/svg/ - Shadowverse General

>Next expansion pack is Chronogenesis

>Reveals so far

>November nerfs - DShift, Sibyl, Soulsquasher, Carabosse, Staircase

>Rotations, formats, new class

>What events are up?

>Leader poll results

>Official Website

>Deckbuilder and card database

>Useful Links


Other urls found in this thread:


@google doc user
the ign cards are blood, not shadow

>that reveal doc
the new cards are for blood, not shadow

Remember to use Finnish flag for free packs.

This is my wife. Say something nice about her.

I want to taste the minty.

fake news

She's is cute but my wife is cutter.

It's almost like they're budget skeletons for you to build up on with your good pulls
Fucking idjit

Already moved that down. Also arranged the slots in a way to reflect the 12 to others and 34 to Portal count.

wew nice bullying bro

Am I reading this right? You deal 4 damage to the follower to apply the Drain buff to it instead of it being two split targets.

New Hearthstone expansion is looking to be a complete trainwreck and I need a card game to play on my phone.
Is this game actually good (or at least better than hearthstone) or is it only good for waifus?

Post control forest decks or I will fire my laser

It's worth trying out if nothing else because they give so many packs away for free.

You either use it on an enemy follower for deal 4pp or you use on one of your followers, dealing 4 damage for get Drain

Fuck off elfnigger

>12 cards per class
It's probably 2 legos, 3 golds, 3 silvers, 4 bronzes. You assumed as much for Forest but not for the others.

The game is p2w garbage.
Play Krosmaga instead. At least the devs there aren't lazy and tweak the cards to fit the meta instead of removing cards.

we unironically have the most balanced meta right now, and yes it's a lot better than hs. also nowhere as jewish since you get so much free shit
it has a lot of good waifus and husbandos



Krosmaga is about as good as it gets. Start finding ebooks, fanfiction, music, and whatever else kids these days do to avoid human interaction

calling the game garbage is a fair opinion but calling it p2w is a blatant lie
this is literally the most generous ccg on the market


>all these 1 ofs

It's okay user, I'm sorry to hear that you ran out of vials while vialing all your cards to craft the latest FOTM netdeck. You can reroll, you know that right?

No u. I have insomnia so I must meme. Help me make the meta great again.

>Doesn't even recognize the filename from intern-kun's prebuilt article
Better not let KMR hear you talking shit about his workers. He'll tilt your matchmaking priority.

>recover PP after play 2 cards
>recover PP if you have a commander/officer
>recover PP if you have sigil
>recover PP if you have overflow
>recover PP if you have X shadows
>recover PP if you have vengeance
>recover PP if you are dead
Damn, CG is going to be WLD on crack.
>how many cards my opponent will play this turn? 2 cards? No, it's his whole hand

How can Bloodniggers recover?

>Last xpak was full of broken bullshit draw cards

Guess the 12 new cards that can save haven after getting all of their core card wiped

Hard mode:no mana cheat or storm

>recover PP if you have sigil

Post your emblem /svg/

>new mechanic is pp recovery
>just play your whole hand bro
are we /dng/ now boys?



>file name

you know it's true

Say something nice about her

the carrot




How do I remove elf?

kill yourself dragonnigger

more leaks in 1 hour 30 minutes



>4pp follower
>4/5 -> 6/7
>Fanfare: Put 1 Aria into play. If you don't have other amulets in play, recover 2 Play Point.
Then you play Dogma with the freebies.

You're gonna get pricked!

>spellboost: recover X more pp


>4pp 4/5
this isn't hearthstone

Should be a 3/4 to 5/6.

jalter is miles better.

>Not a 3/4→3/9

My ass

you are in the wrong general


Consider ending your own life.

It's pretty good. The current meta is so good that /svg/ shitters are unironically bitching that the current meta is too balanced and diverse for them to be able to climb.
This is also the most generous f2p ccg on the market, throwing free shit at you at every turn.

>actually is a manlet down the waist
Why would you use this instead of good ol' Cthulhu?
>clear the board by hitting my face even worse


>manlet down the waist
fuck i can't unsee this now

Because Diabolo has a permanent-Liza effect and you can play him for 3pp at turn 9+ if you're in vegeance.

It's a garbage card that noone will ever play. As bad as mail of obliteration.

is that his dick on the evolve art?

>diabolus sperma
at least I'd say that the premium version has the chance to be one of the best looking in the game

Garbage in unlimited, but I wouldn't be quick to judge that card for rotation meta.

What is he even supposed to be? A guy with a demonwig?

>Not using the best emblem
You're all pathetic

its probably a demon possessing a guy's body and his form got more and more fucked up the longer he possessed his body

Someone post the image of that stickman using the Juventus logo as a public toilet.

It's a jojo reference. He's summoning his stand.

>Trying out an extreme meme deck
>Lose to the experienced AI

my nigga

>he skipped legs days

I'd say the game is in a ok state right now but it has the potential to be really good with the new expansion, well maybe 1 month after release.
If you reroll and go for rotation legendary cards you should be good.

Need a concede, 64925.

>recover pp theme
So I heard you like bouncing roaches so we make them recover pp to roach you more

>New Blood cards
Looks like shit, senpai, but PP recovery seems good.

roach is rotating and nobody gives a shit about unlimited

It's just diabolic and revelation - balanced edition.

Thanks Wyrm-sama.

>8pp demonic strike
>6pp magic missile
Do we call Diablo >9pp liza?

>playing unlimited
Rotation will be the main game mode. Nobody care about dshift central.

He's leaving behind a nice body aswell. If they rotate out the annoying combo shit that kills you in one turn then it might become good.

9pp demonic boros

3 months of lily though

3 months of bahamut and 6 months of mutagenic.

>Smegma into BDB and Laura
>6 (potentially 8) Storm damage with Drain on turn 9
If they restrict D-Shift in Unlimited this seems like a fun combo.

Does this game have combo decks or is it mostly just aggro vs midrange vs control?

>control in shadowverse
enjoy dying to dshift.

DShift. Seraph. PtP. Dragonewt. Dread Phyton Satan.

There's a few. They always get nerfed though.

Wonder how fast i will go back to Master score 0 with Chimera OTK no DShift

HS has hit a new low. This is our chance to strike back!

>13PP Demonic Strike


i don't get it.

So blood is now receiving even more bullshit removals and also recovering PP with that?

Already a bad start.

>bloodniggers in charge of math
it's 12 retard.