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Fancy Trump edition


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first for control mage

>when you beat Anduin with Control Warlock because you dirty ratted Velen and burned Mind Blast

Hahahaha, no OTK for you you little shit.


What set was dirty rat a part of? Trying to think if it rotates out in 2018 or 2019 and not sure.

msg, rotates april

Mean Streets

Is the patch coming out tonight?

> weapon
> rogue
What are you going to meme on day one?

DK hunter's going to be quite decent with these new beasts

Damn I was sure control warrior could have been top tier with just one more expansion as long as dirty rat still exist. Maybe it can still be if these combo still esque decks keep being the main theme.

I hope we get more decks that interfere with the opponent like dirty rat in the future.
Whatever legendary I open but hopefully control warrior. Likely will craft the spellstone warrior card

Frozen Throne patch was up at 12PM PDT. KaC will probably be the same.

>the only thing I"m looking forward to with the next expansion is opening packs

Spell Hunter. Going to put Yogg in and hope I draw it before it fucks up everything.

The Darkness.

that's my favourite part about hearthstone

Source me senpai.

Are you having fun last day of old set hsg?

Shenanigans with Rin, Discardlock and lock weapon.

What are your thoughts on exodia mage and similar decks /hsg/? I really like combo decks and find they aren't insta win as people like to think they are but lots of the community seems to hate them.

Otk shaman

I wish but i dont have the dust for it

People hate exodia because of iceblock

They are only good to keep the control cucks in check, but when they have infinite removal to deal with aggro decks they are cancer.

I've been playing Control Hunter all day and it's starting to get boring, what other meme decks should I play? Wild preferred because bigger card pool means bigger memes but Standard works too

Hearthpwn doesn't help because typing in 'fun' literally gives me Raza decks

Fun to play, unfun to play against

Ice Block is a card that shouldn't exist, expecially in a scenario when you can generate more of them.

T. Malfurion

t. literally everyone but Mages, retard.

I hate that no matter what you do the game is decided only how well exodia mage draws, super boring. Ice Block needs to go.

Shut up Anduin

How long till expac drops?

Legacy hearthstone when?

10 minutes


>Kingsbane #10 on vS card poll

Holy shit, this is going to be another Hunter quest fiasco.

>how well exodia mage draws
Thats literally every game though. You can out aggro a exodia mage or out combo them if you draw better. I get the argument you were going for with sometimes exodia mage kills you in 12 turns and sometimes it takes them 20 but you said it really horribly. Then end arguement was I hate RNG which is always an issue whether it be in hearthstone or MTG or any CCG

50 hours

My card predictions are always right

it's simple: you take what trump says and say the opposite of that
works every time

>priest cards A++ tier

What time does this usually release in the EU? Would like to know if I should stay up Thursday night to play, or if that's not a thing.

Surely it can't go this bad.

>#2 The Marsh Queen
>#8 Clutchmother Zavas
>#10 Spiritsinger Umbra
>#14 Dinomancy

True, but in almost all other matchups there's a back-and-forth interactions between players, while with Exodia its freeze-freeze-freeze-iceblock-iceblock-random iceblock. Without iceblock i don't mind their combo since i'll actually be able to punish their greedy plays.

I just realized Warlock Quest will turn into a strong deck with the new discard spell.

the argument is that sometimes they generate 8 blizzards or ice blocks and win and there's nothing you can do about it besides teching EoS but that's not the point
every class has to deal with draw RNG but no other archetype relies on purely random spell generation that wins or loses you the game based on a diceroll
the closest to that is rogue but that's just the cherry on top of an already strong deck, not the main gameplan

>all those hunter cards
I wonder if all of them committed suicide after those predictions.

they never say when it hits eu. usually it was 03:00 to 08:00

Discolock will never be good in hearthstone as long as discard works the way it does. The reason discard mechanics in MTG aren't that bad is because you can choose what you discard, if it was random trust me they'd be unplayable as all fuck. Discard needs to let you pick what you are discarding similar to MTG otherwise it will never have a chance of being good.

hunter players didn't rate those hunter cards well

>game is decided by draws
No shit, every game in hearthstone is

Backstab × 1
Preparation × 2
Shadowstep × 2
Sinister Strike × 1
Bloodmage Thalnos × 1
Cheat Death × 2
Evasion × 2
Eviscerate × 2
Sap × 2
Shiv × 2
Sudden Betrayal × 2
Fan of Knives × 2
Shadow Strike × 1
Sonya Shadowdancer × 1
Zola the Gorgon × 1
Barnes × 1
Kobold Illusionist × 1
Vanish × 1
Malygos x 1
Valeera the Hollow × 1

Goal of the deck, bring mini malygoses from your hand or your deck, save them with shadow step and secrets, and burst the shit out of your opponent

>kingsbane over Aluneth
What a bunch of retards. And people wonder why Brode keeps the game simple?

they even give you cards that benefit form being discarded without being able to choose them lul
thanks brode

>plays 5 obsidian statues

>Leyline Manipulator #4

Last time I checked Yeti wasn't played. Why is this rated so high?


Retards think it will make OTK Mage viable

Branching Paths isn't even in the top 30 for the vS poll.

I think it might be #1.

Why are people sleeping on this card so much? It can fit in any Druid archetype. At worst it's a 4 mana draw 2. At best it gives you exactly what you need. It's a fucking great card. Remember Keeper of the Grove? This is a similar card, but better.

I'll post my expert list of tippy toppy cards after work, so you'll have to wait a bit.

because it sucks

You forget that discarding cards in MtG doesn't prevent you from being able to use them.


Sonya is going to break the meta and nobody even realises yet

There is that as well, lots of cards have benefits even where you can use them from the grave. I don't think hearthstone will ever get mechanics that complicated however.

>He thinks sonya is good

>when control paladin actually controls
feels good

It's terrible, everything it tries to do other cards do better, and the versatility on't make up for that. I'd say that Druid COULD be run it as a 1 off that gets replaced as soon as a better list shows up, but honestly Druid has just too much shit to run right now and it'll probably not see even that tiny amount of play.

>Ysera awakens
>You have bested me

>every class has to deal with draw RNG
While this is technically true, this is a very simplistic view. Every class has to deal with draw RNG, but for some decks, the degree of draw RNG is higher.

For example, how impactful is something like Keleseth on 2 compared to something like Crackling Razormaw on 2, or Barnes as big priest on 4 compared to Mire Keeper on 4? They are, at least I would expect most people to agree, leagues different. The bigger variation there is in the power level of your cards, the more draw dependent your deck becomes. If the power level variation is small, then it doesn't matter that much which card you happen to draw, except curve wise.

Similarly, the more cycle/draw you have in your deck, the less draw dependent your deck becomes. Because you've drawn a lot more cards during the game, the chances that you get the cards you want increase. This means that having that card you want isn't some 20% high roll, but something to be expected.

Draw RNG wise exodia mage is a fairly consistent deck. While some plays are better than others (you'd rather have arcanologist on 2 rather than novice), you can't realistically high roll with your non-RNG cards. There is some variation in the assembly of your combo cards, but due to their large number, you often tend to get them in a similar amount of draws (this is just statistics).

There is some random spell generation, but most of this is just from glyph and sometimes book, only rarely tome. Glyphs see play in every other mage deck, and books in some, so rng effect wise there isn't a huge difference. You could argue that the random spells from glyph can matter more in one deck or the other which could be true, but I won't go into that. If you see an exodia mage play tome before playing his apprentices, it's a misplay 90% of the time. That's why the only rng that matters most of the time with tome is that you don't get shit like pyroblast and volcanic potion that you can't cast.

I am glad they remember the mech tribal exist, cause have we even had a mech in the last few expansions?
Either way card will likely be terrible but I like that it exist.2 card removal is garbage always unless its a board clear which this card is not.

You can still complete the quest on turn 4 and have infinite tempo.

It already is

Honestly you can't expect anything from blizzard. Bloodqueen is just a bafflingly bad card that serves as a good example of what they think discard is.
>struggle to ruin your hand to make a minion worth how much mana it costs
>unless you discard it lel
Even if you discarded 6 cards every time you played her her value wouldn't be good enough to warrant actually putting in your deck.

That card is pretty fucking mandatory in Paladin. Kodo isn't fast enough in the current meta and relies on RNG to kill low attack minions which has frequently fucked the Paladin.

leyline manipulator is a straight buff to exodia mage as it makes it easier for you to pull off your combo. Before you had to pull the exact right cards now you can pull it off with half the cards and have twice the chance.

If the enemy minion has 1 attack, chances are that it doesn't need to be removed, let alone removed by a battlecry.

It's a cute card, but I'm not sure why people think Paladin is the one class that should use it. It deals with Doomsayer, which is its best point afaict.

I'd say Ice Block isn't the problem when you can only tun 2. Randomly generated spells, on the other hand, are cancer Blizzard should be gassed for

To be fair, Kalimos may very well have been the strongest individual card of the set, it just got garbage support.

It's good for something like lich king or ysera though that you definitely don't want alive, even at 1 attack

>tfw crafted spiritsinger umbra

pally dont have an other answer to yseras, lich kings, and shit like that that dont fuck with their side of board

Master Oakheart
Kindly Grandmother
Tundra Rhino
Infested Wolf
1+3+3+2+2 = 11 damage

Recruit is a terrible mechanic that will see very little play

Nigger, you do remember that the only good "removal" Paladin had is Aldor Peacekeeper? Dropping a Bonemare-buffed minion down to 1 attack still leaves a massive taunt on the field that needs deleted. What about when you Aldor a Lich King, or a Ysera, or any damn Deathrattle minion?

So did I and I'm enjoying her a lot in Wild, what's the issue?

Why doesn't this card just outright kill a dragon? Even if that was the text doubt it'd be overpowered in any way compared to 6 damage. Only reason I could think of is blizzard hates removal cards cause they are "antifun" read big game hunter nerfs.

you could also just run spellbreaker which is a lot more useful against things that aren't doomsayer

tell me more, I've never got any good use out of her, you can't play her as a 4 drop and by the time you can play her alongside a good deathrattle minion the game has escalated past the point she can make a real difference.

To be fair, I think Sylvanas was still fresh in everyone's minds when they considered Umbra.

Also she's a solid card in egg hunter, another egg activator is always nice.

If that killed my Deathwing then I would flip my shit

Anything I should change up?

Man joust is a terrible mechanic good thing we never have to deal with shit like that again.
>blizzard makes another joust cards with raven
>blizzard makes a mechanic even worse than joust


Because dragons are big
>run patches
>sometimes your opponent has a hate card and gets to kill your 1/1 for free
>run ysera
>sometimes your opponent has a hate card and gets to kill your 4/12 for free

he is good against doomsayer too desu

Go play tempo rogue against a hunter/aggro druid and you'll see why tech cards are so shit and unfun

because it's got amazing stats even without the effect, they probably don't want everyone to tech one of these and delete kind of big dragon like ysera

How many Yseras and Lich Kings do you see on ladder? Equality also deals with them, if they do appear.

Again, I'm not calling the combo trash or anything, but I don't think it's that good or at all necessary in the current meta. Only Big Priest and Big Druid it's nice that expensive cards are only running in decks specifically designed to run expensive cards, tempostone... are even really running these big must-remove minions.

I agree it's shit, but it shouldn't kill a dragon, maybe make it deal 8 damage. That way it kills the body on all the big battlecry dragons like alexstraza, onyxia, nefarian in wild, or is a fast way for some decks to get rid of nozdormu. This thing being able to kill deathwings or ysera for 3 mana though is just way too good, and it's already decently statted for aggro.

Whats better in controlock if I get fucked by anduins, prince 4 or the darkness?

desu I agree people are overvaluing this, kodo is basically almost as good, it has actual board presence when you play it and it still doesn't see any play

Well, it was pretty clear from the beginning that she was terrible, in standard the best you could make out of her is something like Cairne or Eggs-like minions (and at 8-9 mana is just a slow "decent" play that forces you to keep 2 useless cards until then), I unpacked her on my first batch and was so sure that she would suck that I didn't even tried her. I mean, if you crafted her for fun that's fine, but you couldn't really expect her to be competitive.

>prince 4
the darkness eats them for breakfast