How did the American Navy, composed of only six frigates, manage to defeat the entire Royal Navy during the war of 1812?
How did the American Navy, composed of only six frigates, manage to defeat the entire Royal Navy during the war of 1812?
It didn't.
The British weren't even trying, it was during the Napoleonic wars, they had other things.
It seems that Brittania does not rule the waves
>the ol' "we weren't trying during a contest of mass murder" excuse to cover ass for poor performance
Gets better each time.
super frigates made of post oak
balls made of steel
>weren't trying
You don't just accidentally burn down a countries capital building without trying
They didn't defeat the British Navy but they did well. Mainly because the Brits underestimated them and didn't commit enough resources due to having other priorities.
Old Ironhide
fucking cannon balls just bounced off of it
American navy was just a glorified piracy operation. Brits could sail up and down the US coasts with impunity as well as shipping men and supplies over across an ocean.
>You don't just accidentally burn down a countries capital building without trying
You do if you're fighting a vastly inferior opponent.
t. Britbong
How did the Japanese forces at kiska, composed of nothing, manage to rack up 300+ kills?
Only once during the war did the US 6 frigates actually engage in a contest against a Royal Navy frigate of similar size and compliment.
>Be USS Chesapeake
>Stuck in Boston due to the Royal Navy's Atlantic blockade
>Captain of the frigate HMS Shannon sends a letter challenging you to a 1v1
>By the time the letter arrives you've already left to engage her
>HMS Shannon looks like an easy target, having just weathered the Atlantic crossing
>Shannon's gun crews are better trained and inflict significant losses across the deck with their first shot
>Return fire ineffectively with main guns, carronades doing better, ripping into Shannon's rigging
>Shannon fires again, devastating the quarterdeck and destroying the helm, while also damaging the rigging
>Can't maneuver, Shannon comes around behind
>Shannon rakes the aft gun deck, causing a powder keg to explode and further chaos aboard
>Captain is mortally wounded, tells the men not go give up the ship
>Captain of the Shannon decides its time to board
>Confused Americans desperately resist, leading to bloody fighting, many losses on both sides
>Eventually give up the ship
>Get renamed to HMS Chesapeake
>Get broken up and turned into a mill
The Constitution's duel with HMS Guerriere is also quite famous, but the Guerriere had a far lighter broadside and half the crew compliment of the Constitution. This was standard practice though, the 6 frigates were designed specifically to engage smaller, weaker ships without much risk, while being able to outrun anything that could defeat them.
By the end of the war though, the Royal Navy had frigates that outmatched them, with more experienced crews and officers, and the 6 frigates were largely obsolete. The pair (USS Chesapeake and USS President) that were captured by the Royal Navy during the war were decommissioned not long after, while the US kept some of theirs in service for decades, as they lacked the RN's resources.
In their time though, they were great ships.
Leaving behind traps, for one.
Allies also lost people to friendly fire.
The destroyer that was damaged probably hit a mine or two. The deaths are probably a mix of sailors killed when the mine hit and troops succumbing to the cold climate and probably traps left behind by gooks.
The Americans were focusing all their effort on North America, which was a secondary front to the British because they themselves were focusing all their effort on the Iberian Peninsula, which was a secondary front for the French who were focusing all their effort on Central and Eastern Europe were the real war was raking place
Basically you've got a mouse (America) bitting the tail of a rat (Britain) which is bitting the tail of lion (France) while it's fighting with a tiger (Russia and Austria)
B-Britannia r-rule the w-waves.
>When British captain presented his sword to the American officer as an act of surrender, the latter refused to accept it, saving that he had fought gallantly and should keep his sword.
That stuff just doesn't happen anymore.
The same way the gooks defeated us.
Veeky Forums is better because I can insult brits without them seeing my flag and spouting
Good post mate
as romanian you have no right to talk about other countries being bad at war