So this guy is basically AnCap but even more autistic?
So this guy is basically AnCap but even more autistic?
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He's a meme, no one takes him seriously
Marx did.
>sharp features
>feathery hair
>is a cartoon
>rules himself
>cute spectacles
luv ya max
i read him figuratively
his book is a very very useful thought experiment
but morals DO exist, just as much as laws exist
He is the antithesis of ancap though.
Spooky. Do holy ghosts exist too?
He's not ancap at all. Ancaps hold the delusion that if you got rid of states then people would live in peace and trade with each other adhering to the non-aggression principle. He would call the latter a spook which has no real world implications because there's absolutely nothing to prevent people from murdering each other and taking each others stuff.
stirner never denied the existence of laws and morality as social constructions. he simply recognized there's no objective basis in laws and morality. to this day a revolutionary idea.
NAP is a spook.
Also, if communism or socialism(or atleast thier economics) will be better off for a stirnerite, he will fight for those.
>Also, if communism or socialism(or atleast thier economics) will be better off for a stirnerite, he will fight for those.
It basically depends on the balance of power in a hypothetical Stinerite world. If a king is able to consolidate power and be able to single handedly defend everything as his property, he rules as king. If he only does that because of spooks, and the proles hold more power collectively, they will implement socialism and resist a king or anyone trying to become king.
Agree, but the spook would be the idea that an individual in such a society has a moral obligation to restrain themselves for the common good.
they're a union of egoists
Spooks are non-inherent ideas in the world
Wow Stirner, what a genius, morality is subjective and I can live how i want WOw! well done stirner, what an intellectual
Not at all. He is the farthest removed from utopian thinking.
>People trusting a cartoon.
Not sure how many people who cite him on the Internet actually have read The Ego and Its Own. There's a lot more to that book than just spooks. It's basically a long argument about how classical liberalism and socialism arise from the Christian belief that the world is just an idea, and therefore can be altered. Hence, why moderns are obsessed with destinies, revolutions and innovations. He contrasts this with the Classical belief that only the world exists and individuals must conform to it. Hence, why many Ancient philosophers like the Stoics believed that desire ought to be suppressed or contained. Egoism is supposedly a third stage of development which rejects the Christian idea of destiny AND the Classical idea of non-attachment.
This is the non-meme answer imo
>to this day a revolutionary idea
A "revolutionary idea" flying around since the ancient sophists, yet people still struggle wrapping their minds around it.
>So this guy is basically AnCap but even more autistic?
No not really.
AnCaps are built off spooks, such as private property and NAP. Stirner was pretty critical of capitalism, and it was no wonder that he influenced Marx and Engels so heavily.
It's also worth pointing out that egoism is less about rejecting spooks and more about acknowledging spooks, discarding them when they are unneccessary and using them when they are. For this reason his thought is quite compatible with a lot of different political thoughts, and I think that's intentional. I don't think Stirner wished to make a commentary on politics, he advocated for rising above it. He admired Jesus for precisely this reason, Jesus was an insurrectionist who walked his own path, he didn't aim for revolution.
No one took him seriously either
I'm in the process of reading it myself and this seems true.
>Also, if communism or socialism(or atleast thier economics) will be better off for a stirnerite, he will fight for those.
Not necessarily.
With ideology you're playing a dangerous game. You can very easily wind up spooking yourself the starting to adhere to and proselytize the ideology like a religion.
Pretty sure the problem was that people actually did take him seriously.