neat, and kept using it because its fucking good.
My favorite sword in the series though is the Black Knight Sword. I adore its cumbersome, high-risk high-reward moveset, and the way it tends to hurl enemies across the room. Very Berserk.
Caleb Diaz
>finally play DeS >think this time I'll definitely find the secrets myself and not read about them later >game is a hub connected to the only areas you ever go to there is no god
Joshua Ward
You're genuinely missing out. BB is already a fantastic game and ToH only further adds to that. It also has some of the best boss fights in the entire series and THAT moment with Ludwig.
Levi Watson
>The bosses are a little meh other than Maria you are a bad poster
Andrew Wilson
Greatswords: I honestly never really used them in the first two games outside of Black Knight Sword in DaS1. Greatsword of Judgment and Wolnir's have captured my heart in DaS3 though.
Ultras: Pursuer's in DaS2 will always have a place in my heart, it's probably the sexiest ultra a man could ask for. As for DaS3, BKGS, CKGS and Astora's are GOAT, but generally all of the ultras are pretty cool, even PUGS.
Carter Bailey
Continued: Ashes of Ariandel: The worst DLC in the series by far. Ariandel as a level shows the weakest parts of past DLCs with the narrow linearity of Artorias of the Abyss and the boring standard enemies of DS2 DLCs. The Followers and Wolves aren't interesting at all and they're most of what you fight up to Settlement where you have a total of two Corvian Knights on the required path and three more that are optional being the highlight of interesting enemies. Most of the equipment is really bland save standouts like Follower Sabre, Friede's Great Scythe and the Millwood Greatbow for invaders. The spell selection is also the worst in any DLC with the only somewhat useful one being Snap Freeze for PvE and Frost builds and it's still incredibly boring and basic as an offensive tool. The Ariandel Chapel and Friede being the climax of the DLC with you going back up into it from its rotted basement feels like a dried up attempt to recapture the connected level design of previous DLCs as it's just progressing on the main path until you go back up to it. Friede herself is also an overrated boss to me, she has a great amount of flashy moves especially in phase 3 but her technical play is stopped easily by R1 spam, parries and backstab cheese once you figure it out, making it the DS3 equivalent of Gwyn to me also the music for her sucks. Gravetender and Greatwolf doesn't even deserve discussion on why it's bad.
Ringed City: Great DLC despite suffering similar flaws as Ariandel. It's linear as well but uses it in better ways with unique challenges like the Angels in Dreg Heap and the Judges in the city itself, along with slightly more complex design than Ariandel including the ability to skip the entire swamp portion of Dreg Heap once you figure the level out. Bosses are also great save for Spear being potentially mixed. The equipment selection is also top notch including some of the most broken shit in the game.
Kayden Murphy
>meh other than Maria Your taste is insulting. And why do I feel like I know who wrote this on that alone?
Brayden Robinson
I'm planning to get a PS4 around Christmas, I just haven't had any desire to even with BB up to now.
Camden Foster
I mean, lemme run through them.
Ludwig is great, I somehow forgot him.
Maria is fun to bully
Living Failures aren't especially fun
Orphan of Kos is intense, but not exactly fun.
So I guess a revised opinion of 50/50?
>And why do I feel like I know who wrote this on that alone?
I don't know. I'm not a person of note. I'm not a streamer or a namefag or any of that, and I don't even post my characters enough that people would remember me.