>10 btc sell wall @ 10k on Yobit was eaten a few hours ago
This is your final warning. Get in now or kick and scream for the rest of the year
BUY POSW RIGHT NOW poswallet.com
>10 btc sell wall @ 10k on Yobit was eaten a few hours ago
This is your final warning. Get in now or kick and scream for the rest of the year
BUY POSW RIGHT NOW poswallet.com
Other urls found in this thread:
im not buying your bags
10 btc is hardly a wall faggot
all those referral links are so cringey
le hodl
What if I'd rather be poor? Isn't being rich miserable?
Threw in 100 buckers a while ago. Might drop some more
Can Nagasaki please ban fucking cryptoshit already
I can help you with that, user. Let me relieve you of your miserability.
is anyone else getting an error message when they try to buy more POSW? I'm getting "error processing, please try again"