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Katarina Thread


>Katarina thread


xth for the thread is infinitely better after image limit

Every so often Riot pops a squat and out pops a big smelly poo of a champ. Made without regards to what the game needs, that frequently does other champs jobs better until nerfed, and adds nothing of interest to lore or uniqueness of personality.

Zoe is the most recent poo release.

Yay! Ivern buffs! I hope everyone has a swell day and remember that everything will always be okay in the end. Now post champions you like no matter what.

*hooks your adc*

i wish i was a girl

I don't have a chance to get more Project Tokens, do I?

It's a certainlyT release. They're not meant to be balanced, they're meant to break the game with stuff that clearly "shouldn't" ever be possible in a moba to test new mechanics/effects.

What is everyone's favorite mood.gg playlist?

Lulu buffs when????????

I wish this image wasn't so small.

Is he right?

Zoe does nothing other champions do

which yordle has the deepest lore______ ?

Tell me about Kat, why does she wear a thong?

hes right about top lane being shit right now thats for sure i don't think everything he says is right but top lane is definitely not fun right now

They have about a dozen of mid to high diamond players who do internal testing of things, and they still manage to let shit like the recent ap Galio slide through. And having a job doesn't mean someone deserves or is capable of having the job, anyone who has worked knows that.


I wish I had a gf (male).

I think the biggest poos would be Azir and Quinn.

Why doesn't every bruiser just build Triforce+Sterak's? Why do people still build Black Cleaver?

>Graves is a specialist
>Specialist is for champs that don't fit the usual checklist roles
Since when is that a thing?

>play top lane
>be first pick
>get hard counter picked
>can't do anything
>mid doesn't roam and jungler doesn't gank
>fall behind
>team blames me
What do I do in this situation?

AP Galio didn't "slide" through

They already stated that they intended for him to be like that after his changes

Actually, they intended for people to build 1-2 ap items and then full tank with full ap as an option as well. Instead we got everyone building full ap because it was straight up retarded.

One of the many new changes brought to you by directly ripping HotS

Have you seen how tight her pants are? It's probably more comfortable
[/spoiler]she also knows she's sexy as hell and likes to show it off[/spoiler]

>shit every 2-3 days.
>always produce a full solid log.
>2 out of 3 shits require a bucket flush.
>find it weird that toilets have such thin pipes and weak flushes.
>google it
>find out American toilets are actually significantly smaller and weaker than Australian toilets.

Shitlets, please explain? Are you all 5ft, 60kg soyboys that produce pellets? I'm over here raising water levels more than global fuckin warming with my mountainous logs that can't fit down the pipe, and yet the country with the most fat cunts is somehow getting by with toilets half the thickness?

Jungler usually won't gank toplane unless they're guaranteed a success, mid even more so unless they're nice

Wasn't it just a because of a bug that each hit of the tornado was doing %hp damage and was supposed to add up to what's said in the tooltip?

Well burak cureava is obviously stronger on Darius and Garen due to the fact they don't get to space out their abilities for the sake of Trinity force and are much more about AD ratios than autoing.

>the fucking dot on teemo e is getting nerfed
>but not his blind
>or the FREE bfs sword worth of onhit damage
>jayce "nerf"
>tower buffs promised for 7.24 are nowhere to be seen
absolutely ebin

>shit every 2-3 days
have you tried shitting more frequently like a normal person

Because of the patriarchy.

Only fighters have counterpicks. Pick a tank like Ornn and you'll never need to fear the counterpick.

nth for ahriposting until image limit so gets his infinitely better thread sooner.

>riven needs more sustained damage
>picking tryndamere is still a reportable offence in diamond

Is this bait?

i bet hes one of those sickos that enjoys holding it in
like a dildo

>remove 12% bonus damage for range
yes please

Does Kat regularly call for gangbangs or does she save herself for Garen?

>long red hair
>large breasts
>round firm ass
>midriff of a goddess
>perfect thighs
>curvy and athletic
>tight as fuck
Why does Kat have objectively the best body in League?

Some of it makes sense such as reducing mini Gnar's range since that shit is retarded.

>riot nerfing their lovechild class
>the adcuck
how high are you my man
if anything they'll cut the melee bonus in half

Femme fatale without cowtits?

You should be shitting every single day.
Your diet is horrible my dude.
Also, Americans all probably have diarrhea from all the fast food, so they don't really need the flush power pipe girth.

After a little googling, I could only find stuff about it being not a bug, just overtuned. Either way, I used ap galio as an example because it was recent and notable but there have been tons of examples of Riot changing things and being completely oblivious to the effects of said change.

>tfw God Staff Jax would have been l i t e r a l l y perfect if only Riot had used it to kick off a visual update/voice update for him

Uhhmmm.. you were saying?

She was released at a time wher this was the norm.

no VUs without GUs

The fact that she has nicely sized tits without them being ridiculous is definitely a huge plus

Lolg no one is worthy of Kayn's beauty but Kayn himself. Not Rhaast and not some old toaster.


She's got competition, user.

For girls, retard.

>>riven needs more sustained damage
>>picking tryndamere is still a reportable offence in diamond
this fucking riven had a 48% win rate and got buffs trynd is still sitting at a cool 45% no buffs and his rune got nerfed too

>Jax is a girl

>actually shitposts
>still higher quality content than most of the thread

Gnar. Can't wait to buy him. Don't care how good/bad he is. He's cute as fuck and makes me happy.

these new health bars are MASSIVE

Even by that eras standards she stands out to me

Irelia is nice, but Kat is curvier and seems to be more toned

Sion. Big angry zombie WAR man what does the CC real good. I have 400k+ mastery on him. I can't stop.

nth for Sion being the best dad who had a furnace built in his body to keep his army warm.

>nerfing ardent censer even more
for what reason?

So its evil never returns.

Ryze is my nigga. He might need 500 more reworks but his new personality is perfect. Yorick is a close second

But user, on beauty standards, Ionian genes are at the tippy top. There's a reason why most of them are very breedable like Karma, Xayah, Ahri, Irelia and Soraka to name a few.

Help I'm obsessed with Teemo

>teemo needs a nerf
lol. Teemo gets countered by teamwork.
if you dont play as a team teemo will wreck your shit one at a time.
When you group up as 5 hes useless if engaged on, though he is by far one of the best disengage champs out there is some situations.

Technically Xayah is Vastayan and not Ionian. Still cute as fuck though.

>solo q

Is 7.24 already live or is it on PBE?

teemo can take a champion out of the game top lane hes jsut one of the ranged cancers i hate seeing and with the new runes hes even worse than before

>split pushing
>bot inhib

3 people chase me
>my team is just chilling around baron

Irelia has a great face, and Akali is hot as hell, but neither of them are quite up there with Kat's raw unfiltered sex appeal

>People picking Zilean into Zed expecting it to be a braindead victory

People that live in Ionia are called Ionians so we might as well call Vastayans that too.

>countered by teamwork.
Have you ever played a single game of league of legends in your life?

>achmed lives in Sweden so he's Swedish
Vastayan are subhuman and should never corrupt perfect Ionian genes

christmas dailies when

the patch added them but not activated

not to mention having the absolute worst build path in the entire game

>Kat's raw unfiltered sex appeal
That reminds me, what are the chances of Kat actually getting gangraped?

The statement "teemo gets countered by teamwork" stays true regardless of the fact that only a small minority of people actually play as a team. Its nothing to do with balancing which makes teemo good.

The only perfect genes in Ionia belong to pic related.

How about we delete teemo from the fucking game.

Teemo doesn't get countered by teamwork.
Teemo counters warding trinkets by forcing everyone to go sweepers.

Considering her agility, flexibility, and combat prowess, I doubt she'd be able to be restrained for a gangraping. Any attempt would just result in a lot of daggers in throats

How does this make you feel?
Ahri doesn't have a cock. Get the fuck out degenerates

Ahri is a subhuman and Sona is entry level garbage. I don't care for either of them

>buy zoe because gotta keep having all the champs
>there are missions with her for xp bonuses
A rare good addition from Riot, did they do this for older champs for if people haven't bought them yet?

Like 0% chance. It's not a rape if she wants it to happen.

>tfw you want to show lolg sluts your dick.
Whats wrong with me?

I meant that when she younger and was prime rapebait material so basically 16. Surely she'd had to have gone through it at least once, right?

>tfw top lane main
>decide to adc for a game
>Support keeps telling me I'm too aggressive

This is hard.

Orrn is what I was looking for. Thank you my dude.


give me one good reason why you're not playing jhin.