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first for night elf ass is still the best ass
First for blood elves
Reminder that Outland is shit
the only race more pathetic than elves are trolls
Imagine being a light-forged draenei on the Vindicaar and having to be all like "damn, Horde, you fuckin' strong, all threatening with your hunched bodies and horrific deformed monster faces. I would totally fight beside you, both my kinsmen and myself." when all he really wants to do is kill another demon in the field of battle. Like seriously imagine having to be a light-forged draenei and not only kill demons while the Horde flaunts their disgusting bodies in front of you, the fel-tinged lighting barely concealing their snarling faces and leathery skin, and just sit there, battle after battle, hour after hour, while they "do their part". Not only having to tolerate their monstrous fucking visage but their prideful attitude as everyone on the Vindicaar tells them they've HELPED SO MUCH and DAMN, THE HORDE CAN FIGHT LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch their decrepit fucking beast faces contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been killing nothing but a healthy diet of pit lords and nathrezim and infernals for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Argus. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on their dimpled stomachs as they flex and swing hopelessly at the demons around you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to kill there and revel in their "indomitable (for that is what they call themselves)" might, the might they worked so hard for with class trainers in the previous months. And then Turalyon calls for another meeting, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the peacekeepers could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're a fucking light-forged draenei. You're not going to lose your future military career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Reminder that void elves exist for bullying and NEED your abuse
Still haven't found the source for that, although lots of his stuff to look through.
>liking this shit
neck yourself sooner rather than later like you planned
>tornado procs from Golganneth trinket
>firey weapon from Shadow-Singed Fang
Best EU realms??/
You do realise that Horde isn't exactly very involved in the Argus campaign, right? It's a Draenei-Lightforged-Alliance operation.
So all windrunners are dying this expansion right?
>nathans got a new model and there's the troll kill all living things weapon so sylvanas will probably be put down when going after it
>vareesa is dying next to teldrassil
>alleria will get her "third death"
Why are fembelfs so smug?
Silvermoon for Alliance, Draenor for Horde. Maybe AD Alliance.
I'll consider it
Wouldn't you be if you knew you looked so good?
Argent Dawn for both
>nathans got a new model
Reskinned Genn
>PvE realms
legit go jump in front of a speeding train. you faggots ruined this game
There's no way they're killing off Sylvanas.
Vereesa is perfectly fine user. She doesn't die in BfA.
I want to "fuck" a female goblin
There will be no distinction next expansion, and the only PvP worth talking about now is instanced and cross-realm.
So maybe suck it up, buttercup?
1st time wow player here.. just created an undead warlock, where can i find tutorials and guides so i don't fuck up my build?
>don't raid
>legion content is 'done'
guess i'll PVP and wait for the next expansion.
gtfo, jewish avatarfag. This mount was introduced 9 years ago to game and you think it is an achievement to get it?
What build?
This girl really gets around
thanks for the blogpost
this, she's way too popular
>t. think my antoran charhound is rarer
Varian was super popular too.
your welcome, friend.
>sylvanas is turning out to be way worse than garrosh
>nuHordecucks love her
the power of feminism
It's more that the horde is running low on relevant characters and they're introducing fucking no new characters to make up for it. Sure we have Nathanos but nobody gives a fuck about Nathanos.
Why do the belf lovers post the same three shitty pics over and over and over again?
No one knew who he was until mop
>do lfr antorus
>mount doesnt drop
>someone joining after me gets cucked
it's all the same person, user
He was already very well liked in Wrath you brainlet.
He was a complete retard in Wrath.
They're giving Baine and Saurfang new models too and both characters havent done shit in ages so they might as well be new characters to most people.
Nate has always been liked by the undead players
how do i get my addons to update automagically? DBM updates like every day and it's fucking annoying desu
>by the undead players
He was like Saurfang of the east everyone liked him
install gentoo
>the troll kill all living things weapon
if you're talking about the first raid, it's literally another Titan facility, probably a HoO backup in case the primary one got corrupted
literally didnt know him until legion, meanwhile sylvanas has been a great character since wc3
>is X any fun?
>should I level a Y?
>the DPS Chad
>1st: Arcane and Retribution
>2nd: Shadow and Havoc
>3rd: Windwalker and Marksmanship
>the Tank Cuck
>1st: Blood
>2nd: Brewmaster
>3rd: Prot Warrior and Vengeance
>the Healer Slut
>1st: Holy Priest
>2nd: Mistweaver and Resto Shaman
>3rd: everything else
>rogues can only do DPS
>2 out of 3 specs are bottom of the barrel at it
ayy lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!
They just mentioned a troll weapon that can kill living stuff at blizzcon, not sure if it was related to the first raid.
I think people at least know who Baine is even if all his fucking development happens in books.
He's that level 10 quest giver from the tauren starting zone, right? Why did they give him a unique model??
fuck off
>tfw gonna play a masochistic healslut void elf priest
What's the ideal tmog for this? :3
just a leash so I can parade you around
>still no mages as powerful and badass as Anasterian
how much does your character sim for, wowg?
>another lockout, no tier
reminds me of my hunter alt that couldn't get 4pc pugging HFC for a year
We will get Highborne and Darkfallen before Arakkoa
>Bear gets no vote
wipe on lfr antorus
Nice projecting. Will you post screenshot when you obtained bronze drake too?
Leave it to Pissado to wipe on hounds in LFR
Your fault.
>No raid frames
I can dig it!
>wiping on lfr when a regular normal pug can walk the place without reading tactics beforehand
this is some next level shittery
>great character
>forced to do a wq because its bugged and stucked in my ui
good game wowbabs
She was a great character before she was apparently assigned to five different writers who were forbidden to talk to each other.
Why is it nobody here hated Sylvanas until recently when this website was overrun with retarded anti-SJWs who think everything is SJW and bitch about everything just like SJW do
Holy Priests and Holy Paladins are the chad specs though. They WILL let you die or actively fuck you over if you anger them while druids, monks and shamans just take it up the ass and apologise.
Especially don't fuck with Tauren holy paladins and female Gnome holy priests. They will make you miserable.
MUH VENGENC was never a good starting point for any character. Literally the only reason she ever became popular is that she used an elf model and had titties in fanart.
Happy Hanukkah /wowg/
>Void-fallen Naaru abused by the blood elves near the Sunwell
>doesn't corrupt the crack pit
>Alleria stops to pay homage to the crack pit
>it magically decides it hates this and starts reacting
>blood elves, who knowingly work with the Forsaken who use shadow magic and the Plague, and the blood elves themselves not afraid of warlocks under their watch, tell Alleria and other elves delving into shadow magic to get out, even though it's a controlled environment
What the fuck is with this shitty Blizzard writing, I swear.
That's weird I liked her ever since she killed the Dreadlords, cucked the Scourge, and nearly assassinated Arthas.
look at those fuckin twinks standing there like pffffff *inhales* hahaha
>EN hc farm runs at legion start
>rogue burps on the mic
>gnome priest life grips him back inside the eye as we run out
>he gets cr'd
>next time the gnome life grips him back inside again
They just REALLY needed to make void elves work since they will make them a lot of money.
Nightborne being neutral was not enough.
>NA stuck in 9/11
>cucked the Scourge
never happened. literally the only reason forsaken are a thing is because illidan launched his spell at the frozen throne, causing ner'zhul's power to wane and thus his grip over undead in the eastern kingdoms failed.
if illidan didn't do that, she'd be a boss in icc instead of lana'thael.
I already have both trinkets but I started gearing up a blood DK just to fuck with people who don't have them yet
>after getting embarrassed in LFR the solo player returns to his natural habitat, overpowering outdated content
gnomes were in warcraft before night elves bitch better watch her fucking mouth
>thinks Illidan was the sole factor
the Frozen Throne was already slowly leaking power because Ner'zhul literally pushed Frostmourne out of it