Nidus edition
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CURRENT UPDATE: Plains of Eidolon (Update 22.5.0)
/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one:
/wfg/ - Warframe General
first for nezha!
I love you Nezha
I miss Tonkor
I miss Burger King
best edition
Nezha a fucking best and huge dick
so i just traded a r0 ignis riven rolled 5 times with very shitty stats for this
did i do good? i love the pyrana and but i always wished it would shoot slower because of how unstable it is
but still i cant help but feel i could have sold that ignis and bought the riven i wanted with plat
Just got Ash Prime Systems
Should I sell now or will it inflate even more?
The deed is done already. As long as the result makes you happy you good.
>having sex with gf
>ask if we can roleplay
>she agrees
>tell her I want to call her Nakak
>she doesn't understand why but agrees anyways
>tfw I can tell Nakak to suck my cock
y-you too
i guess i shouldnt worry about it, i hate the ignis and i hate trading and im glad im done with this
thanks for setting my mind on the right track
>Fifth oxium alert today
>trading a ignis riven
ya done fucked up
but thats a nice riven anyways
Tonkor is still good.
You just can't go full retard with it.
But 10o, now it is working as intended, it took us only 2 years to fix, you should've seen it coming.
Meanwhile, she's pretending your Konzu
whats your amp? want to try out more combinations but those wisps are holding me back.
>3 Prism doesn't work properly for clients resulting in lower DPS than 2.
>3 Prism with 3 Brace and a Cat's Eye buff results in 98% critical chance meaning almost every shot through a Volt Shield gets the doubled crit damage.
So I found this threads ago, that's cool but does that mean I'll always have lower dps as client no matter what?
333 for ayydelon host
233 for ayydelon client
I'm using 123 for messing around in low level content as just my tater
333 for ayydolons
but that sucks for normal mission types
get the 212 if you wanna kill other stuff with your operator as well
you need to get one of every prism type for mastery anyway
the first prism actually does alright damage and a great range
Why does being host change things?
I just jewed someone Volt Prime for 80pl
Should I make or resell? I really like Volt.
Sleek coding as always
I miss the no fall-off projectile Kohm. Oh well. At least Rivens make the Kohm great again.
Forgot to post pic
Wait till 12th to see the unvaults then make a decision
Too late, couldn't resist and I need the mastery fodder anyways. (And sort of collecting everything)
>Have 5 argon
>Trying to think of shit to use it before it dissolves
Incubator power cells. Companion 2.0 and cat lady frame (and I imagine eventual pack master frame). Might as well have them ready to go for when they revamp pets
Greater lenses
>Want to bring Atlas to missions
>he's shit
Buffs when?
I got a feeling they'll release something that costs a shitload of the ox.
I too know this feel
Fuck DE
landslide my dude
He's decent in the Index
I wish more of the grenade launchers had more innate velocity, they just weakly dribble rather than energetically spurt.
I guess
According to what reasoning
Because warframe is p2p thus the host has a direction connection to DE servers while everyone else has to proxy through the hosts connection. Have you noticed any bit of noticeable lag in a game changes the way stuff happens? Well that's why.
Is the t3 scaffold better than 2nd? the alt-firing seems kind of lack luster.
He can barricade the enemy goalposts to keep them from scoring points
So will DE just keeping bringing out frames with one or two op powers and then nerf them after enough have been bought with plat?
+fairly decent damage
+good toxic dmg
+good electric dmg
+1 reroll
how much should i ask for this baby?
>he's a mexican/other assorted degenerate
>need saturn taxi for nanospores
>resource booster out in 13 minutes
>nobody responding to me and some other guy who needs a taxi to the same spot
its good if they score though
>do corpus defence alert
>average time between energy orbs is over 2 minutes
holy shit DE really do not want you to use abilities do they
>needing a taxi to saturn
what do you even have that you need nano spores so desperately
That is most definitely not Incase
so i just found out how to trivialize two of the tier 3 grineer spy puzzles while farming for ivara parts
i have it recorded
should i post a video link or keep the secret to myself
Who then?
Just installed the game and played for a few hours
is the entire game a snooze fest or just the beggining? cus it's so fucking easy and i just need to spam melee and everyone just die and i feel like i'm inmortal or some shit
It doesn't matter user, everyone and their grandmother knows how to trivialize spy missions of any tier.
I have issues with grineer so I'd be grateful
its mei
just go look for some of her pics im sure you will find who the artist is
It is, not fuck off.
Looks about right
no meanies
Warfarm is not a rewarding game user, it's a time-sink at best. If it's yet to grab your shorties hard enough for you to glaze over the "combat" then it most definitely never will.
the other one isnt "trivialize" but it will make things easier
its the data vault where theres 2 scanning lasers around the console
you can use ash to teleport into the computer room through the window from the top console that disables the scanning lasers
Nah, it can't be legoman; she isn't making that one smug squinting expression he always uses
I hate Uranus so much. Fuck the Sea Lab. Fuck trying to find/scan the Oculysts. Fuck underwater sections. Fuck fighting underwater. Fuck completing 5 missions with only my melee weapon. FUCK URANUS. I JUST WANT TO UNLOCK THE SECOND DREAM BEFORE STARTING THE PLAINS OF EIDILON FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
I don't run range tho, should I? I always hate running up to enemies
Plus I was run out of energy fast
Goota be Incase right? The thick outlines and wide eyed look of ecstasy look like his style
so it's just about smashing everything i see and get loot without using my brain at all?
you need to do the war within before plains
i need to build zaws.
That isn't le incase face, though
I can't wait for the FREE Loki Prime that Amazon Prime users will get.
You have to go back to Uranus and do underwater stuff during the Second Dream, by the by.
>complaining about doing missions with melee only
that's easy negro, why are you complaining
Thanks user
>implying it won't be saryn prime
i didnt bother compressing it
i just cropped it with some online tool and threw it on mixtape
it was 200mb before i cropped it
you people are fucking stupid this IS
IN FACE INCASE Learn to fucking google you dumb faggots
>actually spoonfed
saryn prime, I managed to piggy back off some guy who wanted help farming harrow systems
they need to fix these fucking waypoints
>when porn gets more discussion than game on a video game thread
>come home, and see this,
Honestly, I was expecting it. Literally the only counter to Vitrify was a nullifier.
>no, the health will not be increased by damage absorbed during casting.
Well, rip Gara for easy defenses. I can foresee the "only damaged sections will fall away" to be completely broken/buggy/resource hogs for the first whole week after the nerf.
How fucking new are you? Wait, don't answer that since your image says it all.
recommend me some frames with this aesthetic, /wfg/