League of Legends General - /lolg/



xth for getting laid frequently therefore feeling superior to /lolg/

xth for breast metal waifu

>Yasuo thred

Well that's unexpected.

xth for my wife Syndra

xth for smugfu

I want to IMPREGNATE Evelynn!

Only after marriage of course.

>no link
>gay thread again

I dont think its even ironic I bet there are some actual yasuofags lurking with multiple chat restrictions looking for validation here

Gonna post here since old thread dead:

Is anyone else not getting their fwotd missions on time?
>Played everyday for the last two weeks
>Have only got 4 "first win" missions
Before anyone asks yes I've won at least one game everyday.
Anyone else getting this "bug"? I've reported it to Riot multiple times but I know they won't do anything about it unless leddit gets outraged.

>go support nunu
>leash jg
>ping my ping
>say lagging
>take the big guy with q
>walk away stand still
>ping here ill leash this camp
>they think "oh, maybe it wasnt on purpose"
>fucking take this one too
>at this point they dc rage in caps int feed or nothing

why did i ever grind to plat before? this is great

Eve feels super clunky when you first pick her up but she gets better once you get the hang of her E.

i love kled and stuff

Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.

/lolg/ is this accurate? y/n?

I'm pretty bad with Yasuo but he's the only champ I can get perfect/near perfect CS with.

What do?

what is this champion this is hella op yo

like just tower dive mang don't be afraid mang haha mang

Jhin should be on the pure scale, but way to the left completely on his own.

>play safe and outfarm the enemy until you get two crit items
>then win

>tfw no Elsa skin for Ashe

I'm not a fan of Frozen, but I am a fan of Norwegian blondes with Braided hair.

"muh tanks" is generally a worse argument for any decision than people think. Winning lane and snowballing will always matter more than team comp because any champ with a three level lead will have so much extra durability just from levels that the enemy can't easily kill them.

Specifically in this conversation, Klepto GP gets so much gold that he can build a shitload of extra durability if he thinks he needs it (TF, Sterakk's, Titanic is a great build to spend your shitloads of gold on).

There are a lot of matchups when properly played you will need grasp: Irelia, Tryndamere, Kled, Renekton. The thing is that I don't think you should go in expecting those champions to be properly played until you're pretty high elo. If you don't crush lane in bronze, silver, or even gold then you probably still have dimensions of the matchup that you should learn, and in plat the matchups are only played well enough that you'll have to be passive and give up a cs lead to the enemy for a while, then eventually still outscale. Diamond is really the only point where it's like "These guys are going to play so well and their junglers are going to be so competent that I'll just get shit on and not even be able to scale."

Varus pure?

>when you have to solo queue because you have no friends
>when you can't make friends in solo queue because for some reason only you get matched with chinks

god help me why doesn't anyone here play together

>Queue up with a friend
>I go Yorick, he goes Ziggs
>Towers literally cease to exist between the two of us
We got every single tower on our team, it was one of the most cancerous things I've seen in a while.

oh, I just remembered Pantheon. Take Grasp into him because he's actually stupid enough to play that you can expect a silver or gold player to play him competently and shit on you.

>Implying Wukong and Kennen dont have horny animalistic urges to fuck
>Implying Shen, the wizard of balance and spirit isn't 100% pure
>Implying Varus who has to men inside of him at all times isn't the ultimate slut
This list is shit

fizz just rage quit haha

Ask to have Ornn or Malphite on your team.

There you go.

>The support doesn't buy fucking wards
>Dumbasses still somehow think they can be a damage mage on a fucking support budget.

What does a Bionapple have to do with heavy metal?

>trundle support
>never buys wards
>triforce into rage blade
>literally will no group and says he is splitpushing, without a hydra
>every single fight we lose he says in all chat "yeah but we got this lane shoved"
>every time he gets 1v5'd because he is autistically deep in their lane all chat "yeah now my guys can take drag"
>4v5 a victory
I wanted to lose on principle. That fucking dipshit doesn't deserve a win.

Yasuo's a lot easier than people make him out to be.
Literally just don't be retarded and ult/e in stupid situations or take duals you know you can't win, it's that simple.
As long as you get an AP top/mid/jungle you should be fine.

try reddit
What's your rank and server?

I guess my problem is that I don't really know what to do with him. If I catch the enemy AD out alone I can kill them but I always don't do very much damage in total. I guess I don't know what to do in team fights beside engage with knock up and lay down wind wall.

did aphromoo join 100 thieves because he's black and a thief

>Implying Wukong and Kennen dont have horny animalistic urges to fuck

Not my cute dorky boy.

Windwall ults or hard cc, engage with ult, then just Spam everything.

Who's the easiest energy based Champ?

Fuck the police.


Remember if you want to ruin Teemo's day just pick Pantheon

>be jgler
>Give your laner a double kill through timely intervention
>He gets solo killed

Some people are beyond redeeming.

I'm on NA and got gold last season but I only got to play my placements, I have 3 friends on my list and they're never on. I just wanna play games where I'm not grouped with 4 stupid chinks.

If you insist

>that curvy figure
>those tits
>those thighs
>those hips
>that long hair
>that gap
holy fuck pls send help



Teemo and Pantheon are both equally retarde dto have on your team. No matter which one of you wins it's not going to matter at all.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>ywn pump Cait full of cum on a dangerous day
True suffering.



And she's still swimming WITH me!

shen but you need good knowledge of when you can ult without losing your tower

>wanting to be hugged by a strong ripped man like yasuo is gay

it can be non-sexual!

Yare yare daze.

>ywn get Cait to pull out the fuzzy cuffs

it would be a lissandra skin...

>on a dangerous day
like a volcano eruption outside the window or something?
it was a dark and stormy night...

Whats your favorite champion quote lolg?
Mine is Annie's:
"I never play pokemon"

When she's ovulating obviously.

I'm learning Gangplank top. Is there certain matchups where I should definitely be taking Grasp over Klepto?

What about my enemy's team comp makes it a better idea to take Grasp on him?

Any reason GA sometimes just doesn't go off despite clearly not being on cool down?

did i mention it's mating season?



"The heart is the strongest muscle"

"Shiro loves edging"

>this Jinx build
we won but holy shit if it didn't trigger me. It only worked because I know how to peel i swear to god.

>ywn be edged by star guardian jinx

nobody says that

ahh yee git down

try the leagueconnect leddit (or the lolg discord if you prefer erp degenerates over normeis).

Ashe would make a good Elsa.

Lulu is the cuddliest! THE CUDDLIEST!

>Riot says they'll keep that line in the rework
>They don't
>Even though she still has heels

Yeah she's nowhere to be seen

those eyebrows are really freaky

request one champ, one skin line, no lewds, i'll try to draw something nice and report back in a week :)

Elderwood Kindred

>try and go in to poke as sona
>literally explode from dmg enemy bot throws at me.

Ok I'm garbage. How do I sona? Also what item do you guys ussualy go for on her?

Bump. Someone answer my GP question when your done talking about your waifus.

Stop playing this fucking champion for the love of god

what's the discord even?

Dark star camille

this sona is so sad and tired, worse than me after a whole hard workday

Grasp is better for scaling and long term fighting (which depending on your build might matter)
Klepto is for a stronger laning phase because you're Q poke just gives you free buffs and gold and sustain. Tobais Fate did a video on it. I think Klepto on GP is overall better but grasp might be superior depending on enemy team comp

Elsa would make a good Jinx desu

i go klepto with her, i go klepto with most supports, i love klepto

check the top of eyosongive.us

>all these people picking Varus because of the video
Thanks for the win morons

Does this game seriously mention Pokemon? Isn't it supposed to be a fantasy world?

That's why you take it top.

srs question
can i use aery literally on every ap champion?

Its been working for me and I'm beginning to like the song a lot.

stop being retarded

>tfw playing Riven top against Yasuo top
>tfw beating his ass in (with help from jg of course) and then snowballing from there
Who else Canon Lore Gameplay here
post riven pics i dont have any


>I will never be this guy
>This will never be my life
>I will never die to this
fuck this timeline

>your instant feedback report
lmfao i got some dudes banned

You'll never fuck Code Lyoko looking sluts?

i asked a question bitch