>boss pulled me aside today and asked if I was mentally slow
Should I just never go back
>boss pulled me aside today and asked if I was mentally slow
Should I just never go back
sue the company for discrimination
>no, I own bitbean en masse, you're the crazy one
>your friends and family think you're a genius
>random people think you're a complete retard
I dunno who to believe desu. I'm leaning towards the strangers.
>N-no boss.
>I spent my months pay on these digital beans that I found out about on some taiwanese basket weaving forum tho.
Digital b-beans?
>Yeah they'll be worth a million bucks one day.
"Riiight can you come with me to the HR office user?"
Two options..
Go back. If there is another case of poor treatment or disrespect you link this "mentally slow" comment to the new event. File a claim. Profit by being a bottom feeder in the short term.
Go back. Take comment as challenge. Prove you aren't slow, work hard, promotions, run that shit. Profit 100x over for the long term.
Simple, if you really suck use this as an excuse to take your time and really learn things. Like said
Use it as an excuse to get a paycheck by just doing the bare minimum
I work at an accounting firm
One department (the office women assistant non uni people) think im retarded and hate me. Whenever I walk in their room they all stop talking. The head lady their got mad at me for doing something I asked if I was alright doing a week later, which then ended up stuffing up a process.
The people in the finance area, the partners and the highest person that isnt a partner all think I'm a genius because I'm good at math and I never stuff anything up.
2 groups of people in the same company have totally different views of me.
I'm confused, am i retarded or a genius.
fuck, i meant to tagnotWell I solved my dilemma, I'm retarded
>the women that didn't go to uni don't like me
>the men that run the company love me
Women are always wrong user. You're bloody brilliant
It's still bothering me desu
Exactly 100% of this.
I think it's because I have self esteem issues and never take myself seriously but instead I'm constantly joking around, so people who don't know me only see a goofy guy being retarded, while people who do also see me being normal and having any kind of discussion.
whenever you encounter such behavior employ reductio ad absurdum
look for another gig
Oi mate I get asked this too fuck
I'm smart I swear I just can't handle sometimes fuck
>Dad, you can copy and paste the whole sentence simply by pressing ctrl+c and ctrl+v
> WOW user! you are so good at computers.
Where are my jobs in IT fields?! Mommy and Daddy told me I'm good at computers. Sigh...
Where are you working? You propably have phlegmatic personality. Don't let it bother you, or your performance at job will drop even further.
I agree with this post.
I always had people close to me, friends and family etc, thinking I was pretty smart. Always got good grades at school, spent a lot of time teaching myself stuff. But in classes I kind of acted like an idiot, goofing around and shit. Most of my teachers before uni told me I wouldn't make the grades for uni, wanted to talk to my parents about it... In the end I got all A's and got into a decent uni. Similar thing happened at uni but i graduated with one of the highest grades in the department.
So bottom line, fuck what other people say if you're getting the results and achieving what you want to achieve. You should be able to prove them wrong.
lilteral who's in company don't like you.
the people running the business and are accountable for it's success think highly of you.
I mean if anything yeah your socially retarded. Just keep rainmanning user. You'll be partner in 3-7 years if what you say is true about never messing up the math.
Lol! Poor op his autism is real. If he was serious then yeah. Just quit without notice and find another job. They could have a huge lawsuit on their hands and if they are dumb enough to hire managers like that then they are going under anyway.
Fuckit op. Just bail.
Showing he is actually retarded in the process
Well, i mean. I cam find a jerry rigged solutuon to almost everything and talk about tax law with an attorney but have at best C average intelligence.
The smartest guy i know is a schizophrenic and homeless.
Looks lile we found the new janitor
Mayne both. Unironically on the autism soectrum and a math guru. I know a guy with a docterates in math but he doesnt understand basic finances and is doomed to be a poor genius.
This and I'm surprised you had to ask. Don't let social pressure retards get to you
People laugh at me for building 4x4 lawn mowers and shit bit i have twice the fun they do. Meanwhile their $10,000 4 wheeler needs a $600 drive shaft when it breaks. I need a $20 chain and 20 minutes because since i built it i descided on quick change gears and chains. The rear end pins on.
I built it so there is pride and better mechanic ability.
Its unique albeit built with litteral trash.
Its just as much fun at 1/5th of the cost. Meanwhile i put that 9 grand i didnt spend into a rental house.
So, sone time soon rather than run pleb 10k 4 wheelers through the mud i will have a few jucked up blown raptors.
Fuck the haters man.
Buddy said nah user, only rich people get to drive around in limos.
$1,200 later here is my daily driver. Whatever. Pics wont load. Its a shitbox limo and the most fun piece of shit car on earth
>The smartest guy i know is a schizophrenic and homeless.
ah, the 'lazy but genius' meme, love that one good gentle sir
I have had this happen several times. Just ignore it and be as successful as you can be. There is no shortage of people of people in the world who want to devalue you.
Keep going but search for new work (made that mistake) stay "yourself" but watch those around like a preying hawk.
>Wow you look so stupid I never realised youre so smart
Probably just not good looking
Mechanics are /our autists/
Cut it out, start taking your self seriously or the dumb fucks will run you into the ground. Dominate.
Can be pretty true really, guy that I went to high school with who had the highest SAT(1580) in the school was also a D student and last I heard was living off of welfare.