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made this just to show this drop edition

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>Not 70's on Kurask/Turoth tasks with leaf bladed axe

discord users killed /osg/

so lets make /osrs/ and excommunicate them all

One day this general will die and we will finally rest in peace

lads i'm on wave 61 with two brews left and my heartbeat is 162bpm
what should i do

Lmfaoo they hired Chris Archie nice fucking game retards


is abyssal tentacle used for things other than staking, edgeville pking and graardor

trying to decide what i should do with extra whips

I want to make an runecrafting alt

I was thinking about:
>doing some quests including lunar diplomacy
>getting magic 71 and getting def and agi to about 75(+graceful)
>doing ZMI to 82 RC(or maybe switch to bloods from 77-82?)
>double astrals to 99

Am missing something? And which quests should I do?

I love you honey, i hope you are doing allright

thanks dhargash

how do i buy an emblem kill? i am brainlet

sell them on ge

Either buy 23 emblems on the GE or join a CC that sells emblems and buy a tier 6. Finding a CC will be cheaper, but has the risk of getting scammed. Either one will get you 1.2m points, exactly enough for a rune pouch.

>when the dopamine hits


thanks but im at the bh world and dont see any cc advertisements, any more help?

do i get the qpcape first or the fire cape

'Emblem area' or 'Bh And Chill' CC. I can't vouch for either of them, but apparently Bh And Chill is run by CheyMcFly, a streamer. Some guy in Bh And Chill only has a T7 in right now, and a T7 should cost around 1m. If you can find one, you could get a T10 costing 1.5m, or you can buy tier 1s on the GE for 2.8. Don't complain if you get scammed.

ok thanks

fcape easily

i mean if you have the combat skills to beat mm2 you can easily do caves anyway

you can get BH emblems through wilderness slayer, youll also get sicc slayer points, but enjoy getting pked

you lucky fuck

>does my butt look big in these, user?

Hows everyone's morning?

>Can't make Lunar armor after the quest

Guess I'm never completing it on my NH brid then.

post old pics

tassys or prims first lads, using veracs plateskirt atm

why is osg thread dead? are people in osg cc =/= osg thread lurkers?

it's a shame. nobody in the cc comes to the thread


What is objectively the best skill to use xp lamps on?

I'll admit, last night I used 50,000 xp in lamps on hunter because I hate that skill

rate my demonic gorillas setup

Might wanna leave 1 inv spot open for loots so u dont have to juggle

gz pls first one

So my task is for 200 and something kills, but 10 kills used 100 charges on arclight. How the hell do people keep this thing charged?

I can see that I'll need to be farming shit in the catacombs before I cross the 150 left mark, what is the easiest thing to kill for shards/skotizo totems?

U keep it charged by doing nieve/steve tasks in catacombs, this will rack up passively if u play enough. The best thing to kill prob bursting nechs/dust devils

66-70 agility.
Should I do pyramid for extra cash or just stick with rooftop?

afaik rooftops make more $

I have been, but I got seriously fucked by drops and only had 5 shards with two skotizo kills.

whats is ur slayer lvl senpai


high iq lava rc inv


Join Lewd cc

reminder that if you needed a memepipe for fire cape you are and always will be a champ

Lmao I got 2 shards in 2 skozio kills

I have also gotten 1 shard on both skotizo kills, the other 3 were from regular drops.


Not hunter jesus christ
You do realize that's like 15 minutes of black chins? Less than 30 minutes of salamanders

>30 minutes of a skill I cannot stand
>1 hour of a skill I enjoy

How do you not like Hunter? That skill is great it's an easy 99.

Where the fuck did you get an hour from?
What skill are we talking here you retard?
Is osg switching the subject to jusitify their dumb decisions again

Black salamanders is chill as fuck and if you can't click 5 spots every now and then for 100k/hr, practically afk you deserve to waste your lamp like that

How do you not like Runecrafting/Smithing/Woodcutting/Fishing/Thieving/Farming/Mining/Cooking?
That skill is great and it's an easy 99.

>put the lamps into runecrafting
>you get 50k runecrafting xp
>craft runes
>get 50k/hr

But I do like a lot of those skills.

I have all of those skills at 99 on my iron except thieving (because 99 thieving is for braindeads who just want an easy skillcape with 0 effort) and smithing which is at 93
You literally just listed some of easiest skills to max

>thieving is not an easy 99
Get a load of this guy

Then what the fuck do you lamp..
>using lamps on a buyable with some of the fastest xp rates in the game

That isn't the point, what do you use your lamps on? Those are some of the most commonly lamped skills except maybe fishing/mining/thieving/cooking

>missing the point this hard
My entire argument is that doing something you don't like for any amount of time is less preferable than doing something you do like for more time. I hate thieving just as much if not more than hunter, and it is one of my lowest skills.

I'm an Ironman so I lamp Herb. If you're a main use it on Runecrafting/Agility.

But you don't even look at the screen when you get 99 thieving
I know someone who got 200m thieving with a footpedal, you don't even play the game when you train thieving

Yeah I get 200k+/hr XP with extreme profit at black chins, so I find it retarded to even consider using it on hunter. I do it on herblore, the buyable

I know helmies lamp herblore, but it is a terrible choice for lamping on a main.

>You use it on RC/AGI
I completely disagree, RC is one of the more enjoyable skills in the game and agility isn't bad at all if you get your fishing out of the way.

It seems like you don't understand that some people like different skills than you.

I hate theiving, you need to click and pay at least some attention to the game but it isn't enough to keep my interest. Same with hunter.

>black chins
That's cool and all, but I used the lamps to go from 64-66 for the diary requirement. I don't even have black salamanders or chins unlocked yet.

It seems like you've also missed the point though so great job

>I know someone who got 200m thieving with a footpedal
I seriously hope you don't actually believe that, they autoclicked it

>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that think lamps on woodcutting is a reasonable decision
Not to mention tick-teaks aren't even that great anymore with slightly afk mushroom trees

>I completely disagree, RC is one of the more enjoyable skills in the game and agility isn't bad at all if you get your fishing out of the way.
They're slower than the other skills.

>pay at least some attention to the game
But you don't that's the point I just made

If you despise woodcutting and need 72 for the quest it is.

The game is about fun, not efficient maxing. I seriously considered lamping up mining while grinding for grim tales because WC is one of the worst skills.

Ok? That may be true, but some people also might find them more enjoyable.
Spending more time on a skill you like > Spending less time on a skill you don't like

Below 92 you sure fucking do have to pay attention because you get damaged

Like lamps until red salamanders, that could be understandable, low lvl hunter sucks ass, but once you hit red salamanders it's great XP and extremely little effort
Once you hit chins it's incredible XP and incredible profit
But 64-66?
Lamp(s) on hunter?
This is just silly at this point

>I seriously considered lamping up mining while grinding for grim tales because WC is one of the worst skills
meant to say lamping up woodcutting

But none of that matters if you don't enjoy the skill

How do you hate Hunter though? That's one of the easiest 99s. Watch a movie and click boxes.

>click until die
>go back to ardy, pick up items
>resume mashing 5 while playing cawadoody
Waaah I can't thieve without watching myself

This is bait. I refuse to believe someone is this stupid.

Okay so youre a champ with low stats, nothing wrong with that we all were there once
Honestly you should save all your lamps until you're base 90, at least base 80, then you're allowed to say what skills are and aren't enjoyable

i really enjoy crafting and put lamps on it post-99 to push me a little farther on xp :)

>Runecrafting is the easiest 99. Watch a movie and click the abyss
>Slayer is the easiest 99. Watch a movie and click monsters
Every single skill in this game boils down to clicking something. SOME PEOPLE ENJOY CERTAIN SKILLS MORE THAN OTHERS. Con-fucking-gras you enjoy hunter/thieving. I do not. How "easy" they are is irrelevant.

I refuse to believe these people are so ignorant.

I have some 90s and a lot of 80s in skills I do enjoy. I'm not going to spend a week clicking ardy knights because "you need 80 thieving before you can decide that you don't like it"

The point is it doesn't matter if you enjoy thieving or not, because you're hardly even playing the game, what you "enjoy" about thieving is ultimate afk
Footpedal at work all day like the autists

Now you understand it. All skills are the same but some are faster than others. Lamping Hunter is retarded.

every thread until you like it

>use lamps on woodcutting, hunter and thieving
>"L everyone here is so ignorant oh muh gawd"
There's literally only one person here to laugh at and you know exactly who it is

y'all a bunch of soy boys, i bet you get ass horny dumb slut.

>All skills are the same but some are faster than others.
And some are also more fun than others. You have autism.

Thieving is not afk. It requires constant clicking with the computer's focus on the game client. You can't type a paper, you can't browse Veeky Forums, you can't play another game you can't do anything while thieving besides sit there and click the same spot thousands of times.

>use lamps on runecrafting because it is slow
>genuinely enjoy runecrafting and end up getting post 99 xp
>end up having 92 mining because while it may be faster than runecrafting it is the skill I dislike the most

77-99 runecrafting at zeah will get you 92-94 mining

If you're using piety and eagle eye you probably need more ppots

>hate zeah runecrafting
>do it anyway because it is the most efficient
you are literally about to defend this

But it's not the most efficient. Not even close.

lurker here, i want to grind like you again. i always worry about maxing order these days, but the grind accomplishment is what i like. It feels messy to just jump around like that if you already know theres better ways that wont "waste" total time to reach your goal

I banked 120k dark essence and did bloods from 77-99 on my Ironmeme through the abyss
Got well over 200k/hr consistently

You are playing a game is your goal to finish or enjoy it?

Once you finish, what will you do next?

Okay here
>hate X method of doing a skill
>do X method anyway because it is the fastest
defend this

Why would you bank Essence if you're not planning to go for a CML record? If you didn't get a rank 1 that's awful.

>zeah RC is most efficient
>zeah RC is least enjoyable
Question marks

>defend this
For me the fun of this game is seeing myself improve and make progress. I enjoy doing the fastest methods even if they're click intensive because you can usually see yourself making less mistakes and improving.

You're not playing by the rules of the situation here.

Assume you hate the fastest xp/hr method.

Would you still do it just because it is the fastest?

That only took forever

I wanted to finish 99 mining at essence and ran out of pure essence at like 70rc, I was mid-mining grind and just wanted to finish it without having to mine after 99

i think the point you dont see is we dont hate any skill. we enjoy, to a degree, some part or another the xp gained no matter the actual name. at least for me everything is just an xp i want to collect, and some skills are more of a grind than others. sometimes it takes far over a million nature runes to 99, 28 at a time (+pouches). I dont like to do it, but its just a simple chore i need to grind out to progress my overall structure and goals. Very rewarding when you can max 99 agility before any other skill, its not the most fun but the rest of the game is so much more enjoyable when you can actually use the run feature to its fullest potential.

if i wanted to grind ranged to from like 65-70 or 75 without doing chins or cannon, should i use darts on yaks or some shit? doing slayer with 63 ranging is fucking awful, even with an imbued slayer helm

Yes I would. People that sit at Monkfish don't really get it. I hated Granite and Lava RC at first but eventually you start to enjoy it. You start seeing little things you can improve and by the time you're 99 you enjoy every single skill.
I think most people that say tick manip is boring and tedious are the ones that AFK at Redwoods all day and never even try it.
I will always use the most efficient method for every skill.

Adroitness knights isn't even close to max XP/hour
Neither is black salamanders
Neither is afk mushroom chopping
Neither is mining gem rocks
All of those are completely reasonable skilling methods
Exactly how much of this game is "unplayable" to you?

To be fair redwoods are solid XP/hour and about to be fletchable

Well the fastest XP/ hour would be to use over 4 elite diary lamps on hunter
But yes I would hate that and hate myself if I did that