/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #184

>You will never sing "Bein' Friends" with Sayori.

I'm a mark for anything from MGR, those were both welcomed surprises.

i love her in this life and in the next one as well

Well I did it. Another lewd Sayori fic with mutual masturbation as the intended theme, though it didn't quite end up being that exactly...
And no you didn't see me accidentally post this in the old thread instead shut up.

Hi, everyone! Sorry the club was empty, thankfully someone was around to pick up our slack, thanks to them for that!

Anyway, word of the thread, locked and loaded!
Let's use "Memento"! Alternatives are "Lily", "Portrait", "Storm" and "Wind"!

Anons of all skill levels are encouraged to give these words a try if they want to write a pem or short story but are lacking theme or inspiration!
We look forward to reading them!

Remember to eat your veggies! Watch the wheelchair, though.


Can someone give me a quick rundown on this tulpa thing, pls? Is it really possible to make one (a doki tulpa, perhaps)? I've seen a lot about it on these threads.

I wasn't here in 2012, sorry..

do not

Aw, cheer up man
She wouldn't want you to be sad

My autism when it comes to MGR is pretty bad.

Another user and i wrote out lyrics to "It has to be this way" in another thread but edited them all to relate to DDLC.

I imagine it is theoretically possible to give yourself schizophrenia, yes. Not really worth it, if you ask me.