League of Legends General - /lolg/

Crazy cat lady edition!


I really hope everyone has a swell day! Remember that everything will be alright in the end! Don't let a bad event bring you down! Post Champions you like no matter what.

I wanna cuddle Jinx and get her skin asap

You too!


xth for my wife Syndra

why do you guys always let the literal field niggers make threads

xth for BLACKED

Lolg isn't gay unless it cums with a dick in it's ass.

>When you have to be the ADC to carry the ADC

why are bard players so fucking awful
would rather have an autofilled lux who starts dorans ring and jacks my farm

never ever ever have i ever never said i will forever never ever like yasuo

all part of the plan

Holy shit Syndra has no shame in letting everyone see her pussy.

Why don't you make the new thread yourself then, you stupid lazy cunt?

>tfw no qt petite gf

just that fanart user.

i'm too lazy to make the thread because i don't feel like overhauling all the links but at least i don't make /trash/ tier op's. if you're going to make it, at least don't start the thread off with the lowest effort possible in shitting up the thread as hard as you can

Be the change you want to see in the world.
Be the petite gf.

what's wrong with it?

xth for Cute Ashe

The winter is coming Edition

Isn't the best type of fun denying fun as many people as possible at once? MF is perfect for that.

Alright here my out on this skin idea:

Ivern GREENfather nome'sayin?

>Dreads, rasta hat, striped poncho, toke in his mouth
>Recall is him taking a bigass puff and disappearing in a cloud of smoke
>Bushes he makes are made of marijuana plants
>Daisy is a golem made of several bongs
>His lines are slowed down, the timing is played with, and they either end or begin with "...dude..."
>"Dude...Gromp...You KNOW me..."
>"It's comforting to know...how alone we...AREN'T...dude..."

press F
he'll be back

>he cums but keeps getting pounded anyway

Ionians are massive teases, user.

10 - 28 damage (30-84 to minions)
25 - 43 damage (37 - 65 to minions)
Sunfire damage went UP, but late game does slightly less to minions.

Wouldn't Xayah be good too.

Sadly I'm 6'0 so that won't be happening

Post 'em

Say something nice and something mean about the person who goes before you!

>Tfw no closeted fag trying to use my dick to prove he's straight.

Are you guys for real?

>he keeps on cumming even harder as they pound harder when they saw they got him to cum

>initiator support that wont fucking initiate no matter what
>has literally no idea where to be
>passive aggressive at anything you say to tem

is there anything fucking worse than this trash excuse of a human?

I like that you're plat and I love Janna's skins.
I hate Soraka with a passion fuck you.

The time is almost here fellas




>Playing a ranged champ.
>Giving the enemy team no stuns.
>Obviously went mid.

>take away her runaans interaction
>Don't buff her base AS to make up for her abysmal dps
>Shave off 50 base hp
>Give her traps 50 sec recharge at lvl 1
>Give them scaling on bonus ad so they do less damage for even getting passive off until 2 ad items
>Take away her keystone and replace it with shit
>Make a historically strong laner have no early game

Nice game lolbabs

congrats erry if you're still lurking here

Ionians truly do have the best girls don't they?

>That bots
Pick real bots like Cait bot, Annie bot, Karthus bot, Cho bot and Leona bot, Ryze bot is buged too

>ywn fill Ahri up

is this a bait?

that's why noxians invaded them

anyone else have violent lulu raping fantasies here

this video is annoyingly old and his batter is as weak as water.

>actually did it

Christ, how autistic are you?

>I love Janna's skins
Which Janna skin is your favorite, user?

post 'em

source cant find shit on google

lulu isn't a rapist! >


In all fairness Jinx is easy mode and that wouldn't be tough to fight as long as you keep up. You did manage to keep up without tp so I can give credit to it. You shoulda picked to fight cait for the passive fun tho, I always do.

>Riot actually thinks this is the problem with him.

Don't you mean cuddling fantasies?

anyone else here not enjoy their experience with jewish games, the developers of league


Are ionians for getting noxused?

eyo kooba how you doing?
anything interesting for this holidays

If Riot makes Vlad Dracula they OWE us Vayne in a red dress.

>Giving the enemy team no stuns.
2 hard cc
2 soft cc

>Obviously went mid.
That would be stupid, going in the sidelanes means 2x the kills therefore earlier powerspike

I only play Jinx tho

None of their CC stops you from autoing so it basically does fuck all to a ranged champ.

And you're playing fucking Jinx.

lucky akali

Sacred Sword. I love her chromas for it, too. They're really good. Just a very pretty skin in general.


Same man but its bots its the only time you can have fun with other champions and not be worried about fucking up. Plus I always exit before the game finishes so its not on match history and regardless it doesn't mess with mastery points, or do you literally not have anyone else in your roster

Hey Nunu user what did you decide on going for for runes? I don't know if I ever told you what I wanted you to do

>Jinx main confirms the crippling autism of the character's playerbase.

>ywn watch as two strong noxus men penetrate Akali and steal her virginity from her.

I just sincerely don't have fun with anyone else.

Where are the lolg sluts?

Fair enough.

Indeed they do.

I would be a slut if I wasn't a pure and dedicated loyal woman.


yeah, and nobody cares about you because you're demented and a woman.
What kind of faggot is in to women?

>blue essence ward missing
what the fuck

Pic related

dreaming of having sex with two strong noxian men

That Halloween concept is good.

are you a girl(male)?

>karthus gets buffed
>his pick rate actually goes down

What do you think of her Slut Guardian skin?


>no cumming inside
what a shitty gif post a better one

> bad champion is bad
being useful once 2 and a half minutes can't be fixed

imo the best janna's skin it's her default i even refunded her star guardian one, janna should be in white for me :3

Want a dick pic?


Purple is my favorite color, and I think it's an amazing skin. Overall, she just has really good skins, even Tempest. The only one I don't like too much is Forecast, but I can see its appeal.

I have runes for you answer me

Hextech is the best tho

haha I see ;)

Best girl.
Best pussy.
Best wife.

>finally get the hang of azir and start carrying some games with him
Holy shit this champion is satisfying to play. Everything in his animations just feels right as well. This champion is pure kino, would OTP him if I didn't enjoy other champions as well.

>ADC is fed
>Never wants to do anything but farm
>Won't even help me get inferno when all 5 of the enemy are on baron

These people need to uninstall. All you need to do is right click how hard is that

Is it league related?

Who fucks over Kennen top? Or Vayne top? Or Quinn top?

Fuck, who fucks over ranged tops in general?

it's a chernobyl pussy though, with 8 paws

Welcome to the magic