Its the far left they should be worried about as they would simply shut down the stock market.
pic related.
Its the far left they should be worried about as they would simply shut down the stock market.
pic related.
Other urls found in this thread:
bernie sanders wanted a robinhood tax to give niggers college
apparently no one wanted to point out how retarded that was
The news reports what will give them views and clicks for ad revenue. It's that simple and extreme shit such as far left/right. violent, and sex shit sells.
Or you can subscribe to the idea its some grand conspiracy. I personally believe it's all about the money.
You're incredibly naive.
how so?
While Nazi Germany was have a stock market boom, soviet Russia shut down their stock markets thanks to communism
>National socialist
>far right
ummm do u know whst socialism is op?
if the right wing (not alt-right or cuckservatives) actually comes to power across the spectrum, fiat will be destroyed and those that instituted it and benefitted from it will be hunted down
Yup. Bit its all the liberal arts degrees and english memers that turned full shitlib in college running the media. The right wing is busy working and being tefted to pay for their education. It finally came to a head in november and we are still seing what happens when these left cucks are allowed to run ammuck unchecked
We can only pray.
The left might raise taxes, but they won't cut off the supply of Mexican slave labor.
>Its the far left they should be worried about
The far left is controlled. Ever notice how antifa always protests conservative events, Trump rallies, and free speech events? Antifa is too dumb to realize they're pawns, more concerned with identity politics than actual policy.
The left is split on identity politics issues, which is what makes them useless. The far right doesn't give a shit about black lives or feminism.
>implying destroying our parasitic banking and financial systems would be a bad thing
I see you all have learned to love the taste of Mr. Shekelberg's dick.
>i want to go back to living in the dark ages when I would be carrying all my gold and valuables with me during my travels because bandits and thieves stealing it on the way is just a jewish conspiracy :^)
So how's that $200k+ mortage treating you? Funny how just a few decades ago houses were less than a year's wages. Also funny how everyone's lives have generally gotten more miserable coinciding with the massive increase financialization.
>Why is the ((((((((((media)))))))))) so afraid of the far right coming to power?
I wonder why
>Funny how just a few decades ago houses were less than a year's wages.
>what is inflation
>what is productivity
>what is economics 101
Not even going to waste my time educating a brain dead anarchist like you.
Inflation wouldn't change home prices as a fraction of income you dishonest shitter. Mortages are a new phenomenon because not only are houses more expensive since they're used as financial vehicles by banks now, but people are also making comparatively less money than they used to.
I guess you're opposed to the idea of saving for a rainy day aswell. Like who the fuck needs to plan and save for the future, right? We just all need to work till we drop and not invest in anything (because of the ebil jews!), expecting prices to stay constant forever :^)
Way to move the goalposts. The financial industry is objectively harming the average person, so now you're going to attempt to change the subject. Nice.
Sure, prices fluctuate, but they don't just shoot up by 1000% unless something very weird happens.
That's because the people who own the interest rate pegs are jews
Why dont we just vote democrat so we can let 100 million mexicans and africans in then house prices will fall for sure.
Not stating my political opinions here but the far right is typically associated with nationalism, which in turn is associated with protectionism and war. Neither of which are particularly good for the cash cow that is capitalist globalization i.e. $$$$$$
>war isn't good for the moneymakers
>war isn't good for the defence ocmpanies who get to justify their government tax cuts
>war isn't good for the NWO global banks to swoop in and "help the people" with incredibly strict term loans that essentially steal all assets from the counrty, leaving it a hollow slave-producing husk
how naiive are you?
>implying I'm a globalist
Nice strawman
>implying WWII didn't get us out of the Great Depression
In 1967, the median annual income was $6,155.
In July 1967, the median house price was $23,300.
6,155/23,300 = 0.264
In 2011, the median annual income was $49,423.
The median house price in July 2011 was $229,900.
49,425/229900 = 0.215
The difference over almost 50 years is only about 20%.
Liberals are better at business. Just look at who's headed towards trillionaire status. Bill Gates and Zuckerberg. Look at all the old money families like Rockefellers or Soros. Leftist. Only New money is conservative like the Hilton's or Trumps