Can we talk about the revolutions in east/central Europe that occurred from 1989-1992?
I find it fascinating that the Cold War and it's totalitarian regimes were brought down through peaceful resistance over the course of a few short years. Why did this happen? It seems like the end of the Cold War should have been a lot more violent.
Brandon Gomez
Soros destroyed glorious communism so him and his friends could (((invest))) in Eastern Europe.
Tyler Parker
This guy knows
Henry Smith
One of the few revolutions I could get behind get rekt commies
John Ramirez
The quality of Veeky Forums is going down the shitter.
Dylan Hughes
But it's true. /pol/ gets triggered when you tell them Soros financed anti communist groups.
Sebastian Lewis
Consider suicide.
Hudson Richardson
Kikes detected >any opinion I don't like is >/pol/ Do you even know where you are?
Easton Lee
>calls people kikes whike unironically shilling fir kikemunism
Apex joj
Ethan Barnes
>haha!! fucking kikes, how dare you disagree with my opinion!
Evan Powell
i want to give that kid a hug and a kiss and tell him the kikes will perish from the earth one day :3
Dylan Lopez
Its was both you assclowns that got butthurt when the Jew was named >>>>/pleddit/
Jose Mitchell
>implying I like kikes
wew lad
Connor Diaz
Goyim are subhuman animals that will serve the Jew in heaven Adonai willing.
Zachary Thompson
Not so fast rabbi,into the >>>>oven
Ian Brooks
What happened to this board?
Jason Roberts
It was largely a series of popular revolutions, motivated by a few key individuals.
Ryder Adams
cum skins started getting uppity once drumpf got elected
don't worry a new round of janitors are being hired specifically because of this
Brody Cruz
>needing a safe space KÊK
Jayden Fisher
didn't knew karachan founder led the revolution tbqh
Xavier Butler
>peaceful resistance
Caleb Gutierrez
Gorbachev knew he was failing and he wanted to save face.
James Russell
reminder Estonia got its independance through singing
Blake Williams
Dude have you heard what happend in romania?
Hudson Evans
It "fall" of the regimes in the East was controlled by Moscow and was in accordance with the US. Basically the Soviets realized the system was too costly and inefficient so they allowed the great "change" to happen in the satellite countries. They ordered the leaders and the controlled oppositions "anticommunist" groups to kiss and make up on tv. They changed the economic system while the same elites kept the real power.
Ian Scott
>USSR was the only country in Eastern Europe When will this meme end
Landon Perez
This. In Czechoslovakia the communists never left, they weren't jailed or expelled, they just pretended to change sides and they rule Czech republic and Slovakia to this day.
The only country that actually got rid of commies was Romania iirc.
Angel Butler
David Sullivan
>They changed the economic system while the same elites kept the real power. That's a hyperbole. Former commie elites have limited chances of getting to power.
Owen Taylor
It's actually 11 million.
>Johnny >John Isn't this Jewish name?
Charles Hill
Retarded 20 year olds overthrow their goverments and set their nations to further decline. And add on top of that they're the 2nd class whores of the EU now.
Parker Perez
The Eastern Bloc had simply become too much of an economic liability to the soviets who were already going down the shitter. So when the soviets abandoned the policy of military intervention the puppet governments quickly disintegrated.
Camden Bailey
It is true, you triggered fuck, Soros spent his whole life funding anti-communist groups and propaganda campaigns such as radio free Europe.
/pol/acks are therefore fucking weird accusing a man spending his whole life being anti- communist destroying Europe by "promoting communist beliefs" or whatever.
Ironic really, the west loves capitalism for so long as it doesnt bite their asses.
Carter Hernandez
rather a safe space than another shithole ;)))
Robert Ross
>The only country that actually got rid of commies was Romania iirc.
Nope. In Romania Caucescu (spelling?) got killed by other commies.
The only country that really almost entirely marginalised former Commies was Germany. And that was because they had imported their new elites from West Germany.