The GOOD yaoi edition
The GOOD yaoi edition
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xth for my wife Syndra
FACT: Lulu has the CUTEST EARS!
xth for cute girls doing cute things
I really hope everyone has a swell day! Remember that everything will be alright in the end! Don't let a bad event bring you down! Post Champions you like no matter what.
xdh for syndar
>just farm all game
>dont help unless i can steal the kill
>do absolutely nothing important
>we win
>im the only one that got an S
how does the rating system make any sense
Press F to pay respect for Shen.
I will never forget you buddy.
>Ivern health buffs
>Aurelion Sol R cooldown reduced
>Morgana mana regen buffs
Ivern might actually be non-useless now! Christmas has come early this year!
I wanna give Lulu a lifetime supply of headpats!
>tfw no qt petite gf
Elf Jinx when rito?
reminder that marine is the greatest streamer in lolg history
Alright /lolg/. Which team do you think wins?
>only stacks to 99
trash keystone
why does this champion even exist
>55% winrate
why is it even allowed to be playable
How does this even happen?
xth for breast metal waifu
remove frozen mallet and I bet it would drop 5%+
fogged isn't challenger friend hes a good trynd but hes a master tier trynd
Tristana cancer
I wanna BEE with Lulu!
The one without Kindred.
0 decides the champ, item build, runes, and primary and secondary roles for me to do my placements with this season.
if its a popular champ to ban, include a secondary choice as well if you want.
I want to be in the middle of tha
Teemo is not fucking overpowered.
>xth for cute girls doing cute things
You mean things like them slaughtering me?
Lore? Top.
Game? bottom.
master is still lightyears above diamond 5
no,fuck off
>no weaponmancer champion
Speaking of Challenger trynd players why did BoxerPete stop playing league?
Stop being a terrible human being and then maybe people might honor you once in a while.
when did you realize that at that EXACT moment, the game was already lost?
Irelia post VGU
Oh hey they're adding voice chat
I dont know any e-celebs but im going to guess they dump their games for hearthstone and free time to anjoy their twitch/jewtube money
Onhit Lulu top with lethal tempo
he never plays until we are well into the season
>Jax top
>Nidalee jungle
>Ekko mid
>lucy ADC
>karma support
League's dead
wow now i can listen to raging preteens and 300 ping chinese screeching at the top of their lungs
There is literally no better bot lane right now than Miss Fortune adc and Vel Koz support.
Me and my friend won 9 games in a row just steamrolling, usually taking the first turret at 10 minutes. It's a free victory.
karthus needs more of a buff than the R one. he's still weak af
That's just what I needed, less people using pings.
false alarm
it's can be only used if you are premade with someone
Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!
very important poll - heres a tip edition
>its another "riot makes a skin with horrible glance value" episode
When will they realise?
>hey we're adding voice
>but only for premades
Does the Blitz skin still have that goofy walking animation?
Ryze is literally the best mid laner, you need at least 200 IQ to play him properly
why the heck did nerf top tanks base damage but keeping ranged top champions at their current states?
I'm thinking about that new Vayne skin. I couldn't tell she was ulting for a good 3 seconds.
if you dont wanna nut balls deep in lily, you gay as fuck
I love Camille
do you really need to ask?
Because MUH BRUISERS. There is literally nothing wrong with any of the ranged top champions.
>ranged top champions
but teemo and jayce got nerfed
shes cool
>but teemo and jayce got nerfed
literally nowhere in the patch
>Darkness Dragon Wizard
fuck off ipav for real
Teemo's poison damage got gutted.
I want to fug this elf
why does everything have %health damage now?
>that sunfire caoe revert and the revert on taric armor
Do the balance team at Riot even understand how to do game design?
I love Lissandra!
>Fucking CONSTANTLY in games where it's completely obvious we've lost at 15 min (like, 2 dragons and 20 kills ahead enemy team obvious)
>Faggots always refuse to surrender
>Finally get in a game where things are bad, but not unwinnable
>Even slightly fed
>Suddenly 4 surrender votes
I can normally handle solo q just fine, but I think this is the one thing that gives me the most rage in it by far.
If 7.18 didn't prove that, this patch did
Why is she such a fucking bitch? LARPing the ice queen from Narnia or something? Fucking tyrant
>sunfure minion damage lowered from +200% to +50%
dealing with proxy singed will be so much fun now
Whait, are you the guy who paid for that moon lady scat or whatever
Have you ever seen a cuter happy tampon?
>we didnt think about the fact we nerfed tanks being able to consistently be able to push, so we gave them back their sunfire cape, except we now made it suck even more cause we nerfed 200% bonus damage to 50%...oops, we killed sunfire cape, we'll just go ahead and tell you guys
Literally no reason to have it now
do you look for a new bull for your waifu cuckoby? im aviable
>Just wait until late game guise.
Me too!
he said he was bored of league but i think it's because trynd is in the worst spot hes been in in a long time
Am I useless as Lee Sin if I can't "insec"?
I just afk in the jungle and wack creeps to stop from getting banned when that happens.
>me 1/1/4 top
>everyone else negative kda ratio and we haven't got a single objective, every turret outside base gone
>surrender vote failed 2/3
>Why is she such a fucking bitch?
Only to ashe and Sej. Both of them are meanies who probably put ketchup on their steak. Disgusting.
>Whait, are you the guy who paid for that moon lady scat or whatever
Oh, hey! Lancer Blitz skins!
are you guys retarded. the sunfire cape does more damage to creeps at low levels now.
Riot might as well remove the item. it's clear they wont nothing to do with it. it also seems they want to discourage tanks from going top and just making literally support roles now
after 20 minutes yeah basically
About to play tank rakan top with ruunans, zz, and sunfire, AMA.
There is no reason to play this game if you don't main cancerchamps. Friendly reminder.
Says the ice bitch. Ashe is cute and lovable and the people like her.
basically too bad my cancer champion is in the gutter atm
Cancer champs are never trully in the gutter, only slightly worse.
ever champion is viable till high diamond and even there 85% champions are viable
>tfw you play ryze riot poster boy
>tfw he's never bad
When you OTP you can make any champion work. Specially if you play to have fun
user hes pretty bad right now
They actually said in the patch notes this was a bandaid fix to the top lane situation and they would put in more work on that and the rest of toplane eventually.
So Riot once again being lazy pieces of shit
Every champion is viable but some champs will take you to diamond in 100 games when others will waste you about 500.
>Tfw at the dentist