Is this really the vicious cycle of history?
Is this really the vicious cycle of history?
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>its a theory of history leaves out 50% of the population episode
The USA has been in decline since the Greatest generation started to age off
if it's an image macro that attempts to explain a complex subject and it's shared by double digit iq chucklefucks on reddit/Twitter/Facebook/Veeky Forums odds are good it's 100% wrong
>implying women have anything to do with shaping history
Real life isn't like the Iliad.
more like hard times weeds out weak men and gives strong men a chance to do great things
I think that still fits in well with the narrative of the image
Britain conquered a 1/3 of the world when they were at their most foppish.
maybe in middle eastern shitholes like yours it works like that but not so much in the civilized ones.
and they lost 1/3 of the world when they were battle hardened the most, now being conquered by the mideast shitholes that you mock
really makes you think
>Women shaping history
Yeah they're really good at building careers when they're always pregnant or taking care of young children in pre-antibiotic times. You know, when you need to have 7 children in order to have 3 or 4 to survive past 20 and then you yourself die in childbirth on child #8, right?
Look dude, I really don't care that women are actually able to make something of themselves now besides being political figureheads, but don't act like it's always been a widespread thing, nor was it DA LITERAL MAN BE HOLDIN US DOWN.
It's a continuance of species thing--can't pass on your genes if you don't make it out of your 13+ year period where you aren't fertile or just don't have no children.
Now they're all cucked beta nu males who can't go so much as 15 mins without WiFi or Starbucks without having a nervous breakdown,
Whereas people living in and coming from those shitholes are hardened as fuck after having to deal with war, famine, genocide, poverty, revolution, etc.
it's india faggot.
watch as the hardened tough guys get their homes and family blown up by flying deathbots made by the cucked pussies
>it's a theory of history leaves out 98% of the population episode
Give us a list of the traits that 'strong men' and 'weak men' have?
Soldiers beat shopkeepers.
But nations of shopkeepers beat nations of soldiers.
strong men win the wars while the weak doesn't
if the strong man fails to win he is retroactively weak
So it's anything that lets you win wars?
Anyone who can win a war is capable of creating good times, presumably for the people they won the war against. I think that might be a contradiction.
If any subject that is presented as something easily understandable to the common pleb then you can bet your ass that how it's being presented is shit or is completely wrong.
>history is shaped by anything other than the way we narrate it
yes its obviously how societies progress, its just that modern cuck historians wont admit it
>The USA has been in decline since the Greatest generation started to age off
>WW2 was an hard time for the USA.
The fuck?
>Hard times create strong men.
>Unless you've gone throught them a few centuries ago already, then you might as well fuck sand.
Not necessarily for the US, but the world
I would also say over 400,000 KIA probably counts for "hard times" to a certain extent
Carlylist romantic bullshit
there are a hundred "vicious cycles" that rule over man. All are theoretical.
"wow you relly made me think"=the historiography.
didn't mean to say historiography, before you faggots jump on that.
Men just means mankind in this sentences. Language has been traditionally sexist and will continue to be for a long time, get over it.
So... How so called cycle explain Afirca? There are hard times now, but when was the good times that should be before?
Weak men includes women.
One won, one lost. One is a strong man, the other a weak man. Good times will come to the winners, bad times will come to the losers.
>when was the good times that should be before?
Colonial times.
Not WW2, rather the Great Depression.
>implying it implied women were completely excluded.
Kill yourself
seems like great man bullshit tbqh
Pick one
Hi Mr. Green, love your novels
Being born in a shit country and struggling my way to the top, I couldn't agree more with that photo. So called Western "Man" are bunch of poofy lazy cunts, doesn't know what life struggle really is. The term basement dweller itself reflects that reality in a good way. You can't be a basement dweller in a poor environment. You either survive, or die. Read the lifestory of succesful leaders and inventors in history, you will see the same pattern for most of them.
Another good example would be the richest people alive. They are mostly the ones coming from an honest background. Because humankind never seeks for a thing that they already have. If you already have peace, if you already have comfort, you will be less likely to seek for more. That is why socities with more harsh climate, life conditions happened to produce new solutions, and ended up being more succesful.
In my opinion that is why the way parents raise their children today is absolutely horrible. A kid that never had a problem to get anything he wants, will never be able to create a sense to be succesful by his own.
>it's a theory that greatly overestimates the impact of the sex that has for almost all of history been relegated to home duties
Uh no. Wars are won on geopolitics and economics.
You'd still be in that shit country if you had cerebral palsy and no opportunities in life despite the greater adversity you'd need to overcome.
Women are only good for breeding, except that they're completly useless and tend to be whores. If women shape history it must be in a bad way.
>when was the good times that should be before?
Any examples after 1600?
>the sex that has for almost all of history been relegated to home duties
He'd also still in in that shit country if not for the hard work, achievements, and charity of the Western Men he so much envies and despises.
It must be an awful feel, knowing your only worth is as a pet so better men can show off how holy and pious they are for caring about you. I'm glad to say I'll never have to know it.
The modern West might become an example
We're all sitting here like a bunch of slack-jawed pussies while Russia is moving in on the Ukraine, there's a nearly unprecedented demographic shift in Europe, far right and left parties are seeing success across Europe and the EU is potentially in trouble.
The west had its hard times and strong men with the world wars and working 60 hour weeks in shitty conditions to get by and the prosperity that followed. Now we have weak men but I wouldn't say we're quite in the hard times yet (though people living in certain suburbs around Europe might disagree)
> Russia is moving in on the Ukraine,
Russia itself is pretty good example of the cicle if you remember its history.
I have a couple of ideas but what would you consider the good times?
>Mughal India
>good times
There are plenty of NEETs and spendthrift normies in the west, since the boomers we are no longer like previous generations.
Just saying that adversity shouldn't impede ability.
If you treat your kids like garbage and don't help them with health or mental issues they will become fuck ups. Whereas if you educate them and give them the help they need while challenging them they are obviously going to accomplish more.
Reluctantly agree.
Some complex things have simplistic origin, but a metaphor can't simplify historical civilisation without taking politics, economy and communication into account.
Decent bait
How to spot plebs in the study of history
>History is linear.
>History is cyclical
Wow i knew his could be retarded but i did not know it could be this retarded.
BTW here is a "strong man" im sure his likes in infallible leadership and uncompromising ability to govern militarily.
>Read the lifestory of succesful leaders and inventors in history, you will see the same pattern for most of them.
Vast majority of innovators in any discipline throughout history have descended from aristocracy.
> A kid that never had a problem to get anything he wants, will never be able to create a sense to be succesful by his own.
I got everything that I wanted including a well-paying job and lots of free time. Stay salty and poor, mexishit.
uhh why are you using Cadorna as the example of a "strong man"? You can't just pull him out of your ass like that. OP's image is also talking more about generations rather than specific individuals.
>strong anything
Fucking kill yourself my dog.
>Because humankind never seeks for a thing that they already have. If you already have peace, if you already have comfort, you will be less likely to seek for more.
Are you honestly telling me that if you had a career with a million dollar salary and have the opportunity to make another million on the side, you would refuse it because you're already a millionare?
>That is why socities with more harsh climate, life conditions happened to produce new solutions, and ended up being more succesful.
yes because a sub-saharan african societies definitely have ended up being more successful compared to those of mediterranean climate based Rome. I having a hard time figuring what you're trying to point out
>Middle East
pls apply it to germany. thx
In secular cycles, Peter Turchin talks of the 50 years cycle - I think it was. Those who have experienced war are less likely to start another, while those who haven't are more likely to start war.
It has to do with sons.
well basically yes, but the point is humans will just repeat those cycle until everything will be gone
It's one of them.
50% of the population and 5% of the influence
Create or recreate? If create, then 'hard times' 1 is different from 'hard times' 2, at least in degrees. For example, maybe 2 is hard, but compared to 1 it's better.
The point then, is to always be creative.
It's really funny to use Mughals as an example of it, since Babur was bisexual (if not largely homosexual), engaged in pederasty, liked to read and write books and poetry, used and abused narcotic substances like opium and alcohol. His conquests were largely caused by his early loss of Samarqand, something he never got over. And he despised his own Turkic and Mongol ancestors while extolling Persianate culture.
>Now we have weak men but I wouldn't say we're quite in the hard times yet (though people living in certain suburbs around Europe might disagree)
Same with some of the inner cities of America
That's literally Ottoman Empire right there.