>General Resources:
>WoW Token Price:
>Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io
EU: rodent.io
Previous thread
>General Resources:
>WoW Token Price:
>Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io
EU: rodent.io
Previous thread
>is X any fun?
>should I level a Y?
>what should I play /wowg/? :(
>1st: Retribution
>2nd: Frost DK, Windwalker and Havoc
>3rd: Arcane, Unholy, Fire, Shadow
>1st: Blood
>2nd: Brewmaster
>3rd: Protection Paladin
>1st: Holy Priest
>2nd: Mistweaver
>3rd: Resto Druid/Shaman
Is it worth getting into Legion right now or should I just wait for BfA?
Valtrois a qt!
it's going to be a while until BfA, so you may as well
They're going to make leveling much harder next patch to sell more boosts and prepare for the influx of normies coming back to retail because of le classic nostalgia meme, so you should probably make a character now
Why is Arthas on fire?
Brrrrr, it's cold in here. In the mood for ice cream?
>TFW Call of Duty has bigger christmas events than WoW and Destiny 2
Why does Activision favor CoD so much? World of Call of Duty when? Why is Call of Duty a more fulfilling RPG than WoW? Can we expect more elements from CoD (PvP prestige levels, etc) in BfA?
Honest thoughts on jewish players?
Aren't they only making 1-60 worse? Worst case scenario just have someone boost you
I don't have to do this gay ass time gated Suramar campaign to play as a nightborne right? Being exalted is enough right?
Only if it comes from her epic tauren cock
Well 60-98 is already pretty awful
Shame about what happened to her during the Orc combat scenario.
I want to headpat this fluffy Elf.
Suramar is not timegated since 7.2
Suramar isn't gated anymore. And as long as you're exalted on one character, you unlock them for your account.
That feel when this pic is canon.
She is going to be even cuter when she welcomes all those orcs with her pussy
Thoughts on night elves, /wowg/?
>getting off to this shit
how much cuck and SHITTED porn do you have
There are so few Goblins they're irrelevant
Captcha: show hide
they somehow became the least retarded of elves thanks to blood elves and nightborne
but they're still elves
>sees wow porn
>thinks of bbc
the state of the previous thread
Reminder to abuse all void elves because they NEED it
Late to the party but apparently the PoV angle won the poll for the goblin paizuri pic
I'll try and get it done sometime in the afternoon
>Dude now that I have defeated the Legion I don't want to live on Azeroth anymore lmao. Literally leave me in outer space my man
Shit, guess I'm making a Ret paladin lightforged now
>He thinks self-inserting as 7 foot tall Warcraft male-human with a body builder physique is any different from self-inserting as a male orc
Best elves by far but get a lot of hate because of tyrande sadly
he wants to be sargeras 2.0
he always wants to have more power
Worst elves because not even a single one of them is in my bed right now
Same. What other classes would make a good lightforged though? Might just roll a draenei now and race change it later
This, what would look good on lightforged ?
Smelly savages living in trees, closer to trolls than to elves really. Hopefully they're gonna get a grip when their precious tree burns down.
Did you not learn from the old thread?
Haha yes! Very epic image my friend! Perhaps we should let people know that it’s not porn and is just a Tauren in a bikini eh? After all e don’t want people to call us liars and claim it’s NSFW when it’s CLEARLY SFW, and we won’t get banned for posting cropped porn which is a violation of the rules!
Is that the VA for Tali'?
Well fuck time to race change
Reminder that Y'shaarj was the best Old God.
>that image is SFW
My first ever character in vanilla was a nelf waifu. I even fapped to her (I was 15). Good times...
I did a Cos of stars +15 yesterday and my wowprogress profile is still not updated to reflect it. It's still in the blizzard top 100 leaderboard, so I don't know what could be the issue.
don't post furry
I think he was being sarcastic lad
Thoughts on safe space elves, /wowg/?
It's suitable for work if your sitting in a corner
she looks adorably retarded
>Thread is usually majorly the following
>Pezado attention whoring
>Furry posting
>Tranny shitposting
>Fetish/Cropped porn posting
>Arguing about elf shit
How do we make /wowg/ Great Again?
Did they ever change it so that I can just level the whole way through queues?
My nigga
Report and ignore them all.
pretty much all paladin gear with a golden glow
Why is Ret at the top of the list?
Tell me something that makes you excited for the up coming content
I'm loving these leveling changes
why are assmongoloid's eyes black bros? is he a demon?
muslems detected
I've been banned for a completely SFW picture of a fem nightborne wearing the same skimpy clothes as they do in the game. Jannies are quite literally mongoloids.
No fel shit.
I thought they liked fucking animals, maybe you're one?
My man
>horde gets WOTLK recolored gear
Zandalari Trolls, New content and comfy zones
Explain plz
when did this board become so anti sex
did a bunch of incels escape to here
cant even post ingame pics are u kidding me lmao...
Absolute madman
As a real horde player I like it but it's just gonna be 60% elves running around with that shit, gonna look dumb as shit.
your meme won't catch on
Did they make WoD content bearable?
Will we be able to switch from dwarf to dark iron dwarf without a race change?
dude masturbating lmao
I look at porn and jizzed lmao
Its about the arcwine
>As a real horde player I like it but it's just gonna be 60% elves running around with that shit
As a real Alliance player I can say the same
Wowprog is dogshit at updating. Raider.io is much faster.
who's a fury warrior streamer who's online right now that i can watch to learn how to play fury?
Imagine being this insecure you can't even hear a joke from the game without losing your shit.
>literally a naaru embedded in her skin
>You will carry your prison with you.
If I have Returning Champion and Defending Champion (each granting +50% XP from battlegrounds), full looms, AND the monk double XP buff, would Battlegrounds be a nice way of leveling? I'm thinking of really mixing it up for this next alt.
it's like booze with meth in it or something
Nightborne, Kezan and Warfronts
wait what
Let's Make Eldre'Thalas Great Again
I thought Cataclysm nuked that shit off the goddamn map
Are you going to do this for all cropped ""porn""?
>elves are not real horde players
kys savage
>that pic
fucking hell
Me on the right.
Kezan is a confirmed 5 man. Maybe a Return to Karazhan raid-dunokinda deal.
>just a dungeon
fucking hell
>Just realized that there are actually 4 soldiers in thet pic
Not more goblin memes, that shit was worse than fucking pandas
It was just a volcanic eruption. Kezan is a raid in BfA