What other legendaries aside from Lyressa will I need for it
Jayden Murphy
Ded gaem
Connor Peterson
First for Putricide Meta with K&C
Adrian Barnes
>when you come up with better cards than blizzard does. ben should be ashamed of himself
Mason Young
that was quick. back to the queue
Kayden Green
When? Because it's definitely not right now.
Caleb Murphy
Final boss :o
Dominic Hernandez
Putricide Meta inbound btw
Andrew Nguyen
>cancel button dissapeared at 3 minutes >thing still spinning >opponent failed to connect tfw no free win
Isaac Thomas
>Paladin Quest? Paladin Quest. > >What other legendaries aside from Lyressa will I need for it Tirion, Wickerflame, Tarim, and Mukla (tyrant), and Zola are all necessary at the very least
Colton Foster
>Tyrant Mukla Holy fuck I forgot that card even exists
Jace Cook
Quest paladin is the only deck it's ever been used in.
Brayden Cook
Can someone help me brainstorm a viable rank 5 deck based on one of the following: >Rin, the first Disciple >King Togwaggle >Temporus
Like, the first one. How can you possibly survive playing 6-mana understated shit + 25 mana worth of Demon Jades + 10 mana do-nothing? Is there a scenario where this is not a strictly worse Exodia Mage?
Gavin Bennett
how hard is it to get into SV? cause if this expansion sucks ass i need something to play
Benjamin Barnes
Should I buy kara? I know it's going to rotate soon but I can't play the hunter decks I want to
Anthony Clark
i can help you brainstorm a deck with those cards at rank 25 wild
Justin Johnson
that´s like building a deck around noggenfogger lol also blizzard had to give lock such a bad legendary because the other cards are so insanely strong
Joshua Kelly
>priest is so broken that there's a fucking aggro priest that's viable
Wow good thing it's only getting literally every good card in the next expansion.
Hudson Barnes
No and don’t play hunter
Isaac Walker
>rin can't do it, genuinely trash >king togwaggle i dont understand this card, people were posting memes like "huhuhuh you just togwaggle when you have hemet in your hand and then you delete most of their deck" but then why the fuck would they pay 5 mana to swap back? they can just use your faggot deck, and if your deck is so bad that they cant win chances are this deck is bad. awful >temporus honestly i think this card was supposed to be the mage lego and the mage lego was meant to be for priest and they figured they'd both be broken as fuck like that so they swapped them
i think maybe you could do a meme with awaken the masters though and hope that the 40hp would be enough to survive 2 turns
Evan Ramirez
Someone post the Two My Side! token named "2", 20/20 charge, taunt
I need to post it to reddit
Daniel Anderson
I'm going to play hunter whether you like it or not. Me like bows and the color green
Lincoln Collins
>this shit is still circulating damn
Aiden Davis
It was posted literally the same day To My Side! was announced
Lucas Edwards
Buy it.
Jayden Phillips
Begone Todd.
Adam Taylor
The effect is not bad, obviouslty, just the logistics.
Wish the seals were less mana or the demons were bigger and had taunt or something to make it a bit more balanced and playable.
Decks like that exist currently. Draw Raza = Win game. Why not the same for a Warlock legendary?
Julian Thomas
Hey, I like the color green too!
Aiden Davis
Tirion, tarim, wickerflame (im too cheap to craft em), new bolvar if you have him and brann for the sick 10 evolve turn.
Grayson Harris
Good but boring: Twig of the World Tree Aluneth Dragon Soul
Good and interesting: N/A
Meme but interesting: Kingsbane Rhok'delar
So-so: Valanyr
Bad and boring: Skull of the Man'ari Woecleaver The Runespear
Xavier Allen
if you didn't get it by now don't bother
Camden Ramirez
thats the most shieldbearer post today. Congrats
Owen Nguyen
Dire Mole is better than any other hunter card printed this expansion or the last (excluding the DK which is amazing but has no support).
Candleshot looks good too
Landon Hernandez
>Rin, the first Disciple The final effect could read "you win the game" and it would still be unplayable trash.
Asher Evans
Trying to get into wild, thoughts? I'd love to fit in shit like tirion and maybe a vinecleaver but honestly I just can't find the room. I don't think I can give up dr. boom.
Nathan Ross
tfw 2 firelands portal in the bottom 5 in the last match.
Charles Long
Should I just take out the stonehills at this point? Are the wild cards so powerful that you just don't need the discover? Also not sure where the fuck I'm fitting the crystal lions into this thing.
Logan Miller
You got it all wrong, no Hemet. >play a bad Warrior deck with no win condition, only removal and combo pieces >draw Togwaggle, Explore Un’Goro and Geist >play Togwaggle and delete their former deck with Explore Un’goro Now either: >they’re playing a shifty removal & draw deck and you can play minions from your discover cards and eventually ‘win Or >they play Random and you delete their whole deck with Geist
It actually sounds fun.
Austin Moore
>murloc paladin teched in nerubian unraveler Spicy. Too bad he lost anyway despite making me spend 6 extra mana on my spells
Logan Adams
Nathan Gonzalez
That's what it would have to be to even have all of those stipulations
Goal is to stall until Cataclysm/Deathwing triggers the quest, then stall until the quest wins you the game. If drawn before Cataclysm, it's a 3/6 taunt that doesn't reduce the number of cards you've got to discard. If drawn after, you're probably topdecking and have way too much mana, so a +6 is good even if all 6 of the cards aren't.
King Togwaggle: You need an empty deck plus your opponent has to have a full hand. Easiest way to do that is Preparation+Vanish+(Thaurissan in wild)+Tog. Now you have a 5/5 and a deck, while your opponent's got an empty board and no deck.
Jackson White
You need to tirion, tarim, wickerflame, you do not need lynessa for any deck ever not even quest. She is a meme.
Jace Ortiz
am I blind or isn't that just death knights and gadgets
Logan Anderson
I hope so. so frustrating trying to do anything, I always get only one proc off him and it's a shitter.
Alexander Clark
You're ok, the user you quoted however is either dumb or retarded.
Logan Parker
Liam Evans
>implying I'd put a filthy minion in my hunter deck I prefer spells user, more cerebral. You wouldn't understand.
I mean, you can do it in standard with the Counterfeit Coins.
Colton Hernandez
Anybody got a casino mage deck list?
Juan Kelly
>tfw she will never shadow dance for you
Dominic Davis
thursday for muricans and friday for eurocucks
Kayden Cook
>Filter Search: Random
Noah Bailey
You appear to be using a trip code on an anonymous image board.
Dominic Lopez
Whoops, that was suposed to be coin (Thaurissan in wild), not just (Thaurissan in wild). My bad.
Camden Russell
Hey, that's pretty good. If i happen to open Togwaggle i might actually craft explore ungoro just for this
Nolan Butler
William Sanders
>King Togwaggle
Take a Mill Warrior shell, and cut a few things to fit 1x Tog, 1x Explore Un'goro.
Your wincon is to get Tog, Explore, Geist, and any Dead Man's if you run them in your hand while your deck is very small. Play Togwaggle and Explore to steal their deck and turn it into discover tokens. If they don't swap back, you should've thinned your own deck enough that they can't control all your discovered big boys. If they do swap back, play Geist and destroy their deck, and now fatigue them.
Christopher Sanchez
Thats some nice detail. Too bad she is trash
Jacob Brown
The seals should have been 3 mana.
Jacob Morales
>Unknown Artist
Jeremiah Miller
Manly face eww
John Phillips
>Everybody keeps talking about Standard Mill Rogue when it's probably going to be Druid that becomes the meta Mill deck
Asher Peterson
oh god no
Michael Hughes
would you really not put in void lord here? it's a pretty decent attempt at making a meme work
Caleb Stewart
Easton Allen
>If by some miracle you pull off Rin, it will be so late their decks are empty anyway Sasuga blizz.
Nolan Jackson
Eh, 9 mana is too much to spend on a do-nothing. At least Rin and her seals leave you mana for control spells. I'd only consider it with either Lackey or Oakwhateverhisname to get it out for cheap.
Levi Kelly
More likely rogue will become a slower miracle hybrid that wins late game with a perpetual overbuffed lifesteal weapon
Juan Diaz
Which weapon are you hoping to get?
I'm hoping Woeclever or Aluneth
Landon Jones
Unironically Rhok'delar because I play meme decks.
Isaiah Nguyen
How the fuck would you target this... Should read, "the next card you play is shuffled into your deck instead. Draw a card. Repeatable this turn."
Also, it's broken.
Blake Young
Hudson Robinson
2x Explore Un’Goro (more reliable draw of combo pieces)
And you don’t need Dead Man’s Hand or they might be able to keep adding shit to their deck after you swap.
Leo Rodriguez
Since they are all shit I want the hunter weapon so at least I'll have my memes.
Cameron Perry
valanyr and kingsbane because i enjoy those classes and like the others said, rhok'delar for the memes
Parker Perez
Yeah, after doing some more playtesting it seems that it's better to just run more power cards instead of stonehill. Really just isn't needed. Just machine gun'd a guy's board for 6 on turn 3 (juggler, coin into double lost, trade with creeper) and got a turn 4 kill with coin quartermaster, feels good.
Bentley Taylor
>Coin it on turn 5 >Your opponent kills it right away without hard removal >Seal on turn 6,7,8,9 and 10 >Devourer on turn 11
I am a timmy and a johnny and this shit baffles even me.
Parker Evans
What golden cards do you want to pull /hsg/? I want Psychic Scream the most, but for a Legendary I'm hoping for Sonya Shadowhatever and Kingsbane. Also post your golden legos.
Nicholas Peterson
cut Stonehill, and the things to cut for Lion or other shit like Stand against darkness would be Knife Juggler, Steward, an Equality, a Creeper, or Righteous Protector
Tyler Reed
literally any because dust, i don't value that shit
Zachary Hall
>golden legos what year is now?
Liam Baker
The only golden leggo I've ever gotten was that shitty burgle rogue waifu Turned her into mill warrior
Connor Allen
Luis Rivera
It wont, you will still get comboed to pieces by priest
Luke Rivera
Levi Scott
What is a good hunter deck. Riddle me this /hsg/
Wyatt Collins
>babbling book >no arcane giant
Carson Bennett
I guess we'll see, but I would suspect otherwise. Rogue has pretty good removal, and provided you can consistently draw. Perpetual face damage is going to add up.
Joshua Kelly
2xExplore Un'goro means they can draw it from your deck and play it. Then it becomes their hand+explore un'goro vs your hand+explore un'goro
To whomever made this image, thank you. It's my new favorite.
Sebastian Moore
You just barely missed this: I already wasn't running any stands, I don't think they're good enough. I get plenty, PLENTY of silver hands with just lost/muster/justicar/cleaver.
I'm still not entirely sold on steward btw, she ends up just being a 3/3 for 3 that dies or gets like 1 divine shield on a 1/1. More and more I feel like she's the weakest card in the deck. Honestly that might be the slot for the lions, since I don't really see the lions as a 6 drop, probably a 4 drop at most. Playing this in wild also has given me some ideas, like I absolutely think knife juggler belongs even in whatever the standard version of the deck winds up being. Even though you're stuck with stand in standard, 7 mana machine gun for 5 damage is really damn good.
Cooper Wood
Wow this moron actually spends dust and money on golden cards when you can just convert all your cards to goldens using a client side program? You realize they are just simple animations and its trivial to replace them client side? Only idiots collect golden cards. I have full golden collection and paid $0 for it.
Adrian Mitchell
the closest thing to that would be Giants Hunter and it still sucks
I unironically miss old Face Hunter, it had far more decisions to play ***correctly*** than current zoo and paladin does
Rogue Shaman and Aggro Druid are okay though, hopefully the 2/4 taunt is good enough to warrant zoolock playing 2s again so positioning actually matters