EDGE edition
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xth for where the fuck is Khora
Wait a second.
reposting for new thread
Why are so many of the female frames so lazy? AoE clears or DR/survivability wise.
AoE chaff / CC
Big damage / 95% projectile / Jamming
AoE / Sleep / Whatever
DR, pre-nerf wall
AoE, Slow, DR
boring invincibility
And how could we forget
Even saryn's room clearing (old or new) and titania's kit are fairly boring/lazy
Mag (aim at the bubble) and ivara (stealth) seem like the only ones with a modicum of thought or strategy involved, and maybe non-quake banshee who I forgot about til the end of this post.
Wukong is the closest in terms of surviving, and no male frame has the clearing potential bar chroma with a good gun or something. Even Inaros and Nidus make you pay upkeep.
whats so funny about that
nekros can do SoS tank
until the sentinel eventually runs out of regen
You missed Mirage.
>Not having health conversion or shield of shadows
Drain tanks are still a tank
Hello 20/10
Don't worry, when Chroma gets fucking gutted and the Arcane Grace price drops because of the influx of sets coming back to the market this problem will be solved.
I know from the plague star event solo, that even without a sentinel he can work if there are enough things dying nearby/you pass over a reasonable number of orbs regardless
High level endless corpus fissures (who does these?) and rollerbladers might be the end of him though
>nova is lazy
literal tissue paper at higher levels, 1 stray bullet and shes down
and using antimatter drop takes more effort than just pressing a button
i wanted 1000p for this one, and usually i type "price not negotiable" but the guy pm me "700" and i thought that was resonable.
Oh right.
the fabled Miragulor is basically the same aoe spammy mindless concept, less common now. Hopefully becomes more interesting with prime.
people actually buy these.......?
.....but why?
it doesn't take too long to build the damage on her two up to the point where you can just parkour most missions to death too.
>thrown melee (puke)
>doesnt require a forma to build
but you can craft it and its not even a remarkable weapon.....
It was worth between 500 and 1000p, so I guess 700 is pretty normal.
I overheard once in Cetus or a Relay, that some youtube/twitch retard said that the Kestrel was "the best" glaive, so now everyone thinks it is. It isn't, by any means, even with a godlike riven.
Its actually my most used weapon, purely because I used it to self-damage with pre-nerf trin, and free energy with the augment is free energy.
don't bully
I tried reading the wiki but I don't understand what it means by rotation A B C when it comes to rewards
I quit warframe around this time last year. Due to the lack of endgame and lack of a true story or quests or events that had you the player do interesting things.
But a couple months ago, after playing destiny 2 when it launched, something about warframe clicked in my head. I was a huge destiny 1 fan, playing with my clan of friends almost every day. While I'd argue that Destiny 1 has some amazing lore and setting, it's actual implementation into the story mode of the game as well as PVE wasn't the greatest. Enemies AI was retardedly easy and the only challenge that you could even face from it was from nightfall modifiers, which was almost cheesy in execution, never having any synergy between player interaction and the new modified enemies. While I eventually barely touched PVE, Bungie did get one thing right.
The core aspects of gameplay in destiny let me keep coming back to the PVP over and over again. The base mechanics of player control that gave you the feeling of true power through somewhat limited abilities was just enough of a balance with that of the gunplay. The guns themselves, able to have different rolls on them that made each gun feel like 'yours' and was something to work towards to increase your power. Balance was a little iffy, but in Destiny 1 PVP you could easily take out a team of 6 if you had the gun skill, map position knowledge, and the know how. You could do this with tons of weapons, not just the meta. Many hours were sunk into the simple PLAYING of the game all due to its core mechanics working and rewarding hand in hand. You could remove the entirety of the story, PVE experience, and anything else aside from the core of that experience, and I would have loved it just as much.
Have you even played a single endless mission beyond the first reward?
oh real? nice, that reminds me when i was new on selling stuff and i sold a zenith riven for 50p, that wasn't a good deal
Warframe pvp would be fine if DE put the smallest amount of effort into it currently or even less likely copy-pasted grineer and corpus assets as controllable parties.
you absolute fucking retard
Survival, defense, and interceptions work on a AABC rotation. Each rotation has a different drop table
1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, etc are rotation A
3nd, 7th, etc are rotation B
4th, 8th, etc are rotation C
so does that mean I gotta survive 4 waves to get rotation C items?
you receive rewards in order as you play an endless type mission
With a timer, or waves, etc
Like interception, defense, survival.
Reward rotations typically go A A B C, with A having its own pool to draw from and so on.
In spy missions, A B and C are reward pools for finishing 1, 2, or 3 vaults.
20 minutes in survival gets you to rotation C's reward, and then it restarts the cycle.
>Game mode where you control the Rathuum or Index opponents in a TF2 like setting
Could this work? It would certainly be a fair bit more balanced considering they would have predetermined stats and mods, and being able to play as something else would actually be refreshing in this game.
Why do so many of the female frames fulfill two of the three roles in the game?
In warframe tanks are frames that 1) have tank abilities and 2) are hard to kill.
Inaros, Chroma, Wukong, Rhino, Trin, Nekros, etc have both.
Nova, Mesa, Mirage, etc dont.
Better late to the nekros conversation than never, right?
>rhino isnt lazy
>nezha isnt lazy
>inaros isnt lazy
>wukang isnt lazy
>frost isnt lazy
>loki isnt lazy
>chroma isnt lazy
how do i play chroma
they say hes invincible and incredibly strong but from what i observe his 1 and 4 are pretty bad
is it all just in 2 and 3? how do i mod him?
>I tried reading the wiki
Obviously you failed, so try to not be the literal nigger you are for one minute and actually read the wiki.
Technically, Tanks are anything with survivability, can take a punch and can control an area on their own (and nekros can do all that)
oh and i forgot nekros!
>nekros isnt lazy
>No one online that wants to do Lith V2 radshares
>tfw Vauban Prime neverever
I just want to be the CC king
Health, Armor, Duration and Strength
The only thing they'd need to mess with is how enemies jump from level to level on predetermined paths (the dumb looking superjumps) and make it so that the player can path through the area in their own capacity
Think of all the plat from cosmetics too
>is it all just in 2 and 3?
>how do i mod him
As much as strength and duration as possible, with armor
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com
>control area
ITs nice when they do, but it isnt a requirement. See: Wukong
>I just want to be the CC king
Unironically play Limbo
>You go around transferring into different faction units for the side you're fighting for
>Can have it be capture the point that we already have
>both sides get feed units at a steady rate, and the units a player isn't taking over an AI is instead
>You don't actually get to fight a your potato, you have to be in another unit to fight
It would be a cute gimmick to be sure of, and honestly anything would be better then the conclave that we have now. A faction war setting with the players wishing to manipulate the sides without having a warframe linked back towards the events would be good way to tie it all in as well.
welcome to Veeky Forums, newfag
Limbo really is the CC king. His CC is so good, he CCs his own team as well.
>Anus from assassination sortie
>I just want to be the CC king
Ironically play Limbo
the fuck you on about
Please no, even as a joke he wouldn't get it.
The worst is he's going to do it because someone from anonymous board told him to.
>be limbo
>press 4
>press 3
>press 4
>molest groups of enemies while they cannot fight back
how big is the benefit of having maiming strike AND a slide crit chance riven to push it past 100%? i cant decide if maiming strike or buzz kill would be better on this zaw of mine
>Press 4
>Press 2
>Everything in the bubble is now immortal
>But so is everything outside the bubble
wow, sure sounds fun
>look in recruit chat to join a farm
>join an oxium farm
>it's a group of dumb faggots who can't fill with Nekros, Pilfdroid or Nova
Please don't do this.
user, Wukong is a bruiser, he's an off-tank with guardian derision (for drawing aggro and taking it) but he can't control an area with proper CC
well adjusted normal human bean who talks to people at parties=
autism NEET who writes edgy bad poetry into his textbooks as a teen= Limbo
redundant, maiming is flat +90%. It doesnt work like other mods
i see. ill settle for my riven's 80% then
Enter destiny 2, where everything went to shit. Classes became "pick one 'tree' or pick the other, which one was literally always the preferred option over another, leaving no ability customization. Map design became extremely bland, with long corridors and limited height and cover dynamics. They also removed special ammo, leaving primary weapons as not the king of the gameplay, but mandatory. Movement as well, which in Destiny 1 just felt perfect, seemed to feel off and less rewarding in terms of combat skill. Combining all these factors together led the community of the game to really do what only what made sense, stay in a group, camp one of the long corridors, and spray down the hallway if the other team is coming or if a straggler is running around solo like an idiot still trying to play destiny 1. Even the new class abilities they added, all three abilities worked perfectly for this strategy. Camp behind the shield wall, camp on the healing rift, camp on the edge of a corridor to dash to one side if you're losing your engagement. While the capacity for the same atmosphere of gameplay of destiny 1 is still possible in the sequel, the new 'additions' to the core gameplay mechanics overshadow that playstyle and gameplay to a state of nonexistence. The core gameplay that then was the main experience of the game shortly became utter trash. Unfun, bland shooting without any feeling of accomplishment or potential mastery of mechanics.
Now, back to warframe. When I originally quit, the core gameplay experience was still great. Shooting, parkour, various frames to choose from for differing abilities, the sheer amount of weapons to choose from, all huge pluses for the game, and by game I mean mechanics and playability. I guess at the time I was viewing warframe as something it's not.
I don't know why, but I expected better
too bad pubs fuck up stasis because they start shooting
>Doesn't know about Wukong's aug + the exoudias
Wukong can ether be the new banshee or the new limbo depending on witch of the two you use.
Warframe is an arcade type shooter. You don't need riveting quests or story, you don't need varied other activities to do, you don't even need unique bosses with further interesting mechanics to be 'winning' against. While all of those gameplay mechanics, if properly implemented into warframe, would be very appreciated, it does not take away from the core PVE powertrip this game offers. Whether you play an hour a day or eight, you can always have fun killing with your own unique weapon setups, as well as unique frame builds. A level 100 heavy gunner and a level 15 heavy gunner behave the same way, so if you want to do some wonky build that does fancy things, you can do it on low level enemies. If you like big fuckhuge numbers, go for higher level enemies. The content, being an essential god on a map with countless swarms of enemies coming at you, remains the same. With that specific playstyle and game feel in mind, warframe does it excellently. You just can't view its current state in a category where it isn't. To sum it up, Killing in warframe is fun.
He is the best tank in game
CC != tank in warframe. Tanks are only useful as tanks when they are solo.
I'm going to draw dicks with my bullets and you can't stop me
It could even be an in universe conclave-faction wargame to 'hone your skills/knowledge' about enemy tactics
Finally manged an Eidolon solo, took just under 20 min. 200% power strength Oberon takes care of the lures pretty handily, and has enough regen / armor to attack eidolon w/o caring about it's damage.
How are pugs for it usually structured? Thinking about grouping for it now that I've done it solo once.
It's not mechanically interesting but I like Titania's buffs because they give you something to really think about. Well 50% less accuracy and 75% extra pet damage are pretty good, the others are kind of shitty. Because enemies deal so little damage reflect needs to be at least 100% reflection for each stack and 25% slow from heavy units needs to just be changed to something like armor or fire rate or anything but a slow that doesn't work against 70% of the enemies in the game.
Meta is Chroma, Trinity, Volt, Loki/Harrow
okay so I understood it correctly. But everyone ends after two waves. Everyone. It's so frustrating.
Teralyst groups are usually chroma, trinity, buffer, whatever. I usually see rhino/volt and harrow for when you pop a limb. When I go in with pubs its a mixed bag mostly leaning towards chroma and trinity.
Trin>Harrow>Chroma>Volt can clear 7 a night.
You only need 10 brilliant shards. After that it is a drop in the bucket for how much focus you need per school. This is why the Daily Focus cap being removed was such a sought after thing. but nope, DE has decided to keep the cap for now. so FUCK DE
Just host a group for whatever you want to farm
You dont really ever go to rotation C for the rewards. On the starchart there are only trash mods or relics, and most people are not interested in those.
Volt is mandatory, its the only way to buff operators reliably
if you're talking about maps like Io jupiter its much faster to just quit after 2 waves and get those relics every time
defense/extraction tends to go longer esp if you have a good team
I need Lith T1. Should I just be doing the spy mission?
using the lanka? what's your builds?
With all the lag loading and getting the lures it's almost about 10 min.
Trin bless keeping the lure alive
Chroma for Damage
Volt for ele shield boost up amp damage and aoe shock the little guys when they're moving in to heal
Harrow protect from scream.
Whole team having good amp will save up time by alot.
Yeah spy is pretty fast
Derelict Defense, so go craft keys if you can and get like 1-2 other people to come and join in. 10% chance each A rotation, so 10%x2 per 10 wave run.
Just radiation and crit. I have a nice riven for it though, which helps. Just make sure to stay on max zoom for that sweet 50% crit chance multiplier. Lanka shot combos also stack stupid quick.
>Mr20-24 range in the squad
>Nigga is using Inaros
>Getting over 70-80% damage and kills on the first 2 sorties
>Inaros died 3 times between those 2
>Get to jackal on sortie 3
>89% damage done and Jackal blasted into the oblivion just with 2 magnetize bubbles and arca plasmor
>Sperglord send a PM after the sortie saying "she's still bad!"
>User is ignoring you.
Jesus fucking christ, sometimes I'm surprised about the amount of braindead retards playing this game.
Just because they don't know how to play the game, or how things work doesn't mean it's bad. All these monkeys only trying to reach high MR without even learning how to play is what it's killing the game, and ironically they are the same retards that complaint on Warframe Forums asking for nerfs all day.
Great post, friendo.
Those same retards are in this thread right now, user.
"Mag is bad" meme started back with Mag 1.0. It had a hiatus with Mag 2.0s polarize nuke, but Mag 3.0 being bad is just a meme again
It's just a meme.
Mag was trash before her rework but after that and a ninja fix she's now on the top tier, the problem is that she's too damn focused on magnetize but at the same time you can use the ebst weapons in the game and kill everything in 1 shot.
Cool, I'll take any excuse I get to play Harrow. I guess just build duration for long invlun periods?
how the fuck he manage that
Put convulsion in the - slot and put vile where high voltage is.
not too much duration. 10 seconds of invuln, or else it will be on CD when you need it.
No, you want ~7 second invincibility for the energy spikes. its not required, but it makes things go smoother
is this worth a potato and forma if I already have a Lex Prime?
>Implying this faggot
>wasn't Inaros
>and ironically they are the same retards that complaint on Warframe Forums asking for nerfs all day.
That's why Gara got nerfed to the ground now and the reason why we have Ember Deluxe instead of the original design.
Why can't I find r34 of Harrow?