Is the fact that there's no american language a proof that there's no "american culture"?
Literally every great nation in history that existed for over 100 years and had a sense of cultural identity developed it's own unique languages, or at least dialects, except America.
Is the fact that there's no american language a proof that there's no "american culture"?
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Oh bloomin 'eck I'm knackered.
I think it's better if it stays English and doesn't become "Merickan" or some shit like that.
It's a world language and this gives Americans a huge advantage.
And you can have culture without having a "distinct" language.
Yes, but there isn't really any specifically American culture, nor is the nation united in any real fashion. I for one am eagerly waiting for the inevitable collapse, civil wars and all the glorious livestreams of it.
There are 'American cultures', but they don't really cover the whole nation, and they're often insubstantial perversions of European ideas.
what the hell is this dumb ass thread op how stupid can you be
Go eat a burger, Jack. Civilized people are talking.
>it's an American culture and customs have become a universal default so pervasively people think it doesn't exist episode
>American culture
As a smart man said once: fish have been known to doubt the existence of water.
>it's a dumb American thinks shitty Hollywood movies and low quality music equal American culture and customs being a universal default episode
Replace that with "most of the media you watch and read, much of the food you eat, and many of the clothes you wear." Really, almost everything you consume on a daily basis has been at least heavily influenced by American pop culture. You're in denial if you disagree. Believe it or not, I'm no happier about it than you are.
It's impossible for a country not to have a culture. Everybody does, or do you think that people pop out of the womb acting like us? It's like people who think to themselves "I don't have an accent." Of course you do. It's just the same accent everybody around you has, so you don't notice it. And if you don't notice American culture? Yeah.
>there's no "american culture"?
I see you are not acquainted with "World Star Hip Hop".
It truly is pathetic how a bunch of people far removed from culture cling to what little bits of the Old world culture they still remember, even though the result is a butchered, plastic, dead product that does not have much to do with actual culture; the American has managed to take a living thing that is culture and turned it into a cold, dead commodity to flaunt around as if it bore any importance at hand. As the white American (this is yet another meme, for only an American would care about race as there is no way for him to even start talking about ethnicity; a non-existant fact in the USA) puts this abomination on a golden throne to showcase as a form of quasi-identity, he notices not how he is just as pathetic in this regard to the negro whose past is unknown and has therefore created his own myths.
All in all, the American complex is a sad twist of claiming superiority and yet clinging to the little bits of culture that had been twisted into something alien to the European observer. A country of no nation, no ethnicity, no culture, no history and no language, the United States of America are the prime example of the decay of the West; a truly gruesome picture that should alert any and all on-lookers.
>posting old shitty stale /int/ copy pastas
But there do exist an American language, brit bongs will get triggered when I (non Euro) uses American English rather than British English to converse with them despite the USA being the sole reason English is the global Lingua Franca today.
American English is a mere dialect group.
What the fuck are you talking about? American English is quite distinct from British, and within it there are many dialects.
You clearly don't have a clue what you're talking about.
>Hello, which way to the lift?
>Hello, which way to the elevator?
That truly is diversity
Protip: Due to the pervasiveness of movies and music and American culture generally, "International Englishes" are becoming heavily Americanized. For example, African English dialects (e.g. Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya) are dropping more British pronunciations, spellings and sayings and replacing them with more American. Apart from perhaps in Europe, everyone learning English as a second language (Asia, South America) is basically learning American English. There are regional influences, like if you live close to Australia or South Africa or Jamaica let's say, but nonetheless, the Americanized English effect is still present.
Even within Europe, although most people learn British English as the standard, they actually speak more in American English (accent/pronunciation and cultural familiarity). As an anglo living in Europe (Germany) and working in an applied linguistics faculty, this is obvious as fuck.
White Americans are the most bland pieces of shit in the world. Most of the culture Albino Americans claim to have come from us, the African slaves. We built this nation economically, technologically and culturally and those Albinos take credit for all of it.
There is far more to it in than that. Lexicon is only one element.
I'm obviously talking to an ignorant pleb though, so I don't expect you to comprehend.
trolling stays on /pol/, thanks.
Did you white kids really think i would leave just because your homo god Trump won? I'll be here forever you white supremacist children.
Not American, retard.
And you are obviously a white kid.
Not everyone behind a computer is white ignorant cumskin. Don't care if you're American you're still an Albino retard who believes in BS like white supremacy.
White people are the most sickly, weak race in the world. They cannot be superior no matter how many white babies go into white pee pee rage and vote for Trump.
OK Bradley, try it on they'll bite for sure.
IS the little white kid getting a bit mad? Do you need backup from your whiteboy pee pee rage hugbox?
>le english is a complex language meme
Meanwhile, in another thread:
I'm not an Italian by the way but I can't take English seriously when its "dialects" barely change pronunciation and a few words
Sounds like you're the angry one, to be quite honest Joshua.
Wow, other languages behave differently? You don't say!?
Do you have a point, or are you going to continue to flaunt your painfully obvious pleb-tier ignorance?
Little white kid getting all passive aggressive now. LOL
He's just flustered because his dear English isn't so special as he thought it was.
Also, even between "standard" British and "standard" American, there are enough differences. Not just in lexicon. But there are literally hundreds of dialects with starker differences besides. Your ignorance of these does not mean a lack of evidence.
A dialect is also generally not written, so even in your Italian examples above, they are only writing approximations of the sound.
Again, it is obvious you have zero background in linguistics.
>I can't take English seriously when ...
Again, what exactly is your point? Is there some magical criteria that you, O HOLY IMPERATOR OF SERIOUSNESS KNOWLEDGE, consider whereby a language is to be taken 'seriously'? Even if so, how should that matter?
Go back to Africa and learn Mandingo, Trevor.
Out of curiosity, how many languages do you speak?
We ruled the world before Albino barbarians from Kazakhstan pillaged our lands and confined us to Africa. We have more of a right to these lands then you Albino animals.
It's okay, calm down. Just because English has very small differences between dialects doesn't mean the world will end.
Three. I don't know why this matters to you but I can tell you that the other two have much stronger dialects.
K, sure Hunter. Here's your (you). And you can even have a WE WUZ KANGZ N SHEEEEITT to make you feel complete.
"We wuz kangz" is a false meme. It's actually white people who try to claim history as their own. They even go as far as fabricating history, THAT is how important this lie is to those Albino subhumans.
>Heee heee I TORLL U
I'm not really going to spend my Sunday educating you on everything about variation linguistics, but suffice to say you are uninformed.
You have not answered my questions, because you obviously can't. Instead your replies have all the finesse of an 8-year old on a schoolground who knows he can't defend his point.
>I can't see any big differences between standard AmE and standard BrE, therefore *all* English dialectal differences are insignificant and this somehow means something, but I can't explain what or why.
And what languages do you speak?
Cool story bro.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Read this shit. It might seem crazy at first but that's only because you've been lied to your whole life about what really happened.
This fucking meme guy again. You're worse than the turk dude.
Mutual intelligibility is a good enough metric, if you ask me.
I speak Slovene, German and English.
I'm here forever and all you white supremacist babies can do is cover your ears while i speak the truth.
Did you retards really think i would leave just because Trump won? God you cumskins are delusional.
And there are plenty of English dialects that are NOT mutually intelligible, even fairly mainstream ones. So again, what is your point exactly?
Sollen wir dann auf Deutsch diskutieren? Leider ist Slowenisch eine eher unwichtige Sprache...
Timestamp of your cotton-pickin' Swisher Blunt-wrapping hands or GTFO.
>What is the burger
>What is barbeque
>What is the unique brand of American Nationalism
>What are blue jeans
>What is hip hop
>What is pop
>What is the stereotypical American loudness
>What is American Entrepreneurial Spirit
>What is rugged American independence
>What is American worship of the military
>What is American religiuosiuty
>What is American gun Culture
Everything Europeans calls "backwards" about America and the way we live, is in fact American culture, from our over sized food servings to gun holding and Bible Thumping.
j a v a s c r i p t
Anyone who claims America has no culture can't see the forest for the trees.
Indian here. We're taught English in the British way and thats the way its always been. So I have no clue what you're talking about.
American English is different than other englishes
I cant even speak to a shitposter without a translator desu
Also Nigger English is different than other englishes but is ultimatly a variation on american english
Dialects are most of the time representative of cultural differences as well
This; most of the Commonwealth learns British English.
we have 4 dialects dipshit
North, South, Hick/Appalachian/Midland, and West, this excludes city-specific accents/dialects.
if anyone unironically believes america doesn't have culture, they have the anthropological education of a five year old.
Who claimed otherwise? Of course y'all learn British English, you're former British colonies (yes, obviously we are too, but more distantly removed). The world is bigger than the former British Empire. Ask anybody who's ever done the TEFL thing. Try and get a job teaching English in Japan, in China, in Vietnam, in Russia or Ukraine or Central Asia, in any part of Latin America, in the Middle East, you'll find that while Brits and Aussies aren't necessarily turned away, American English speakers are preferred.
>Melanin Warrior
>Morpheus is black
To be fair, we stole quite a lot from the French, Italians, Germans, and Mexicans as well.
Yeah, as a burger, I can't watch any UK shows or movies without subs because anybody who doesn't have that high class English (I wanna say Oxford but it's been years since I lived in England) accent might as well be gargling marbles. The ability of the Anglo to completely mangle their own language is amazing.
Canada learns Canadian English, a mixture of British and American English.
but that's wrong, Canadian English is basically Midwestern neural
the only thing that can be considered a combo of american and British English is transatlantic English ie the shit Katherine Hepburn and Frasier and fdr spoke
American culture is what we think of when we hear the term "westernized"
I just want to point out, we have our own music genres we have created in this country, which can be said to be a culture in itself.
No, that's stupid.
America wouldn't have any more culture if the founding fathers decided to make up a language 200 years ago. Culture isn't something that can just be forced, it has to come naturally.
The lack of dialects in a wide spread language would actually demonstrate it's superiority, as it would mean it encompasses all the experiences of all it's speakers without a need for change.
It would also be a sign of a strong and very unified culture and an exceptional standardised education.
Only if you are a pleb who can't afford a proper education. Or if you are to young to be on this board. Only recently has Canadian English really diverged from BE, with the shift of the elite from land owners and old families to capitalists and industrialists.
>Niggers shaped America technologically
Name 1 major technological advancement American blacks have introduced that has shaped America in the same way that mass production, the computer, or the automobile have.
>inb4 'muh peanut butter' meme
It's a recipe, not an invention
Ive been to Berlin, its literally german america. Hard to imagine other large popualtion centers are not heavily Americanized.
Are you a linguist?
Actually you're taught Indian English, but you guys think it's British English. I've been to India, m8.
Indian english is a different beast, because it has been self-sustaining for centuries now. You will not find a strong "Americanized English" effect I've mentioned, because basically it's large and 'strong' enough not to be influenced by outside factors as much. Well, all language is, but the effect is slower.
Most 'world Englishes' are based on British because it was British colonialism that brought the language there (there are exceptions though -- e.g. Philippines), so they conform closer to a British substrate. The way language is taught out of a book and the way it's used in the real world are two different things.
It was Webster, of American dictionary fame, who made the fist big intentional (WE IZ NATIVES N SHEEEIT) differentiation from British English, with a whole host of spelling differences (intended to be more phonetically clear).
This. I have taught English in Europe, and American (or Canadian, in my case) accents are clearly the preference for the majority of employers and students. You will find some Britaboos, but they are few and far between. I literally cannot even tell you the number of people who have told me something like "Wow, your English is so clear, unlike what I learned in school..."
I knew a Scottish teacher colleague once. He was a cool guy and all, accent wasn't even that strong, but students hated having him because they could not comprehend half of what he said at first.
Canadian English is Canadian English, period. Like I said above, it's based on British English. But due to obvious reasons like proximity and culture/media sharing, it is heavily Americanized. However, it is still linguistically distinct from American dialects.
You're wrong, too.
The ability to supply large amounts of cheap cotton, sugar(cane) and tobacco for export. American blacks were the technology, if you will.
America pretty much IS the modern world
other countries are just living in it
>>What is the burger
short for Hamburger
a sandwich made in Hamburg, Germany
>We built this nation
The sandwich wasn't created in Hamburg, it was created by Hamburg immigrants in the US. And the original Hamburger wasn't even a sandwich, it was just a form of steak.
t. not even American
>And the original Hamburger wasn't even a sandwich, it was just a form of steak.
that explains all my animes
All languages are just dialects of original root language from tens of thousands of years ago, retard.
>created all the modern musical genres
>most of them created by blacks
>blacks don't count for some reason
when have they ever?
Since they got citizen rights.
nah, there's still a distinct american culture, even though it's made up of different cultures, there are unique aspects and the lack of one set language is part of it
> Mass production, computer, or automobile
Kind of a tall hurdle there, so I won't even try to top those. But there are some notable close achievements.
David Crosthwait (sp?) is largely credited with inventing HVAC systems for large buildings. You would not have skyscrapers anywhere in the colder or warmer climates without him.
Walter Hawkins's covering for telephone wires enabled Bell Technologies to establish universal coverage over the continental United States, which was a pre-requisite for the internet.
Lonnie Johnson invented the Super Soaker.
Oh, and Otis Boykin invented the control unit for the modern pacemaker. He also died of a heart attack, which always struck me as ironic.
>lack of one set language is part of it
how is English not the one set language of USA?
>America doesn't have dialects
confirmed bait
Not even going to bother responding to your main inquiry.
I know what you mean by us learning Indian english. In all honesty, its a stretch to even call it english with its liberal misuse of grammar.
However, In most private schools in the major cities we are taught British english. Also, when speaking formally or when writing letters, applications, etc. we follow the British format and not the American one although it is becoming a lot more popular.
In Sweden, the only people learning British English are either anglophile fags or just poor speakers of the language. Every fluent speaker uses the American dialect.
The fact that a single person on Veeky Forums took this overtly obvious bait reflects really poorly on this board.
There's no such thing as American culture because American identity is such a vague and fictional idea that if you go anywhere in the country every single area will have their own definition as to what defines an American. It's a shitty meme that the government tries to shove down everyone's throat starting from grade school along with the whole melting pot myth in an attempt to unify an extremely diverse, segregated and divided country. We all get the education but deep down most people know that it's bullshit.
>invented in America
>suddenly it's American culture
Half that shit isn't even unique to America.
>america doesn't have dialects
It's not steak, just ground meat (usually pork in Germany, but beef or veal is also traditional) formed into a thick patty. Basically a flattened meatball, really. We call it a "Frikadelle". They are not 'native' to Hamburg or a unique specialty to Hamburg, but were pretty common all over northern Germany, Prussia, Scandinavia, Slavlands, etc. In Germany, it's believed they came via Denmark/Sweden.
Yes, they are named after Hamburg, but it's a spurious connection.
too much stupid in one post to bother seriously replying.
>can you name any african philosophers
Oh nevermind me, just defining christian tradition, the bedrock of western culture
You're asshurt but you don't have a fucking response because you know it's right.
Nah, just every sentence is plain wrong.
You are obviously a self-hating American, and I feel sorry for you.