Can someone give me a crash course on the Prussian Empire and it's people?
What was the Prussian Empire?
Vassal of Poland
Outkiked Poland
Partitioned Poland
Gained riches from Poland
Waved dick in Europe
Survived Napoleon
BTFO France
United Germany
Majority of population was Germanised Western Slavs.
Delete this thread before the Poles finds it
It all began when the pope dragged and clicked a bunch of crusaders into Polish territory. They ransacked and pillaged until the Polish Lithuanian commonwealth was created and told them they can stay but only if you pay rent. One day Protestant reformation happened which was good news because the guy in charge of prussia was a warrior monk so he couldn't get any heirs, so he converted to Protestantism, got heirs and founded the Hohenzollern dynasty.
Soon 30 year war did two things. Left Prussia in taters but gave it a lot of clay and gave it's ruler king status. One of the kings nicknamed the soldier-king went full Veeky Forums autist on the military and turned it to the militant Prussia/Germany you know today. His son however was all about enlightenment, the goodness of man, and culture. Soldier king thought said son was gay so he killed his boyfriend changing said son into Fredrick the Great, a legendary badass that kicks Austria's ass (back when that meant something), plunged the world into war, and turned Prussia into a world power.
Years and a Napoleonic conquest later they are asked to keep balance but all the cool German kids want to form a club with Prussia as leader. Tempted they said no because tradition. Eventually Bismarck came to the king and said "if you unite the German peoples Prussia's dick will look bigger!" so it was agreed. Bismarck went to work kicking Austia's ass, Denmark's ass, and raping France in front of everyone. The rape baby being unified Germany.
no such thing
I'm yours.
There was no Prussian Empire. There was the Kingdom of Prussia and later the German Empire (Kaiserreich).
>founded the Hohenzollern dynasty
>Not united with Brandenburg
>Nothing about King in Prussia
>Survived Napoleon
If losing in 19 days and remaining under occupation for seven years until Russia liberates you can be called that...
wouldn't be the first time desu
fugg, forgot pic
>Germanised Western Slavs
This so much, at least the nobility.
Why did Russia love this shithole so much?
Because it has "russia" in its name?
It wasn't Russia, it was Peter specifically, he was a westernboo who wanted to turn Russia into a Prussia or Netherlands clone. Even Russian flag is based on the Dutch naval flag. He even wanted Russia to become protestant but he backed out of it because it would've sparked a civil war.
Most people who hate it are booty blasted Polacks.
>A crash course
They fucked cheerios
Why aren't there more posters like you?
It was one year, the Treaty of Paris in 1808 removed French troops to ease tensions. Also historians agree that Prussia played a decisive role in the victory of the Sixth Coalition.
Just one factor though. Austro-Russian casualties were high by that point, and Prince Henry's undefeated army could attack their siege from behind at any moment.
I wanted to fit Bradenburg there somewhere.
I'm the OP of this, thank you for the responses.