League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!

xth for my wife Syndra

>still over a month till CLIMBing season

all waifuposters should be permabanned

how do i deal with this ornn bug where the visual of the ram is significantly delayed relative to its actual hitbox? it happens to me every time, so i've only ever hit an ornn ult blind instead of hitting the ram, but i don't think it happens to everybody.

This cow comes up to your waifu and starts making fun of her small breasts, what do you do ? Take into consideration that she hasnt been miked in a week.

xth for Smugfu

What are some times when you were literally the Joker in League of Legends?
>thresh tosses me his lantern
>flash instead

My stand [THE DEMON KING] is the strongest!

Give her a good miking

filter "xth for"

>Ping jungler for help toplane
>Farm creeps while jungler ganks and dies
>Spam "?" Pings on his dead body

So can you not see your own post now?

I love Camille

been playing alot of tahm kench top. Seems that no matter how well I do in lane I can't win (obviously because im garbage).

I'll go like 3/1 in lane, and if not i'll have a massive farm difference. Yet I can't win, in fact the games that I lose lane I end up winning more often after a come back. Does anyone have any advice on how to git gud? What are some reasons you'd lose the game even when getting fed? (i went 6/0 in lane and still lost a game due to yi getting fed off of botlane) Silver if that matters

Leona is probably up there with kat underneath her armor and bodysuit

Kled is the cutest and I want to press the attack on his butthole! One thrust! Two thrust! Third thrust is big then he gets destroyed with each new thrusts!

So power level fight Jhin vs. Shaco who wins?

oh no!
i've owned myself!
not again!

how bad will the noxus lore be? can they possibly ruin all your favorite characters from your favorite faction?


Karma lore update when? Besides Master Yi she has the most chill personality in the game.

>Not Katarina
Ruined by tattoo
>Not Vi
Doesn't show hers, we can only assume but not confirm.
>Not Leona
see vi
>Not Nidalee
also ruined by tattoos/paint
>Not Riven
see vi
>Not Akali
see vi
>Not Vayne
see vi
>but the 2 foot tall purple midget with stick legs
If there were other options we could confirm with canon sources, we would.

As long as they make vlad as bland and generic as possible i could not care less about noxus lore updates

>don't show their midriff

are you unironically retarded or.....?

Jhin is legitimately just a skinny asian serial killer
He's possibly the weakest person in League

See the important difference is all but one of these are human women with voluptuous features that a normal person would be attracted to, but since you're a sick degenerate you don't care about that

Jhin's a homicidal maniac with a magic gun while Shaco is a possessed toy-demon-thing with actual power. My money is in Jhin though maybe because he's dealt with some magic shit before so he'd know what to do. But Shaco would probably win.

My money is on Camille-poster in that granny fight.

>Poison knifes

>A gun

Jhin might be one of the weakest champions lore wise

Tahm Kench has a lot of good match ups in lane but he's trash in teamfights. He's probably better off just splitpushing, plus you can ult to your team if you really need to. I would take Demolition and build titty hydra and just split if I were to play Tahm top.

adc take no skill
whenever i play blue kayn i dive adc but they live with like 100 hp so i ult and then they dont die

meanwhile red kayne can actually kill ppl
AND doesnt die.

Of course he's retarded, he's a yordlefucker

pitch me some name ideas for miss fortune otp account
leaning towards mommy fortune but im open to ideas


are we allowed to post patreon links on Veeky Forums?

Xth for Cass

>Of course he's retarded, he's a yordlefucker
that explains it


Tahm Kench top exists to get your jungler fed with the freest kills ever. Unfortunately most junglers have single digit IQ and don't realize Tahm top is an ATM for them to cash out at regularly.

>friendly anivia blocks my path with her wall
>flash over it

But this cow is my waifu. Is she saying that she wants to be bigger?

is there a reason to?
if not, it's advertising


So plugged ducts and possible mastitis? Nice.

>Jhin might be one of the weakest champions lore wise
Even if that were the case he's managed to evade TWO of the deadliest champions in Ionian lore.

Idk if you missed the context, but the original post was "what league girl has the best midriff". If you look at the entire roster of sexy tight midriffs league has to offer and decide on Tristana you're a fucking dumbass.

A bunch of fellow yordlefuckers are putting together a pinup calendar with the profits going to charity. Thought you guys might be interested

i think he was a martial artist back in the day, since his father was one

Zed couldn't even beat Xayah. I don't take him serious.

I'm seriously starting to feel like quitting the game because I'm so eternally sick of certainlyT's signature champions and now there's one more.
Zoe might not be a huge problem just now but I know that she will be, that's just the cycle repeating itself
His older champions might not be 100% pickban in ranked but they're still frustrating and I am still worn of the era where they were 100% pickban.

I can't be burnt out on the game because I played so little in preseason (no ranked at all) and I played less in S7 than before

Can anybody relate?

>When you have to balance CertainlyT's shit

>team tells me to group
>don't and pick up a pentakill after they all died

are rakan and xayah's clothes like a part of them? part of their transformation?

thanks guys, so take tp and just create pressure constantly with ult pushing towers?

>Team says we lose
>We win


full cups
two handfuls
tits in face

>Shitty blitz player doesn't land a single hook the entire game
>Somehow manage to pick our carry with a q in late mid game
>lose team fight
>They have yorick tristana and ziggs so they literally throw 3 mid turrets, inhib, and nexus turrets
>We lose

explain to me how this is fair?

well fizz is on sale good of a time as ever to make a smurf

IMO Tahm top is only good if you duo with a jungler, preferably one who also benefits from being taken behind the enemy team with your ult.

>Get smurf for my friend
>play couple of games with him
>never use it again

5 decides which champ I one trick in my smurf and the summoner name if you want.

>Zed couldn't beat Xayah

Zed was winning. Xayah needed Daddy Rakan to save her ass from the falling debris and splat.

Your carry fucked up their positioning in a crucial period in the game

That's fair

like you are retarded enough to spend money on champs, just pay 30 dollars for an account that already has 20-30 champs at level 30

How do you carry games as talon?
If I get fed and split I'm up against a tank I can't just kill. The game goes on and I can't win.
If I get fed as an assassin it feels like I still can't split reliably.
If I play a control Mage I just wave clear and it's a crap shoot on who wins.

And get it banned within 2 weeks? No thanks!

>If I get fed and split I'm up against a tank
then you rotate and flank because you can make it to mid lane way faster than any tank.

bought about 8 accounts 5 of them got banned for being botted or some how they found out i bought them it takes 3 days of hardcore grinding with boosts to get 30

>get shitty Blitz who is female in game
>they are trio q with our jg Nocturne (also female) and our Top Tahm
>Tahm is doing fine, but Nocturne and Blitz are feeding their asses off
>Lucian is 5/0 by ten minutes in because they come to lane and die to him
>Eventually kill Lucian dying to him, but Shutdown gold is enough for me to power spike. Get 4 more kills.
>Game is at 28 minute mark, trying to push for Baron
>Suddenly ping spikes to 2000 and I can't play anymore because Ashe just moonwalks all over the map and riot are big enough dicks to have my champ walk towards the enemy team when I d/c instead of send me back to base automatically

Not only was it tilt inducing playing with those two shitters, but the fact that I finally managed to 1v1 a fed Lucian to only be cucked by the internet d/c me pissed me off to no end.

How Are tanks strong this patch?They can't split reliably and the rely on their team to do damage and not eat shit in lane. In lane phase all u do is farm and even all of that can amount to nothing, even if you are unkillable.

Maybe not, but Shen LARPs as a soul reaper.

tanks have a split pushing rune that makes you do like 600 damage on your first auto on turrets and grasp is by far the best rune in the game not to mention all the popular tanks do % health damage stop being low iq senpai

He's a support, even in top lane. Your goal isnt to "win" lane, it's to not lose lane then present your team with opportunities to close out the game. Any instance of tahm carrying or being able to split push is more an indication of a terrible enemy team more than anything else.

do the esports team skins usually go on sale during all-stars? i think they do for MSI but can't remember if they do for all-stars

1) Don't pick Talon against a team with more than 1 tank including support
2) Splitting as Talon is a waste of time , only try to get kills or get vision in the enemy jungle
3) Your job in late game is to one shot the biggest carry , if you can't do that you failed your team

post cropped porn

thats actually a good idea. What if they're under tower or have a support peeling ? Do you just split again and do jg camps? I really struggle playing assassins.

>wait, you want to put your WHAT in my WHAT until you WHAT all over my WHAT???????

>Enemy has Xin, Leona, Ornn, Ezreal, Malzhar, Yorick, Teemo, J4, or Blitz
>Game becomes unwinnable shit

Why can't riot just nerf these champs? they are disgustingly OP. its been weeks since the last patch, you would have thouht that in pre-season they would be doing more patches but they just lacking off trying to make christmas skins and chromas.

Grasp on Camille instead of PTA?

You don't split as talon like you split as jax
you push the wave then fuck off to the jungle placing wards and picking off squishies
if they send a tank to push out what you pushed then dash through walls and ball into their team

Ban him
Pick poke support or don't fight her
Jungler should deal with him or just ignore him
Becomes useless late
Ban him
Just stay in lane and let the jungler deal with him
Just play respectfully
Become useless late
Meme support , just dodge

I'm getting so fucking sick of how shitty the performance is in late game. When are they optimizing this piece of shit? I used to have a steady 300 fps on a way worse rig when the new map came out, now i'm barely pushing 90 in a 40+ min game.

I was sticking with talon cause he was a noob assassin. Should I just not play assassins if they have more than one tank? How do you know so much?sjould I play control mages instead?

you would get less use out of it than someone that builds health but that along with the extra 180 hp from the resolve tree would help you early more than pta pta is still probably better on camillie i dont play her though

>not playing with 15-30fps like me

I never think Assassins are champions you should one trick or main. Assassins are situational pick when the enemy team has 0 frontline. Control mages are the safest pick otherwise.

>Ezreal become useless late
>Implying there will be late with a somewhat decent Ez player.

also, you can't just ignore Ornn the fuck you smoking.

ornn is ridiculous

also hey it's jlaol, namechanged to bool. He used to be challenger, guess he's fallen far.

if you arent bad by all means play assassins there are plenty of high elo one trick assassin players kat is probably the best to one trick right now

>What if they're under tower
have you actually seen what your damage is capable of as a fed Talon? ghostblade, hop the closest wall, QWauto(duskblade proc)Rauto(duskblade proc) and the tower MIGHT get 2 shots on you as you leave tower range.
>or have a support peeling ?
this can be a major pain, just try to wait until your team does something to distract them.

>A bunch of fellow yordlefuckers are putting together a pinup calendar with the profits going to charity.
I really hope you don't believe it's going to charity
and even if it was, why would that require a patreon for fucking charity

Why are you so fucking fixated on splitting Jesus christ

>clap a Project Vayne and a Godfist Lee Sin an entire match, twice, back to back using Project Ashe

Is there a greater feeling?

Besides breeding Sejfag?

>Besides breeding sejfag
>Not just breeding sej

>enemy team is
angelblade riven / god fist lee sin / demonblade yasuo / PROJECT vayne / dark star thresh

is there a scarier feeling?

>jungler asks for topside leash
I already know the game is lost but at I'm not gonna lose my lane.

Lulu is my STAR!

I remember reading that splitting is really good because it gets solo xp and gold and gives pressure on the map.
Plus if you're fed you can 1v1 usually anyone that comes up.
It just seems like a nice idea. Sorry if I brought Vietnam flashbacks of autistic splitters. But I really don't have any idea of how to play the game.

Sej isn't real, user.

But I'd pay for Sejfag to look like Sej if I they were my exclusive cum dump.

>jungler asks for topside leash when your topside is red buff
is there any clearer sign that your jungler is a complete and utter retard?