/ink/ - Splatoon General

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- Splatoon 2 Map Schedules: splatoon2.ink/
- Booru: booru.splatoon.ink/

> News
- New Grizzco shoes, Angry Rain Boots!
- Glooga Dualies are now available! Sub: ink mine, Special: inkjet
- Next EU Splatfest is film vs. book! Dec 9, 4pm CET - Dec 10, 4pm CET
- Next JP Splatfest is UNIQLO warm inner wear vs. warm outer wear! Dec 9, 3pm JST - Dec 10, 3pm JST

> Wiki
- splatoonwiki.org/

> Patch notes
- en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/27028/~/how-to-update-splatoon-2

> Big S2 Gear & Weapon list (contains unreleased weapons)
- leanny.github.io/splat2/

> 2.0.0 Gear list
- leanny.github.io/splat2/newgear.html

> List of possible main abilities for gear from Splatnet so far
- docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18ip1HahYq8DRZRgSEXoRqa915aThLXPb79AFF91HCe4/edit#gid=0

> Loadout planner with weapons, gear, abilities, and stat calculations
- loadout.ink/

> Lobby Randomizer for lobbies
- agent-17.github.io/Splatoon-2-Kit-Randomiser/index.html

> Add your FC to the list of FC below:
- docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrpLqYcIcxHjNbeVoBql4HDGqUseArmbUePz71gXqBgHlHtA/viewform?usp=sf_link

> List of FC:
- docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y-zt8u4va5GuDYnX_ToKfRUFRHu-1izMtE6ifaRK4II/edit?usp=sharing

> Splatoon 1 Artbook
- archive.org/details/TheArtOfSplatoon

Other urls found in this thread:


Anyone up for SR?




actually never mind my internet is horrific at the moment

Dude Phones LMAO

>only getting four to five hours of sleep per day
>go to sleep thinking i'll wake up before salmon run starts
>have nine hours of sleep instead
Well there goes my usually on time salmon run lobbies. Is anyone else playing right now?

I am.

Just postin to let you know nobody except a few shitposters hate you, Bun

I bet you're not even looking at anything on your phone. You just have an uncharged one to look cool.

Please remake the room if you're going to go with randoms.

We're 2/4 for profresh salmon run if anyone wants to join.

Do you want to host instead?

Who knows?

I know... It's just a little demotivating sometimes to think that all of my hardwork and usually goes unnoticed or gets bashed and flamed. I'll keep going for the people that really appreciate me though

That wasn't me, I didn't post that.

Yes I did!

I don't have to prove you're not me but I can by doing a drawing.

boil a woomy?

I actually am pretty tired of crud like this though. I'm not sure why you guys feel the need to impersonate me even after stalking for my tumblr

boils on a woomy

I decided to be masochist today:


You're not even typing like me. This isn't relevant to the thread

>roller for glowflies

How was that even possible?


I think I'm becoming a splattershotfag. H-help me...


Do you feel like you're getting better doing this?

is this woomy okay

Just ignore them and post art whenever. They'll get bored.
Y'all still need a squid?

splatoon is trash

She is a Menhara woomy

>unfappable disappointing everyone again

Please tell me you were joking? Rollers are perfect for glowflies, they instantly kill chum just by rolling over them leaving the rest of the team to focus on the goldies. Is that why we crew wiped?


We got four, but I'm getting my superbonus soon if you want to wait.

Partly yes, I do feel like it helps my kiting and mobility. But at the same time I only feel like I got so far because it's been awhile since I've done a solo run and have gotten better.

That and maybe some anons will learn things or just enjoy it.

oh hey I didn't know there was a name for that

Thanks. 1200p is really all I need too.

Well whichever one of you is the real Bun just know I think you're aces
Happens to everyone, comes with anonymity. Sometimes people just want to be shit stirrers

you can join them, I lost connection.

I'm used to playing glowflies very defensively, which I guess roller is bad for that.

Yeah, it's gaining popularity in the west. I don't like when people wear it irl much but I like some of the art. I think it's too obnoxious when worn irl.

>hoodrat probably has many phones
>all of them stolen and only intended for display

>2 hours Salmon Run
>reaching bearly 250
>average Egg collection is 10-15
>others get 20-25

Feeling kinda demotivated..

Any Tipps to reaching 300?

Stop playing SR and git gud at ranked.

3/4 if you want to come in.

Yeah, you need to play a bit of both on glowflies with the roller. Don't stray too far but be a little pushy with it to help keep everyone from getting overwhelmed.

You mean like a dipshit?

>can't spell menhera right
>thinks menhera is obnoxious
shit taste

can you do me a favor and post the webm of you splatting someone with raindamage after hitting him with a half-charged eliter? it was on musselforge. a couple days ago I realized I didn't save it

Damn user surprised you were able to recognize that I'm the same user that made that webm. It's also a decently old one but here you go.

What if your woomy got home from a long day of turf war and just threw her clothes on the floor instead of putting them in the dirty clothes hamper?

glowflies is my least favorite mode.

Do you even know what it looks like when worn irl? It's girls with tight with fake self harm cuts on them and blood on their clothes and fake bloody bandages on their wrists? Razorblade necklaces? T shirts with cute anime girls hanging or otherwise killing themselves? How is that not obnoxious?
Mild menhera when it's just pills and plasters and injections and nurse motifs I like and is cute but walking around with fake cuts on your legs is not.

that's the one, thanks

splatoon 2 is just DLC for splatoon 1 that you were stupid enough to pay $60 for

>goldfly wave 3
>gives the absolute retard the roller

>that chromatic aberration
Is this Shadman

I know that feel, but it's hard to help you improve when we don't know what you do wrong.
If you don't want to play with /ink/ here's what I suggest: record every death and analyze it later. Surviving is very important later on, so try focusing on that instead of grabbing eggs? if you don't have trouble reaching quota, that is.

you can say this about the vast majority of sequels and i paid $360 for it you dumb cuck.

Cite reasons why

brb checking bonuses

splatoon 2 isn't a sequel dude. its the exact same game.

RIP your income. hope you bought bitcoin to make up for it.

what if your woomy got really mad because you wouldn't let her have an extra shwaffle so she started to bite off her fingers one by one and eating them

Can you stop with the wounded Bunny pussy licking?

She posted her tumblr herself to draw attention, who else would be interested in stalking her

I didn't know I can use dlc without having the main game

so the last of us was remastered on ps4, but originally released on ps3. was that a new game?

Ill settle at calling splatoon switch version a remastered port.

>it's the same game
proving you don't know what you're talking about although that was already obvious. at least i didn't buy it for a bunch of literal wii u ports + mario 64 2017 or xenoblade 360p rehash lmao!

But why would I buy the ps3 version if I have a ps4, ya feel?

uh, ok buddy.

>enhanced port of 2013's The Last of Us, Remastered was released for PlayStation 4 worldwide in July 2014.[a] Among minor gameplay additions, the game features enhanced graphics and rendering upgrades including increased draw distance, an upgraded combat mechanic and higher frame rate. It also includes the downloadable content episode Left Behind.

sounds just like "splatoon 2"

It's a shooter, what could they add without completely changing the game. Every shooter sequel is like this, they added salmon run.

Don't put it like that. You make it sound attractive/sexually stimulating. Just call it attention whoring like everyone else.
A lot of MMO's are starting to work like that.

Ok buddy, most shooters add more than 1 thing to a sequel.

its a remastered port.


uh, ok buddy.

New modes, new weapons, new abilities, new gear, new maps as well as new editions to existing maps, new single player campaign, new cosmetic options - new game in my opinion.

nuh uh [insert sweeping generalizations here]
see i'm right

uh, ok buddy.

so the last of us added all that too, it was a new game on ps4?

What if it sexually stimulates bunnyanon?

Uh ok buddy.

I'm making no generalizations, only facts. You are just shitposting.

>a shooter
where are teh bullets? ink? don't make me laugh

I'd like to see the video.


why are you giving him (you)s lmao just tell that fag to go back to /v/

uh, ok buddy.

what made you so butthurt about splatoon 2 anyway? that's much more interesting than your dense tone deaf arguments.

and you should go to /a/ you fucking artofile

and you beat off to a kids game faggot

back to /v/ butthurt user


i'm not involved in that conversation, i'm talking about the dlc/sequel shit. feels good being intentionally vague though

You made me laugh. Here's the (You) I owe you

I actually do know what it looks like when worn, thank you very much. You can find shitty examples of any j fashion, it's not a menhera exclusive thing. Whether most western designs and outfits are good is debatable, however.

It's missing the horrible piercings and makeup desu

dec here im done for now i have to clean ;_;

was the last of us a new game on ps4? it was released on ps3, then released for a (cheaper, not full game price) on ps4.

ps4 brought in new multiplayer maps, guns, extra cutscenes, general game improvements, etc. but they didn't call it the last of us 2.

It went from a cell processor to an x86 processor, so im sure the rewrite was painful too. still they didn't call it last of us 2.

splatoon 2 is DLC they were going to release on wiiu for 50 cents and instead said hey lets sell it for 60 bucks to these faglords of Veeky Forums

GG Zero, Decade, ('w')?, it's time for me to do something else.

A pleasure as always my man that is when you manage to make it into my rooms on time.

You too Com, thanks for joining. Currently at 3/4 if anyone else wants to join us.

Hi friend! You seem to have gotten lost!
Here's your weighted blanket, now scurry on back to your board before they get worried.

I would but I didnt buy the dlc copy

you are a moron probably still in middle school I hope you get beat up and someone assfucks you straight