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/lolg/ League of Legends General
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xth for why aren't you watching /our guy/ midbeast RIGHT NOW?
xth for my wife Syndra
i'm gonna leave my waifu here while i go to sleep. nobody touch her okay?
I wanna cuddle Jinx and do relaxing activities with her during it
Is it wrong that I get turned on by the thought of a snow white aryan woman flushing her genetics down the toilet by mating with a savage African with skin the colour of a thick, warm log of shit to create an unusually ugly, caramel coloured baby? Her beautiful white recessive genes being overpowered and corrupted the dominant black ones, making her next generation of offspring darker, less intelligent, and more inclined to violence
I love my cute and perfect wife, Riven!
Why does Ahri attract the most degenerates?
nice league of legends post
>ywn lose your virginity with Evelynn on your wedding night
Why live?
Is it possible to do relaxing activites while cuddlefugging Jinx?
How can you lose virginity with someone who dont have any genitalia?
i bet she would suck you off while you play league
Damn it really is Euro hours, jesus.
because she's casual waifubait
>animal ears/tail
>slutty dialogue
>fanservice skins
t. amerimutt.
Eurofag op here
Im too early today. I wouldnt be on here before 6-7pm
Can somebody with a high IQ explain this graph to me
>implying I don't want her to be sitting on my lap with my dick inside her while she plays league
>playing league
>just skimmed literally an entire thread consisting of posters trying to get themselves and others off
>legitimately no post unrelated to fapping or discussion of fap content
>new thread is created and it immediately continues
did something happen? i honestly don't remember the early morning hours being this bad until very recently. is this what lolg is like without esports?
you are not european, mohammed
it is if you play fucking broken hyper carry jinx
these hours have been like this for a few weeks. though to be fair, in the rare case someone actually manages to start a discussion, the lewdposting slows down. But usually the thread is too slow to sustain an actual conversation
I got 2950 orange dust + soaring sword fiora + another project skin orb from my project skin orb.
>playing adc
how does riven's hair work?
>fucking broken hyper carry jinx
>this level of delusion from jinxfags for their waifu
Normally I'd be upset at 90% of the thread being pure waifu shitposting from faggots
But this game is so shit it deserves a general like this
Personally I find the tanky support characters like Nautilus or Blitz to be the most relaxing.
The squishy assassins are probably the most "stressful" but arguably the most fun too.
i know the tier is bronze but what division?
Quick, claim your waifu before she gets BLACKED!
>having a waifu
get out
But I also kinda want to see her get BLACKED
Claiming Evelynn's hand in marriage!
Soraka is the comfiest lane bully
>bimbo tits lux
get out
I'm a very passionate league of legends player. I'm as passionate as a football fan would be about his sport, if not more. I could talk about League of Legends for hours with anybody, both about the competitive scene and about the way the game works, my experiences etc. And it's hard for me to cope with my family and friend's disdain for the game.
My parents have always disliked video games in general, so I didn't expect them to be okay with me playing League. But it hurts when it's people my age, friends, brother, that ridicule me for it. It hurts because they're gamers aswell, and we've all been gamers since we were 10. If anybody can understand how deep a game can be, it should be us. Yet they still laugh at my face when I say that League is intellectually intensive, that it's extremely complex both from a micro and a macro point of view.
"It's just a game", "stop wasting your time", "why don't you do something better with your time", "you're watching a league video AGAIN ?", "LoL as taken over your life :/", "you only talk about LoL", "all this time played and you're only gold ?"
These are all things that are said to me on a weekly basis. I don't even play that much, during school i'll play one or two games a day, if I don't come home too late. Maybe 5-7 on weekends when I don't have something else to do be it work or hanging around with friends. Even if in front of them I take it as a joke and shrug it off, it does hurt every single time that i'm not allowed to make LoL my main interest, while they can make FIFA or whatever game/sport they play/watch theirs.
So seeing that video really made me feel better about being a LoL fan, despite everything, i'm proud of being a passionate LoL player. Maybe they'll understand one day.
unclaimed enjoy your blacking
>its winter season and the nights are naturally cold
>during the night we'd cuddle under the covers naked with me spooning her from behind while we talk about stupid stuff or watch pointless videos and drink light coffee and hot chocolate
>I'd be able to tease and kiss her hair while caressing her
>She'd deny any possibility that she's tired but would eventually burn out and fall asleep
>I'd fall asleep after being able to hear her soft quiet breathing
>right being able to whisper that shes mine and i'll always love her before drifting off
ech, fine....
im calling the cops
>"all this time played and you're only gold ?"
this is where i lost it
>BLACKing the prestigious Crownguard bloodline
Pretty hot desu.
What's the best role to start maining if you want to be able to carry a team full of paraplegic window lickers?
My friend plays support so I was playing ADC a lot, but I feel like I have so little impact on the game unless it goes to 30+ minutes and their assassins haven't been fed. Otherwise it's just me getting deleted by the three 100%-0% characters the enemy team has.
I was thinking either a carry jungler (So not a tank. But I hate playing Lee Sin and Xin Zhao, and Udyr gets boring to play multiple times in a row.) or an assassin mid. But ever since they reworked LeBlanc and made her terrible, I don't have a mid assassin I like.
Sadly, Lux is owned by her mistress Kat.
Probably ADC. It has the word carry in its name.
Mid can work too I guess.
Jarvan. You can take any lane or jungle. Build AD, delet their team with your combo.
i'm guessing this is pasta from reddit.
probably the only thing that embarrasses me about this general more than seeing how much content makes its way over here from leddit is the thought of thirsty, scrawny 17 year old men trading pictures with each other in a half-assed effort to get themselves off.
Just play Malzahar mid, he's retard proof and cucks assasins, plus his lategame zoning, pushing power and poke damage are all bonkers good.
Only downside is you get abused hard before your first back, your first few levels are just weak as fuck
>botlane ruins the game but not doing their job again
all you have to do is sit in your lane and farm but no, these fuckers whine and argue between themselves and go afk endlessly. I wish riot would just kill the duo bot meta permanently, make it a solo lane somehow, add another lane, make summoners rift 4v4 I don't care.
I forgot what it's like to play normals, it's very comfy imo
Bad idea he's getting gutted tomorrow.
Lux is pretty good and you can lane her into anything
Lux loses hard to any assassin after 6
>t.midbab that literally doesn't know how to use smart pings and AFK's if not given blue buff
>top tier
Kog Lulu
>high tier
Hypercarry+Lategame support(braum or tahm)
>mid tier
Any adc + egirl support
>low tier
Lane bully adc + hard engage support
>smurfing tier
kalista thresh
How to fix Zoe
E is now visible by enemies when it enters a wall
Sleep duration reduced to 1-2s depending on rank
No longer creates a trap when missing
CDR for hitting removed
And it would still be a ridiculous skill
Not really, except Zed but that's ok because Zeds identity is beating literally every single midlaner except Malzahar (against which he will just have to make do with perfect farm because he's Zed)
Especially to Kat.
Cute yordle females.
Still sitting on 2 key fragments. Fucking rito give me key already so i can have my frozen nocturne or other useless skin
>still has the rng
not a fix
>200 armor malph at 5 minutes
why is this allowed
>Summoner spells are powerful tools but on long cooldown
>Autism loli bitch can get any summoner from minions
I have 25 keys and no chests.
She can't be BLACKED if fucking her equates to getting murdered
**I move away from the mic to breathe in
git gud loser
First cuck of the night boys.
how do I post my top champs like everyone from the last thread did? got NO FUCKING REPLY WHEN I ASKED
i literally have the perfect key box ratio
im always just waiting for new boxes to be available
not that its worth anything anymore, sincepreseason started Ive only gotten emotes and champ sharts
Claiming Muscle-fu
Teemo is pretty fun.
does it still count since she's the one doing the penetrating?
29 here. and i get S ranks every other game -- it just happens to be on one of the 10 or so champions i play. they really need to let chests reset once every 4 months or so, per champion.
i also have no idea how people aren't just drowning in keys even if they get a bunch of chests. i play this game 2 hours a day and feel like i get at least a key fragment daily.
>Lower the chances of getting the more busted drops early on
>Flash can only drop when she kills a champion that has it but they now move into her direction when it does happen
>Teleport and Flash are NOT dropped by the minions for the first 9-11 levels because fuck you
>or better yet, they can only get shitty drops early on but can get cooler shit if they choose to give ranks to it (Protobelt, Gunblade and Teleport are at higher ranks of the skill)
>Effectiveness of the summoner spells such as heal, ignite, barrier are toned down early on the game (think like how Heals are reduced in URF but ramp up back to normal as time goes longer)
>Amp up the damage it does
wrong, I play top
I just had a support hanging around my lane while bot inhib turret got pushed in at 15 minutes because between my 2 boneheaded botlaners neither of them could do something as simple as right click a creep
post yfw you can literally force dodges in champ select just by posting your match history
my last two ranked games were 12 minute and 15 minute losses, with me forcing 3 teammate ragequits between the two of those games.
manamune frozen fist and 3 frozen hearts on taric
she's got bladed tentacles, the fuck you think is gonna happen?
>Whore loli
>Cant hit a single skill on you
>Just go full unga and trow all summoners and passive procs
>kills you
oh god its worse you're a fucking top lane island baby
>botlane is just about right clicking creeps
average game time 28 minutes
>Not a SINGLE naked-apron Evelynn lewd
>Not a SINGLE nun-outfit Evelynn lewd
>Not a SINGLE wedding dress Evelynn lewd
Yeah Annie is fucking obnoxious
>Casts magic damage spells and kites you
pshh.... nothing personal.... aspect
i'm actually not sure what i'm going to do when they rework nunu from a straight-up troll / anti-fun champion.
>Vanilla Evelynn
mostly it's because retards like you keep posting ugly monster girl evelynn with buttfuck hair and whatthefuck eyes and shadows that kill boners worse than an eskimo outfit would
Sorry and anyway have your thousandth Ahri pic. Hope you like your waifu's attention get hogged by someone else of good taste
Ahri niggers need to leave
I'd still hit it
That aside, who else works really well with Predator? Eve, Wick, Hec, and Rammus thus far
Cho'Gath can work with it.
this is actually the only semi-arousing base eve picture i've seen, and what a surprise, it's because they gave her normal hair and didn't make her eyes look like retarded weeb shit.
and i say that as someone who's been an eve fan since season 1 and who still greatly enjoys new eve -- just on actual good skins like shadow and masquerade.
Claiming nami
As an evefag even I can admit the base hair is fucking stupid looking