sasuke edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
>See notification no longer mentions the new lancer blitz skins
>Not in the store anyway
Okay Full Darkin theory:
Pestilence/Conquest horseman has been split in two, brother and sister
Brother is Varus, Conquest
Sister is Darkin lady, Pestilence, modelled after Lilith/Lamashtu
They are also a botlane duo
This horseman rides a white horse.
The white horse is Vlad and they both rode him.
post achievements
Seems less believable with that much cropping.
i still dont get what darkin is supposed to be
are they from the void? hell? space?
>Vlady has finally lost it
Did your bf bully you for making him watch vampire flicks?
If your champion isn't on this list they aren't cute:
A late to bed Thresh
A grumpy Sivir
Tiny Zed
A flustered Nasus
Jinx and not Syndra
Swain again
Extra-dimensional creatures attracted by the misuse of magic
He actually loved the movie and said it was really deep and hot
but hes a slav goth so expected
i dont like showing people my ign :c
They're an alien species from another dimension that was drawn to Runeterra by their magic.
who is this mlp watching girl?
xth for my wife Syndra
creatures from out of this world that want to feed off of Runeterra's magic
That much was clear, but that was an extreme crop, hence "THAT much". Would've been nice to see the winning game stats even if you covered up the names.
>next Darkin is a female
Loli Darkin with gauntlets confirmed.
xdh for syndos
Supposedly she has an axe but I wouldn't be surprised if Riot gave her a whip.
Vlad's mom confirmed
So, is Poppy a hero?
What'll it be /lolg/?
Objectively yes
Who the fuck is the autist banning people from the discord?
I didn't even post anything
>Braum listed twice
A shitty-ass skin like TPA Shen
A champion shard
Skinshard and hextech case and key.
That was intentional. He's just that cute.
>thunder sticks with real bonking sound effects
leave forever
Fuck you I like TPA Shen, if only for the auto sound.
No this is league, she's a champion
Have a wonderful day today, Anons! No matter what, things will always turn out alright!
>TPA Shen
Him and SKT Zed are literally the only good team skins, because they actually manage to pull off the "urban ninja" aesthetic.
You are insane if you think that
>A flustered Nasus
Furfags FUCK OFF
Seeing all the waifu autism in /lolg/ really ruins my day but I don't want to browse reddit. This is hell
>getting a skin in time for the rework
Ah, it's like Crabgot all over again.
Now I'm not fnatic about e-sports skins (I am looking forward to SSG Rakan though), but it ain't a half-bad skin.
I've been on a skin-shard spree for a while now, so it'd be well deserved in a sense.
I wouldn't believe that were possible if not for a friend who got Thunderlord Ornn along with a chest and key. And thanks. Was that some kind of ritual to ensure I get something bad?
>not liking TPA mundo for the comedic *CLUNK* on his Q
Pool Party does it better desu
>He doesn't like a flustered Nasus after he misses his Q on a last hit.
what's wrong? your waifu was mean to you?
We have Vi already so i dont think rito make another champion with gauntlets.
>seeing a handful of shitposts really ruins my day
How do you even function on this site? This is sad.
>yfw /v/ was Brony before bronies was even a thing
why would NOT want a loli Passionlip champion?
I have a physiology exam in an hour!
Wish me luck, /lolg/!
you will fail fuck you
But her gauntlets would be for clawing and punching while Vi's is just for punching.
>not Western Miku
>Almost 2018
>Still no LoL fighting game
Is there a more horrifically bullshit top laner than Camille?
only if you pet me!
It's just so autistic. Saying it makes me uncomfortable is the wrong word. I guess I'm just tired of it
They aren't all intentional shitposts
>A loli with a whip
Degenerates, all of you.
Loli terminator with power claws?
why the fuck did Jax go downwards after using tiamat only to flash back onto her? this was such a freebie
loli thresh?
>towerdive an enemy when they have mobility
>blames their death on the champion
Come on now
this was your own fault for misclicking the tower retard and yeah fiora jax maokai ornn jayce all come to mind
Then use a filter dumbass.
>not browsing rule34lol
Cuddling Poppy!
>comet camille
is that legit? seems like shit but then again I don't play camille
>Open Hextech chest
>get a Hextech chest and key
th-thanks... i guess
I read this in Ivern's voice and it may my day that much better, thanks friend.
Good luck user.
we had so many supports like bard, rakan and ivern, a cute submissive female (a trap is fine too) support when
xth for NA fags being NA fags and EU unoffical discord is the best there ever is and will be cyaaaa
Why wouldn't Lux be a worthwhile waifu? She's a good girl.
I'm glad I can make you feel better, friend! Have a wonderful day.
no, fuck you!
thanks senpai
>discucks trying to one up other discucks
wow that was rood
A trap that supports with traps
>project shard
>I find the single skin I hated the most
>friend finds the single skin I wanted the most
>he doesn't even play that champion and would actually love my skin
>other friends decides to go with the orb and he finds only crap
life is unfair.
sounds as teemo in a dress
I got Yasuo on both my accounts. instant disenchant
>subsisting off the lewds of others
>not making your own
Well, Karma reincarnated multiple times for her people so she probably has a fuckton of sex experience and a bunch of kids right?
Next darkin will be female yordel
>want to use constable trundle
>can't because I prefer his old VO to his new one
fuck why can't we choose which VO we want to use on a skin
she's a lezbo
retconned trist? scythe, sword, bow, gun...
That was like 5 years ago you stupid nigger.
>not wanting a melee loli
Gotta spice things up a bit y'know.
it'll always be new to me
nu-trundle was a mistake
>being this retarded
bronekton switched to jax?
what if that user is a gay girl
>tfw Riot got so arrogant they assumed they could force people to like their new VUs and refused to make any more Traditional skins
>lol is to much normie game so there will never femdom porn here
death and suffering
I know it's so simple, but sometimes I want to use Taric's old VA sometimes. I like his new VA too, but his old VA was just so, buttery smooth.
Potato hero
Traditional skins? Like holiday ones?
Are we getting a Christmas update? I want a snow map again.
hey there is this guy called Nesrillas telling me to give him weed, do you guys know him
he said he was a ex pro in leageu
Traditional skins are skins that retain the look of the champion before their VU. Like Traditional Karma/Trundle.
Riot stopped doing it when champion updates got more intensive and it'd be more work than it was worth to remake the old model and give it entirely new animations/VFX.
give him weed
he will carry
Traditional Trundle, Sejuani, Karma, and Lee Sin are their original looks more or less
They stopped making Traditional skins with Sion's relaunch
Hey man I never said I wanted it.
So would the ultimate good person team be:
Having a tough time thinking on the "nicest"/good top and adc's honestly.