How do you escape the wageslave life?
How do you escape the wageslave life?
By investing in Golem
Buy bitbean
>live in van
>living expenses are 6k a year
Diogenes approves.
No faggot that makes it worse for us...
No. My best friend an hero. There are people i woould hapily choke to death but cut from a noose. We throw that shit around but there is no worse pain than letting down your best friend to the point he took a fucked up gun that fires 1/12 times on a good day to the chest. Mutherfucker in his suicide was consumed by his needy faggot friends to the point he pulled the trigger between one and 3 dozen fucking times and still had the decency to not make a mess.
We say kys 20 times a day.
When was the last positive thread u saw?
Oh my god OP is he okay?
every bitbean thread is positibve
a new paradigm has arrived: family friendly, conservative, non jewish moralism
Eat shit u cuck mod
Suck the biggest proxy dick
Start a business
Suck cock under the bridge is better advice
Fuck u fuck u fuck u again. You are a mindless faggot cuck
I won't let you suck my cock under the bridge. not for anything less than 1k POSW or 1 mil bitbean
Also near instant reply. Cuckfag mod detected. Shill harder cunt
Gee... instantaneous response from the one mod on shift in charge of proxy sgill and shitpost. Please ban me and prove what a cuck u are
>you'll never be this frustrated that your tried and true shilling isn't working on the family friendly beaners
This pic and new proxy surprise. 1 fucking tard trying to fight us
Being a wageslave isn't bad at all if you're making at the very least $18/hr
I should have known better than to open this thread.
what did pajeet mean by this?
>make twice that
>still want to kill myself every day
go to college
>maybe tomorrow will be the morning I don't wake up
>maybe today will be the day I die on the drive to work
>maybe today I'll become a crypto millionair
POSW goes up
close enough
acquire professional employment, i.e. doctor, engineer, banker
kys too.
>thinking money will make you happy
Why does everyone fall into this trap?
Crypto Bullion
he's probably in hilarious loads of debt
No debt.
i honestly don't understand how a debt free dude making 75k a year can have a bad life, assuming he's unmarried and not trying to compete against millionaires
Because money = freedom
Freedom = happiness
Most poorfags and wageslaves think of money as points to get them materialistic things like cars, mansions, trophy wives; all the cliches. In reality it grants you the most important thing of all: choices.
broke people literally don't understand the freedom you obtain when you have excess income. it's inconceivable to them because they've lives their entire lives as slaves
5 days every week of my life is ruined.
That's time I will never get back.
yeah so would you rather be sleeping in til 4pm and playing video games in your mom's basement then
SJW Hillary coin get clocked in the face hard like that antifa cunt
Yes, minus the moving back home part.
I'd rather sleep in everyday and play videos than deal with commuting, idiot coworkers, and destroying my health.
>tfw engineer, starting salary 85k
>40-50 hrs per week
>all coworkers are engineer bros in mid 20s
>boss is cool as fuck
>respected by everyone
>look forward to going to work in the morning
>debt free, take vacations wherever i want to on the entire planet
>saving money for investing
>dating is easy now
>never been healthier
Guess I should have went into engineering.
Thanks captain hindsight.
Rich fag here.
Been all around the world.
Fucked a lot of girls.
Likely going to live longer than most people my age.
Give money to church/charity, priests pray for me.
Still going to die.
>feels bad man
what industry are you in
Buy Bitbean
kill yourself. you won't feel bad anymore about dying.
You used your money wrong, faggot. Outside of the seeing the world part.
You're probably a silver spooner
What's your job and what engineering discipline did you study?
>long life
Literally what else is there
R&D Engineer
MSE Mechanical Engineering
Why wasnt bernie elected so we could have guaranteed income and I could focus on thnigs that are important like space travel...
nice larp that's not even an engineering discipline
t. Chem autist
You like your job and make a pretty high salary. That's all I want. Did you also enjoy studying engineering?
i'll believe you if you name what "r&d" group you study for "engineering"
to be honest with you, the curriculum in engineering is a real grind. you will need to be willing to sacrifice a "normal" social life for long hours at the library, often alone
i think it's worth the investment though
educate yourself about industries
trade options
You do realize what the term means? It's not a discipline
aeronautics, avionics, capacitors, material fabrication, dildo synthetic cum research, come on kiddo, you can't tell me you do "industries" r&d.
I can handle the grind for four or five years or so I think (I'm only in my first year). I'm just scared that my sacrifices during such an important part of my life will just lead to a job that I dread. Money is nice but so is happiness. Job satisfaction is pretty fucking important, which I've come to realize after doing a mind numbing job working in a cubicle and staring at a computer all day.
you're not gonna be doing a lot of mind numbing work
also you're an asset to companies because you have special training that's difficult to acquire, as a result this gives you freedom and a lot of autonomy
so because you're a desired employee companies give you more latitude at work and thus it's sort of like having the freedom of running your own business without all the liabilities
he asked me for my job and the discipline i studied. i provided answers to both
in engineering there are sub specialties like quality, r&d, manufacturing, and systems engineers
it's far easier to cross industries than it is to cross the roles i described above, hence why when asked, i give my sub specialty rather than my actual industry
i do r&d on machines
You need to basically need an extreme motivation. Basically you have to get this or some other business up and pulling in revenue or you end up on streets. For most people greed/wealth isnt enough.
epic dude lol
Don't join it in the first place. It's a trap that will just make you miserable.
Be killed in a workplace shooting.
>dating is easy now
what did he meme by this?
Engineering is a Chad field.
All the autists go for CS
>comp sci degree from a pretty good uni
>didnt study for shit and got high for 4 years, but graduated
>cant get a programming job so working at shitty marketing company
how do i get back into this shit if i have no discipline?
what can i do with a comp sci degree that pays well and i can learn ezpz?
the burden of locking oneself into a library for four years while they learn to become an engineer is not the sort of sacrifice a chad would ever have to make in this culture
even Mech E's and Chem E's are quite autistic compared to your average person
if your gpa is shit and you don't have internship experience, then you are facing a significant uphill battle
hope you didn't pay for the degree at least
>the burden of locking oneself into a library for four years while they learn to become an engineer
It's not that bad unless you struggle with math.
I'm not denying there are autistic types who major it in, but it's mostly normies.
yeah i did IT for my internship so its not really relevant to programming.
i was thinking about making little mobile games to get back into programming, just as a hobby, not a job.
maybe when im gud a job
i need a better hustle in the meantime though
and i totally paid for that shit. i plan on ethereum paying my loans though lol
yes normies do get in and squeek out with a 2.8 gpa, but they're not really going to thrive in the field
Lol get a load of this guy
Came to Veeky Forums looking for a sticky for basics.
Where can you guys point noobs like us for beginner info?
Money affords options in life.
This board used to be pretty constructive. The insults and loss of discipline came with the cryptocurrency dealers.
The reality is you're probably never going to escape the responsibility of holding a job.
You have to be intelligent & a creative problem solver to work for yourself or a high-powered career... or at least a lucky gambler. If you have to ask for ideas, you're already at a serious disadvantage.
It's not all that rosy on the other side either, there's far more stress and you'll be working a lot harder and longer than you normally would.
This board was made as a crypto containment board when DOGE threads were flooding /g/
Jesus christ stop this horrible newfag meme
>Get my pelvis smashed In an accident.
>Get that disability money.
I would go back to work if I could senpai.