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I traded a unit I didn't have a dupe of yesterday on accident
Kill me

Is blucci better or worst than old lucci?

>wake up
>no Pudding

Can double Enel team defeat Neo Bellamy?

Y-you too....

didn't mean to reply to this post
The striker one is really easy with at least 1 Neko, just use your best striker captain, and slap in some QCK striker subs

if you have shitty units for strikers, just take your own Aokiji (needs no skillups) with friend Aokiji or Neko, raid Magellan, and some damage reducers and/or healers like Smoker, Alvida, Sunny ship if no bike...

it's slower but does the trick


Should I kill myself because everyone in the general got TS Luffy and I didn't?

I also didn't
but I got Neko

Haven't e en seen her yet because I never run fortnights

Someone please tell me. If I multi in day 1 does it count towards a free legend if I do the other pulls in day 2?

They’re separate sugos

>pull Qck Law today
>mount a random team just for the sockets
>beat forest Aokiji first try
first time having a easy forest, thank god.

Why use colo smoker?

Sockets, I never really cared about my strikers before this sugo.

Is TS Luffy vs G4 a difficult decision if you only have one TS Luffy in the first place?

TS is better, unless you have the G4 dream team, also

>Locking himself 5 turns

Go with TS Luffy.

It's 7 turns :^)

G4 is marginally stronger lead, but fighter class sucks
Go TS Luffy

>changes to evolver islands
>rainbow unit is guaranteed drop
>if you need psy or int cancer you can run that shit forever

wow, great fucking job bamco

>>rainbow unit is guaranteed drop

No it isn't, lmao

wow guess I've been real fucking lucky swimming in 15 rainbow crabs and 0 int lobsters

Apology free pull bois!

>someone here is actually going to get TS Luffy or Neko on their free pull

I think last night was the happiest I've seen this general in a long time

TS Luffy legit isnt even that good

>int and psy dragons still have no insland for themselves
>Wasted 100 stamine on those fucks because only yellow ones appear, still can't evolve my croc, pedro or world

He's not bad but when you compare him with the new legends he seems pretty weak. And since g4 is exactly the same but worst in every way I on't know why everyone is hype for him

>G4 is bad TS Luffy

I finally fucking did it bros

you mean this morning

Nice bro. Feed her 1 attack candy so she can break 1000



>He loses the pasive captain damage reduction, which is a heavy hit to his survival and stall
Instead he has damage reduction when he uses his skill. That's more fringe and honestly pretty bad compared with ts luffy
>exact same damage and modifier, only difference is exchanging classes from free spirit to fighters
Not only is fighter way more RR reliant while, the class is still worst than free spirit which also happens to be one of the most f2p friendly in the game along with slashers.
>He binds and despairs himself for 7 turns after using his skill
Thematic as fuck, horribly bad compared with TS luffy who can still operate without a care after red hawk.
>His skill deals way more damage and makes more orbs matching. He's psy which is better than qck
That's his only pro.
If you somehow consider losing pasive damage reduction, losing access to one of the best class in the game and the binding/despair thing good then go ahead and use your g4.

>have to beat pheasant forest now that I got neko
>really don't want to

>That's more fringe and honestly pretty bad compared with ts luffy
I'll take my 80%+ damage reduction on the actual bosses, thanks very much
>makes 6/7 orbs matching instead of 3/7
yeah this is much better to be honest
irrelevant 99% of the time and you can still work around it if need be
there's always 6+ Ray for extreme cases, but you don't need him for the most part

you can literally just autoattack the forest

just do it


I wish I had enough gems for another multi. If I ever pull Neko is during this sugo.

you fucking know it's not that simple

fuck off

>I'll take my 80%+ damage reduction on the actual bosses
You won't because you'll have to blow your load on the previous sub boss. This is an actual problem with current ts luffy but he can handle it better because he doesn't bind himself. The damage resistance is useless because once you use the skills whoever you are hitting should die, the real problem is going there with 2.5 boost. Do you own ts luffy at all?
>irrelevant 99% of the time and you can still work around it if need be
Because you say so
>there's always 6+ Ray for extreme cases, but you don't need him for the most part
>the legend needs a legend to not be crippled

I beat it with fucking Sengoku.

He's not that far off, did it a couple weeks ago with an Akainu team because I had close to max cola and didnt use specials until something like stage 18 or 19.

for aokiji it actually is, just make sure to have lv 3 anti-bind/despair. I used this without any big planning and was easy.

Hawk is one of the 3 Legends that I have.
Leo is the only good pull of the multi.

>single multi
do 2 more


This. First multi was crocus tier, second was decent, third was amazing.

I don't own TS Luffy but I own G4
yes you can work around it by stalling 4 turns
you don't NEED 6+ Ray for anything G4 has cleared so far, I'm just saying you could use him if it comes down to it

Unironically this

Getting a Neko or a TS Luffy on your 3rd multi legend is VERY high

>Rate boost is REAL
>Only have 100 gems

Why weren't you saving for the anniversary?

Pretty much everybody had at least 150 gems stockpiled, even the dumbest idiots here

Plus 5720 Ray points.
I'm honestly not sure if it was worth it.

I sell the spare INTHAWK, right?



This is of 3 multis, I forgot to mention.

Depends on the amount of Points you have, but don't sell him just yet, just keep him and sell him in case of needing points in a pinch.


>I'm not sure if it was worth it

Alvida is the unit I stuff my +3 candies into

>3 multis
still worth it, considering global rates
shame you didn't get both sneks

What are your other two legends besides Inthawk?

Fuck Neptune. Im P-Lvl 450+, which is 250+ stamina.
I don't give a fuck about some exp boost.

Leo is great and Snek is great because of Neko, but for 150 gems I expected more.


Marco and Corazon, after 1000+ days

Neptune is good even if you are above plvl 500-600. Hell, I'm 400+ and I'd kill for a Neptune. You can never have too much maximum stamina, every run you do with him increases the value of EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOUR GEMS.

Also Neko is worth 150 gems alone


Goodgoy here. Anyone mind putting up a maxed socket RR Coby? I gotta hit up Law forest now that I have TS Luffy

So from 3 multis I got new Neko, dupe Cora and dupe Boa v1.

I really want Neptune and Marigold but the only other missing rated up units for Day 1 batch are Decken and Duval.

Should I keep pulling /opgg/? My gut says save your gems since I already have all the rated up legends, but my dick says keep pulling for that Neptune and Marigold.

save them, the chance of pulling a dupe Neko is too high

just pull next time the stirker batch is boosted

Nope, call it quits

Neko and the Ray-Ray points were worth the gems, don't get greedy.

do you need him to be max socketed? I can put mine up, but I just pulled him

>Neko is worth over 100 dollars
Wew status: Lad

Yeah, I'd be lacking sockets otherwise



I didn't pull him either

fat gladius looks so dumb

Ray no voice?

Understood. I'll socket him this week, so if you need one a few days later let me know

>People unhappy because they pulled TSLuffy
>People unhappy because they pulled the second strongest unit in global OPTC

>the second strongest unit in global OPTC

Fuck off, he's the strongest.

Tomorrow I will pull 3 magellans and there's NOTHING you can do to stop me.

>the second strongest unit in global OPTC

Neko is by far the strongest captain until Lucy comes out

I did 6 and didnt pull him either. Got Neko, Inthawk, Barto, Cav and almost all other RR so I most certainly can't complain.

>everyone pulled neko
>global is now babbymode boring dead
Thank you bandai

>Neko is better than TS Luffy

Not this shit again

I meant to say Neko. I did get Neptune but I wanted Neko. I'm considering buying 5 gems to do one last multi. Should I do it?

>strong captain
>Cucked by one invasion

Fucking finally, never ever Mihawk raid again(until STRhawk I guess).

Also some people were mentioning meme socket order in last thread, what's the order?

If you absolutely need Neko you will probably not get a better chance than this current sugo.

It's your gems though and there's obviously a reason they threw this cyo out right before christmas/new year and anni.

Top to bottom

I wanted Boa sisters so I went all out at their debut.

The result is predictable

I didn't know Dobson was working on one piece


I'd laugh at you, but there was no way you could've predicted this
You have my condolences

he can actually do invasion Cavendish
I know you're gonna comment on >QCK Law, but he can

You're right I think I'll save them for the new year or anni. 3 multis > 1 multi anyway.

I did the same as you but I was lucky enough to hit 1000 days yesterday to complete my 3 multis.

>QCK Law